Syrian Refugee Arrested For Six Counts of Sexual Assault- West Edmonton Mall
>Refugee molests 6 underaged girls at water park
>Islamic Society makes the old race card bullshit, about if they were a different race they would be charged differently
>Refugee will most likely be giving a mansion, a car, and a 6 figure salary.
>People who reported crime will be treated as racists, and be arrested
When are you going to make Canada great again America?

Fuck Canada

He had a sexual emergencies and had to relieve himself. Stop being bigoted you racist shitlord.

Can you make it great again, answer that question please.

I guess he didn't have sex for a while like that Iraqi Migrant in Austria :)

Well it was never great but it use to be a good hat now it's a turban
We can make Canada our hat again



This. Pol misunderstands arguments about racism and privilege, yes all white people, and almost every American in general, hold some racist beliefs because they've been ingrained into our minds because they're built into our society. Like it or not our society was built by white supremacists, it is a white supremacist society that actively discourages people of color and passively implies that they are inferior to whites.

All white people have white privilege, this doesn't mean that all white people have it better than any black person, but that being a white person means you will not have the same experiences and face then same race-based obstacles as people of color. It's not saying you're a bad person for that, just that you have some biases and that if you're arguing with a person of color on racial issues you should remind yourself that they've gone through different things that because of their race that you won't.

Who gives a shit. That's minor shit compared to class and social barriers, barriers that can rarely be turned or changed. Are you right? Yes. Are you mislead? Yes. The left has found a bone and they are contented to fight and die over it.

damn thats good. did you write that?


Are you a person of colour?

>Mohamed Huque, executive director of the Islamic Family and Social Services Association, says he's worried the story about Soleiman’s refugee status will unfairly vilify an entire community. (Courtesy of Mohamed Huque )

Did this smug fuck send in his own picture ?
Does he think he's getting one over on the infidel, and punishing those who report muslim crimes ?


Justin Trudeau, you are a HERO!!!!1111

What does his religion or the fact that he's a refugee have to do with anything?

Whudduh fuh duh yuh juh fugguh suh abuh muh yuh little buch?

Uh huh yuh nuh I grujuhayduh tuh uh muh cluh in the Nuvuh Suhls, uh buh invuh in nuhmuhruh segruh ruhds on Uh-Qudduh und I huv uhvuh thruh hunnuh cuhfuh kulls. uhm truhned un gurulluh wuhfuh und Um the tup snuhpuh uh the entuhyuh US uhmed fuhses. Yuh uh nuthuh tuh muh buh juh anudduh tuhguh.

Uh wuh wup yuh out wuh prusujuh theluhuhwuh nuhvuh buh suh befuh un this Uh, muh muh fugguh wuhds. Yuh thuh yuh cuh guh awuh wud suyuh duh shuh tuh muh uvuh the innunuh? Thiguguh fugguh.

As wuh spuh I uh cuhtuhtuh muh sugruh nuwwuh uh spuhs acruh the USA and yuh IP is beuh traced ruh nuh suh yuh budduh prupuh fuh the stum mugguh.

The stum thuhwuhpuh the pathudduh ludduthuh yuh cuh yuh luh.

Yuh fugguh dud kid. Uh cuh buh anywhuh anytuh and uh cuh kuyyuh in uvuh sevuh hunnuh wuhs und thuh juh wuh muh buh hunds.

Nuh uluh um uh uhstunsuhluh truhnd in uhm cumbuh buh uh huh ugzuss tuh the uhntur uhsuhnuh uh the Unudduh Stuh Muhruh Cuh and uh wuh uzuhtuh fuh extuh to wuh yuh muhsuhbuh ass of the fuhzuhthe cunnunuh yuh little shuh.

If uhluh yuh cuhduhnuh whuh uhuluh ruhruhbushun yuh little “cluhvhuh” cummuh wuh abuh to bruh duh upuh yuh, muhbuh you wuh huh huhd yuh fugguh tuhg.

Buh yuh cuduh, yuh diduh, and nuh yuh payuh the pruhs you guhduh ideyuh.

Uh wuh shuh fuhruh all uvuh yuh and yuh wuh druhnuhnuh. Yuh fugguh duh kidduh

Come in Canada. Elect someone else and fix that flag.
I'm worried.

Don't look up rape statistics because they're racist. Statistical, factual information based on numbers is racist. Do not look up rape statistics in Germany right now.
Don't look up Rotherham. Don't look up the 1400 girls who were groomed for sexual trafficking, molested and raped by Pakistani immigrants.

nice meltdown

>Erick Ambtman, executive director of the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, said his organization received a message on Twitter from a white supremacist group that included a picture of a Syrian refugee, asking the centre to confirm whether the photo was the same man accused of the crimes.


OP, these are troubled people, there are billions of Muslims who dont rape, why pick on the ones that do?

fuc Islamapoobia


>be /pol
>completely ignore the thousands of sexual offenses committed by white Canadians every year
>but...but...refugeeeeeeeze, guys!



you can fuck off with ur shit posting

Shut up you permissive white liberal cuck

Islam is a nasty ideology. It's a way of life you stupid dangerous shit.

And it's not compatible with our way.

>Children get molested


I'm from Zimbabwe. My family left in the 90s because they started killing and stealing property from whites. I was forced out of my home for being white. Tell me more about my white privilege.

>All white people have white privilege
Oh shit, I laughed out loud. It always comes back to that.

Reposting some old OC since it seems relevant

Why did that single word make me laugh so much.



I hate to agree with a brainlet like this poster but he is correct. Nearly all white people benefit from white privilege. The only problem is white privilege is demonstrably just IQ with a small dose of nepotism. I can prove it with leftist's own words.

They say East Asians benefit from white privilege as well. They are not white. The only thing they have that is similar to white people that matters in a business or academic context is intelligence. Intelligence = privilege. Uppity whining niggers BTFO

stop. just stop. your literally pulling the MSM narrative card

>tfw Sup Forums is actually discussing my city

Who else /edmonton/ here?