Why should psychedelics be illegal?

Why should psychedelics be illegal?

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because they are in the bible


I think he's talking about the burning bush

.. so that's why they should be illegal

Sure, why not.

they have no benefit (besides the mushys/migrane meme) and like 25% of people who take them can't handle their shit and become potentially harmful to themselves and others

I just remembered something about LSD treating PTSD, and when I googled it, the first thing that popped up was a Israelian newspaper


I don't know what to believe anymore.

>they have no benefit
>I have never tried them

because half the people that do them cant hold their shit. its probably due to minor or severe chemical imbalances that have not been detected since they dont take a sample of your brain fluid to determine it they just guess based on your behavior

It can be used to dose people and fuck up their heads really bad, plus people will be driving and going to work on it and shit. Much more dangerous than marijuana or even alcohol in my opinion, and that's coming from someone who has taken psychedelics several times.

ive done every single psychedelic aside from peyote. there is no benefit to repeat usage

Keep them illegal. We don't give a fuck.

Unless done in a ritual sense (set and setting being prioritized) they can be harmful af.

T. Well over 130 trips.

Because it's like taking the ultimate redpill. They don't want the masses thinking outside of the box.

The masses would just abuse them anyway.

This. That sucks because mescaline is like a better version of acid.

>T. Well over 130 trips.
How are you not an orange by now

>I think he's talking about the burning bush

and the ark of the covenant, also if you decode exodus using gematria you will get a recipe for a powerful hallucinogen

>.. so that's why they should be illegal

yes, let's outlaw the bible because it's a recipe book for drugs


I'm just a shit stirring trouble maker and I can't help myself


psychedelics are good for you. Mind, body, and spirit
pharmaceuticals aren't
pharmas are a billion $ industry
psychedelics aren't, even if even they were applied medicinally like they should be

this one's the easiest of all riddles

too bad for (((them))) the charismatic leader types are all about psychedelics and won't come within miles of pharmaceuticals

>Because it's like taking the ultimate redpill.

talking to god as described in the old testament, maybe we should just outlaw the bible, imagine all the christians started using DMT like their book tells them to

what trouble would that cause?

Because society benefits greatly from a few people experiencing them, but suffers greatly from many.
See acid culture in the 60's, I fully believe the military poisoned a generation by making LSD widely available

>if you decode exodus using gematria you will get a recipe for a powerful hallucinogen
Hello where is the proofs :DD genuinely interested

Have you done real DMT? How about four-way purple microdot?

yeah, its just really, REALLY difficult to get the real stuff and im not willing to nurture one of the cactuses for the 25 years or whatever it takes to start producing.

meh, i grew out of psychedelics anyway, doing them for around a decade regularly got tiresome

No, I seriously doubt that. Maybe in some cases. Have a friend with extremely bad ptsd from war. We've tripped a few times but once we stepped over 5mics he lost his shit and tried to kill himself. said he was living in a flashback where his best bro died for 8 hours

>How are you not an orange by now

I'm tripping nonstop for over 20 years on bible juice

is your name Clarence or George?


Speak for yourself faggot

I'd love to go to the store and buy acid and DMT, but for now I have to order from overpriced RC sites

That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. So because it's legal people are gonna start driving and doing it?

Driving fucked up =/= Being legal

Salvia is legal, are people doing bong rips of salvia on the highway? Not last I checked. You could take a whole bottle of Benadryl and drive to, this issue has NOTHING to do with the issue of legalizing it.

It's like the "but everyone will start doing and everything will go to shit" meme. No. The people who do it already do it, all this would mean is that it would be safer, easier to get, cheaper, and they could do it without fear of the law.

Salvia has been legal for a long time, yet I don't see it being an epidemic. Nitrous is legal but I don't see people driving in their cars doing whippits.


Should be legal for research and medical purposes. Probably not recreational though.

You think you gain something from every lsd trip but you actually don't. At least nothing life changing. But it is a lot of fun no doubt

>and like 25%

Lel kys

>where is the proofs

read the bible chemically, look at every plant mentioned in that book and study what those plants have in them

or just cut right to exodus and acacia formosa which contains huge DMT in it's bark, so much that you can hallucinate just by breathing the sap

the gematria is more complicated as you have to be able to read Hebrew

>also if you decode exodus using gematria you will get a recipe for a powerful hallucinogen

Dude what?

Missing some of the good rc's, highly doubtful you've tried them all.

Ive tried most of the main ones and rc's.

1. They are fun
2. each trip is different for me
3. its fun

I mean by "learn" i get some odd fucking questions about reality and the universe. However i nor anyone on earth in this present day can solve them.


>people are gonna start driving and doing it?

don't see anything wrong with that, the lord's bible juice makes you a better driver

You're acting like real DMT is hard to come by nowadays- its not.

>microdot over a vile

nigga wtf are u doing with your life?

if everybody waa tripping we would overthrow the jews in a fucking month. thats why. too much knowledge in the plants and lsd.

There is a relatively small percentage of people that use psychedelics, especially heavy duty ones like acid and DMT, that will react badly and be permanently mentally fucked. Seen it first hand. Don't take them if you are a nervous wreck or have a family history of mental illness. Even then you might be fine. It is psychoactive chemical with unknown origins, so you should know to its on your own head if something goes wrong. Take it if you want. There is a demand for it so it will always be there. It should be illegal for underage people just like booze and tobacco, because kids are idiots. If you are a legal adult, go ahead. I am skeptical about full legalisation of all drugs, off-the-shelf cocaine and heroin sounds like a bad idea. I understand the arguments for full legalisation though.

I didn't ask if it was hard to come by, I asked if you've done it.

Microdots are more intense.

gematria is the practice of assigning a number to each hebrew character in a text, then you add the numbers together and you get new numbers which are assigned to different characters so each layer has a new message, you can use different methods to add all the phrases in the bible together to get different verses some of which explain how to cook up the DMT brew and others explain how and why you should do this, mostly it's for helping prevent liver disease but you can also use this to talk to god like the burning bush story or many other similar traditions in that region involving the menog or the realm beyond where you can speak with god, aka tripping balls on DMT

bible juice is the shit, it's speedy and you hear voices and shit, also stuff lasts forever like you get flashbacks a lot,

Not an argument

Are you seriously citing Salvia as an example of legal psychedelics put to good use? I personally know two people that turned into zombies, and heard a story of a guy that WAS taking salvia bong rips on the highway, as well as drinking, and hit another car and killed the people inside. Psychedelics have the capacity to alter your brain chemistry unlike most other drugs, they should only be used by very aware people. I had my fair share of experiences in highschool munching shrooms sticking tasteless and bitter blotters between my gums or snorting pink shit up my nose, if any of that was legal Iw ould have done it 100x more. I think alcohol should be even more heavily regulated, but it is a physical poison which is less dangerous.

the "learning" element diminishes over time. And repeat uses diminishes your previous experiences imo, to the point where it becomes no big deal

I will be the last person to ever say drugs aren't fun as fuck, not just psychedelics but all drugs really, but they are narcissistic wastes of time and money used mostly by perpetual manchildren or people lacking true purpose in life


>Microdots are more intense.

no they're not, my man invented the computer dot

micro dot is typically 60MCG lsd, usual LSD dose is 250-300 MCG

DMT is a whole different thing, way more powerful in it's natural state, I don't fuck with the powder thats illegal

You're thinking of buttons.

>outlaw the bible
they did that already, they cut out and edited all the good parts. Been at it for thousands of years. The only thing left is the child safe acceptable version
all the actual science (alchemy), history (like civilizations prior to egypt), and spot on philosophy, been edited the fuck out
only a few symbols that can help point us in the right direction remain, and they are disguised and blurred as fuck
their only weapon, their biggest advantage over the masses is a knowledge gap
too bad for them knowledge only fuels the ego
self actualization only requires acceptance and understanding
what we all seek has been within us all along

Yeah, people who aren't spiritual only need to see for themselves. That's the beautiful thing, you don't have to take anyones word for it, take the red pill and experience merging with the universe and becoming one with god see for yourself.

Pharms are no different than psychedelics.

You think because the chemical was man made that it doesn't exist in nature? Think again. They have found tramadol in tree bark, chemo drugs, even benzodiazepines are in potatoes.

I'd much rather do LSD, 2c-B, or MDMA than take some datura or cyanide.

It is widely accepted that Ketamine is one of the best surefire ways to a ++++ experience, it's a pharm. You can't just lump them all together like that, some are good, some are bad. We are a part of nature, so therefore anything we do is natural, pharms are natural.

nigger you can't just say that shit, explain yourself

microdots aren't "more intense"

they are chemically identical to normal lsd, its just that they have 3-4 hits per barrel that aren't usually at all degraded by heat/environmental factors that ruin so much blotter

Liquid is the most clean and intense trip, barrels a shit by comparison

I think there is a diminishing return with frequent use. But I like to do them every 6-12 months or so to blow out the mental pipes and do sort of a reset on my mindset. It helps me immensely with depression and anxiety.

Yes, but you can't even buy them without a bunch of bullshit and risks. If they are legal, why the fuck can't you just buy them easily like anything else? Fuck all that hassle, it wouldn't work out.

well computer dots were the very first doses sold on paper, that was a real breakthrough at the time before that the pill pressed and binders were inconsistent and caused the orange sunshine barrels and purple cherries to come apart easily difficult for large numbers of doses, the computer dots or doses on paper solved that issue but yeah whats I've seen described as microdots were usually sold as mescaline but were low dose LSD once tested, I guess you could put a proper dose in a birth control pill form but usually the higher dose LSD was on paper last I saw

>their biggest advantage over the masses is a knowledge gap

bible juice closes that gap in a big fucking hurry


oh yeah, thats not terrible. Used to trip on something every 6-12 days all through college, i don't think you're in any danger of fucking up your experiences

Research The psychedelic nature of the Holy Anointing Oils of John the Baptist.

>synthetics are natural

u wot?

Because fuck you, commie junkie fuck.

>Pharms are no different than psychedelics.

LSD is notoriously difficult to synthesize, the chromatography in the final steps is a real bitch, requires expensive equipment and you can easily lose your total yield so many skip these final steps all together (bad idea)

a lot of hassle when you can just reduce some acacia or the grass in your mower bag and mix it with a MAOI and you're good to go all natural style

LSD crystal properly synthesized glows blue in the dark, truly some wizard shit

>The psychedelic nature of the Holy Anointing Oils of John the Baptist.

the egyptian moses oil supposedly uses calamus root extract but my rabbii friend in Israel says Calamus was not actually what was used and to replace with cannabis oil instead which makes a lot more sense when you think about it

calamus being neurotoxic like it is and everything

>Because fuck you, commie junkie fuck.

you're against the bible?

you see what this does for us? it's fucking wacky, anyone who hates drugs also hates the bible

loving it

pharms are specifically designed to dull the nervous system, shorten life span, and numb perception. Psychedelics on the other hand open you up, help you dive into your subconscious, and come to terms with reality and your place in nature.
Ketamine is a horse tranq, its affect on the human psych was never anticipated, nor is that shit safe.

the bible is a single book
you couldn't sum up life, the meaning of it, and understanding of consciousness in all the books ever written.
and especially god. What the bible pretends to be all about. All knowing, all powerful God, sure as hell cannot be summed up in a single book, especially one so heavily edited.

>psychedelics aren't
Marijuana alone is a billion dollar industry let alone all the other psychedelics as well.

>Psychedelics on the other hand open you up, help you dive into your subconscious, and come to terms with reality and your place in nature.

they also heal organ damage in the case of caapi vine and acacia formosa & confusa etc

When did I say put to good use?

>heard a story of a guy



No. Stop lying, they were doing something else or you're making this up, salvia lasts 5-10 minutes and it isn't something you want to repeat too often.

>if any of that was legal I would have done it 100x more

Then you have a problem? That's, YOUR problem.

>hit another car

Then I don't know, maybe NOT drive? How hard was that to fix? You also shouldn't put make up or text while driving, I don't see them outlawing make up or phones anytime soon. This has nothing to do with legalizing it, this has to do with stupid people doing stupid things.

Yeah I agree, the problem with pharms, is that they are usually a few pure chemicals. If you take 100% thc, you will get sick, the plant has cbd as well as many other alkaloids that mitigate each other and synergize to.

These chemicals might not be all that bad in their natural form if we can find them, we should stop trying to isolate chemicals and look at how they all react with each other, even the "non active" chemicals could have effects we don't know about.

Depends on the drug. Ketamine is actually very safe. Ketamine LITERALLY puts you in your subconscious, you are in your own matrix. It's profound. It's just a means to an end.

I knew somebody who was waiting for heroin withdrawals to kick in and during a ++++ experience on ketamine he was able to go into his own brain and find the troubled area, he rearranged everything and cleaned it up. He actually had no withdrawals after that. I don't know how you can explain that.

Plants are just chemists, and there have been billions of plants that have gone extinct or haven't been discovered yet. So, if you find ketamine tomorrow in a plant, would it suddenly become ok? Is tramadol and Xanax ok because they appear naturally in nature? I think not.

I have a feeling you just googled ketamine citing it as a "horse tranquilizer" as it's mostly known for being a cat tranquilizer now, and it's used in humans all the time to remove things from the nose for example, or in wounded fighters on the battlefield.

If I do mushrooms everyday, it's gonna fuck me up. If you do ketamine everyday, it's gonna fuck me up. Like anything, moderation and common sense are key. Ketamine is literally god tier.

As someone who has dabbled with Psychedelics for years, including many heroic dosages, NEVER think they will cure shit. So many of the popular podcast people and article writers are nothing but snake oil salesman. Sure, they are a useful tool, but they have limits and in noway can compare to real personal growth. Psychedelics are nothing more than the spiritual get thin quick pill. Any real Psychonaut can tell you that.

They should be illegal because people like Charles Manson exist.

sure is, and is in direct competition with pharmaceuticals. And unlike pharma, they're actually good for you. So you know who is trying to keep as tight a lid as possible on everything all at once

>They should be illegal because people like Charles Manson exist.

Manson did nothing wrong, except give drugs to kids

acacia confusa heals the liver and kidneys

Ive done DMT for a week straight and ive done acid and other psychedelics a good 30 times and my friend did ayahuaska with shamans from colombia. ASK ME ANYTHING

Cause like most drugs people abused shit out of them, to a point it affects your own health and others welfare you cant use a drug without being degenerate tier so government just blanket banned it cause nobody has self control

special k is nice, I'm not denying that
I was still in high school when it first hit, and we would cook the licks into powder, and peddle it out. And feeling like I'm walking sideways on a wall, like in that room from alice in wonderland with the stair cases everyfuckingwhere is a dope experience and all
BUT, it is no psychedelic. One too many k holes and you could end up medically fucked for life. It is unsafe.

Pharmaceutical companies are actively trying to get in on the marijuana industry and develop drugs based around THC and other cannibinoids.

Aspirin has helped billions of people in good ways.

>pharma is trying to incorporate marijuana and make even more billions
yea, we been known that

now, why the fuck are you shilling for an industry who is openly and whole heartedly trying to control your mind, body, and soul at the expense of your labour?

fuck those guys

aspirin is pure poison. Opium is the real deal sex appeal miracle cure. Opium and DMT

I am not the one trying to sell anything, you are trying to sell illegal psychedelics, I am just pointing out how retarded and wrong you are in every stupid self contradictory post you make since pharma is actively involved in psychedelics and opiods is the pharma industry's biggest cash cow.

Because they're spooky.

kys bro

>pharma is actively involved in psychedelics
what they sell numbs the senses
psychedelics do the exact opposite

Fuck no...

>psychedelics do the exact opposite
It numbed your thoughts?

Ecstacy is better for PTSD iirc. There's a documentary that delves into it. Haven't seen it in a long time and don't know the name

this burger is redpilled on ketamine

they over stimulate your senses, which gives the false illusion one is somehow "closer to the truth", psychedelics just that word itself has gone through many phases also that if people studied would find out the brutal truth behind it.

psychedelics are perfect tools for mind control.

The entire 60's counter culture was a psy op used by the government not only to degenerate the young, but to roll out a very satanic agenda, don't believe me? I implore anyone to research for themselves.