Took my first adderall today

A friend gave me a few pills he was prescribed.

Holy shit it's almost as if I woke up from a coma. I got more done today than the last few months.

How can I replicate this feeling/effects? I need this superpower every waking moment.

>How can I replicate this feeling/effects? I need this superpower every waking moment.


You'll build a tolerance eventually, but as a protip from an adderallfag, drink a lot of water. You'll notice the effects more if you're properly hydrated.

Just kill yourself

I took 4 of those orange capsules yesterday. I played planetside 2 a lot

prepare to lose a couple pounds

Stop. You're doing medicinal speed you stupid fuck, you're gonna regret it.

Welcome to the world of stims

Unfortunately for you, you now know how a man should truly feel. Thats why the japs and germans called meth the warrior drug

You must channel the power to do good. Ive used for many years and let me tell you, it takes practice, and a lot to learn

good luck

fuck adderal, meth, and uppers in general.
opiates are where its at
t. 2 year heroin addict

fuck off, degenerate junkie

like any other drug you will never feel that good on it again without taking more and more

also when you are not on them you will be even a bigger lazier piece of shit that you before you were when you started on them

enjoy life as a meth addict

Do the world a favor and OD on it.

>babbys first amphetamine

OP that feeling will be gone no matter what, even if you use it correctly and don't abuse it, so enjoy it while it lasts

You almost certainly took adderall, which is a derivative of meth. Don't take too much too often or you'll develop psychosis, hear voices, or worse of all, become addicted

It's great for about the first year, then you start to get more anxious, and angry, and you need to take benadryl and melatonin to fall asleep, then you feel like shit when you don't take it and want to sleep all day.

>t. 2 year heroin addict
Be honest, how many dicks have you sucked?

inb4 OP winds up back at square 1 a year from now

this, also incorporate it into a routine. dont get into a spiral of "oh well guess i cant sleep ill take another and do some homework"

to cancel the effects at the end of the day, try memantine. it helps you calm down and get to sleep without the shitty-sleep feeling that you get with sleep aids

Don't do amphetamines. It's too good. It will fuck you up.

Try jerking off


20mg adderal a day for me

feels great man

CNS uppers are amazing things. You can reproduce it naturally by activating your fight/flight response, but thats no fun. Nevertheless, the prolonged effect of being in fight or flight are the same as continually stim usage: lose of appetite, breakdown of skeletal muscle, etc.

Moderation is key op

none! id shoot myself before i did that!
i work full time. i have worked 3 jobs in the last two years. i got fired from the last 2 because i was to dopesick to work and no called no showed. both times i got fired i got clean untill i find new job then i start making money and blow it all on boy. i have been at the job im at now for 7 months and have been using every day for last 7 months so this is by far my longest binge or w/e you want to call it.
heroin makes me feel alive, something i never felt before trying it

Amphetamines are a miracle drug, and the key to unlocking man's true potential

I take it and I have a hard time going to sleep, anyone got any advice?

amphetamines seem sweet at first but they cause brain damage that lasts 5-10 years with frequent use.

100% this, why I quit

Welp this is the beginning of a terrible journey for you. Now that you know how good stims feel, nothing will compare. The tedium of your daily grind will slowly creep in on you, and you're going to start looking for that feeling again.

They always pitch drugs as these things that ruin lives, but never really explain that it's because they really do feel fucking amazing and once you pop you don't ever want to stop.

Stims, opioids, downers... it's all the same and it's unsustainable.

OP you need to quit while you're ahead. Take that experience as a one-off and try to forget it.

The rabbit hole isn't worth it, because once you become an addict, your life freezes in time until you stop and are forced to make up for lost time.

>t. five year heroin and all-around-drug-addict, two years clean and still picking up the pieces, trying to unfuck a life ruined by being a dumbass

>implying Ritalin has side effects
>hurr durr, my gym teacher said it's just legal meth

Pro-tip: Vyvanse® makes Adderall and Ritalin feel like tweaker meth... but its expensive as shit even with insurance.

OP to avoid tolerance, follow these three rules:

Take only three times per week.

Never go above therapeutic dose.

Never chase the euphoria.

I take an adderall once in a blue moon, generally if I have 12+ hours of labor ahead of me I'll take one. They're fine if you use em sparingly and for good reason, but don't get into the habit. Chasing your first high is what gets leads you to the gutter

Take a CBC blood test to measure you iron and hemoglobin levels. If you're feeling tired and unmotivated you may have a mild form of iron deficiency anemia. Code, tea eggs and milk can affect iron absorption. It's fairly easy to solve problem and largely overlooked. Also, studies show that kids with ADHD are much more likely to be iron deficient.

Zinc can be helpful too. Look it up. But don't take zinc with calcium, since calcium antagonizes iron.

enjoy burning out your reward pathways
and feeling shittier than ever when sober

Hurr durr I've done a tremendous variety and quantity of drugs and have seen many friends get lost in amphetamines.

FWIW, amphetamines were not my drug. I fell in love with Heroin and I count myself lucky for it. Recovery is much quicker and your brain is still sharp after you get past the cravings.

My friends that went for the uppers are pretty much permanently fucked.

Testosterone Is the next step deSu.

amphetamines are a lie. They give you an initial feeling of euphoria, but you are entering a contract that you will eventually have to pay off and it won't be all at once.

everytime you get high, you don't come back to ground zero. you go into the negatives. the longer and more frequent you take drugs, the lower you'll eventually go. Getting back to ground zero when that time comes, and it will, won't be so fun. Are you able to handle it? will you turn into a junkie or kill yourself because right now you don't know what life feels like without endorphins.

take different drugs to fall asleep

Hang on so your telling me that the alt rights success is born out of heroine addicts really makes you think.

Not true for everyone. Just have some self control and don't chase the high.

come back in 4 years and tell us how great you are feeling ok?

this is truth

Ritalin has no significant long term side effects. Just don't be a junky shit head and you'll be fine.

Take it first thing in the morning. Even 9AM is too late. Also your dosage is probably too high. That or you can just use downers... which is obviously a great idea.

>not using philosophical principles and mind fasting as a driving force

>taking the pharmaceutical jew

I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy

I still remember when I took my first addies And then when a good friend used to give me the long-release kind.

Used to cut them up first into 1/8. Then 1/6. Then I started just started crushing them and snorting line because all I needed was to get a jump into that feeling.

So, yeah, meth.

It has
It permanently alters your dopamine receptors.

This guy straight up said he felt like he awoke from a coma.

I think it's true for him.

Ritalin isn't amphetamine based like adderall. Sort of similar effects but causes them in a very different way. You shouldn't straight compare the two.

Kek confirms.

Adderall jacked my IQ up like 40 points.

Within a year I had a new job and was making $40k more per year.

It was like going from an old rabbit ear TV to a 4k display with optional 3D

It also almost cost me my marriage. I was a royal fucking prick and if my wife tried to stop me from doing something I was focused on I would rip her a new one.

She said I was like Jeckle and Hide.

Got on Metadate, which has much lower effects.

Went from being Superman to just Clark Kent

I miss that feeling of total mental clarity and focus, but family is more important

rits > addies imo

rits are more than just speed

That's adderall, not Ritalin.

L-theanine+caffeine will give you almost the same effects. I use it every morning and am productive as shit. google for correct ratio.

I take Concerta (long acting Ritalin) because my doctor is a pill pusher and it's great for studying.

It makes me feel so anxious and even if I'm chuggung water and forcing myself to eat, I feel hungover after I come down. I took 36 mg but went down to 18 mg. I can't imagine what 72 mg would do to me.

master race psilocybin and caffeine, everything else is garbage tier jew pills

>Jeckle and Hide

So that IQ jump took you to about 85 then?

Will my brain ever be the same if I stop taking it today?

>america has a staggering amount of adderall addicts who are also depressed/have disorders/anxiety

not worth it OP. you're not going to war so don't use it.

My nigga, any big changes so far? I haven't played since they introduced the ANT.

No I got that feeling as well my first time and still do about 1 in 4 times. Just don't chase it by upping the dose when you don't hit that peak. Keep to 1 ER pill per day no more than 3x per week and you're golden

Tell your doctor you want off the ride.

Seriously. And ask him how you can do it strategically to work out with the timing of your tests or whatever is you need it for.

that wasn't you doing it, it was the drug.

Don't give in to the drug.

If you stare into the abyss, it stares into you.
Drugs alter your perception and therefor your reality.
If you understand what reality is (see quantum physics) then you understand you are less yourself than you are the drug when you take it.

The drug becomes you.

Adderall is the only drug that actually works well for me, the rest suck. Caffeine included.

If people drink fucking coffee every morning then I don't see what's wrong with a little speed.

is this true? do you have any proof?

I tried some of this shit out at the bars a few weeks ago while getting drunk

I've never felt that incredible mixture of clarity and non inhibition, it was scary nice

haven't tried it again, wish this kind of shit didn't cause a dependency

Yeah you're right. But they're almost the same. I assume that ritalin would have a similar effect.

Excuse me for not being a classic English literature faggot, you faggot

That shit is poison I took it for 2 years in high school for 2 years and graduated with a perfect GPA and lost 25 lbs but I felt like shit all the time and grinded my teeth so much I have to wear a special mouth piece. Oh and you eventually gain a tolerance and nothing happens but you still feel like shit

Well constant coffee drinkers are silly too, I haven't drank coffee for almost 6 years, I just don't like the taste.

You fucking moron. This is why heroin is becoming an epidemic. Don't fuck around with prescription meds, it can lead to opioid addiction. You'll end up a fucking braindead hobo user.

>If you stare into the abyss, it stares into you.

'if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you'

but yes you are right, listen to this man OP

Former adderall fag here,


You'll see what's wrong with it within 3 years, probably. Sooner if you're lucky.

>Well constant coffee drinkers are silly too
That's pretty much all of productive society. Most normal people need stims.

agreed. they also may actually be neuroprotective. Pubmed search it if anyone is interested.

>no long term side effect

>take stimulants
>they just make me feel edgy and make my jaw clench

Why do normies idolize these drugs again?

I'm sure the small 20mgs I take is just going to be disastrous.


That's a shame desu

Vyvanse 50 mg where it's at baby.

I feel like Mozart when I do anything.

It's not neurotoxic.

teach us your poo in loo techniques rahul

Former Adderall fag here.

Just like any other drug you will perceive initial gains to quality of life, these are just an illusion though.

Your tolerance will go up, you will eventually just be cracked out. It's incredibly bad for your heart and circulatory system. You will always be dehydrated, you will not sleep properly. You will also become malnourished as speed obliterates your appetite.

It's incredibly addicting stuff and very unhealthy. After being on it for around 6 months (worst 6 months of my life) I now am completely confident the entire adhd thing is a massive conspiracy to hurt our children.

Make no mistake, you are doing speed.

you are naive beyond your years

don't let us stop you though

its your brain

t. someone who was prescribed 20mg of adderal and took it for a year

your brain will never be the same.

It's degenerate, don't use it.

You sound like the type to become easily addicted/dependent. Be careful... it's a bad road to go down.

It's fucking coffee you melodramatic

Do you drink any caffeine at all with it? If you do, stop. Even one cup throws me off when I take concerta.

This shit fucked my head right up hard. I'm losing the fucking ability to speak in public. Guess that's an indication to stop taking it?

Explain how it will never be the same then. Right now it sounds like fear mongering horseshit.

I rarely take it because the side effects were so bad. 18mg is pretty good but I'm only productive for 2 or 3 hours vs 5 hours with the 36mg.

Even though it's good to have, I think it's a blessing that the drug has such an adverse effect on me to the point where I'm very reluctant to take it unless I desperately need it (Need to stay awake, finish a lab, etc)

tolerance> naw dog

been prescribed this shit since i was 12, and I'm turning 30 in 8 days. been on 30mg XR for many years

if i ever have kids, they'll probably be the world's first mutants

>I need this superpower every waking moment.
The truth is you cannot without being addicted, even when you use the pills as prescribed. You can use speed maybe a few times in a month without getting into problems with tolerance and addiction.

>Temporary brain damage

I don't know about this... Possible... I am prescribed to 3x30 instant release, the xr was very unpredictable for me.

Anyone who takes ritalin on the reg gets a lot of the same consequences as meth. It takes longer and a lot of them just start using meth instead because the ritalin doesn't work like it used to.

Seriously don't believe the hype that it doesn't have side effects. That is just pharmaceutical company bullshit. The same companies that marketed Oxycotin as the non addictive alternative to Heroin and marketed Heroin as the non-addictive alternative to Morphine. They said SSRIs were non-addictive and now lots of people are dependent on their medications. They said NSAIDs didn't cause bleeding as people were bleeding to death the list goes on and on and on.

The drug works by boosting dopamine activity in the brain. Common sense says the side effects will be roughly the same as other drugs that do the same.

Those are the ones I got a hold of for a while.

It's literally amphetamine salts if you look at the label. What happens is that during the initial period everything is great. And then by the time you realize it's not going as good anymore you're already hooked.

If you get out early, you rebound for a while and get back on track. Otherwise, it goes on until everything sucks if you keep taking more or everything sucks if you pull back. That's when you have no choice but to crash for some period of time.

Is there a difference between adderall and prescription amphetamine?

I think this.