What do you guys think about this? Is the casualisation of violence against opposing viewpoints the new normal?

If I made a "punch trans" sticker I'd get my home firebombed, but these types of lefty propoganda are praised.

Other urls found in this thread:


>nazi is wearing a tie
Volksgenossen, this is a declaration of war against the working class!

Its the MSM, they literally been normalizing pedophilia for the past decade. Seeing this shit is literally small fry when you got news for hire feeding normies garbage 24/7.

But this type of brainwashing propoganda reaches the younger more impressionable crowd quicker than most ((((news)))) outlets outside of twitter & facebook right?

Where are these Nazis?

I have not seen one person wearing a swastika or advocating the death of certain people. That's what Nazis do, and I don't see anyone doing that.

I like the fact that the anti-war left is dead and gone forever.

i want them to try it in a state in which people carry

I agree.

let them try it for a bit

>Is the casualisation of violence against opposing viewpoints the new normal?
yes and we need to start using it against commies

Good. These pussies hate the 2nd Amendment. If this keeps escalating they'll be bringing knuckles to a gun fight.

I love this.
nazi's = trans people

this is fucking brillient.
trans = nazi's
how did I miss this?

It's been staring us in the fact this whole time. You know who loves nazi's, fucking furfags. You know waht else furfags love? foking traps!

We need to start memeing traps in nazi uniform and posting them on george soro's facebook account!


Antifa guy talking shit right now


Hope you goys have been training in prep for fisticuffs

Anybody who believes they're doing the right thing is allowed to punch anybody.

This is what the left has taught me.

Why are trump supporters such faggots when it comes to violence?

>punch trans
my sides.

fuck em do it anyway i'll buy one lol

Leftists will soon regret advocating political violence once they start getting thrown off of helicopters again.

We don't value terrorism. It tends to create shithole nations that no one wants to live in.

Help me understand.

>willfully neglect in engaging in violence and use it as a talking point
>wow what a bunch of faggots

meanwhile if this were different

>jackbooted citizenry crushing political opponents under their boots

So which is the one that works for your shitwit sensibilities? Do you want to bite the curb or talk it out? Which is less gay to you?

There is a bunch of Jewish media which normalizes the punching of Nazis.

People have decided it's righteous to punch Nazis even if it wasn't them that came up with that concept. They just like the idea of acceptable violence.

Never heard of calls to punch the WBC protestors or the Klan really.

Problem with this general attitude is they're normalising the idea that violence is an acceptable reaction to whatever they call "hate speech". I only see it backfiring on them as it only discredits themselves and humiliates larping Nazis. Win/Win for the right.

apple = atom bomb
The equal sign is pretty magic isn't it?
you = retard


stop being so scared
>willfully neglect
Running scared
>jackbooted citizenry
The right never do anything, they live vicariously through law enforcement



Daily reminder that all Antifa are SHOOT ON SIGHT

There's nothing wrong with vigilante violence inherently though. It's just that people are wrong to try and censor speech.

Violent intimidation in front of cameras is also just stupid. What's the point? You're actually probably going to Streisand effect and draw more attention to somebodies views.

Do what the government does, threaten somebody with extreme violence if they don't comply with you when nobody is looking. That's how they get criminals to do their bidding.

As a lefty. Right? We're gonna get fucking massacred.

We're gonna see a bunch of mom's in pink hats, blocking a freeway, get mowed down by some dude with an AR-15... and the government might back him as a hero.

Now that is scary distopian shit right there.

They're not normalizing "punching nazis", because they're yet to punch a single nazi. What they are doing is normalizing using violence against their political opponents.

You know, just like nazis did.

Self righteousness is a hell of a drug.

You're telling us to destroy our progress and the entire movement. Violence is political suicide if we don't control the media. They do. That's why they get free run of everything. You're literally just calling us pussies because we refuse to go trash every fucking brick we have to stand on.

>Richard Spencer isn't a Nazi because he said he's not a Nazi meme

you ever hear of the trojan war?
kallisti, baby

i wonder who could be behind this post

actually the national socialists generally baited marxists into attacking them, then they attacked back

>flag joke

>talk about violence
>talk about inatimate objects

He's not a member of the German national socialist party you stupid faggot.

You're dumb, and arrogant. You don't even know what you're talking about.

Trans aren't a hate group, they're just mentally fucked.

Nazi's are a hate group, thus hate should be delivered back to them.

you think we just train for big biceps ?

>vague kafkatrapping

The mosque lied to you , Muhammed

It's probably just a dumb Antifa member who has no understanding of anything.

>when you dress impeccably only to be turned into a degrading meme.

we hate the hate group
nice double think aids frodo

the punch was so pathetic, richard didnt drop from a running sucker punch and yet they glorify it so much because they get sent to the hospital every time they meet actual nazis.

nazis were a story of love for one's countrymen trumping the hatefulness of the jewry. at least, temporarily.

>when you're fucking handsome and then you get a dumb haircut


>aids frodo

The word Nazi was hate speech in Germany at the time, literally translated it was "despite speech."

Why is it not a hate crime here in 1984?

Nice non-sequitur faggot. The moment we start knocking skulls, it's over. Trump, us, the right-wing renaissance, fucking everything. It's a TRAP, it's what they WANT US TO DO, why can't you get that through your thick fucking skull? There is NOTHING to gain by behaving like a bunch of inbred redneck klansmen instead of FIGHTING THE WAR THAT WE ALREADY KNOW WE'RE WINNING.

Violence is beneath us. Violence is for niggers and antifa commies, because they are capable of nothing more. We will commit to violence when we are in control and have a real need to use it. Bashing in self-defeating antifa skulls is a pointless waste of people's freedom when they are far more useful at their computers, furthering the cause, and influencing the masses. The left MUST be forced to maintain a monopoly on illegitimate force. It must be their biggest mistake and their greatest downfall.

Let them do it, let them show the average person that they are incapable of doing anything without resorting to violence, it will cause one of 2 things

>deligitimize their platform, destroying any hope they have of coming back within 8 years and getting race relations back on track
>normalize violence in politics, allowing the right to fight back once provoked and be completely justified due to precedent, and they'll be hailed as heroes for going so long without fighting back

The first is more preferable because it is a long term solution with long term results, the latter is much more satisfying howevet.

>Advocates peaceful ethnic cleansing to create white homeland
>Imitates Nazi rallies
>Quotes nazi propaganda
>He's not a nazi, he's not German, t-thats a kafkatrap

No, you are just soft

How convenient that the right in the US never does anything and now that Trump is president they won't do anything because they "are above it"

Liberals are annoying for the same reason

Then do it. Go fucking do it and see what fucking happens to you. See what you can accomplish.

Hint. It's fucking nothing. You will accomplish NOTHING.

So what I'm getting is that we ought to be rounding you people up and putting you to firing squads?


Nah, just more of this. Lots.

Anyone notice that absolute stunning silence from Antifa after Berkeley? Leftist leadership is cutting them off and disavowing their actions because they realize how severely damaging the aftermath was in the national news cycle. Protest operations are being strictly curtailed--it's why there have only been low energy gatherings of weekend warrior activists who are more interested in flirting with other weak commies than serving up some social justice. Antifa leaders got told to put a lid on it or their funding is cut and the last couple days is the result.

I feel like my 1st point is worded wrongly, I mean once they make themselves look like idiots and ruin their chances of winning any elections for the next 8 years we can finally get race relations on a path forward since the virtue signalling liberals will be gone

>cheap potshot then flee
They never stick around cause they know they cant hold their own in actual 1on1 combat.

Try it faggot, everyone has guns so it should be interesting

>more interested in flirting with other weak commies
This is seriously why people go to those things.

I'm guessing you're not an American but if you are I'm going to enjoy painting the town square with your brains.

You act as though you just did something clever but that's exactly correct. You've been completely blown the fuck out, and then explained how as though that would change it.

You won't do shit, all talk just like the alt-right. Go role-play on /x/

>traps in nazi uniform
Where can I get one?


>He-shewolf of the SS

People that are Nazis don't say they are Nazis typically.

Richard Spencer is the worlds most unconvincing crypto-Nazi. Anybody with common sense can see he's a Nazi that says he isn't a Nazi, that's why the left loves running stories about him. Spreads FUD about the right wing.

You're a pretty naive guy.

Post a meet-up location and time then amenable to you.

I know you're being ironic but you're factually correct.

>You won't do shit, all talk just like the alt-right.
Yet Trump is president.

'Won't do shit' indeed.

>wont do shit
>too smart to fall for twiggy liberal traps so you can tweet about how a Trump supporter attacked you

This trend of "durr hurr let's punch the Nazis" is an obvious ploy to justify beating Trump supporters. Every person that doesn't conform to their insane leftist beliefs is a "Nazi" to these people but obviously white Trump supporters are their main targets. These pussies could not beat anyone up in a fair fight and they would never dare punch a black Trump supporter (since they apparently don't exist).

nazi=advocates genocide and the destruction of his homeland
trans=advocates being a disgusting faggot with getting his ass kicked

honestly id prefer to punch both

I look forward to how they'll explain it when one of them does try cheapshotting a black Trump supporter & gets beat down.

>this black Trump supporter is actually white & thats not cool

You fools just don't know how to identify crypto-Nazis.

Be like based Vidal.

>Believing there was a genocide
>Shiggity Diggity

As an older guy suffering the juddering throes of the red pill even as we speak, I can testify to how scary and exhilarating it is to see the last forty years of culture shifting and rearranging themselves into entirely new configurations under the pill's effects.

I remember finding this scene from Woody Allen's "Manhattan" funny and touching and even morally admirable back when the movie came out in 1979:


Forty years later, now that the Left have revealed themselves as the true fascists, it doesn't seem so cute.

Certain puzzling anomalies in Allen's 1970s character also seem, with forty years' hindsight, much less like anomalies.

In 2017 we have no problem understanding how a nervous, super-polite, liberal intellectual could suddenly go all "Pigs In a Blanket, Fry Like Bacon" when confronted by a cop doing his job, like in this clip from 1978's "Annie Hall":


And don't even get me started on how much sense it now makes for me that the charming, dorky, sexual beta of "Play It Again, Sam" and Allen's other 60s and 70s movies should have turned out to have been a sexual predator on his own adopted children.

How come a hipster is being punched in the logo?

Every victim of that antifa mob should sue Soros for a billion.

Never forget the 2 million, its a tragedy that Hitler murdered 4 million jews, we must honor the 6 million we lost to hate!

same. I would like them to try. I notice in all their videos they are chicken armed manlet faggots

I'm not going to get an answer because leftists are cowards and deathly afraid of confrontation.

Now THAT seems like a workable idea.

Looks like its punching obama in a wig desu


>give me a location and time on Sup Forums
you are retarded, you spent half the thread being a liberal pussy and now the fake tough guy act comes out


This. By resorting to violence we'll just quench the flames of the movement.
Just think of how hard the MSM is trying to make the Quebec mosque shooter look like an act of rampant terror, despite the literal thousands of sexual assaults happening in Europe on a weekly basis.

If we fall prey to the trap of violence, they will use the control of the narrative they have with the public to completely destroy any hope of forward momentum.

We should fight back and start spreading punch liberals photos.

They're all pussies and faggots. They don't really want to fight anyone. They just want to talk tough.

There is nothing wrong with deporting ghetto nigs to Liberia.


Come to a fucking red state faggot and see exactly what we think of it. Oh wait, you GUYS ARE ALL BLUE STATE CITY QUEERS, can't muster the balls to come to where the actual Trump supports are can you. Bunch of fucking banana dicked faggots. Stay in your safe space cities, cause out here we will fucking hang you.

I hope everyone with that haircut starts getting punched.

>let's punch random people and call them nazi because they probably disagree with me.

Yeah because this won't radicalize people even more, right?

> Get sucker punched out of the blue
> They're already running away
> Come to your senses
> Draw
> See that they're running away
> Go to jail if you shoot them
> Probably go to jail anyway for having a weapon, which is against Muh liberal feels

Welcome to the US, where the state protects and enables the dumb people.

>we-we'll hang you
I'm so scared of some faggot in Hicksville.
Go suck Putin's cock T R U M P F A G

they already did in Seattle (WA has carry and stand your ground)
the user who used his CCW was let off due to self defense


It's splendid because street violence is a two-way street and right wingers are far more competent at it.

the funny part of this is that i live in a small town of around 50k people and IF some lefty starts to chimp out we will visit them all at home...