
Do they have even a 10% chance of being out there /pol?

As things stand do you think it would benefit the earth if we did make contact?

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what type of slave do you want to be?

>UFOs aren't real.
>Probes aren't real.
Come on user, you're better than this.

Each species needs to resist nuclear annihilation. We barely avoided it last time, and tensions are rising again. What if some of the burst we detect in space is another species destroying itself?

What out there? Biological life? Maybe?

The UFO and alien phenomena we experience on this planet is intimately tied to the occult. People with UFO contact often run in the same circles as practicing thalamic magicians.

Aliens are Nephilem or Fallen Angels... Take the Enoch Pill and you will find the truth... :D

Aliens are real

If there is even a .000000000001% chance of life on another planet there's a certainty of it.

A Liens are real... yes.

Will we ever find any? Only if we can develop a technology capable of detecting lifeforms. This is thousands of years off.

We will never see aliens in our lifetime.

100% chance. Whom is prince of air? Kang and Kodos are demons

I'd say more like approaching 100%. If you'd like to have a contact experience look into these links. They do CE-5 expeditions, there's video, pictures, and many papers and guides. This is the real deal, it's amazing. CE-5 is a certain class of contact experiences, the most basic of them.


then why is there any evidence of life having existence on the other planets like pluto?

You're a fucking retard and that is a new age cult

what? Perhaps, because you are a retard, you misunderstand to think I mean 100% of life on every single planet in existence.

Really? Fantastic response. The link I provided has videos, many, that you would struggle to explain. Take another look jackass


that is extremely weird because ET craft typically don't "fly" the way we think of it with jet engines and ejectors, but rather via manipulation of anti-grav systems. Why they can make such sudden turns and accelerate so fast

I think there's maybe 10% chance of life
1 percent for advanced life

Looks like something entering the atmosphere and exploding into a fine mist to me.

I'm of the opinion we are the first intelligent life form in the galaxy, maybe in the universe.

>Naval Trident test over LA 11-7-15

>implying we're not trapped the same as any other life out there

your opinion of reality and understanding of the infinite is limited by thinking creation revolves around you

They're already here user

Ha.. 10 percent.. Try 100.. You seriously think you live on the only place with life?

Aliens exist but are too far away to interact with at human scales. The dumbest thing you can do is shout "here I am" because the moment you do an interstellar missile will slowly start building speed towards your planet.

Ask yourself, (OP), what's the chance of life existing in the universe.

Now look at yourself.

Its 100%. Its not whether life exists beyond our earth or not, but rather WHERE.

There us definitely life on other planets that can sustain life. We'll never encounter it because said planets are so far away it would take several lifetimes to reach them at speeds we can not achieve.

I go as far as wanting to believe in sightings like these. NASA taking down their stream just very odd things appear.
What was with that Canadian intelligence guy claiming we're in contact and work (more or less) with multiple different alien races on earth?

Wouldn't there be a much greater chance of an intelligent human level species deep in the ocean ala Abyss given what we know about the abundance of life on earth?

How the fuck do you delusional assholes say with such certainty that we have not contacted aliens? Countless documents and former high level government employees have outright said we are. It is very possible this planet has been visited by other beings well before humans even existed.. Do you even have a clue where humans really came from? Besides what was written in some book.. Hell no. We look pretty strange compared to other life on this planet no? Fuck outta here.. Be open minded to all possibilities, you don't know shit.. And that is the only truth.

The universe is infinite, thus there must be an infinite ammount of possibilites of alien life

>Being this fucking retarded
>Not realizing that there are 3 trillion galaxies in the observable universe
>Not realizing that there are civilizations that likely started millions or even billions of years before humans even existed

Even if only 1 percent of those 3 trillion galaxies had life (which is in itself, highly improbable), that's still 30 billion that contain life. You're a massive faggot if you think that our planet is the only with life in the entire universe.

It's mathematically impossible for there not to be other advanced intelligent civilizations in the universe, trillions of galaxies, with trillions and trillions of stars in each, the problem is the size of the universe, even with light speed travel we never will be able to contact or encounter another one.

Correct, which is why faster than light travel must be developed at all costs. Going faster than light is only impossible with our current understanding of physics, it is simply fact that wherever humans put their money and their minds that they accomplish whatever they want. Maybe we could stop blowing up brown people in the middle east and save hundreds of billions of dollars a year on war, and instead use to colonize other planets. That's a pipe dream though, humans will never stop going to war with one another.

No. You would need the equivalent of the energy contained in a star to achieve decent space travel.

if we got rid of jews and niggers and sandbaggers and canadians and australians we could live in piece

>Even if only 1 percent of those 3 trillion galaxies had life (which is in itself, highly improbable), that's still 30 billion that contain life.
>1 percent
What percentage of earth's existence has intelligent life existed, why did you pick 1% when no where near 1% of the known universe is occupied by matter?

What if the odds are more like half of one billionth of one trillionth percent?

The question you should be asking, is when are they coming back?

there is nothing outside, the earth is flat you fucking moron

the chance is unknowable until falsifiable

That's just a rocket going through some thin clouds.

aliums most definitely exist, the only question is if they are intelligent to the same degree we are

and even if they are intelligent detecting them is very very difficult. Like, think about human development- we've only had access to space travel and radio transmissions for a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of our existence. It's pretty unlikely anyone would discover us in that time, and visa versa.

since we haven't discovered anything indicative of a super-developed alien intelligence (stuff like dyson spheres or radio broadcasts etc) it's likely there aren't any of those around. And those are the MOST likely types of alien, since it's very very unlikely we'll find aliens who just so happened to be on the same technology level as us. So odds are definitely in favor of there not being any aliens in our general vicinity with super technology even if life is relatively abundant in the universe.

There are probably millions of alien species out there, just none that can bridge the unfathomable distances between stars, let alone galaxies

Okay.. We went from riding fucking horses to having atomic bombs and quantum computers.. If you think people just magically came up with that shit on their own... phew

There's a 100% chance of life being "out there". And there's no way to know whether or not it would benefit us to make contact. We had no idea of knowing how other life evolved or what kind of form they take, let alone whether or not they are hostile.

>implying it doesn't


if we invested a greater amount of money in the american education system, you'd be able to spell "peace"

It's guaranteed that they are out there. Did they visit Earth? Can they visit Earth? Can they detect Earth? Do they have reliable interstellar tech? Is it possible for any life to have reliable interstellar tech? Is it possible for any life to detect and communicate with the other life?

All of these are open questions.

That's because technology in general is exponential.

When a discovery is made it enables a slew of new technologies. Those technologies are in turn used to make new discoveries, and so on.

If spacetime is infinite anything is possible.

He's talking about percentage of galaxies, not percentage of space you silly goose. He's also trying to counter the assertion that human beings are the FIRST intelligent life, regardless of whether other intelligent forms of life still exist.

Sure if you don't know about all the shit that came between because you are still in the fifth grade and the most you know from school is horses and shit, but you are familiar with all the modern stuff from living it and receiving propaganda.

what if something other than spacetime existed that we can't comprehend

>If spacetime is infinite

it isnt

The scales of the universe mean that both that which is rare is abundant and that which is abundant is rare.
Is there life besides Earth? There must be. But, the universe is so large that we will very likely never be able to find it.
>At any point in time you sneeze it is likely someone else sneezes as well, but what are the chances of you sneezing on each other?

Galaxies are found in space and intelligent life is found in galaxies, I was using similar phenomenon to get him to justify such a high estimate as 1%.

Do you have your documentation posted somewhere that we can review your measurements?

They are almost certainly out there but also almost certainly have never been here, or anywhere else far from their own planet.

This is why I think SETI is a waste of time/money.
Even if there were intelligent species transmitting signals from some other star or galaxy, the odds of their signal produced in a particular moment in their history reaching us during a (relatively brief) particular moment in our history is unimaginably slim.
Nevermind that even if we did pick up an intelligent signal, in the time it took for the signal to reach us, the species that produced it has likely gone extinct.

that's till assuming that distance=time it's a theory that could be disproved given the right conditions

I hope we don't encounter anyone. Why? Because of the almost 99.99999% odds that they will enslave us.

Then again I think they are already here and have been for a long time.

Things jumped in an incredibly unnatural way. 99 percent of human history was no where near capable of what has happened in the past 200 years. I do not believe the answer is so simple as you put it.

like aliens


I get what your saying but just look at how the people who grew up from the 1900-1950's felt about "auto" mobiles

We are already enslaved by a shitty society and human condition, what if the technological advantages of their form of slavery is better than anything you could imagine what if watching you have the greatest sex and giving of the most pleasurable brain waves with the highest quality mate in the best health and wellness is their form of slavery?

That still doesn't account for any of it. Humans made more progress in 100 years than the rest of their claimed existence.

I think the better question is, is there intelligent alien life. Whether it's a grown animal or a bit of bacteria its all alien life, it's the intelligent life everyone wants to find

>Do they have even a 10% chance of being out there /pol?
how would we have ANY way of evaluating such a probability?
we dont know shit
the earth might well as be flat, considering our level at which our heads are stuck up our own asses, we wouldnt realize
>As things stand do you think it would benefit the earth if we did make contact?
the earth maybe (i think not) but it would destroy us
that's what happens to any culture that meets an overwhelmingly superior one, the sup one doesnt even need to be aggressive or violent in any way, just knowing they exist kills/dumbsdown/debilitates the retards in short order


>struggle to explain
whoa sounds like you have the smoking gun of hardcore evidence right there, user!!


>ET craft
a fucking LEAF
they're UFOs syrup boy, not "ET CRAFTS".

nah we're the only intelligent species in the universe and you know why?because we live under a dome called the firmament and the earth is a plane, a realm unto itself, therefore it has no edges

I hope so. Earth is depressing. I would leave with them if they offered me the opportunity.

There is no way of knowing for sure until we actually go out there, which at this rate will take hundreds or even thousands of years. Honestly I think that Western civilization will collapse (again) before we make it to the stars.

I believe the universe is full of intelligent species, and some of them are aware of us, but hide themselves until we reach a certain point in development.

It's not really a question of if, it's a question of

1. Are they intelligent in a way recognizable to us/can they be communicated with?

2. Do natural laws allow FTL travel efficient enough to even bother trying to reach them before the Heat Death of the universe?

3. If so, will we be able to use it cautiously and not accidentally claim lebensraum in the domain of someone who could wreck our shit?

Yea, my point was that his conclusions relied on calculations with no basis in reality.

Your real mistake is thinking Minkowski spacetime is the only place we'll find them.

Go watch the Carl Sagan video on "flatland".

>are they out there?
>will we ever make contact?
no. we broadcast to much shit that was clearly not standard radio noise from a star. given enough time they would be able to decipher our analog signals and even our languages and know we are not to be trusted

we are more likely to be slated for destruction and never meet our executioners than even have a independence day / mars attacks event. a astroid flung with electro magnetism because its core is a natural steel nickel alloy from 3 solar system away. its speed traveling here is meaningless given its mass and our own planets gravity

Faggot. ET craft implies it is, literally ET craft. UFO is anything unidentified and flying. By the way fucktard, we have tech that would pass for ET. It's an important difference

>we are more likely to be slated for destruction and never meet our executioners

That's the real trick isn't it. The one thing we can know for certain about any intelligent alien life is that they'll look out for their own survival before they ever consider ours.

Thing is, if you encounter a species capable of intersteller travel, or even one capable of making contact, it implies a fuckton of implications about them due to them being able to do so at all.

It implies they're a credible enough threat that they could with relatively basic math and some propulsion end you at a moment's notice.

If you're crafty enough at survival to take over your own planet, you'll have an intimate knowledge of potential threats and how to respond.

That's believing in a scaling of science that just isn't realistic. There have been no big breakthroughs in construction, energy sources or propulsion in the last few decades that would make interstellar travel or even colonization feasible. The breakthroughs have been on the small scale, such as computing or bioengineering. Everything else has been incremental. We're basically still struggling with the same challenges the Apollo missions did, just on a slightly better level.

So while it is highly likely that the universe is chock full of life and that there should be many intelligent aliens or their remains, everyone is probably trapped in their own solar system. Economics and engineering put a soft, but very heavy cap on large scale spaceflight and expansion, and we know of nothing that would break this barrier and that seems realistically achievable.

100% chance there is alien life somewhere in the universe

close to 0% chance that we will communicate with intelligent alien life

You don't need FTL travel to colonize the galaxy. Just imagine an alien species that builds generation ships and travels hundreds or thousands of years from star to star. in a few million years they could spread over the entire milky way. the actual question here is the fermin paradox: why didn't we "see" them so far? and the most logical answer to me is, that they hide their signals from us

Such ships are so unbelievably expensive and difficult to engineer and maintain that this isn't as feasible as you think. And even if you managed too build one, along the centuries of travel, many, many things can and WILL go wrong. If not on the technical side, or the biological side (space radiation is a bitch), then on the social side. Even we on our home planet haven't had a society that was stable for such a long period. Even the tiniest upheavel would mean the end of a society that is as reliant upon duty and order as the crew of a fragile vessel (remember, it has to be completely autonomous for far longer than anything else we've ever built).

They exist both positive and negative. They have been here long b4 modern homosapien in fact the have altered our genetics as we and this planet are cinsidered a "grand experiment". The Infinite Creator and the luciferian agenda are real, a galactic spritual war has been ongoing for eons. The Creator has sent the a-team, we will be free and change the world.

What do you think the chances are that we are the most advanced race in the universe so far?

As unlikely as it would be it's still not impossible

I think either 1 of these 3 are the most likely:
>everything else is just slightly above at or below our technology level
>there are far more advanced beings but they still lack the technology to travel to us or long distance interstellar travel is impossible
>beings exist that can travel here but they choose not to for whatever reason

60 trillion stars not counting many more not observable with the naked eye, yet somehow we hairless mamilians are the only sentient life in the cosmos, go to bed kid.

As highly improbable as this is id say it's still possible as in a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance

Yeah they exist, ICE is apparently deporting a lot of them right now.

And as for the Fermi paradox, this is solved by my argument as well without the need for conspiracies or galactic games of hide-and-seek. If no one ever finds the money and time to send out missions, or if the missions are too difficult to create and maintain on the technical side, then of course there will never be contact. Undirected radio signals disperse into noise before reaching us, and directed ones are incredible unlikely to be randomly aimed at our planet and stay on focus. The occasional probes which are guaranteed to travel across the galaxy are too small in size and number to ever be detected by accident, since they'll have become pretty wreckage by the time they reach other stars.

i'm not saying we would be able to build a generation ship now. but in a a few more hundred years of further technological progress? yes, i think it'll be possible at some point.
it doesn't matter how many missions fail if you try often enough and have a few millions years of time. and that's the point: i believe there is at least one species who already did it. maybe many, who knows

I don't think the oceans are that deep that we could not have noticed them

Eventually you'd see something in the water that was unnatural but a human didn't make

The cosmos is 60 percent homminoid sentient beings, your math and logic are absolutely retarded and shameful, do you even fermi paradox?