Tfw no Venti gf
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literally who
Is she the "soros" girl?
hey miss venti
ayyy lmao
100/10 would waifu
>fornicating with the whore who did 9/11
No, thanks. She does look kinda cute for a nigger hammerhead shark though.
mfw there's no way i can find such gf in rl
>>nigger hammerhead shark
fucking leaf, leaffrog best leaf youtube.com
i unironically love her face
>no venti ass pics
In b4 she has no ass. I still wanna see ;_;
Looks like a bleached crossover between a Nigger and a Catfish
the words every girl longs to hear
Attention whore shitskin dyke
oh ffs fuck off, britany
Me too, it's unique and when she has messy curly bangs she is a real qt 3.14
No one will replace Ashley Jones.
>tfw no rose gf
>Brittany desperate to stay relevant in Sup Forums.
Look Britt, any attention you get here will be fleeting and unfulfilling. Forever seeking the attention of strangers on the internet is a sure path to ultimate unhappiness.
Find yourself a good man, get pregnant, and direct your energies to things that will matter in 30 years, when you're no longer fertile and only barely fuckable.
.t Sage Wisdom
>implying you wouldn't come to love her flaws
Pretty sure this girl is awesome. She is being mercilessly targeted because she is cute as shit, is a polack, and right wing.
She's been called all sorts of shit, including a tranny. I'm pretty sure it's all smear. Can have normal looking mascots on Sup Forums. It disrupts the narrative.
>Brittanys been MIA for awhile, prolly seeing some asshole in secret who doesn't deserve her
As her internet boyfriend, I am starting to grow concerned.
Idk. Is she a camwhore? I kinda think so. I think she has no real convictions and following an easy path to fame.
rose is a hoe
stop venti-posting venti, you dumb pozzed slut
HWNDU person here.
She's funny and kinda cute in person. Shame about the no ass, but I'd still let her sit on my face.
i want to impregnate that smile
What are you talking about? She has a live-in boyfriend.
>people have never cheated on anyone before especially if they live together
what're you 10?
hey kkk bros were going to use this cam as a platform for our next rally this Sunday the 12th at noon, right after church. We're going to get lunch afterwards
>tfw no thicc memer gf
i miss her
I would fund her liberal activism if you know what I mean
how do i get ayylamo gf
>not appreciating a good ol fashioned pancake butt
Hey, I said she can sit on my face broski. No one's perfect.
>tfw no Nietzsche gf