Is there a subtle way to communicate "I hate Islam; the Quran is a trash book" without triggering my shitlib friends? What's a sneaky way to diss the religion of peas?
Islam hate
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Just trigger you shitlib friends.
>having shitlib friends
every time I try to be subtle a brown person interjects with how much they also hate Islam and then we just go candid with it. Pajeets haven't forgotten the library burnings; Persians haven't forgotten the genocide of zoroastrians; etc etc. Everyone hates Muslims except white people lol
>having friends
Just start talking about how you just found out that Muhammad married a 6 year old. That you'd always thought Islam had got a bad rap; but you're having trouble understanding how they rationalize something like that.
That way you look like you're trying to be understanding; but you still redpill the libs. Its a win, win.
>I was thinking I should read up on this Islam thing everyones talking about
>figured it would give me a wider prespective of how they value things and give me a glimpse into what its like to be a muslim
>but then I read that Muhammed married and had sex with a 9 year old girl and it gave me flash backs of when I was molested by a family friend
or just start quoting the worst quotes out of it, or say it red like some kind of nazi fanfic with all the killing for no justifiable reason
Just say you hate Islam. Straight to their face.
This, I've used this tactic on various subjects and it works, it puts you both on the same conversational footing, "learning" together rather than one person imposing information.
Tell them to refute this:
All you will get in return is that "this is translated wrong" or "you are taking these 300 pages out of context!"
Trust me, it works every time.
Muslims marry their cousins. First cousins. It is disgusting, visceral, but not many people know it and it easily verified by neutral Google sources.
Easily the best place to start trashing Islam w a newbie.
Tell them that 1400 some years ago the jews plotted 9/11, but knew they would go down for it, so they created Islam to use as a scapegoat.
damn, where does she live?
THis shit doesn't work.
White people don't take the bible seriously so they think Muslims don't take the Quran seriously.
Only evangelicucks will take the quran seriously.
fucking kek
Share violent quotes directly from book
>I hate Islam
Just say you support human rights, and care about the well being of women in third world countries. That's pretty much the opposite of Islam.
Be a fedora and criticize Islam, Christiaanity and Judaism at the same time.
Pointing out how everyone agrees Scientology is shit, why can't we agree Islam is too when it is far far worse then Scientology?
You can also go further and pretend to care about LGBT rights.
Muslims hate gays and want all atheists to die might do the trick.
Then again liberalism is a mental disorder and it may backfire
Haven't you heard? Islam is actually a feminist religion, and it's misogynist to criticize the hijab. I mean, nuns cover their heads.
I shit you not, libs are spouting this. The final "wave" of feminism appears to be full-blown sharia law.
It's not surprising. In post-modern relativist fashion these people have lost their ability to picture the reality of their beliefs. They honestly think they can have their cake and eat it to, but don't see the cognitive dissonance. Ironically, to them Islamic culture is just a costume to wear while they imagine their leftist ideology will be unharmed.
Mention how Europe has had it for many years now and even though they are very enlightened compared to us, they support the exact Muslim Ban Trump wanted for the US on average. That Sweden let them in and it became the rape capital of the world.
That the religion had an initial push but is now failing to catch on and is more like a nuisance to Europeans and that it doesn't have meaning to modern people.