Why or why not?
Is it degenerate to racemix with Asian women?
No, because their genes are important to save, all that intelligence needs to go somewhere. Plant them in your tree.
>Is it degenerate to racemix
Yes! Do not create non-whites. Do not racemix. Asians are just the niggers of the East.
You'll get pic related.
Could make the same argument about Jews. They have the highest IQs of all. Remember that, goy!
Korean and Japanese and accpectable , Chinese is not
Kids will look nothing like you and hate you
Stop racemixing.
Fuck em but dont have kids with em
wew lad
only race in east asia too retarded to learn chinese characters
How about not even letting them through your borders? Whoops, too late. Canada is full of Asians.
Those fake ta ta's are a turn off. The rest is ok
And yes i know that's anzu but it basically covers asian women
stop theses thread
>1 post by this ID
>1. having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.
Yes, as chinks, gooks, and nips are all physically deficient, morally bankrupt, and intellectually noncompetitive in comparison with the white man.
They are a lesser species and don't have nearly as many accomplishments.
It should be accepted but not encouraged. Other racemixing however, should be discouraged.
Is this a sensible stance?
Yes. Why the FUCK are people saying no? You stupid faggots. All your children will look 100% asians and identify as asian.
Even mixing with latinos is better than fucking asians they are aliens they are NOTHING like whites and tahts why your children will look NOTHING like whites.
Why are their so many faggot neckbeard beta male "white nationalists" that want to ricecook and have retarded hapa kids. Oh wait I just answered my own question, cause you are beta faggots who can't get actual valuable white women to have white babies
>tfw you'll never creampie Anzu
>Is it degenerate to race-mix with-
Yes. Do you want your people to die off, just for some pussy?
wtf i like betraying my race now
plastic surgery, a wig, and a thick layer of makeup really can make someone look white
they are made by faggot white virgins who think the only way they can be successful with women is to go off to asian and pretend to asian women that they infact are not faggot virgins
Who the fuck gives a shit?
dailey reminder that asians have NOT A SINGLE aryan phenoytpical feature and that your kids will look 100% asian and thus you are destroying the white race
You're doing them a favor by improving their tainted gene pool
I reckon so
pic related
I race mixed with a south american qt and i was very surprised that both of our sons came out extremely white
Neanderthal masterrace.
They are low test and pitch black eyes and hair, not worth tainting your genes.
>Implying that the child would be white
It wouldn't.
It would be a mongrel with no true place to call its own.
That's a horrible thing to do to a child.
Counter argument.
Pic related.
Yes pic related. Race mixing with asians will create a race of weaklings and race mixing with blacks will create a race of morons. These two will then mix in the future to create a race of weak morons who will be easily ruled over by the jews.
It's only acceptable if you're too much of a beta to keep a white woman familiam.
I live in sydney, and there are so many east asianers here, I have never seen one look like that. Finding an asian girl with big tits is like finding a unicorn.
>If you can't get a white woman, go create some more non-whites to help overtake the planet.
XD great plan
He does bareback anal tho
lmao most asian do not look like that
t. Faggot
>Faggot detected
If you're ok with your male children being ugly happas with small dicks who nobody wants to bang go ahead. Most of the asian chicks posted on here have had tons of plastic surgery so be prepared for ugly offspring of either gender.
Why do asian girls have such soft bodies?
Or just be rich enough to get plastic surgery for ur kids
It depends on whether you are a civic nationalist or a racial nationalist.
To a racial nationalist any breeding between races is an abomination and a direct threat to the ethnostate.
To a civic nationalist breeding with superior specimens of other races serves to improve the other all quality of gene pool by natural selection. Half blacks are more athletic than pure whites, half gooks are more intelligent, half spics are better thieves, etc.
I used to think Asians were better than whites, but after marrying one and having a child with her, I can tell you that all women are fucking awful and the creation of the artificial womb needs to happen yesterday.
>comparing Japs with niggers and mudslimes
Sure stuff, Mr. JI CHANG GAO
Don't forget that Jews are the most intelligent of all the races, goyim.
Go ahead, remove your own genes from the gene pool. If you can't consider the consequences of your own actions before you take them, your choice will have a eugenic effect on the white race.
more estrogen and less testosterone
Marry whomever you fell in love with and loves you back
Marrying for ideological reasons will only lead to an unhappy marriage
How did his son time travel to try and fuck his own mom wtf
Japs > Chinks > Koreans
you fell for the asian meme. let me guess, she started out cute and exotic and is now demanding, has you by the balls, controls your wallet, materially obsessed, and nags more than a white woman? oh and she's probably insecure as well... seems to be the pattern.
>Implying you can't follow your ideology and find happiness as well
If you want to flush your people down the drain, just because you're that thirsty for some pussy, then you're a beta weakling, and you deserve to have mongrels.
My gf is asian. We've talked about marriage and kids before. Told her I wasn't ready. So far she has been absolutely loyal and monogamous. However, she's a small business owner and often screws her clients out of money. She does all sorts of chink trickery to rip off her customers. Now don't get me wrong, normally I wouldn't condone this behavior, but her customers can be shitty as fuck people (the majority of her clients are POO in LOOs and they are just plain assholes).
Anyone have a similar experience? Risk/Rewards of marrying a gook?
>all that intelligence needs to go somewhere
Don't worry about it.
We got it covered
read my previous comment
All the female asians I know want to upscale to white dick and the white women fucking haaaaaaate it.
White women are statistically the least likely to racemix.
The only white women I see with everyday blacks are absolute bottom of the barrel genetics.
Stick with white women.
Only if its your first wife
I intend to create a harem.
Because if you interbreed with them you are helping to destroy not only their race but your very own . Unless you are a mongrel, then you should just commit suicide
What a surprise. An Asian acting like a Jew. Just keep them out. Don't let them in and there is no problem.
I didn't have any delusions that Asians were some kind of godsend or submissive. I simply liked the way she looked more than white women. Turns out that all women will eventually drive you insane. I should have made her get an abortion.
>all these people thinking anzu is asian
if you do you end up like finnland, or as its called today mongolia.
Nope. They can be hot af, traditional conservative, able to cook and clean if not NA born, and your kids will look white and beautiful.
Do what you want. I don't own you
>b-b-but asians are smart!
still degenerate
>but they're honorary aryans!
still degenerate
>but I can't get a white woman!
still degenerate
>but they love white cock!
literally nigger tier "muh dik"
have fun with your brown eyed half chinks
If you're a shitskin, it's degenerate.
If you're a white man, East Asians are majority Neanderthal blood, and therefor white.
Japanese girls are the only good ones.
>your kids will look white
they really won't
My cousin got knocked up by a white dude. Kid looks 100% white. He also seems all sorts of autistic and spends all his time playing Minecraft and other shitty video games.
Asians, mainly Korean and Japanese, are at the top with whites when it comes to races.
I say its ok to mix with them.
>Faggoty post
>Look at flag
Of course, why did I even bother to look?
>1 bait by this ID
This. White chicks are racist as fuck.
They fucking know they are the top and they know Asian chicks are basically right there with them.
The only women who like black dudes are the ones who have no father, identify as a nigger themselves, do nigger tier shit or what ever.
Even Hispanic chicks know that they want a white guy but every woman wants a HARDWORKING guy first.
And we all know how the lives of mongrels typically go.
Sure, destroy your people for some pussy, you weak faggots.
yeah and I'm sure for every one of those instances there are a 1000 instances of the kid looking almost completely asian
pic related
them soulless black eyes
don't have the same eye or hair color variety as whites
might as well be niggers
stay away
don't listen to shlomo
Most Asians that look like that are Japanese, and they use a lot of makeup and hair dye to get there.
Japanese are one of the least naturally attractive asian ethnicities though
Canada is overrun with Asians, in case you didn't know. It's absurd.
holy shit. that's cold. i dated asian women before and they always put up the cute, submissive front to trap you because they know that's why the white guys like them. i fell for the meme, dated and fucked a few, and got over it. my previous relationship was with a korean and lasted for 3 years. they are more materialistic than even most white girls.
great ass.Thats about it.
I've met several half-Asians and they all look like gook mongrels. Not even close to white.
The kid is autistic because he has shit parents that, among other things, let him play shitty video games like Minecraft.
driving around toronto is a fucking nightmare
thousands of asians running stop signs and merging without looking
>let me guess, she started out cute and exotic and is now demanding, has you by the balls, controls your wallet, materially obsessed, and nags more than a white woman? oh and she's probably insecure as well... seems to be the pattern.
I see.
she's never tried to control me directly, but she is very passive aggressive. she's very insecure, too. thanks user.
>complains about degeneracy
>post a picture of a FUCKING WHORE
None of those people look convincingly white.