were they firing from the helicopter?
Were they firing from the helicopter?
Take back your goddamn country.
>were they firing from the helicopter
The user said as tracers flew into the ground
Hot damn, Mexico!
Make Mexico Great Again
Bassed as fuck
Video here:
> Mexico was shit
> Trump shit on Mexico
> Mexico gets their shit toghter
> Trump gets all the shit
>Take back your goddamn country.
This, I need more liveleak videos of narcos getting BTFO
This, MMGA
that's a lot of shit
No, they dropped a bunch of flashlights
So when Mexicans can't stay here they suddenly care about their homeland? Who knew? Oh right, we did. Fuck off spic. No one wants you here or cares about your opinion. the best thing we hope for from you is that you all fuck off back to mexico and deal with the drug dealers so shit stops spilling over and we can go back to ignoring you.
Good. Take your country back.
what happens if captured military guys get peeled-face-hands-cut-box-cutter-throat-funky-town'd and start deserting
this is kind of reckless isnt it? They don't know who s innocent here or not
>es calibre 50
Should have thought of that before they decided to be born in Mexico
It has always been this way and thank God this didn't happened in broad daylight.
That's way a lot of people are pissed with the army, because a lot of innocents could be killed when things like that happen. I am pretty sure a lot of people will be butthurt tomorrow.
>calibre 50
Some people say it is a M134.
>what happens if captured military guys get peeled-face-hands-cut-box-cutter-throat-funky-town'd and start deserting
Its gonna be interesting if Mexico actually does finally get its shit together or if they just keep repeating the same mistakes
The Zetas were originally formed by some mexican specops anti-narco (!!!) dudes that were trained by USA and Israel, but we all know how that turned out. They used their training and resources to work for cartels guarding their shit (and killing people) until they decided to just branch out and make their own cartel
As far as I understand it, the politicians in Mexico also get their share from the cartels, so the situation looks unlikely to change.