Okay, let's cut to the chase, which is that the "author" pushed a narrative by intentionally picking a bad picture of Steve Bannon and a good picture of Idris Elba. Oh, wait. There are no bad pictures of Idris Elba & no good pictures of Steve Bannon.
Okay, let's cut to the chase...
>president's main advisor (and as liberals keep trying to tell me, actually the president) is genetically superior to average actor
Just a reminder that Steve Bannon has never once expressed anti-black views.
The Jews are shilling hard.
post the video of the idris guy with his shirt off he looks pretty disgusting. you can see the chalky white dead skin, a disadvantage of being black they get chalky skin that is aesthetically unappealing, a lot of niggers actually use lotions and cocoa butter so it doesn't happen but it makes them smell like shit.
also in said video his eyes are all yellow jaundice looking just looks like a typical nigger.
also steve is like what 40 some years older? comparing a older guy to a young man in his prime isn't fair? also we're not accounting for mental faculities which i'm sure bannon is MUCH smater then this nig.
Whew, lad
can't imagine what you look like
>comparing a older guy to a young man in his prime isn't fair?
So an old white man is not genetically superior to a young black man?
>i'm sure bannon is MUCH smater then this nig.
you're joking, right, is this the average Sup Forums poster?
The Jew is posting about whites and blacks. He watches them both and tries to pit them against one another. This truly is nature at work.
Expect in most pictures his eyes and face aren't red. For a 63-year-old his appearance isn't too bad, and it gets away from the subject of what he has actually achieved.
cherry picking bullshit.
the white race on a whole is hundreds of times better hten niggers. there's no argument that can be made to make me or any realist believe otherwise. aesthetically and intellectually probably even physically when you account for hte fact that whites have better immune systems.
the left is just doing their low blows like they always do.
>For a 63-year-old his appearance isn't too bad
>Get a bad picture of an old guy and photoshop it to make it look even worse and than put it against a studio picture of a dude that's half his age.
Yeah sure.
I'm far from jew, probably less jew than you. Born & raised in the United States to Catholic parents of German blood.
One thing he hasn't achieved is genetic superiority to Idris Elba
nig beeflet who your wife flicks her bean off too and picks up large objects with no known intellectual capability vs. old businessman with leader of the world's ear and confidence
good one op
this isn't shopped at all:
& he still is far inferior to Idris. You're telling me that age plays a role in this.
>he doesn't know what genetics means
is Sup Forums this fucking stupid? you don't genetically become a businessman
marked and checked
OP is either a kike or shabboz goy.
look at this image his black tone of skin makes the dead skin cells very noticeable. also he has yellow jaundice eyes i mean i'm not gay nor am i female but imho this guy is not attractive. blacks are aesthetically inferior to whites just because of the tone of their skin, their dark eyes, and nappy hair.
>I'd rather be fucked by crusty old steve bannon than a movie star
that's all I'm getting
Bannon is intellectually superior and that's what matters the most. He's reached a higher level of power than the man on the right will ever attain. He will have a more lasting impact on the world around him.
So yeah, that is superior genes and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
>intellectually superior
you forgot the part where he thinks he's genetically superior to Idris
Now don't condemn the liberals for cherry-picking when this board does the same damn thing. This is one tactic Sup Forums can't call them out on because, if you look in all the black hate threads, you'll see the same exact shit.
We get it you want to be fucked by a black man. Take it to
intelligence and drive to succeed is totally based on upbringing i almost forgot user
no i'm not cherry picking here. just saying whites are superior to blacks as an entire race. even blacks know this subliminally in their sayings 'id rather live in a white neighborhood or country' even they realize their race is collectively shit and when concentrated it's terrible - see africa or ghettos. the smart blacks literally do everything they can to escape it which usually means surrounding themselves with whites and completely assimiliating into our culture.
>black hate threads
>cherry picking
no that doesn't happen you can't cherry pick statistics pulled straight from the fbi that say blacks commit a majority of crime despite being 13% of the population. a lot of black hate htreads on here show blacks committing heinous crimes, yes whites do this shit too, but not at the rate blacks do is the point.
Okay, let's cut to the chase, proof Steve Bannon thinks that? Oh wait there is none also Steve Bannon could be immune to AIDS like 12% of Europeans and Idris Elba could have sickle cell blood disease like 1/13 American blacks and actual AIDS like many of them too. Genetics aren't only looks.
One of those men is a literal cuck by the traditional definition. Hint, it's not the one on the left.
>being a businessman is success
I'd rather be an actor & pull hoes blowing money on whatever I want, I'd say Idris is more successful.
One is an American, other is a nigger.
Both are pretty bad. And that's coming from a Russian 1/8 Jew.
I'm talking about the images like the one in the OP where it shows an ape-like abo on the left and white Chad on the right, not your statistics.
>genetically superior
when the fuck has bannon ever said that
Being an actor does not require any mental skills beside being capable of memorizing lines. Look at the majority of actors in Hollywood, all of them are either left-leaning or full-on left, or just straight up retarded like Shia.
There are good, right actors, for example Clint Eastwood and his son, but they're a minority.
>black men aren't white women's rebellion memes
>bagging sloots is success
>50 yr. old businessmen don't pull better women than 50 yr. old washed up drug addicts
fell for the poon jew
Cherry picking implies that you select statistical outliers. One black doctor compared to a white janitor is cherry picking, blacks scoring an average of 85 on the iq test is not.
What are you doing with your life? Why not take such an easy route to wealth and fame?
An intelligent white man at the top of American politics, versus a whiny nigger? Yeah, I'd say Bannon is vastly superior.
haha, sorry you don't get any ass, guy
it's okay, Sup Forums is always here for you
I wonder who is smarter? Let's see, Bannon produced while Idris is an actor. Hmm Bannon runs a successful business that rakes in fuckloads of money and creates jobs, while Idris is an actor. Etc etc. Higher intelligence is superior than being fit and black senpai. And I lift 4 days a week
Intellectual superiority is a byproduct of genetics my racially inferior friend.
My Jewish blood tells me to be a movie or porn director. Jewing myself by being an actor sounds silly.
>meme you made up to justify your choices
keep telling yourself that, buddy
lol no response to my post
Because OP can't deny that Steve Bannon isn't a white supremacist or that whites in general are objectively better than blacks in general
>or shabboz goy
>or shabboz goy
>or shabboz goy
So you're a bit slow. That explains everything.
>muh dick
I know it, otherwise you wouldn't subliminally whine about it on Sup Forums.
no attractive woman fucks a right winger.
I'm full aryan, more-so than you :)
>believing this unironically
its photoshoped
68 thousand libshits fell for an obvious photoshop, really makes you think
underrated post
sorry, I don't understand le memes of a NEET board, maybe you should reconsider what needs explaining.
Is the black guy sick or something?
let's rephrase, no attractive woman fucks someone who defends right wing on Sup Forums
Guy on the left
>7 years in Navy as Engineer, promoted to Lieutenant and tapped to be special assistant to chief of Navy Intelligence
>While at pentagon gets a degree in National Security from Georgetown School of Foreign Service
>Then goes to Harvard Business School and graduates with Honors
>hired by goldman sachs
>Makes large sum of Seinfeld royalties
>restores Arizona U science lab and gets it out of the red
>runs extremely successful media site
>starts his own investment company
>Leads Trump to biggest presidential election upset of all time as chief political strategist
>now chief strategist to the president of the most powerful country in the world
>on National Security Council
Guy on right
Yea I'd say he's superior.
>no attractive woman fucks a right winger.
i live in a lib stronghold and if you think white women don't enjoy being told by white men that we're of the superior race to all the other mudskins then you must have never had great sex
>let me make an entirely new, specific point now that you've proven wrong one I just made and also let me act like this new point is the old point and you're wrong
I am being outjewed.
oh boy
why did brian-with-a-y try to speak on this subject using anecdotes? is he developmentally impaired, or special needs, or something?
no matter, let's talk about why you thought this display of retardation needed to be brought to our attention, user.
do you understand how you screwed up, and why you need to feel shame over this?
i want you to promise us you'll lurk for another two years /minimum/ before you post again, alright? promise us, user, go on.
>Bannon is a white supremacist
Because I called him one, not because he's ever actually claimed to be one.
Right wingers idea of superiority is such a boring & unlived life. He basically wasted his life while Idris enjoys it, thanks!
no people don't base who they fuck based on political affiliations.
look at the dan bilzerian guy who has openly had anti left anti feminists views he's getting the prettiest women on a nightly basis. because he's rich and alpha. it has nothing to do with being left, or being right, or being racist it's more about your status. seeing as most right wingers are white they're going to have a higher status on average then a black therefore there chances of getting a better female are greatly elevated.
your argument is moot.
So attractive.
yeah but in your case they want to fuck a libshit who goes out of his way to troll on the internet between 11p-2a on a Thursday night hahahaha
Two men are given a bag of seeds each.
One man plants and works them.
Other roasts and eats them.
Who is doing the wise decision?
That picture of Bannon is heavily photoshopped. None of that skin/eye discoloration is in the original pic.
I don't understand why he doesn't sue the shit out of all these people defaming him.
no one can possibly be as stupid as you are pretending to be.
>do what jew-hollywood tells him to or lose career overnight
>enjoying life
never go full retard
You sound like a nigger.
Yeah typical leftist shit
yeah, see my German flag & your source?
women would go for this over bannon
night school is rough, I'm in class, kiddo
it needed reiteration, Sup Forums doesnt pull women
If they evened out the sample size and kept the same ratios whites would have even less overlap with blacks, as god intended.
>a life of hard work and helping america is an unlived life
Everyone here has been trolled.
Move along.
Better looking than Idris Elbow
its literally a photoshopped image and bannon isn't a white supremacist
ask the people of zimbabwe
probably waste of time/loaded question fallacy (having multiple lawsuits regarding "white supremacy" just drags your name through the mud bc most people only read headlines)
The man on the left runs America...
The boy on the right has an 85 IQ and doesn't know his father.
still looks good, would let him fuck my wife
>capitalism, corruption, and lies
>helping america
any government work is a wasted life
I showed a hot brown girl Sup Forums today and she just laughed and agreed with stuff on it because she wanted my semen, stfu libcunt
Threatening to kill the president-elect isn't a crime, it seems, when it is done against someone the left doesn't like. Defamation is just as innocent, legal activity when it is against evil mastermind Bannon.
They'd just consider it tyranny or fascism or some other retarded shit the moment Trump reminds everyone that trying to gofundme a presidential assasination is a crime via jailing some idiot.
imtelligence and creativity>strength
also niggers arent as strong as whites
mohamad, keep quiet. the adults are having a conversation here
>in "night school"
>it's after 11 pm in the cont. US, after 9P in Hawaii
>you want to be an actor
story falling apart there, user
lol jesus christ nice photoshop
>no woman fucks a right-winger
Isn't the same point as
>no woman fucks a Sup Forums righwinger
The guy who made the twitter post does look Jewish, really makes me think.
No (you)a for (you), (you) silly murrican.
>Dick size thread in disguise
Again, it all comes down to 1 simple thing:
He also raised another man's child thinking it was his own
But he is. Steve Bannon probably has a higher IQ.
It wasnt jay electronicas kid was it? That nigga dicks down all the british broads