Who was in the wrong Sup Forums? Do you think the teacher will face repercussions?
Teacher vs Student
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>nigger nigging out
>teacher trying to do his job
gee i sure wonder who was in the wrong
just being a nigger
Blacks are always in the wrong in these situations. Depends on what state they live in if the teacher gets in trouble.
If this happened 2 or 3 years ago the teach for sure would have been fired already, but public opinion is swinging and people are getting tired of shitty kids getting away with everything.
Hopefully not. People are tired of niggers screaming "racism" for everything. Niggers attribute every hardship, every difficulty, every discomfort or slight annoyance to racism. What they believe to be racism is simply the human condition.
>Do you think the teacher will face repercussions?
Why? He didn't shoot him after all.
What's a 20 yr old nigger doing in a classroom full of 13 yr olds any-fucking-ways.
the teachers pretty based, he's also every gym teacher ever.
Nobody wants to be called a nigger except other niggers.
The teacher sounds like Kurt Angle kek, but he called this dumb nig out on his shit and wasn't going to get baited into hitting him. Nigger was definitely raised by a single mother
Of course the student was a fucking nigger so he dindu nuffin so the teacher will probably be fired
Teacher will be fired for racist behavior and assault on a miner.
How the fuck is that "kid" as tall as the teacher? Are niggers even human?
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger, the black kid called me a nigger!
First off manlet detected
Second of, look at the class, this is either a group of freshmen in college, or high school seniors, as in, people who have basically reached their pinnacle of height
manlet teacher
Student should be expelled and sent to the real nigga school.
Then he will learn what happens to bitches.
We need more teachers like this guy. Hell, a lot of teens need someone like him in their homes to lay the law down.
The teacher could have handled the situation better but man I really hate those students who are clearly disrespectful but act like the victim when the teacher disciplines them. Obviously, yelling at the kid like a giant gorilla isn't going to help, though.
you just gotta be held back 7 times for that to happen
He's like 5 11 and the teacher is like 5 10. Also the teacher might have been just astall when he stood up straight. God you are such a pussy. There were white kids in my school who were 6 í.
6 8
Are niggers even human?
Niggers are worthless baboons. Send them all to Africa.
Where the fuck did this happen? Also thats a gym class wtf?
Thread theme
And once you finish that one, here's another Johnny Rebel classic:
That teacher has poor impulse control for an adult.
No they're baboons. They have only one brain cell, the "respek" neuron. If it doesn't fire, they chimp out.
You have much to learn cumskin
technically no.
He had to deal with the kid for an entire semester
Of course. He's a manlet.
typical Sup Forums user if they were in blackschool, some of you are alright
You're a pretty based leaf.
We had one or two teachers on steroids back in high school. We never fucked with them. Then again the school was like 70% white
fucking niggers
Coal or silver?
Teacher should have just asked him to leave twice then have him removed by campus security. Fuck all that bad noise, people there to learn how to be physically fit, not watch South African Parliament.
Student should be expelled.
Teacher lost as soon as he said nigger. He was in the right until he said that because no one will defend him now regardless of what he said was actually right. Should of called the cops and principal to have the student escorted out.
He has good impulse control. I would have knocked the fuck out of the little bastard.
you're a stupid nigger
i don't know why gym teachers are so high strung
they have the easiest job of any teacher
i mean unless he's a part time coach i just don't get it
Sure am senpai :^)
Not really. He would've lost if he called him nigger. The context matters, right after that he said you shouldn't call anyone of any race a nigger. It looked like a good chunk of the class was on his side too. The kids probably a dumb asshole whose been fucking with him the whole year.
>Y'all gotta understand that we're saying Nigga, not nigger. There's a huge difference. No matter how racist y'all want black people to sound saying Nigga, it's not gonna happen cause we don't mean Nigga in a racial way. the sentence "that's my Nigga" has so many different meanings and none of them have anything to do with race..so you sound stupid for calling us racist. Even if a black person were to call a white person a nigger, that doesn't even make sense,and it shouldn't even offend the white person. the same way if an Asian person called me a chink
I'd probably just be like, "wtf, OK lol." cause why tf would I be mad at such a dumb insult that has nothing to do with me in any way at all.
It doesn't work that way
>american education
Context doesn't matter in America today, especially in the educational community. Once the parents hear he said the nigger word that's all they'll hear and he'll get fired.
They've been told that they're just as capable as white people. If one accepts that as a premise, racism must be what's holding them back. White people getting ahead can only be explained by them taking from other people. From "all races are equal" one inevitably gets to incoherent WE WAZing.
Richard Pryor said it best. If dumb nigs stopped using "nigga" to try and "take it back" or some other dumb shit, way less people would be using that word now. Do you see asians calling each other my chinka or latinos calling each other my spicca? No, cause it's fucking retarded and way less people use those words. Also they make a distinction between the hard r and the soft r but at the end of the day, if a non black dude says it in the wrong neighborhood, they're gonna get their ass beat regardless of hard r or not.
how are they swearing so much? Isn't the teacher in the room? And why so many niggers?
The nigger is at fault. If you went to school with them you'd know its true. They act like disrespectful, loud, obnoxious pieces of shit. This is why corporal punishment needs to come back. Niggers need to be whipped.
Niggers are by far the worst. They especially get mad at teachers who represnet good father figures, they don't know how to react
Seriously, I know Sup Forums loves to jump on niggers whenever the chance arises, but fucking watch the video.
It's a grown adult screaming in the face of a fucking child. I don't give a shit what race either is, that is not shit that should be happening in a classroom.
Teacher should be fired, student should be expelled, state schools should be abolished.
If niggers were so powerful then why are they still building huts In Africa
This is common nigger behavior in school
This is the same disrespect in just about every classroom I've ever been in. It's a culture they learn from gangs and rap and what not.
Niggers need to be set straight
Make corporal punishment great again.
>be exmarine
>fight tooth and nail for country
>unable to find a decent job
>take up PE Job because how hard can it be
>class starts
>wanna be king ape is disrespectful every day
>politely ask him to stop talking and let me teach
>ape calls me nigger and says he doesn't give a fuck
>get angry and tell him to leave
>ape starts chimping out
>have to yell to get over the sound of him
>marine instincts kick in
>imitating my drill sergeant
>ape still doesn't leave
>Few days later
>video went viral
>called into administration building
>shit on for yelling at a misunderstood and poverty stricken child
>put on probation without pay
>have to starve to pay bills and stay in house
>liberals still don't see a problem with this
that black kid sounds twice as intelligent as that teacher...
Alright, I hit trips twice in a row. I've never done this.
>that kid who thinks hes equal to the teacher and tries to debate
stop nigga
Please explain to us how you lil niglet shitskin living in a white built country
Why the fuck did this make me laugh.
>It's a grown adult screaming in the face of a fucking child.
Children younger than him have been tried as an adult for robbery, rape and murder.
Children younger than him have caught a bullet for pointing a gun at a cop.
Without knowing the context, we can both introduce all sorts of hypotheticals. But I've been to a public school in California with a high % of black students. I've seen good teachers worn down to hollow shells by these vicious fucks. I've also seen good teachers snap and lose it like said gym teacher in the vid. And since that shitskin was still flapping his ape lips and disrupting class like so many other shitskins I've seen making teachers' lives miserable, instead of, you know, sitting down, apologizing, shutting the fuck up and doing what they are told, I'm inclined to side with the teacher.
If any of you stupid cunts had to deal with mentally retarded nigger children every day you would have some mental erosion as well.
Lmao this is why public education is a meme. Literally wasted everyone else's time cause a teacher and a student had a disagreement.
I would pay extra not to put my kids through this shit.
>doesn't get physical
wow, super cool video OP, two guys screaming at eachother!
fuck off
>>those actual chimp screams
>Was expecting teacher to punch the kid
>Sorely disappointed.
Seriously this is noteworthy?
I literally question daily if public schooling can afford security. My assumption is a big fat no.
Never argue with a student.
Never negotiate with a student.
As long as they aren't fighting, let them go.
Take note of the incident and write it down on paper.
Fail the student.
If questioned, have your paper work ready to go.
The worst part is that this happens every day in schools across the country, and 99% of the time, our teachers are forced to take it.
I would rather die than ever have to work or attend again at a majority black school.
it somewhat correlates to muscle mass/testosterone levels. makes you chimp out a bit more.
I went to a HS where out of a graduating class of over 1000 we had about 20 niggers. Guess who were the disruptive ones all 4 years?
>sitting around on lady exercise balls
Why aren't they playing dodge ball or something?
Holy kek!
Because they all gotta wait for the teacher to start the lesson, but king nigger keeps interrupting him.
Niggers stop being children at ~15
This is why teachers are quitting in mass. They want nothing to do with ghetto schools as it's a complete loss cause. Also, I'd assume it's the guy with the beard on the right who says "Don't throw books you idiot", and "If I get up to kill somebody, it's not on me".
Shit's fucking crazy. Thank Christ I went to high end public schools in a rich area.
This is pretty much typical in The Land of the Free. Saw this shit on a daily basis at my high school. I feel bad for this teacher because he'll probably get fired. In a sane world, he would've slapped that chimp and put him in his place. That's now how things work here in this glorious, free, *democratic* country :^)
please delete that pic
He wouldn't even have to do that, lil' Chimp would never had made it that far to begin with. He would have flunked out by Jr high
lol reminds me of my dad
Or we'd have segregated schools so the actual students don't have to deal with these animals. Man at my school we'd have nigs escorted out by cops (not security, actual cops) regularly. Glad I escaped from that shithole.
Truth. In that situation you just report to principle or call in security. They always take the teachers word but you can't act like a drill Sargent these days in school.
>be a cuck or you'll hurt feefees
Fag. Wish you cucks had the balls the teacher does
It has nothing to do with balls, it's just a bad decision to risk losing your job like that. Seems to me the best situation is to ask the nigger to shut up and pay attention in class or to leave, and if he refuses to leave and continues to be disruptive call security to remove him.
>implying you could even build a hut
lel beat the fuck out of the nog :^)
kek so true
Why the fuck do I keep going into the comments?
>the first people on the Earth were black
It's true though
When did kids lose respect for teachers? And what is wrong with the teacher bollocking him? He was being a twat. Shouldn't have sworn at him though.