Religion is the source of all evil.
If it weren't for religion, we wouldn't have Zionist jews trying to fuck up western civilization.
We wouldn't have Islam either. Yet you claim to be redpilled because you believe in God. None of them exist and the world would be better off if we discussed actual problems instead of le magic man in the sky.
>inb4 morals can't exist without religion
Yes they can. This is a non-argument.
Religion is the source of all evil
Other urls found in this thread:
A lot of early man dedicated their lives to art and structures to these "gods" and religion created the... Nevermind
Weak bait OP
Why are the most ardent and vocal supporters of atheism Jewish, and heavily marxist leaning?
Prove his non existence
you cant
checkmate senpai
Fact: most jews are atheists.
>atheist communist regimes killed 100 million people
>every secular country in Europe has a birth rate lower than replacement rate
>70 percent of atheists are liberals who worship the state instead of God
Really makes you think
>No Islamic symbols
>what is agnosticism
This is why religious debate is pointless. We're essentially arguing over nothing.
You can believe whatever you want about god, religion, politics, but there's no escape from death and eternal punishment.
you'd be an atheist too if your god let a guy murder 6 million of you. Or wait, that never happeend.
I hate all religions. They're just fucking stupid. How can people STILL believe in them? These old ass stories about supernatural shit, how the fuck can you believe in that shit? I don't get it.
I can prove any god doesn't exist. Which would you prefer?
>Emphatically state God does not exist
>Lol I'm agnostic
Holy shit
>I know what happens after death
I assume you have already died before?
Congrats on becoming a senior in secondary school. Well done.
>>No Islamic symbols
Don't exist does not have a c
That was just to bait christcucks into this thread. My point is religion is pointless. Regardless if you believe a God exists or not you should keep it to yourself and not bother other people. This is essentially the spawn of Zionism and Islam wanting to fuck us over and you know it.
atheists who still have totemic belief, just in a political system rather than a deity
How about making it part of d?
>worship the state
christianity is when the jewing of the world started
prove me wrong
>protip: you absolutely can't x)
>eternal punishment.
wew lad that reminds me of the thing my ((((countrymen)))) want you to believe
You are being foolish. Religion did a lot of good and bad throughout history. Seeing history as black and white in virtually any way is just going to make you that much ore stupid.
Prove leprechauns don't exist.
Yes, but since you're a jew and your religion orders you to lie to goyim I can't trust you.
oh wait you already believe in that haha sorry good goy
You cannot be white if you're not at least a deist.
stop replying to shitty threads you dumb cunts
im a fedora
Deism was simply atheism before the theory of evolution explained the complexity Earth's ecosystems.
I know. Religion has done a lot of good things but it has eventually led to bad things too. I'm not saying that you should eradicate religion, since it's part of our history. I'm just saying IMO it should stay at a personal level and not be forced onto everyone. I'm okay with Christianity since it's a peaceful religion mostly but this sudden liberal fetish for Islam and wanting us to suck up their religion is bullshit. Doesn't help that it is NOT a religion of peace at all.
Whatever you say, Tyrone.
>Religion is pointless
Nice opinion
>Implying the Jews and Muslims are fucking us over because of their religious beliefs
Religion is merely an excuse for the behavior. Without religion I am fairly certain those amoral sociopaths and barbaric sand chimps would still be doing what they are doing
If you do not wish to see the positives of religion and separate yourself from the entire system then that is your choice but by making this thread and acting like an angry Jewish Atheist is not how you go about doing that.
We're already dead, this is hell.
I know, right? Funny how faggots are so ardently defendant of non-canon shit that was forced into idiots' brains 400 years after Jesus died. You kikes sure are crafty. Dare i say... THE ORIGINAL SUBVERSIVES?
>Religion is the source of all evil.
And naivety; lack of ability to critically think conditioned from birth. Being told what to believe does not fair well on the human mind.
This is one of the realist videos ive seen
Actually I was referring to the large scale positive effects of religion. I think we are better off without it today but historically speaking it had a uniting effect on the world. I would argue that Christianity and specifically the Papacy arbitrating disputes, creating a form of international law, is what kept Europe divided into nation-states instead of another iteration of the Roman Empire. That led to competition wich led to technological progress which led to Europe creating its global trade network and the world we have today.
>there's no escape from death and eternal punishment.
Good ol' loving creator. I wonder why so many people are turned away from our Father who loves us so much...
>this entire thread
That's because what you know as hell is actually a kike invention meant to cull the smarties. After all, anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see such blatant hypocrisy and instantly dishevel any attachment to God. All the while, the useful idiots can relish in their doublethink, perpetually enslaved to this kike version of God because they fear Hell.
It's a Win-Win scenario for them, really.
Double edged sword. Man is too weak to uphold morals for generations without religion
prove existence
4d chess - do you even play it? sad!
>if it weren't for christianity we wouldn't have western civilization
>being this retarded
Atheism is a Jewish Marxist anti-culture weapon and it is also the fastest shrinking religion in the world.
We're winning, big time. The defeat of atheism will be the end of most of our problems.
Not if Atheism is replaced by Islam, which seems very likely judging by the current state of the world.
religion isnt good or evil. people are evil... women who want power are super evil. the modern eras feminist take over is the source of 75% of all suffering globally
they forced countries to sponsor foreign aid. they forced countries to take in refugees. they demanded to be promoted to positions of authority then freak out when they fuck up and are not congratulated on how great their performance was
it was actually proven that women have a lower tolerance to criticism and even a few women in power have admitted it. even feminist admit it like that sarkesian bitch in front of the UN no less. she equated criticism to physical violence for a woman
if you dont get to question authority the species is doomed. they are pure evil
Evil men use religion (the study of life itself aka the subject people are most widely interested in) to gain more power. Evil is the source of all evil.
Saged and replied without reading.
>He saves pictures of toddlers on his hard drive
Seems about right
>Your entire post
>Insert Simpsons principal meme
"No, it can't be my worldview that is flawed, it must be the entire world that is wrong"