made me laugh - the only proper response to this
Light them on fire desu.
Are those costumes as flammable as they look?
cant make this shit up, kek
I still don't understand how human beings can be this degenerate and retarded simultaneously
Oh no, whatever will we do against degenerates draped highly flammable materials!?
>Furries are fighting the fascists amongst them
>amongst them
This is just furfags turning on other, stormfag, furfags. This has been going on ever since Sup Forums was created.
Anybody remember when furries got gassed at some hotel?
let them try we are what gives the furrie movement life fur bros report in !
Even more, they are full of shit and methane. Like a torch, user.
Fuck furries and fuck black people
We are going to need some bleach and ammonia.
Watch out nazis. Soon you'll be sent to the fur chambers where you belong.
There are no moderate furfags , they redpilled or SJWs,which one depends on how they seem themselves as furfags, it's almost like Sunni and Shia.
>the ones that are/became furfags though the fetish are vast majority gay SJWs
>the ones who see the sexual part as a secondary (or not at all) aspect who got into it more through internet culture/collectivism tend to be very redpilled
It's an odd thing
T.furfag since I was 12
Alas all of us will get ours on the dad of the rope
Nuke'em from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.
Let's check
Furry hate is something quintessential to Sup Forums. Yiff in hell furfags.
Discordfags btfo
Could be worse, at least they're able to function in society by earning wages. Those suits look costly to make.
Why waste money like that though
>dress up as animals
Pick one faggot
Fleshy........... watch out.
cmon obama, your term is over, fuck women of your race
Hello fellow nazi furries
Master Furry Race reporting in
All hail the FURer
All right, who brought the carrots and cucumbers to our nazi orgy
Except those ones don't normally dress up as animals either. They are like Furry lite.
pls no
>30 mins into the thread
>No one's posted you know what yet
>Jerking off to anthromorphised drawing of animals
>red pilled
How's that?
>tfw first time seeing goofy cosplayers
Are the Supreme Court of the United States secretly furries? It would explain a lot.
furries deserve public humiliation and then execution
That's weird cause all the furries I ever saw were from /k/ and nat soc
Even some dumbass yet conservative rednecks and hicks have sex with their fucking pigs, what difference does it make?
is the big KK (gaygay) among them?
What is it?
I will denounce any white nationalist who fucks animals. You can't seriously see that as a normal activity that a healthy individual would want to take part in.
epic meme
Sex with animals(including unironic furfags, who are less than human) is un-aryan desu
pls yes?
why, certainly!
>Furry civil war
Oh my fucking Kek this timeline is too ridiculous. I love it.
same dude has a channel with gay tranny clown porn in addition to other bits of dark knowledge if you wish to delve
xtube com/profile/SammyCatnipnik-9183728#videos
Oh fuck
desu I'd probably get gang-knotted, I don't think I can fight off an army of furries
What is the origin of furries?
GTFO with your degenerate yiff fantasies
Mental illness
Children who weren't bullied enough.
'member when Furries were the worst degenerate shitbags, before all the tumblrina femnazis, sjw's, antifa LARPers and cucks came along?
Simpler times. But even now, they can still Yiff In Hell
nobody likes you furfags, stop trying to make this happen
>us nazi furs amirite guis?
fuck off
They are an embarrassment to whites
Why is stuff like this not treated like a mental illness?
The dog on the right. Those eyes don't move, do they? Why are they looking off to the side like that?
Disney cartoons i guess. I started watching rated R movies a very young age so i never associated anthropomorphized drawings with any semblance of sexuality.
In the end you can blame jewish media for corrupting youth with sexualized animals.
furries need to die. All of them.
In my expert opinion I am gonna say cartoonists in the 80s-90s along with the emergence of the internet but you can find examples of it from the 60s as well.
You just know that the people drawing animaniacs secretly beat off to it. Compound that with the internet where the first online communities could take form and you get a growing fetish.
>Why is stuff like this not treated like a mental illness?
Because we're a progressive society of course.
it is but it has been normalized over the last 8 years
the day of cleansing is fucking nigh
Or yknow just autism
I agree with you however i would love to see someone with hands on their feet ....chimpman
I'll whip out my dog whistle.
The eyes are inset in white "cups", so they appear to follow and look at the viewer. Photographs quite well.
This is what molotov cocktails were made for.
>nobody posted the bugs Bunny in a stall gif
Just when you think you know some people they go and disappoint you...
Human hybrids in the mainstream was a mistake. It leads to weird fetishes down the line yes. I even heard a story about a guy was in love with his car.
light one on fire and watch the whole army go up in flames
those suits arent exactly safe around fire & sparks
The wolf on the right looks very good, would wear to furry cons/5
Must have extremely limited visibility though
As does the goat in this
The rest of the suits in this ITT thread look kind of shitty
>Goat furfag
That must be rare.
Countdown until some madman lights one of their 'tails' on fire with a lighter and slips away all smooth like.
>furries are not /ourg-
Suffer not the mutant.
they really aren't stop trying to force this
Degenerate faggot
y-you too
>beliveing vice lies
#altfurry is becomeing stronger
Vice; the once groundbreaking media Company who dared to send it's reporters to the assholes of the world to get the best stories has now sunk below click bait teir and is literally propaganda in line with CNN and MSNBC
man I just want to go back to the good old days of watching that skelly fag with the buddy holly glasses get thrown into dangerous situations.
what the actual
These people need to be gased
No man, whatever their beliefs they are fucking embarrassing degenerates
>not knowing """Furries"""" were a thing in the Ancient World
>but that didn't stop Law and Order from seizing degenerates
Where's that picture of antropomorphic animal temple statues in societies that would have imprisoned or executed those in the OP pic when you need it
>worships a man with a bird head
>this means he has a fetish for animal people and rps as them
not the same
I thought so too, but then I googled some furry convention photos. There's always a few goats, and they always look fuckin evil.
This must be some sort of fucking satanic cult.
You think that just because I masturbate to furry porn I'm a furry? Think again, maggot. The furry fandom is a breeding ground for the most advanced autism this planet has ever seen. Every day, thousands are consumed by a tidal wave of OwO and cancerous roleplaying, and the foundations of our society slowly weaken under the constant onslaught of weapons-grade cringe. Our founding fathers recoil in disgust as people dress up as animals and buy giant dildos on the Internet, fucking each other in sweaty drunken homosexual orgies and traumatizing children in droves. Every second we draw closer to Furry Armageddon, and you sit there saying stupid shit on the Internet. To compare someone to a furry is the most heinous insult imaginable. When your door gets broken down by a rainbow wolf/deer hybrid and you get yiffed into oblivion, then we'll see who's laughing. This is a real threat and it must be treated with extreme solemnity.
what do you furfags have tactical furs or something when shit does down?
>inb4 built in diapers
well we are /k/
>hey there lil furbud we are going to the hotel party wanna join us
and that boy was never seen again