How does it feel being the worst board on the entire site?
How does it feel being the worst board on the entire site?
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Cool as tits, Come join us.
best board*
fixed it for you.
Couldn't tell you, I don't visit /lgbt/
We're not Sup Forums.
This is the best board in the world.
shut the fuck of fishnigger
That's reserved for Sup Forums.
Come on now, we had an irl meeting and went a little ape nuts.
Loving it honestly
This board lets me openly discuss about my globalist plans and how i'm going to depopulate the earth and enslave all of humanity
It feels great knowing the existence of a board not micromanaged by sycophantic hug-box faggots burns you up inside.
That makes it the best board.
you mean /mlp/
Most popular you mean?
fucking awesome. welcome to the neighborhood, welcome to Sup Forums.
I mean if this is the worst how great could the best be?
>mfw he doesn't say VIP is the best
I know what I said.
but that's Sup Forums
You tell me, faggot
>2016 year of Sup Forums
But is Sup Forums the year of 2017?
/r9k/ might be the most pathetic and depressing place on the Internet.
The amount of dysfunctional suicidal sad sacks on there is genuinely alarming
you meant Sup Forums right? At least Sup Forums can manage to create and discuss something
i'd be interested to know where you rank /d/
also /r9k/ and /mlp/
There's some fucked up opinions on here. But it's just opinions at the end of the day.
You should look up some of the history of Sup Forums. By far some of the most fucked up stuff that ever came on here.
Welcome friendo.
That title goes to /r9k/, not us. Those robots are far worse sad sacks. Either that or Sup Forums with their bread and circuses nonsense.
We may be offensive, but we at least tell the closest to a truth you can hear.
>worst board on the entire site
define "worst"
>that filename
>Sup Forums
>not the worst board
>Sup Forums
>not the runner up
>board tribalism
Kek not bad Pedro
>Worst board Sup Forums
>not /r9k/
How does it feel?
> considers Sup Forums worst board on fagchans
> didn't choose any other board on the site
good lord qa is beyond reddit tier.
>everyone has a inferiority complex
>critques other boards and gives pointers on how they think the website should be run
>is meaningless input as the mods dont actually use it to listen to the idiots
>is literally a defunct board that was used only twice
I just had to vent about how bad qa is holy shit
is there a board really worse than Sup Forums?
Did I suddenly go to /mlp/?
/mlp/ and Sup Forums share a lot of board members
with that I would have to say the worst board is probably [s4s]
I regularly have suicidal idealation, have multiple disabilities, have had about as easy go at life as you would expect. R9K hates me because I want to improve myself and my life which is normieshit.
What really makes r9k pathetic isn't how hard their lives are, it's their attitudes. They just want to convince themselves they're happiest not trying.
Why does /r9k/ attract that type of person in the first place?
Is it a fault of the board, you have to be original, so you just be the most beta-permavirgin you can? I feel like I'm missing something.
Sup Forums is the worst board. Everybody knows that.
Was I transported to Sup Forums?
/r9k/ is a side-effect of not having a healthy outlet for males to express their frustration at female hypergamy and the destruction of family values
it's not a problem itself, it just happens to amplify a huge societal one.
NAH thats sage
We elcted trump and made Brexit happen with our dank memes, while other boards were too busy rehashing plebbit stuff and posting anime.
Sup Forums is the best board and is always right
>/mlp/ and Sup Forums share a lot of board members
post ponies then, see what happens
Name 3 (mittsu) boards better than Sup Forums
Hard Mode: No /k/ or /out/
Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense. It's a "safe-space" for the guys that have been fucked over by feminism on society.
Obviously not going to do that, I leave all of that on its rightful board, and for the people who have been on /mlp/ for a decent amount of time you see Sup Forums posts pretty constantly especially around big events like the election
There is no need to be upset...
Sup Forums has big benis on 4can :DDDDD
Story sounds like bullshit. How would two siblings either not know the other is a furfag, not know each other's costume, be at the same party, and have sex with the one person you're related to out of everyone and not recognizing her from talking and having unprotected sex with a supposed complete strange without even knowing what they look like?
Naw, Sup Forums is the fucking worst. God awful taste, not a single decent thread in the entire catalog for days on end. It's actually worse than Sup Forums, at least Sup Forums has decent meme potential
furfag detected
/an/ and /ck/ are slightly better than /pol but have really slow traffic.
It was the worst board for the last few months but it's getting better now that the election as passed. Actual discussion is returning and there are fewer and fewer phoneposters spamming memes and nonarguments.
Topkek, m8. Its all tendies and mountain dew ratings or on the other end how to best activate your almonds for cooking.
Nah they're a good anime board that's correctly identified the problem with Sup Forums
/trash/ is the furfag board, discounting that time there was a /fur/
>implying there's one furfag board
furry pls
All I see are /soc/ thread evading deletion through memetics, HWNDU cancer, and normalfags shitposting about how better/white than everyone else or how mentally ill people need to man up. Fucking cancer.
>spouts off dank funny memes
I cringed
>unsurprisingly one post by this ID
>Op is also a massive faggot
>get drunk/high
>have sex
Not that hard, user. White trash does stupid shit all the time.
If I could get away with it I would light all of their fursuits on fire with the degenerate still inside
/mlp/ =/= furries
How does it feel being the worst post on the entire board?
>tfw I read this post in Star's voice
>feels like being the worst board