Why do so many whites dedicate their spiritual lives to a man who was a kike and a cuck?

Why do so many whites dedicate their spiritual lives to a man who was a kike and a cuck?

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suck my cock dude

Your gods died against frost giants and are ultimately defeated. My god died and was resurrected 3 days later and will reign victorious forever.

my god brought himself back to life. your god is still dead

These are the extent of the the anti-christian "saviors of the white race"

this, christianity is the one true religion

my god made your god and you too

if you kill your enemies they win: The God

Because that's the religion my ancestors converted to a thousand years ago and I want to honor them. The pagan gods lost dude, deal with it.

Your God carries a hammer.
Your God's religion is fucking irrelevant.
My God's religion is the largest in the world.
My God's religion is forever embedded into western civilization.

Eat shit and die, you neo-pagan faggot.


reminder that Odin got nailed to a tree too

dis manz gets it

Nah, man. He's so powerful that death has no power over him. He died and rose again. He will win regardless.


Thor is our ancestor, he should be honored and aspired to, but he is not capital-G God.

I am sorry but is your religion practiced by millions? Deus vult pagan.

>My God's religion is forever embedded into western civilization.

Thursday = Thors Day
Friday = Frey Day


What is this weird syncretic religion? What do you think Thor is?

Your "religion" is dead, your idols are blasphemed by LARPers.

Christianity in all its forms is still very much alive and a vibrant cultural force.

you dun got trips m8
right on

Hung from a tree. By himself

Well duh. How many do you expect to be able to hang from a single tree?

He conquered the grave, everybody wins who chooses to believe in him

> "muh day names"

Kill yourself.

At least I dont worship a jew.

Not an argument.

Keep sucking zogs dick.

He still kills his enemies, read revelation. Meanwhile the whole story of ragnarok is how the final battle between the gods and the giants ends with the gods dying.

>ANYTHING other than shit tier

They were terrible, lad.
They weren't known as feared warriors to anyone who wasn't a shit-dwelling peasant who couldn't defend himself or a church-dwelling monk who wasn't allowed to.

To Kings and Commanders, Vikings were annoying little cunts no different to rats feeding on carrion.


It was a "God fucking damn it Sven would you just fuck off already you annoying little cunt"

Even in fucking IRELAND, the bogniggers dispatched Vikings with ease and efficiency.



The only ones that were Vikings were the ones that went on raids. "Viking" isn't just a term for snow-niggers.

Honestly, Swede, it must be fucking humiliating that the proudest, most nationalistic point in your history is a bunch of pale apes bickering over which patch of tundra-ridden shithole was rightfully theirs, and which faggot got to go and "raid" some poorly defended faggots along the coasts.


All it took to rid the developed world of Norse was a fielded army, something that Norsefags never, ever, ever got the hang of.

No self-respecting white man would ever want to come from Vikings, because Vikings represent the destruction and corruption of everything white people created in Europe, aka, the civilized world.

Snow niggers stay in fucking Scandinavia, your legacy is to prove to Europe just how cucked a country can become.

Now fuck off. Your wife is calling. (Not for you)

>My god carries a hammer
No, your god is dead because he was eaten by a fucking dog. Or no, wait, that was Odin, Thor was eaten by snakes or something. Or was that the faggot from Vikings? Whatever.

My God created a homonculus which was crucified by Romans and then returned to the Godhead, his sacrifice complete, to redeem the spirit of mankind.

Kinda sounds like Pagans are weak faggots who lost their war with Christianity and are now extreeeeemely bitter and impotent that their degenerate murder-cult has been relegated to the trashbin of history. All that remains of Norse "paganism" are the fanfiction scribblings of Christian writers like Snorri--because of course, only the Christians knew how to fucking read.

Embaressing TBQH m80.

I would rather not worship something if I have to bend the knee to a jew.

Ridiculous, while being an israelite, Jesus condemns the wickedness of the jews.

Go kneel before your jew idol. kys.

During His lifetime, no persons were described as "Jews" anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the ancestors of those who today style themselves "Jews". Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their "homeland", and were known as Khazars. In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described or referred to as a "Jew". The term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the term Judean and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion, just as the term "Texan" signifies a person living in Texas.

In spite of the powerful propaganda effort of the so-called "Jews", they have been unable to prove in recorded history that there is one record, prior to that period, of a race religion or nationality, referred to as "Jew". The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same.

Jesus abhorred and denounced "Pharisaism"; hence the words, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".


> Vibrant cultural force
Ahh yes the nigger tranny worship coming from the Church these days is quite strong.


pic EXTREMELY related.


Get lost on your way to /LGBT/ kiddo? This is a Christian board.

Jesus was a jew. You worship him. Just because he talks about the wickedness of his own people doesnt mean hes not still a dirty juden. Now go give your shekels to your little jew god this sunday if you give enough he might forgive you..

Ragnarok was actually the event that made the world formless and void in genesis 1:2.

You know Jesus wasn't a fan of (((merchants))) right? I mean, you do know what you're talking about?

Idolatry is forbidden.


Not a whole lot of degenerate homosexual pirate gods being mentioned here...

How ever you need to justify it to yourself when you worship a little naked jew baby or a cuck on a cross. Odin survives.

>thou shalt have no other God's before me
daily reminder that the Abrahamic religions don't deny that other gods exist, they only deny that they're worthy of worship

Sup Forums is a Christian board.

The most misunderstood thing about Ragnarök is the idea that it is the end. The world is reborn, a male and a female human repopulate the earth, some of the gods and goddesses survive, and others are reborn, most importantly, Baldr.
He pierced himself with his own spear and hung on the tree of his own accord for nine days peering into the well where the Norns used the runes to write the fates of men. He came out of the experience with understanding of the runes ("runes" meaning "secrets", but also the literal alphabet). It communicates the ideas of shamanism and (literal) self sacrifice.

>My God drinks semen

Fixed that for you queer. No wonder ancient norsemen converted once they saw the true divinity of Christ, they didn't want to have to keep on worshipping faggots.

>Get savagely BTFO
>H-huu huu huu my dogfood god is alive

Literally canon that Odin is dead, you loser. Then again the only reason we even know what Ragnarok is is that some Christians hd the good sense to write it down.

What ever they need to tell you to make the goy ok with jew worship. See look he talks about their wickedness and about the merchants hes a cool jew.. now give us your shekels and be forgiven.

Cause it makes them feel a false sense of security

You will burn in the fires of damnation heathen!

I will release your soul at the tip of my blade pagan scum!

Hey nord storm, remind me again about the part where Odin sucks the still warm jizz out of hanged countrymen.

The only good parts of all your Christians holidays Easter/ Christmas ect came from pagans or maybe yule logs and Christmas trees were in Bethlehem

The Hebrews of Israel are not the same as the kikes of today- who are mostly Khazarian Ashkenazim. This is like, an ironic meme because the word "kike" is literally representative of the kikes refusal to sign with crosses when immigrating into this country, just because Jesus Christ triggers them that much.

Meanwhile you worship a faggot who sucks dick.

I send my loveprayers to you fellow worshipman, praise to daddy god

If he does, he will die. He will not rise again. Why the hell would you worship a being who prophesies that he's bound to fail at being a badass and die? Why would you worship a god whose favor is fickle?

More men have lived and died for Christ than Odin. They have killed more honorably than Odin's followers have, and more abundantly so. If anyone deserves to dwell in Valhalla, it's Christians.

You're going to have to do more than gibber "B-But... Jew!" to convince anyone here, Sven.

I've always enjoyed that irony. If it weren't for a Christian Icelandic NEET autistically writing down oral tradition, nobody alive today would remember anything about viking myths.

Whatever you want to call a naked jew baby or that cuck on a cross you wear around you neck.

my god cucked yours long ago


and the literal feminist cults, you forgot to mention wiccan


This never happened you dipshits. This is on par with the "jizzus' dad got cuck'd xD" meme.

>being a good person who helps others makes you a cuck (aka a bad person that no one wants to be)
Fuck you.

And now yours is being cucked. All those French churches being turned into mosques.


Pagans on suicide watch


Yes the dark ages were very honorable. Id rather worship nothing than a religion tainted by "gods chosen" regardless of what version of the gods of Abraham you worship. I dont need a nice story to keep me warm at night. The world is cold and unforgiving and so are the Gods. Now go cuck out and give a donation so the jew can take credit for the local homeless shelter

No we just have a different opinion of what honorable means.

And remember that time Loki got raped by a horse and had a magical rape baby that Odin rides everywhere.


Yeah Norse Gods were all cucks.

The cause of this "Dark Age" was the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and the waves of invasions and raiding that followed it. Without the larger economy and administrative infrastructure of the Empire to sustain them, trade systems, large public works and educational systems all collapsed, contracted into local versions or died out in western Europe. And waves of invasions by various Germanic peoples, Avars, Moors, Magyars and Vikings (thanks pagan faggots) made mere survival a higher priority than things like preserving books or maintaining road systems.

The idea that Christianity caused or significantly contributed to the fall of the Western Empire has long since been rejected by modern historians. It clearly wasn't a significant factor, since while the Western Empire collapsed, the equally (or even more) Christian Eastern Empire continued for another 1000 years without collapsing and without any "Dark Age".

Who knew Vikings were so progressive! Sweden Yes!

The historical (as in, flesh and blood) existence of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is one of the most solidly confirmed historical accounts in human history.

The likelihood that He didn't rise from the dead is very small.

To believe in the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is to believe in history.

There is no historical proof that Odin ever existed. There is no proof that he does exist, or empowers his followers.

YOU were told a story. Repent or be damned, heathen.

Pagans lost the war the same way Christians are losing today against Islam. Muslisms will take over in Europe just as Christianity did over Paganism. Unless we Europeans go back to our roots and stop holding these Arabic fairy tales higher than where we came from.

Fugg pic is broken it should be spurdo

The fuck? I didnt even put a pic in that post

Rome fell when Constantine I converted which eventually lead to the empire splitting in two. Allowing the hordes to conquer Rome causing the Dark Ages.

Your god couldn't kill my disarmed and compliant God.

whats your god good for.