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white boys: WE DINDU NUFFIN
Why else do you think South America is such a shithole?
Youre right, we barely even slaved.
Slavery was just a scam by the welathy to lower labor costs. 99% of whites suffered from slavery.
It's no different from the faggots today supporting mass immigration because they want to pay workers a shiny penny every hour
No one in the US enslaved people.
In reality Europeans merely bought slaves from Africa from the actual black "kings"
IDK why north or south ever thought importing niggers was a good idea, you cunts are responsible for this disgusting timeline
They wanted cheap non white labor
White people simply cost too much to employ because they expect decent living standards. Why do you think businesses always want to flood Strata with boat people?
but why weren't they sent back? Makes no fucking sense to me. Australia sent 60,000 islanders back to their shitholes after federation and it was the best decision the country ever made (besides federating)
In South America there was never any motivation to deport non whites after slavery ended. After all they still South America operated a feudal hacienda system after the Spanish and Portugese Empires fell where a tiny group of whites run everything while the mestizos, pardos, mulattos, etc were all landless peasants who lived on haciendas (plantation like systems). Things haven't changed much since. This system is actually preferred by the wealthy. Even if they are racial minorities they don't care as long as they run everything. Just look at Jeb Bush if you want to know more.
In America Lincoln *wanted* to deport them but got assassinated before he could and his successor, Andrew Johnson, was useless.
Wtf these spooky legs.
i love cock
>you are now imagining jeb bush having sex with his lanky manlet wife
Imagine if slavery never happened. There never would have been even a single nigger in all of the Americas. Haiti and Jamaica would be white only paradises. Motherfucker...
Is this photoshopped? How does she have the body of a landwhale and the arms/legs of a holocaust survivor?
Truth is if not for the slave trade we probably would have ethnically enhanced Africa the way we did with North America. Our greed was our biggest mistake.
I'm an Irish Catholic of Cambro Norman heritage.
Before the Norman conquered England, 20% of the population were slaves. 100 year after the conquest, there were no slaves.
The Protestant WASP Revolution happened and Anglo Saxon Nationalism arose in union with the Dutch, 100 years later slavery was re-instituted by Protestants.
I owe you nothing, you have no moral bonds wrapped around my ankles you fucking barbarians.
>our greed
It makes me think we should have all the arrows go in reverse
>Slave auctions were moved if they fell on Jewish holidays
What did history mean by this?
>Master the waves
>Jews immediately flood the world with niggers
What the FUCK
Really makes me think how better America would be if they'd picked their own cotton.
>ethnically enhanced Africa the way we did with North America
It's not because of slavery that we didn't do it. We tried, but unlike in North and South America niggers didn't have the lack of resistance to diseases natives had.
That is excluding the natives of the Cape region, which where wiped out from diseases from Boars.
What the fuck did i just watch
Melanin-American dispute resolution.
Africa also has it's own hosts of diseases that killed the white men who tried to stay there. Malaria is no joke.
>niggers didn't have the lack of resistance to diseases natives had
I disagree. Only Europe had the metallurgy required to make effective bullet-resistant armor.
Brazil is the globalist endgame.
Jewish endgame****
Someone didn't read up on their history. Between 90 and 95% of natives in the Americas died from the first wave of diseases brought by Europeans. The numbers killed through war and extermination aren't even a blip on the radar compared to that.
This too.
what happens here?
>That autistic arrow going to Europe
Yeah, the natives sold their own out as POWs. A very small number of the overall population came to the USA.
Holy SHIT we could have gotten so much more fucked up. Thanks, Brazil.
Actually there is more recent evidence to suggest that this plague occurred naturally and happened before the Pilgrims settled.
SA got most of the slaves? Why? Don't they have enough there already?
Lovely French maidens getting BLACKED hundreds of years ago.
Of course it happened before the Pilgrims settled, they weren't the ones who brought over the wave of diseases that caused it.
Burger education for ya.
>that memer going from south east africa to rio de la plata
>dreadlocks flying everywhere
And Sup Forums when they step in it.
>white boys: WE DINDU NUFFIN
"Boys" of any race were, by definition, too young to do anything.
the one with only one stump is at a disadvantage kek
she's a legit goblin
Can we all agree that Jeb has a secret midget fetish?
Jesus Christ.
It's like the Fukushima radiation map but with niggers. Poor Brazil never stood a chance.
No, I'm simply saying that fewer diseases requires more bullets. It was an caviler response to your semi-valid historical argument (depending on the significance you attribute to the impact of the disease - I take a lower view) attempting to indicate through context and suggestion that a smaller number of negroids dying from pestilence would simply require the physical removal of greater numbers of the beasts on the field of combat.
Considering the general inability of the African to organize any sort of mass action effectively, such a task would undoubtedly be feasible, with up-front cost presenting the only signfigant impediment.
> the Fukushima radiation map
That's fake, you know?
But this is all too real.
Niggers. Not even once.
There were a bunch of sneks on that girls head and her friend was trying to pull them off
I think he lost a bet in which the loser had to fuck their kids genes up as much as possible.
What happened with all the black Mexicans?
They mixed with the people of course. The average Mexican is like 6% nigger.
Jesus Christ.
People talk about the US becoming like Brazil but that's literally the best outcome according to that chart.
Mixing with niggers is more destructive than mixing with Amerindians. Look at Chile. Best country of Latin America and it's mestizo as fuck.
No one mixes with negroes here either, thankfully.