Why do educated people tend to be liberal and more supportive of multiculturalism?
Why do educated people tend to be liberal and more supportive of multiculturalism?
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our institutions celebrate black history month and enroll women.
that's really all you need to know on the matter
The left controls most of the educational system, any rightwing ideas are quickly supressed.
Education is Indoctrination
why do dumb people like niggers, spics, muslims, tend to be liberal?
you mean people that "assume" or "think" they are educated
Liberals in control of the DoE are forcing leftist propaganda down the throats of the masses.
That's the $60,000 question.
I'd guess that the multicultural part has to do with a Western tradition of travel and learning about foreign cultures, a tradition going back to the ancient Greeks and intimately tied into the idea of philosophy. The West has always prized exploration, but until now it has mostly undertaken exploration on its own terms, seeking out wisdom in far-off lands secure in the knowledge that the homeland was safe. Exceptions include the Persian Wars, the barbarian invasions of the Roman empire, and the Muslim conquest of Spain with its other wing at Vienna and the Balkans. When threatened, the West usually reacted to defend itself. Now, though, the West is unusually accepting of immigration (especially Muslim immigration, from lands traditionally hostile to Europe). That's a new kind of "multiculturalism" that the West hasn't seen before. I'm guessing that socialist internationalism changed perspectives radically.
ffs this. OP needs to stop asking this god forsaken question
educated people generally swing either way to which is more beneficial to them
*Indoctrinated and ideologically zealous
Because they're smart enough to realise ideology > race. I will take a right wing libertarian poo in the loo before I take some white Nordic socialist.
Why do people with higher incomes tend to be more conservative?
>implying education = wisdom
the question is, who is doing the teaching?
>tfw to intelligent to not want vibrant diversity
They don't though.
Because they have been subjected to more cultural Marxist indoctrination. They are also more likely to believe that trannies are 'normal'.
educated people don't have to deal with niggers, spics, and muslims every day.
Poor working class whites live near them. So when a nigger, spic, or Muslim wants to rape a white little girl under 4 its not the rich educated kids.
Its the poor whites that suffer.
Suffer from depressed wages
Suffer from crime
Poor whites Suffer more then any other group on the planet.
>>implying education = wisdom
This. Just because someone went to college, majored in gender studies and now works as a starbucks barista doesn't mean I should take their opinion seriously.
>loud obnoxious cunts who studied into secular fields come to think they have a grasp on the greater aptitude of reality
>educated people
Mate.. you've probably MAYBE twenty really educated fuckers in you life. The secretive zionists would be considered greatly educated, I wouldn't consider them left leaning even if I was looking at them leaning from the right.
What the fuck are you on about OP? Educated fuckers don't lean. They have to stay balanced in the center because they have too much to get done to be bothered by 'leaning' thoughts.
they do though
Because those stats come from ALL education. intelligent people tend to have views that don't aline with Democrats or cuckservatives. When the country was white we were doing just fine. The only reason multiculturalism is a viable platform is the importation of brown people.
Well, from my experience, it's more like the top best schools discourage extreme leftism or extreme right-wing thought.
I have known people who read Evola and value traditionalism, and they even accept the existence of race. However, it's one thing to want to preserve your ethos versus wanting to ethnically cleanse the land of foreigners. They believe those who don't respect the ethos should be deported or ostracized, but they don't believe in indiscriminately killing all foreigners wit a different skin tone like a lot of Sup Forumsacks propose.
>top best schools
top schools*
You're an idiot. Also racial nationalism is an ideology and zizek is laughing at you.
book smarts =/= street smarts
educated is becoming a meme term
redpilled holds more weight right now
>A fucking leaf
Nice non-retort. I can't wait for Canada to become another province of china.
Yeah try going for that job with redpilled under the education part of your resume. I'm sure the employer will value that just as much as a degree from an Ivy League school
The Silicon Valley would like to have a word with, next in line is Wall Street.
"Educated" in anything but hard science = brainwashed with shit.
Because they fell for the propaganda. Harvard used to be WASP, now it's massively jewish. So the liberal lies are taught and need to be absorbed to progress. Dissenters are shuned and their ideas do not reach mainstream.
Cause collages are infested with SJW's and mandatory SJW classes teaching white guilt.
You aren't recognizing what I'm implying.
When people throw around the word educated it is almost always misused now. People say they're educated if they believe in progressive ideologies.
You try getting a job with that snarky attitude. I'm sure they will recognize your poor argument skills and bad attitude as virtuous.
I'm educated and I'm conservative. But of course you will make fun of me for not having a masters degree or for going to a "dummy" school. It's all a big circlejerk.
Sorry for misinterpreting your poor communication of thought. I will try to be nicer to piss babies in the future so I don't hurt their feelings like I have obviously done to you.
CHECKED. Praise kek. HWNDU
Sup Forums would never admit this of course but the real answer is that if you read broadly and consider a number of positions and ideologies while you're forming a worldview you generally end up liberal.
Most "conservative thought" is insular and scared of larger consideration in an academic community.
It's funny because I consider Hobbesian, Athenian, TS Eliot conservatism to be one of the most well thought out worldviews in the western canon. Of course, Sup Forums doesn't read these because Sup Forums is full of virtual illiterates.
There are perfectly intellectually respected positions and figures but they take effort to understand so you get the dumbfucks on here that incorrectly interpret Nietzsche as a white supremacist and who think hitler was anything but a whiny raving lunatic.
TL;DR it's because most conservatives today are too stupid to actually form good enough arguments to challenge preconceived notions in academia. Anyone that thinks it's a conspiracy is fucking retarded and is looking for a easy way to explain away a complex social phenomenon.
People that identify as liberal have lower IQs than conservatives.
They dont.
Sup Forums btfo
Take a look at your nearby college's faculty page. Count the jews. Want to do well in the class? Better convince the jew you are on board with the lessons goy. After 4 years of indoctrination, you either realize what is happening or come out a jew puppet.
being educated and going to college are two very different things
that's why
> it's because most conservatives today are too stupid to actually form good enough arguments to challenge preconceived notions in academia. Anyone
of course, what is this amazing argument that you have for importing large amount of muslims?
I am sure we are incapable of a counter-argument, oh wise one
yeah if only Cletus and Billy Bob ran the colleges
Clearly it is far more likely that an international Jewish cabal of globalist puppeteers engineered an education system designed to brainwash the masses. It is absurd to suggest that education would result in more developed analytical skills, resulting in the conclusion that Jews and brown people may not actually be responsible for why Cletus is a loser.
Fucking libshit retard.
>if you read broadly and consider a number of positions and ideologies while you're forming a worldview you generally end up liberal.
Liberals live in a bubble of feel-good virtue signalling and need constant praise for their "literacy" and "progressive values," just like you did by trying to brag that you're smarter than everybody by name dropping high school tier authors.
Liberalism is by far the most detached from reality, it's easy to postulate about how your worldview is enlightened and that we should accept Ethiopian immigrants because you read a couple novels, it's another thing to actually live, work and interact with these people.
as opposed to who?
Jamal and Ahmed?
protip: "educated voters" make less money than "the non-educated"
I don't know if you're spoofing your ID but if not, you're from Panama, which means two things.
1.) You aren't white
2.) You don't understand the quality of American higher education because you've never had access to it.
Next time I want to talk about Panamanian politics though, you feel free to butt in.
Citation plz
Because they sell there souls to Satan for knowledge so they push his agenda
Check out Silicon Valley and Wall Street champ, I think they're pretty rich and pretty educated.
Then again billy and cousin Cletus in South Carolina probably make the big bucks with their tow truck business.
easy, they live in a bubble of affluence, and only see the best of minorities on a day to day basis
Socialist brainwashing
Yeah, such high quality that non-educated white voters make more money than educated ones
it is totally not a crippling sack of bullshit that makes you unable to create an argument oh wise one!
I really got BTFO by your lack of a single rational explanations of the insane policies of the left
> be smart
> put the chains of debt slavery around your neck
yeah, nah
people on 'wall street' are pretty against liberal BS, especially since they are the target of most of their hate
Trump voters are richer than pseudo-educated art majors, dude
I see you (((OP)))
anyone who has gone to school beyond the 5th grade is a traitor to american society.
>my fetal alcohol syndrome stunted brain is incapable of understanding spectrums (funny because you're on that too) or moderation
It's okay. I'm the same way. I was making a PBJ sandwich today and only had enough peanut butter to cover 3/4ths of my sandwich. There is no such thing as a 3/4ths covered PBJ sandwich. It's all or nothing.
Needless to say I became extremely irate and broke the mirror in my kitchen. Fucking unbelievable.
I doubt you went to a good school (if you went to college at all) if that was your experience.
Go to any history department at any major university and they're all essentially conservatives because they've all read Herodotus and Thucydides.
Good teachers exist all over and they want to teach students to make and form arguments. That's the purview of essentially every humanities course I've ever taken. They want you to read and argue.
I argued all kinds of shit in school. I argued for monarchism, against Teleology, I argued about humans as animals.
Most professors love devil's advocate. What they don't love is an idiot with a forceful ideology that isn't willing to actually argue anything.
William F Buckley made it through just fine, but then I can see clearly you're no William F Buckley.
>Wall Street
>Silicon Valley
>art majors
Holy fuck your are diliusional.
cuz they are (((educated))) my dude.
At least you didn't say Intelligent.
Because they are furthest from the reality of it
> that projecting
from the same people that believe Milo and Trump far right nazis, not centrist populists, which apparently don't exist
Because Academia is rife with liberal propaganda.
That's why they donated so much to the democratic campaign ?
> the majority of college "educated" people work in Wall Street
user I...
There's evidence online for both sides. What really matters is how each group is acting. "Liberals" are one step away from throwing their own shit, yet I don't see many conservative groups trying to substitute arguments for violence.
In what? Armchair social science?
> What they don't love is an idiot with a forceful ideology that isn't willing to actually argue anything.
Milo and Spencer went to debate there
and guess what, liberals didn't exactly look that interests
you know, the whole "punching and shooting" people thing?
oh wait, it was a Sup Forums false flag, of course!
thanks for correcting the record oh wise one!
What projection? There either is a projector somewhere around here or there isn't. You can't have partial or figurative projection, liberal moron.
God damn why do liberals have to all be such blind cuckolds? Why does every liberal that has ever lived want Somalian dicks so badly?
Why don't the mods on this website understand that posting interracial cuckold porn is actually an intellectual pursuit? Fucking libtards.
I saw a graph that showed that the vast majority of degrees were in useless things like arts and various social studies. I wouldn't exactly call that educated, quite the opposite actually.
Okay so you're saying a majority of STEM field students are paid less than uneducated workers ?
It's simply not true paco. Keep lying to yourself saying you don't need a degree whilst slaving away doing manual labour.
People with a degree on average out earn people without a degree.
Because they're only 'educated' in the sense that they've been brainwashed after four or more years of being first shamed for having "wrong thoughts" and then told what to think, rather than taught how to think.
Actually, it is because the "intellectual" class, by definition, dominates the university system and indoctrinates its students in socialist/statist ideology.
They have replaced the priest class of old as the primary advocates for state power.
The reason for this is because the "intellectuals" lack the necessary skills to function in the market and are therefore dependent on state power for good pay, job security and a well-respected position in society.
Thus they become mouthpieces for the religion of the state and advocate anything that furthers its goals. This includes arguing for more immigrants, more welfare dependency, more Democrat voters, and a reduction in white population/culture, etc.
Other races tend to be more open to socialism as a political system than whites.
And so the brain-dead drones, having just finished their K-12 indoctrination, are filled with state propaganda at the university level and are converted to the cause. Very few lack the critical thinking skills to challenge what they are taught and implicitly trust that the "experts" are in the right.
>blah blah blah i'm a pretentious faggot
Yeah I've argued all kind of shit too you retard, literally every English class makes you do this.
>What they don't love is an idiot with a forceful ideology that isn't willing to actually argue anything.
Now go to your nearest social sciences class and argue in favor of white supremacy.
You, like many other pretentious liberals, exist purely in a thought bubble of postulation and rhetoric.
it's the other way around OP, liberal people with open minds who aren't afraid of questioning the status qou tend to be smarter and more knowledgeable.
What in the absolute fuck is this shitpost?
STEM fields are no where even near the majority of majors
you are so damn confused
>This unironic anti-inellectualism
And you wonder why China is kicking our ass
>Why do educated people tend to be liberal and more supportive of multiculturalism?
>Why do educated people
I completely agree. I was talking to this professor I had back in the liberal brainwashing facility known as university, and he just could not survive without a government to pay his bills. What the fuck even if a fields medal? Who the fuck cares about the (((Boltzmann))) distribution?
Libtard could never peddle his useless bullshit and be awarded for it without the existence of a welfare state, and of course the globalist puppeteers.
Look, user. Panamanian schools are bad, I know. The US is partiality to blame for that, admittedly but you can't be this dense.
Students are not professors. You're making an incorrect generalization by assuming
1.)Students are representative of the opinions of the faculty of those universities
2.) The students on those particular campuses are representative of liberalism in general
3.) assuming that because two things are "related" that they are "synonymous"
But maybe English isn't your first language and you're really struggling.
>who arn't afraid of questioning the status quo
topkek, only a soulless kike could be so deluded as to legitimately believe this.
Don't you have innocent children to genocide chaim?
Cause some english teacher told them to
that is a statement of fact tho
not even cuckservative republicans are allowed
the same campus that has are Her Campus Santa Clara, HeForShe at Santa Clara University, SCU Vagina Monologues and Together for Ladies of Color. There’s also the Santa Clara Harry Potter Club, the Super Smash Bros Club and the Hipnotik Hip-hop Dance Group.
people here defending the current university system are morons
Fuck Liberals.
And fuck niggerization and spicization.
nope, how about you george? having fun in iraq?
im not saying people who define themselves as liberals aren't afraid of questioning the status qou, im saying people who aren't afraid to question the status qou tend to be liberal minded.
ps: going with herd of Sup Forums doesn't count as 'qoustenioning the status qou'. you are simply in a different status qou.
What point are you trying to make in your attempts to be witty through third grade sarcasm? You've played this game for the past three posts and I'm pretty sure nobody's impressed with it.
We're smarter
STEM vs Humanities and Liberal Arts.
China is kicking our ass because they care more about STEM than they do about the prospectless Humanities the academia cherish.
How about another example paco, look up the Forbes rich list for me, and keep going down the list until you find an uneducated person for me.
Whilst you're there count the people without arts or history degrees.
> Students are not professors
professors are full-on liberal morons tho
> only 14 % republican
so much for diversity of thought