wow, he died because Trump didn't let him come to america :((( and it had NOTHING to do with muslims.
Other urls found in this thread:
sick fucking culture.
animals killing animals
nature is ruthless
the nose knows
we've already seen this 1000 times newfag, back to
Old. Here's your (you) nigger
Keep them out
I for one am shocked
hollywood is getting really good at special effects
I thought this kid was fighting for the goverment ? Why would the people beheading him fight for the goverment ? Is CNN faking shit again to frame Assad as evil ?
Ironically the religion of peace is the most violent one
Welcome to over 6 months ago. Sage.
Do you realize the atrocities that have occurred throughout history. Too bad they don't release the videos from Unit 731 or German human experiments.. Or what the government does to this day in underground facilities. Right now.. Right fucking now children are being sacrificed, raped, experimented on.. That is this world.
old news
someone post the webm
Turks need to be nuked out mof existence
Someone post the .webm
can't wait for CREW to get mutilated by federal agents at a black site, my dick is diamonds thinking about their screams
goddamn asians stopped this beheading nonsense centuries ago, now they just eat babies and run them over daily.
>implying the rag heads aren't funded by the CIA
take the redpill son
fucking video is censored
remember to thank the mossad, MI6or5 and the CIA for these real life movies
Yeah but how many people have died inside of !)America because of people those 7 countries? Checkmate blumpfkins
behead all newfags
from /sg/, with love
kek that kid is high as fuck before they behead him
i wonder what kinda drugs they give those guys before they behead them
he was definitely raped before they killed him too
I have the webm if you want it user
Fucking hell
It's hard watching that and wondering why they haven't just nukes the whole middle east to hell
How do you know
Those guys were one of the "vetted moderate groups" to whom the CIA sent TOW launchers, too!
who gives a fuck
another mudslime bites the dust
i would kill, cook and eat a million muslim children on national tv in front their parents if i could
Isn't that dude at the bottom the one who set-up the photo shoot with that "kid in an ambulance" everyone was crying over?
Also what kind of degenerate shitfucks just pose for the camera smiling, laughing and giving thumbs up before cutting of the head of a fucking 12~14 year old like that?
Why the fuck are people so butthurt about not letting in these kinds of monsters into our country? Why do the leftists want this shit?
haha i was about to post that too. More proofs of how moderate syrian rebels are right here.
And these are the guys that are being armed and supported by western governments. Remember people, Assad may be bad but he really is the lesser evil in Syria. Stop supporting "moderate freedom loving opposition" and embrace Bashar al-Assad, Lion of Damascus, legitimate president of Syria
>Why the fuck are people so butthurt about not letting in these kinds of monsters into our country? Why do the leftists want this shit?
these are anti-ISIS muslims, therefore /ourguys/
Why is he drugged? When did Isis care about causing pain?
The fact of the matter is that atleast 90% of the normal human immigrants were beheaded, and all that are left are those filthy monsters.
Muslims love to rape prisoners, men especially
I think this cameraman either died or got captured.
There was footage of him when Aleppo was being finally taken where he's complaining about Russian/Syrian forces closing in to smash his balls into paste.
>Why is he drugged? When did Isis care about causing pain?
It stops them struggling for their lives. They always drug them.
The Mexican cartels do this too. That's why when one guy get is getting his head cut off and the chainsaw nicks the other guys arm, he doesn't even flinch.
If you know you're about to die horribly and painfully, you have no reason not to struggle as hard as you possibly can.
Drugging them prevents this. They'll just sit there in a daze and by the time the adrenaline kicks in, it's much too late.
yes that is exactly who it is, check Mahmoud Raslan is his name, and his picture got on front page of pretty much every relevant European newspaper, while its all staged. Check webm. But not only its staged, the guy who took the picture is member of Nour al Zenki group, well known murderers and kidnappers who are approved by CIA:
It really makes you think who are the good guys there, when USA arms and supports people who behead civilians, even kids
And that guys supported by HATO reject russian constitusion
Because the religion of peace is actual the religion of little boy penis. These filthy dune coons are so sexually repressed by their desert religion they completely fuck up their views on sexuality.
old, their poor explanation to justify the beheading was that they thought it was a midget soldier
>Make ppl cry over 1 kid that sits in a chair
>Make ppl cry over 1 kid that drowns on a beach
>Make ppl cry over 1 kid that gets his head cut off in Syria
This is fascinating manipulation at work from all sides
Yeah, you're right! We should just let them in until we get a statistic level (you) feel is enough, and then we can debate it again. Brilliant! How many car crashes do we need before we should consider fixing a dangerous intersection, while you are dishing out your sanctimonious rhetoric?
>>Make ppl cry over 1 kid that sits in a chair
>>Make ppl cry over 1 kid that drowns on a beach
>>Make ppl cry over 1 kid that gets his head cut off in Syria
The issue here is that the kid who drowned drowned because his parents were dumb, yet we were made to pay for it.
The kid in a chair was put in that chair by the same people who cut off the head of the other kid, and we pay and supply them even though none of us want to. Because our elite is corrupt and terrible.
I always wonder how long it would take to pass out from the time the knife first breaks the skin. Considering the jugular and carotid get severed pretty quickly, I'm guessing you'd lose consciousness within a couple of seconds
This petrodollar aint gonna suck itself boy
I was being satirical goy
Wow cool sources!!!!
nice digits. Real fitting for your lack of brains.
>The men from Turkish-backed ‘Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement’
'Western backed' would be more accurate. This group also has the support of the US.
you dumb fuck its the circumstances of beheading a kid. Essence of the problem here is that group which supplied huge amount of western media with "credible information" on Syria is the one that beheaded a kid. That famous picture of kid sitting in orange chair was taken by the guy who later participated in beheading a kid, and noone in western media questioned him or his info. But not only that, what is worse is that the west is ARMING and supporting those people, who beheaded a kid on camera and uploaded it. Why are you being such an ignorant cunt?
It's probably almost instant.
You can get dizzy just by holding both carotid arteries for a few seconds.
That picture confirms the Bana Alabed @AlabedBana twitter account is FSA propaganda.
Anyone else think all the fancy camera work actually makes this less intimidating?
are you fucking retarded, seriously? Can you not follow the pictures? Lets take Brit's picture and explain it for you, step by fucking step because you are obviously sub 80 IQ individual who cant do it yourself.
1) In the first frame we see famous kid that got on headlines of majority of western newspapers
2) In second and third one we see picture that got on headlines of majority of western newspapers is taken by the guy in blue shirt with white ornamenets
3) we see guy in blue shirt with white ornamenets in presence of people who are obviously his buddies, otherwise they wouldnt pose together
4) We see buddies of the guy in blue shirt with white ornamenets posing with a kid who is about to lose his head
5) guy who is obviously part of group of which the guy in blue shirt with white ornamenets and his buddies are too, is chopping kid's head
Do you really need fucking sources for that you fucking spastic?
>the guy
Did you just assume that person's gender, shitlord
>>THESE are the fucking animals
>that the Obama administration supported
>that the Clinton administration would have
>“I’ve had an opposite view of many people regarding Syria,” Mr. Trump told The Journal. “My attitude was you’re fighting Syria, Syria is fighting ISIS, and you have to get rid of ISIS. Russia is now totally aligned with Syria, and now you have Iran, which is becoming powerful, because of us, is aligned with Syria.”
>His comments suggest that once Mr. Trump begins overseeing both the public support for the opposition groups, and a far larger covert effort run by the Central Intelligence Agency, he may wind down or abandon the effort. But there are in fact two wars going on simultaneously in Syria.
>kids playing with a filthy dog in the background
How new are you faggot?
this guy gets it Cutting the jugular is like opening up a firehose full of blood. Blood pressure is pretty fucking strong.
By the way, when are we going to hear of changes of US alignment in Syria? I'm still seeing the US listed as an ally of these terrorist groups and it's pretty sickening.
Trump has to do what is right.
I remember once when this was posted someone said the slap they gave kid was the same kind of slap he gave to his gf when he fucked her
I think thats kind of hot and probably true
True but why do you keep helping sunnis? They are the worse of the two.
They are also the more predictable of the two.
not being edgy but i just want to let you guys know that i have fapped and came to this video twice
Ironic since he was being sarcastic as fuck. Do you have the autism?
its shit like this that makes me question if there really is a god
YOU let this happen America!
This is YOUR fault!
I am about to have breakfast. Is it worth watching beforehand?
That's true but having just a tiny bit of credibility wouldn't hurt.
I think Iran and Syria should be left alone as long as they mind their own shit. Saudis need to get carpet bombed.
If you don't mind a bit of sauce with your beans
fuck I meant to reply to
You can see that it says July 2016, right? Why are you writing this post as if it wasn't posted everywhere on Sup Forums in the days after it hit the internet?
oy vey! don't let the goyim know that (((we))) are the one who created the animals in the first place.
>High as fuck
More like delirious from blood loss
The kid was shot and captured under the assumption he was fighting for Palestinians if I remember correctly.
Not at all. A grainy flip camera video with actual audio is far more terrifying to me
ayy lmao i just saw that yesterday.
kid gets relatively rekt
I fail to see how this is the white mans problem or why we should give a shit
there is, but he is us, me you the kid getting beheaded, the beheader, really stimulates the dendrites and fires neurotransmitting agents from the axons to convey reltavistic thougt in the neurons and subsequently the brain
>july 2016
sure is slowpoke in here
Wtf, are you blaming muslims on what these people did? Race/religion doesn't tell anything about if someone is violent or not, whites would have done the same in their situation
0.3 shekels has been deposited in your account
based nose knows whats up
Gimme some fucking source of whites creating beheading videos to protect their religion?
OMFG I hate #based Israel now!
>I think Iran and Syria should be left alone as long as they mind their own shit.
If the Iranians would simply gas the ayatollah, and the clerics of Qom, I would be perfectly happy to leave them alone for all eternity.
>Saudis need to get. carpet bombed.
Absolutely, the house of Saud is fucking cancer.
As of right now though, they're opposite sides of the same shit-stained coin.
But only not because they weren't born in these countries
Wars in the middle east make no fucking sense. They're the epitome of savagery just like in Africa.
It always starts with some rebel group going up against the government and over the course of the next couple months and years the main rebel group always splits up into several other mostly islamic extremist groups. Then they'll keep attacking each other and innocent civilians because they have different opinions on the shape or color of Mohammed's pants or some shit.
Just nuke this shithole already.