Milo returning to Berkeley. And he's bringing ALEX JONES! This is gonna be good!
Milo returning to Berkeley. And he's bringing ALEX JONES! This is gonna be good!
What is Alex staring at?
globalists, user. globalists.
A potential globalist.
4th dimensional globalist psychic vampires
He needs to work a bit on his speech giving, too many um breaks and laughing at himself. Entertaining otherwise.
His eyes are just glazed over from too much Super Male Vitality.
oh fugg :DDD
Holy fuck the antifa fags are going to be in the streets shitting themselves.
One eye on the globalists, one eye on the streets.
A Bogdanoff infiltrator.
Quick rundown?
They both have ex-SEALs and military mercs on their security detail, Trump has already threatened to cut funding from universities that stifle free speech, Berkley police already threw university under the bus.
This is going to be insane. I gorge on liberal tears nightly!
Whatever happened to Spencer's tour he talked about a while ago? That would have been fucking great. I hope he didn't pussy out after getting punched.
>falling for the (((controlled))) opposition
can water be alt-right?
UC Berkley will be ashes before all is said and done.
No one would show up because he said hail Trump
>Too stupid to hide your powerlevel
>Too stupid to have an audience
I've heard Ted Cruz will also show up at Berkeley to show solidarity
I hope the leftists never stop embarrassing themselves, it's just too much fun
I've never really agreed with Milo, but always appreciated how well spoken he was. Don't be fooled guys, most of these e-"celebs" that latched onto Trump's brand are autistic losers. Some lisp, some fumble over themselves, others are just full blown wizards. Milo is actually pretty unique in his own way, and has never compromised.
Of all the e-celebs that can claim Trump's movement, Milo is the only one that I don't see as 100% pure cancer.
Some fag's gonna call in a bomb threat like at that Gamergate debate thing a few years ago.
thanks team work
And good riddance. Hopefully the rest of the Bay Area goes with it.
Milo's a fucking fag, but I like the fact that he pisses people off, and that he talks extremely frankly about SJWs, anti-white bullshit, and Muslims.
It would be better if he wasn't a fucking faggot though. I mean, if he has to be, then why the fuck does he have to bang on about it? I have much more tolerance for Peter Thiel, who unfortunately is still a faggot, but at least he doesn't go on about it.
Oh yes. Let it burn.
If digits, these guys are going to gaslight the chaos that ultimately causes Ginsberg to have a heart attack in her sleep.
I heard that Charlie Sheen is showing up to support Alex too, should be quite an event
lol, is this really the best we can do? I mean, can't they give us some less ridiculous controlled opposition to worship?
Jesus Christ, how can I go?
Ecelebs are entertainment
Stop pretending that you have to explain this to Sup Forums
Cruz wont go to a Milo event...Milo can't control is faggotry for long enough for a real politician to be on stage with him
I think he plays up flamboyance to make them look ridiculous. They can't call him racist/homophobic/etc. as usual because he's such a caricature of a typical SJW who virtue signals over the top of how they fuck a black man every day. I don't think he actually thinks that's how gays should act in everyday life, just what helps his cause when he does it.
>universities that stifle free speech
But Milo was always welcome, I don't think it's the fault of University management that antifa retards and liberal students chimped out (in this particular case at least)
his CIA handlers
The university apparently ordered swat to stand down. The university paper also supported antifa.
Some guys ass
The flamboyance and nigger dick talk makes it so hard to spread his message to normies.
I'm not going to share his videos to any real life friends
is that Bill Hicks?
Well who the fuck wants to go see some faggot talk about sucking black dicks?
filename lol
You guys believe theyre legit or just actors making money like Ann Coulter?
>the JQ goes unanswered
>JQ evolves into inter dimensional vampire
fucking alex jones, HE HAD ONE JOB.
Will they finally come forward with PedoGayte???
if you live near Berkeley go down there with a knife, if you dont you're a cuck.
Half-get it Normies
The brain is 70 percent water.
I went to his lecture in colorado
It was fucking embarrassing...they had a bunch of cops in the room for protection, seeing their faces while hearing it for the first time made me want to get the fuck out of there.
>muh JQ
Spencershills out
i get gf this year when du bs
A mongloid and a faggot. Represent y'all.
we had that long ago but nobody cared
evening, officer
>muh spencer strawman
reddit out
I hate you alt right faggots, you ruined Sup Forums. We're shitposters, not some faggot alternative cliché brand for some type of shitty new conservatism.
Congrats user
no one on Sup Forums used that stupid initialism until Richard Spencer started getting pushed as the leader of the alt right
Fuck Milo and fuck Sup Forums people
>globalists get fucked
>all psychic vampires die
>12 dimensional matrix now accessible
alex jones is the ONLY reporter credible enough to report that hillary clinton is an ACTUAL DEMON who SMELLS OF SULPHUR. Pretty impressive that not even a real demon can stand up to him.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You can legally carry knives in California dude.
9 antifa got stabbed in Sacramento and not a single white nationalist was even questioned by the cops because it was obvious self defence
The panopticon
"peace" is a liberal code word for "letting yourself get cucked"
>Instead of letting Milo speak, they chimpped out
>Milo got a full media coverage
>His book is number 1 on Amazon
>Comes back with Alex Jones
>Now all eyes are on them
>Globalists are about to get steamrolled
1776, baby
>be Berkeley administration
>watch and participate in burning of school property in response to Milo
>Invite him back with the humble water filter salesman
Why do they want the riot? Are they ttying to make their students into another Kent state
are you projecting?
I cant wait to "stand my ground" against these tolerant, peace loving thugs.
its going down later in the school year or next year
He has a much harder time actually getting bookings because he isn't jewish and dosen't have wealthy benefactors
Berkeley is going to be a warzone
Antifa will chimp out like never before, Trump will declare them a terrorist organization
This is perfect, I love what Milo is doing
>he's not already in the 12th dimension
good on you youre a true patriot
Everyone bt me gotta learn
There is a limit on the knife blade length though, I believe in Berkeley it's 3 inches.
Also you can carry pepper spray.
If any of you go to this, make sure you are armed in every legal way.
Only act in self defense, but when you do act as if you life is on the line, because it really is. Respond with extreme violence in response.
God dammit how come these fuckers never come to Atlanta
I love living in the meme timeline.
Good, they can both take turns servicing jew cock. Just in case their jaws or assholes get tired
Yay two kikes playing all you fools, tisk tisk Hitlers rolling his grave. A Jones and Milo literally should be gassed. NO JEWS MEANS NO FUCKING JEWS
So that's what happened at Kent State.
the bogdanoffs giving him the off camera signal to start the rwds
>Milo and Alex return to Berkeley
>>Sir, the protesters are amassing. We have to cancel the event again. Please come with us.
gas milo or nah
Definitely gas that faggot kike and A Jones too
that fucking interview man
His inner monologue is having a moment of exposition.
Alex Jones wont go down easy.