Drumpf is a national embarrassment who can't hold a candle to Obama
Prove me wrong
>Protip: You fucking can't plebs
Drumpf is a national embarrassment who can't hold a candle to Obama
Prove me wrong
>Protip: You fucking can't plebs
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isnt obama like a 20handicap despite golfing non stop the last 4 years?
I think trump is like a 5. he would destroy obongo 1v1
FUCK drumpf and fuck jewish people
You think this fat piece of shit drumpf will lose that weight before the end of his term? And by end I mean his upcoming impeachment.
>ran for president cause obama made fun of him
>still not sure what to do
>destroying anyone
How many times has he made you cry?
obama looks like a homo
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Agreed. The fact that the guy is over weight and eats fast food means he can't take care of himself, so how the fuck do people expect him to take of this country???
Go fuck yourself, Hillary lost you cuck. Go on Tumblr or some liberal retard site.
trump is obese af
Aw that's cute, baby learned some alt right buzz words
>destroying anyone
Haven't been paying attention lately?
It's week 3 and he's gotten more done than Obongo.
get back to me when Trump creates 16 million jobs.
So get back to me never.
except obama bin-laden didn't create any jobs. he took 8 million full time jobs with benefits and care plans, and forcibly split them into part time positions with jack shit.
CTR relic detected
>he took 8 million full time jobs with benefits and care plans, and forcibly split them into part time positions with jack shit.
I love how somewhere in right wing retard fake news land, you right wing retards actually think this happened. Obama magically split jobs
Fuck you morons are brain dead.
check his cuck workout
95% of Obama job creation has been full time.
When exactly did this magical 8 million job split happen. Give me the exact month and show evidence plz.
You right wing retards are fucking hilarious.
Bush jr. was the biggest idiot to ever occupy the white house, until Obama.
Obama was a fucking massive failure and a treasonous scumbag, and I hope he gets shot by some nutjob.
Mfw op is actually right
Heebs will not divide us
>we're gonna win so much we'll get tired of winning
didn't he already lose in court twice?
Lol he's such a retard
A leader for the ages.
>$100 million for vacations
>Doubled the National debt
>Gave Trillions of taxpayer money to banks while saying fuck you to home owners
>Approved many domestic false flag operations
Waged illegal war in 7 countries
>Trained, funded and armed Al Qaeda and ISIS
>Expanded surveillance/police state
>Biggest ever crackdown on journalists and free press
>Got caught shipping guns to Mexican cartels
>Gave slaps on the wrist to big banks for funding terrorism, laundering cartel funds, fixing rates, fixing commodities, front running, etc.
>Didn't enforce immigration laws / opened the border
>Obamacare was total scam designed to prolong the corrupt price/market fixing arrangement in health industrial complex
>He tried to ram through TPP, the jobs killing, sovereignty destroying fake trade deal
>He bought $65,000 worth of hot dogs on the taxpayer dime
Fuck you, you piece of shit.
the only metric you can hold obama to is his golf game, which trump is better at
any sources?
>false flags
50+ Breitbart reader over here. Keep that pacemaker charged!
>50+ Breitbart reader over here. Keep that pacemaker charged!
Where have you been for the last eight years???
No sauce for you.
LMAO. Obama is a nerdy nig fools. He isn't one of those ball playing ones.
Went to college, got a masters. Had my own company for a year. Traveled to Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Canada.
If you got triggered by this image you're a fucking degenerate. Maybe if you fucking tried you could get out of that dead-end job you so obviously have, and move to a nicer place out of that rust belt catastrophe you call a town.
Would you like to work part time at some shitty burger joint that can't give you full time status because that would require them to give you benefits? That "qualifies" as as job too.
Obama has 2 children
Trump has 5 children
Trump is, evolutionarily, the more virile and successful male
OP is a shill trying to bring down America by magnifying an arbitrary relative difference between Obama and Trump, when both are good presidents
get purged shills
You still can't name 3 big projects Obama's done in the 8 years he's been here
Well 2, I'll just throw you one and pretend Obama care counts
Nobody's triggered dude now hush I can hear your frog squeal from here you filthy green back
Dude I know exactly the type of person you are.
Keyboard warrior, supports the vets on facebook but doesn't do shit for them. Reads Breitbart/Infowars/Fox News, and gets angry when people don't get angry about the things that he gets angry about.
Probably has never left his state in the past few years. Probably does the same dead-end retail job he's been doing for the past few years. Ony willing to read news/statistics that confirm his biases--afraid to read about shit that challenges him.
Non-management material. Not really a leader.
Racks up the leaderboards on overwatch. Probably a mod for a shit website. Thinks he's the shit.