/Red Pilled Tech Jobs/

Since Trump got elected it's inspired me to turn my life around and contribute to this great country.

How realistically would it be If lets say a former NEET or blue collar worker wanted to become a programmer or go to school and major in Computer Science. but he's barely starting st 26?? My goal it to make in the range of $70-120k by my early 30's

any advice or jobs I should look into? places to start, is it worth it with outsourcing and indians taking tech jobs etc

I'm sure theres alot of us in this same situation

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Computer systems analyst looks good too,

You need to be very good at math.

network security/cyber security
intelligence work

both fields are 99% white, no pajeets allowed here

I'm sure I can take math classes, I consider my self intelligent despite my lack of education

Being average in math doesn't work, you need to be good at it.

Algo trader.

What level of math are we talking about here?

Not really true for a lot of programming jobs

I'm not good enough at math to be a software engineer so I went the designer / front end developer route and will soon be making $80k. You have to be REALLY good at high level math like Calculus if you want to be an engineer. Take a few math courses online before committing.

I am a CS intern right now and i kind of wish i was a neet or a blue collar worker

red-pilled jobs?

what's your next post OP, do you want to know about red-pilled butter, or red-pilled shoes?

I worked the graveyard shift (8PM-4AM) and unloaded trucks in a refrigerator for $8 an hour...

Doing math for several times that salary sounds like a dream desu

I was thinking more skilled labor like electrian plumber mechanic etc desu

IT is much easier to get into than programming itself, although it pays less. Avoid any call center jobs like the plague though, aim to start in field tech or data center roles. Being able to research solutions and be friendly with your clients are the main things you need.

If you want to get into the more competitive programming field, you don't need a degree. You can build skills using sites like freecodecamp, then aim for an internship in a [spoiler]silicon valley[/spoiler] startup. You will need to be good at math, simply because programming is mathematical in nature.

t. google employee

Being a code monkey is not hard, and you'd get paid decent. If you want to make good money as a programmer though, you have to be really passionate about it to get good

>help this country
>just wants to make money

Yeah ok.

Plenty of calculus and number theory. Differential equations and linear algebra too, most likely.

All jobs where at some point you're on your knees in dust doing probably trivial shit. I'd much rather be doing trivial shit in a comfy chair

what's the name of the website?

95% of the Indians in tech need their hands held and do pretty low level work. The Indians that are actually competent and can reach higher level positions are a minority. It's pretty much all white guys at the top.

fuck off sven fucking cuck go kill yourself your country is lost thanks to you have fun when ahmed rapes your mom cuck

wtf? what dimension?


Pick one. System architects are literally x10 smarter than those inferior network faggots.

Sorry I do tech going back to 2001

The wages keep going down every year.

If you want to make MAD MONEY doing tech.

You have to have 10+ years of school and then certifications.

There are better ways to make money. Join a trade school. Join the Army or Airforce


This looks nice. Got any more similar to this?

Programmer's are nu-male faggots who vote liberal 80% of the time, there aren't any red pilled sectors.


>security architect master race

Thinking of doing IT while I finished my degree. I know it will be nightmarishly hard but I don't want to sell my self short and regret not going for it later

Taxes nigger

degrees are not worth shit, for any employer experience is worth much more.

either way, the only way to learn is to do it yourself. learn programming now if your really passionate about it or you will fail.

check out freecodecamp.com, it's a decent starter site. learn front-end and back-end web dev.

read this book also

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and bootstrap framework are good starter langs

im talking from personal experience,making close to 20K in ad revenue month with less than a year experience, self taught.

codeacademy and w3schools

I think freecodecamp is the best of those three though. If you don't have a degree, you need a portfolio and afaik that one is the only one that will point you in the right direction to make one.

yet they still get fugged by 13yos on adderall

What sort of website are you running to get that sort of revenue?

To all guys saying cyber security, I've heard that is a field of never-ending self actualization.

I've been looking at a school In the Midwest that is relatively cheap and competitive in IT. Should I go for it, or do I need different certs?


As far as the math goes you are looking at discrete mathematics and some mathematical fundamentals of computer science. MFC is stuff like permutations, modular arithmetic, stuff like this. If you want more comp sci related mathematics you probably need to double major in mathematics or minor.

The math in the programming is trivial most of the time.

Many thanks, champ.
Fell hard for the stem meme (physics degree) so anything that can help me monetize this expensive self inflicted autism is much appreciated.

Hey guy.
I'm in week 3 of my 24 week programming bootcamp
I've learned a lot and I could've just googled the information but the class structure is nice to have as well as the teachers.
At this point, I have no doubt that I could've self taught myself everything I needed or just gotten by with online aides. It's pretty fun when you begin to unravel all the possibilities. Going to school for computer science sounds boring. Just work on building applications and developing actual industry skills.

Yet it was those "inferior network faggots" that developed and implemented the networks that allow you post your inane comment on an anonymous Laotian hooker board in the first place.

Networkfags >>>>> Systemfags every day

Is it really that bad? I thought salaries were decent

I wouldnt worry about it.

IT is not that hard imo. You can do it user

I don't know how your bootcamp works legally, but if you find the right financial aid and grants you can at least make some money back, if not make a profit while you learn.

They were until someone had the bright idea to outsource the work to india via the internet. Now you're competing with indian wages and because it's all digital they're generally not even paying tax on it.

If you're not very good at what you're doing then you're not going to make much or last long.

Yet you can't do shit with your computer without systems.

This guy is based as fuck.
Self taught and self employed are pinnacle on software development.

This is an extremely dangerous line of thinking, user. Sure, anybody can do IT just as much as anybody can program, but not everybody can do IT WELL, just as much as not everybody can program WELL.

In IT, especially when you get to Jr. and Sr. level positions, half-assed or haphazard work will absolutely not cut it when Millions to BILLIONS of dollars are on the line. It takes years to become proficient in IT. This is why I believe that IT should actually go more of a trade route with IT Sr.'s training apprentices in their sub-discipline, rather than just hoping that smart sounding college grad knows what he's doing.

But regardless, my point still stands. Don't treat IT so lightly.

It's a symbiosis. Like Pepe and Wojak.

> vote liberal 80% of the time

Try +90%. I've working in a few states in the last 12 years and they're all the same. I'm in the minority and nearly was fired 6 months ago for answering a co-worker who asked who I was going to vote for. It took a solid month before I didn't feel like I was getting the shit look from everyone. I probably still do, but I can care less now.

It's not nightmarishly hard at all. I work in DevOps... let me explain my day to you.

I sit in a $700 chair that's ergonomically perfect.
I come into the office whenever I want. I leave whenever I want.
When I'm working, I'm writing programs or scripts that automate systems and networking tasks. I do this on two sweet 4K monitors.
My office has a cafeteria with professional chefs. Lunch is $8 (equivalent of a $30 restaurant meal, every day)
I get paid well for this.
They give me coffee, snacks, etc, for free. If I want.
Everybody I work with is 115+ IQ.
If I get tired of it, I can get a new job within a week in more or less any industry, even if it's not in tech -- I can demonstrate to employers that because I'm so good with technology, that I can be demonstrably more productive than most other candidates.

It's the best job ever. I feel bad for people who have to do boring shit all day and get yelled at by their idiotic boss for dumb shit.

There's not nearly as much math as people pretend... Unless you're developing a brand new programming language that you created, or doing heavy data science and statistics, you'll be fine. IQ is the most important thing.

>MANY vacancies

and thats just the IRS

expect many more agencies to be hiring security specialists all throughout the country in the future

Tech people are a weird bunch and employers have adapted to it. There are a shitton of certifications you can get without wasting 4 years going to class twice a week for a degree.

Study fucking hard, get certified and look hard for a job. Your resume is dogshit so keep at it.

>Going to class every month


Any good company worth it's salt is going to screen out idiots for higher and higher positions. I'm just saying getting into the field and making a good living is pretty damn easy in the field, especially when compared to software development

Yeah, you got a point there, but also remember that IT is a very networked field. Who you know can literally make or break the deal regarding that kickass position. Otherwise you're doomed to a life of taking phone calls from morons on why their Macbook can't connect to the internets.

You sound like a total fag like network slaves are. Anybody very skilled and intelligent would go system architecture field 100%.


Red pilled tech?

Are you fucking serious?

Conservatives are the LEAST interested in technology. Conservatives are the LEAST interested in science. Conservatives are the LEAST interested in uncontrolled flow of information.

Every single tech company I've ever worked at has been extremely liberal, and there's a reason for it. On a side note, this usually means they're pretty nice to work for. When you work around conservatives they're usually standing around bawwing about something the liberals did to them. Fucking drags.

>Since Trump got elected it's inspired me to turn my life around and contribute to this great country.

Really? I feel like doing less and less each day. I had hope, I was MAGA and all that shit, but since we're clearly heading to nation destroying civil war, why bother?.

>Really? I feel like doing less and less each day
Holy shit, me too. I thought I was an isolated incident, but it feels like after the election, I've had to put in twice the effort I used to to get about the same amount of work done than I used to.

I don't know what it is man, depression or anxiety or something.

>Every single tech company I've ever worked at has been extremely liberal, and there's a reason for it
Because you're in a city, dumbass.

Lol completely untrue for many programming & dev jobs

Strong arithmetic, algebra, and logic is a must though

I live in the south, moron.

>I don't know what it is man, depression or anxiety or something.

We had hope for the best, but Trump won, and the truth about how shitty things really are was revealed. And I say this as a 41 year old fuck. I'm really done.

Try to go working on contractor on military, USA government don't contract foreigners.

At least the liberals constant kvetching at Trumps every breath makes me wake up in the morning, so there's that at least.

user I got my degree in EE at age 33 after working shit jobs all through my 20s. My life vastly improved from that moment on, not because of any academic ability but because I knew what hard work was.

You can get a good job at any age with a tech degree IF YOU HAVE GOOD GRADES.

I know work for a video game company in silicon valley writing OpenGL code.

just do it user.

>At least the liberals constant kvetching at Trumps every breath makes me wake up in the morning, so there's that at least.
Yeah, the humor is fun. But we both know this only ends in a devastating, bloody war. I have daughters that aren't old enough to be fodder yet. Put your faith in God and Bannon.

Language doesn't matter too much. Picking good self teaching resources does. There's a shit ton of them available. Don't pay money to learn something. (If you buy a degree, do it for the credential. You have to be able to teach yourself to succeed in the field.)


Do this first to get an idea of wtf a string is and etc. The online exercises between lectures are fantastic for learning the material, especially as most of them will forcibly trip you up with edge cases so you'll get in the habit of considering them. It tells you if you got the answer right too which is very helpful for checking your understanding.


Then do this and go crazy building tons of shit.

A lot of people just watch youtube videos endlessly and then give up. If you want to succeed: BUILD THINGS.

With webdev you can very easily and very literally see the results of your code and check if your mental model matches what is actually happening. As a beginner this is invaluable for not getting overwhelmed.

I'm 40, and have been able to grind out an existence in tech now for 20 years in the Bay Area and New York.

At the moment in the Bay Area they can't hire enough "engineers". When it comes to being an "engineer" in tech you kind of have 2 routes you can pick.. The web side of things UI/UX dev, front end, full-stack dev, dev ops, sys admin, IT and then there is everything else, the scientists, and Phds.

Even with all the crazy amount of frameworks being released now.. The industry is basically looking for a person that knows javascript. The more javascript the better. Most people either go the Angular route, or the React Route these days.

In SF, 100k is your starting for a Front End Dev.. as you gain more experience, and extend to Full-stack, you can easily be making 160k as a Sr. developer..

Only thing that sucks is the rent.. 2500 1br in SF now.. and probably the same in NYC..

I know that the industry has changed in the last 20 years.. It would be interesting to hear what the salaries are for places other than the Bay Area and NYC..

Hope that helps.

Would you consider mechanical engineering as autistic? Because I'm currently studying that shit and it's killing me from the inside

I'm halfway through FCC and enjoying it a lot. Wtf are you doing to make 20k in ad revenue? I'd be thrilled to make even a fraction of that. Any monetization tips...?

Seeking affirmation from that kind of shitpost, however.

the only red pilled job is being an entrepreneur / owning your own business


>I don't know how your bootcamp works legally, but if you find the right financial aid and grants you can at least make some money back, if not make a profit while you learn.

No one is going to pay you to attend a $15k coding tutorial. Bootcamps are the 2017 equivalent of 90s for profit degree mills.

Their "scholarships" are like JC Penney "sales."

I'm competent with C#/Java and have at least basic experience with HTML, XML, SQL, Lua, and Javascript. It's pretty much all self-taught (modding video games and hosting shit).

How to get job?

Do you have any tips on getting hired as a newbie in nyc? I landed a part time programming job a month after I started learning last year, but I haven't had any luck landing a real fulltime position yet. I've gotten decent at html/css/vanilla js, am pretty comfy with jquery, bootstrap, scss, flexbox, etc. Currently grinding through introductory d3.js and React.

I've worked crap food and retail jobs all my life. I don't even know what I'd do with fulltime programmer pay, but I really hope I get the chance to find out.

>I landed a part time programming job

how much are you making?