Tfw not white

>tfw not white

nobody wants damaged goods

It must be a troll, I can't believe it's serious.

>tfw nigger
>not even mentioned

Why would you want to trade down?


you have black woman nigger wtf is wrong with you?

that's hokay, let white boiis enjoy our sloppy seconds esse.

Your women are still practically virgins after your tiny beaner dicks have been inside them

whites are a plague to OUR planet. once we breed them down to small enough numbers we will put them in zoos for our enjoyment. cages while we fuck the remaining white womenz.

spics are a plague. God, why can't you retards stop drinking? I mean I love getting a little buzz, but holy fuck you are an entire race of alcoholics!

as a white man, why would anyone want a white bitch? white women can ONLY look good. the women of all other races can usually do actual things because they didn't have rich daddies to pamper them through their late twenties.

Have you dealt with black women on a consistent basis?

I like how alcoholism is okay on Sup Forums only if you're white

>do actual things
are you serious? non-white women have some of the lowest agency of any group on the planet. I mean maybe children?

I didn't say alcoholism is okay dummy

a buzz isn't the only thing you whites have that's little.

All women are shit, boys are best

Because your average spic is like 80% Indian. They're all drunks, they even drink mouth wash.

You aren't out breeding anyone.

The United States of America is 77% White [This includes white Spaniards]. You'd be a fool if you bought into the 52% meme, plus, with the upcoming mass deportations and increased border measures, you won't be touching our sweet sweet soil for a long time.

I can't speak for Europe, as i know they're going through quite the struggle right now but your fat mestizo ass won't be touching us for awhile.

Spics have smaller dicks than whites and niggers fool

This desu

>he saves nigger dick porn on his harddrive
shouldn't you save space? I know you guys get our old HDDs from the late 90s so it probably can't hold much

Dude the theater-wide liberty securing in US military assets in the Pacific last year was because of yet another one more drunken Mexican driving the wrong way. It is a regularly phenomenon that they drive the wrong way and kill people. Get drunk all you want but just hide the car keys first.

Girl looks mexican. Aztec blood there.

>that file name.

shill yourself.

I never understood cuck-posting.

>girl dates minority and then white guy
>lol white guy gets sloppy seconds

>girl dates white guy and then minority
>lol white guy got cucked

Not exactly related, but I always see this thinking, and topics such as this are pure cancer because they make posts like what I said acceptable.

Cortes should have finished the job you drug peddling spic

>believes what women say

desu i just saw this post on my normiebook and thought it was funny so i made a thread about it, i'm not full on cuckposting

i think most people who cuckpost are actual cucks using this as an outlet for their fantasy

>whites are a plague to OUR planet
this projection

>i have the authority to say who is white and whose not

And yet the most prolific alcoholics ive known are usually white protestants. Not to mention white businessmen (and congressmen) in my city regularly getting away with intox. vehicular manslaughter

really makes my almonds activate


jesus what's with non-whites and memes? I don't understand how it's possible to suck this bad at it.

I think it's how wordy it is, just comes off as tryhard and butthurt

>ive known
you live in a """""majority white""""" country so that's not surprising

He only saves his favorites

>you live in a """""majority white""""" country so that's not surprising
Which flag are you posting under again?

really made me hmmm

Brevity is the soul of wit

What will hispanics do about the swag fag epidemic plaguing their community?

you seem to be having a hard time reading tonight

>Wants a woman that fucks beaners.

>yfw you realize cuckposters are actually just affirming that whites are superior

And yet you put "majority white" in redditquotes, so I can't help but ask what did you mean by this self-contradiction

>Glorifying the eradication of two races
I see (((you)))

okay lol

anyway uh it's pretty clear what that post was implying, but i'll give you a hint since your autism seems to be tickled: the quotes have nothing to do with it and are just at a dig at how the US is almost minority white

Snagging a Latino girl is easy as fuck if you are white, but most white guys shy the fuck away from them for good reason.

Yeah but the hottest mestizo girls are still like 7-8 tops

Castizo girls can be straight up 10s, but they are not easy to get like mestizos

The last hope for whites like me are asian chicks, so

>If its yellow, let it mellow
>if its brown, flush it down

>the US is almost minority white
So then, bearing this in mind, why do you still insinuate that it's "nothing special lol" that all of the alcoholics I know are hwhyte protestants who ain't done nothin wrong?

really makes my script compile

>The last hope for whites like me are asian chicks