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>to report all your local Pacos to the authorities
Is this block the bust 2.0?
Trending on twitter, saying in multiple states
first thought I had when I saw news article on 100 arrested for deportation in LA
LA is more ripe for habbenens than Phx
bye bye spics
thats not even that many protesters this will last like 2 more hours
any livestreams?
They have no rights in this fucking country.
Im in CA "northern" its 10:50 pm. So tomorrow should be fun.
please come clean up san diego
Flood their hotlines with prank calls and time consuming bullshit. They'd end up having to shut them down. Besides the paranoia would strike deep and it would be really funny
everyone on US soil is entitled to habeas corpus regardless of citizenship status
LA fag here
ICE is having a field day and is deporting every motherfucker, they are checking your ID if even look Mexican. Best part is that most of them seem quite eager. LA is going to lose a third of its population at this rate. 100s arrested so far
There's not that much MSM coverage though , they are too tied up with the Muslim ban
>tfw 4d chess
>Raided a taco stand.
How will Hillary win the popular vote now?
is that a refugees welcome sign i see?
Do all brown people think they are refugees or something? Mexico isn't fucking Syria
>East Austin
>raids on taco stand
Don't forget to report their obstruction of justice helping to shelter illegals
So this is how actual law enforcement feels like
LOL sure
You know. Many was hoping that Winter Chan would be the one to deal with illegals, and Muslims, people who were the dregs of society. I thought to myself. Things in the supernatural world aren't always literally interpreted. I mean just look at the name of the organization removing Illegals. It's "ICE"
I'm gonna report so much shit.
This is the best way to do this, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but it still looks "FASCIST!!!!" enough to trigger antifa meltdowns
Run em down.
This is the fucking faggot who advocated for white genocide isn't it
Kek "ICE" like "winter is coming" kek
Why has this not been cracked down on? ((Whoever)) printed these need to be arrested
>setup sanctuary place
>all the illegals show up
>call ICE
>giggle forever
You know what to do
Find and report lads! It's the will of the meme's.
there has to be a way to file reports in such a way as to funnel all of them into a single area, then call ICE in on the hot zone.
>raids on taco stands
There's always that small thought deep inside that makes me curious if this isn't all just satire and someone else is watching this comedy unfold.
Do you think the MSM will ever get it through their heads that Trump isn't above making a lot of noise and giving them a bullshit thread to run with while he makes his real move elsewhere? He's been doing this shit for 2 years straight now and it looks like they still fall for it every fucking time.
>raids on taco stand off of 969
Just call screaming "THEY'VE TAKEN MY MOM, THEY'RE COMING FOR US, THIS IS NAZI GERMANY". They're gonna get so paranoid, it will be hilarious
Someone needs to do this
Any Sup Forums beaners want to volunteer? I'm too white to pull it off myself
>pretend to be illegal and get taken to safe space where the rest are
>call ICE
>raids on a taco stand
Am I going to wake up from this dream?
isn't there a law regarding aiding criminals? like if I robbed a bank and some guy helped me escape, or gave me a route to avoid the police, wouldn't he be complicit?
>Herd all the illegals into one place
>ICE gets to arrest a bunch of illegals at once AND anybody who tries to help them for felomy harboring a fugitive
They really didn't think this through did they?
pretend to be a canadian on an expired student visa. god speed.
They're normies, man. They have to steal our memes because they can't create their own. It's not like they have enough imagination to punk us like that LOL
>Say "I plead the fifth..."
That's cute.
shit skins are all this retarded
Absolutely. Knowingly assisting a fugitive in escaping justice is a felony offense.
Yes, being an accessory to a crime.
They are too dense, I doubt they even realized how it's even happening and see themselves are the "heroes" fighting the big orange menie with lots of ((donar)) support
The most based Jew in existence
They also argue that since constitutional rights are based on Locke's natural rights, then they naturally apply to all non citizens.
Just let that one sink in. . .
Who you're gonna call? Not the Ghostbusters, that's for sure
LA news just had a story on this. Said they blocked an off ramp. Do these retards not understand that just turns off people towards their movement?
Anyways, I just want Trump to cut Federal funding already, see them really freak out.
>isn't there a law regarding aiding criminals? like if I robbed a bank and some guy helped me escape, or gave me a route to avoid the police, wouldn't he be complicit?
Yes it can be regarded as conspiracy if you don't report a crime to the police that you know about.
Its usually never used because police threaten those charges on the weakest links first to make them crack and nark on the others.
>tfw Right Wing Deportation Squads are a reality
I thought I'd never see the day
I'm gonna cry lads...
He's really doing it...
It's not even 4D chess at this point, it's a basic sleight of hand and like retards they take it at face value literally every time.
This is what happens when Donballs Plompf shows his true racist ideas. The people will rise up and take the presidency back for the real winner. Hillary got 3 million more votes ffs. You nazis are delusional.
once i see Lompoc I'm going to lose my shit
Let's call in a bunch of fake ice raid reports to their stupid hotline
not sure if this means i can still get tacos or not.
People are made of meat.
Cars are made of metal.
Where is the problem?
>tfw your favorite uncle is deported after shilling for Trump for so long
WTF?! He was supposed to go for the bad guys only!!!!!!!!! I didn't sign up for this. Your'e tearing my family apart!!!!
We could just call them and make up fake reports to waste their time.
Spics out, NOW
It would annoy them immensely and their paranoia levels would spike to uncontrollable heights. Sounds like a plan to me
[austistic screeching]
mnah, just playing. My uncle is getting his dick sucked by some hot white lady right now. He makes me so proud.
You know it's funny because that's where they'd naturally be. Taco stands, Home Depots, Anti-Trump protests. But what really gets me is their arrogance, they're making graduation speeches and television interviews proudly admitting they're illegal. Can you imagine doing that in a country like Japan? You overstay your visa there and they'll put an APB on you. But these shitstains feel so overconfident, like nothing can happen to them, that despite Trump being elected, they still show up to to these protests. And now reality is starting to set in. It's fucking beautiful
If it's against the law to be an illegal alien; and
A person assists an illegal alien in contravening the law; then
Why isn't it aiding and abetting a crime?
I wouldn't doubt they have warrants.
Maybe we can get them culturally enriched/waste their time
Unfortunately they aren't made of metal anymore, the frame and certain parts are put it's mostly composite shite.
>During one of the biggest immigration raids in recent years, ICE officers arrested Jose Antonio Ramos, 29 (left), a cook at a taco eatery and grocery store called La Divina, and Sergio Medellin, 19, a sous chef at Agave Mexican restaurant. They are facing deportation.
>tfw I'm 3 blocks from Riverside
>tfw local cops are in my neighborhood doing the lord's work
I want to bake them some cookies, but I don't want to come off as gay wut do?
Suck their dicks, but say no homo first.
Why don't these guys just say they were born in America and have no papers?
>Why isn't it aiding and abetting a crime?
It should be. Too bad churches are protected or most of them would be shut down. I don't think Republicans would strip them of tax-free status for housing illegals.