Honest question: Why wasn't it a problem when Obama put out a travel restriction?
Honest question: Why wasn't it a problem when Obama put out a travel restriction?
Have you compared the two?
why do those judges look so god damn jewish?
Are these (((judges))) all paid kikes?
he got a pass on all the bad stuff he did because he was black
Because it wasn't a ban, but restrictions on the visa waiver program.
Who is that fucker in the bottom left, holy shit, he can't be human
Protip: Obama never put a travel restriction
Well no shit. He's a leftist.
he just banned Iraqis from coming to America, that's all
it's ok when Obama did it, but when Twump does it DATS BWAAAAAD
No, he just made the visa acquiring process a little more difficult
>mfw you cucks actually believe alternative facts given by your autism leader without doing any research yourself first
No, he didn't.
He did it in secret and on the premise of a bowling Green terrorists threat. It's totally justified to compare two bans, Trump's is more wide reaching, public, and no specific threat exists. So basically he's just doing shit without false flagging the world trade center into rubble. I'll take a couple pissed off children over that any day.
>collapse of the rule of law
>millions dead and starving
These babies dont know the box they opened. Soon.
>No, he just made the visa acquiring process a little more difficult
No, he had a full immigration freeze from Iraq in 2011 for 6 months which resulted in the visa acquiring process becoming more difficult.
Bitch looks jewy.
Jewess confirmed whether her name or what she claims to the contrary says otherwise.
4 kikes walk into a court room
Trump walks out with a gaped asshole
The judges ruled a few things
1) that execution of the law was subject to the judiciary, not just the laws themselves.
2) that the establishment clause ("congress shall make no law establishing religion...") applied to the executive as well as the congress
3) that trump was in violation of the establishment clause while executing an unchalleged law, because of words that in no way pertained to the law or executive order.
there you go, that's the 9th circuit.