The fag

What do you guys think of Milo Yiannopoulos anyway?
I hear you fellas hated him, has your feelings change?

Milo, why do you come here trying to seek our approval?
Shouldn't you be sucking on a BBC?
Please go.

dude, i'm not milp

I like how he pisses people off

He has amazing points ensconced in triggering troll statements.

Babies first redpill

>Digits check out
>That's what I thought
>I looked closer
>He said milp
>Then I knew the faggot was in our midst
>Yet again seeking our approval
Please Milo, go

We hate that faggot

this. his normie redpilling capability is amazing, it outweighs the (((degeneracy)))

Stop trying to devide us cunt, we hate you more than Jews and gays combined.

Milo redpills millions of Normie's. Thas all that matters at this point of the game.

Loud mouth who isn't afraid to say anything including what the right wishes they could scream. Milo almost legitimizes the claims made against the DNC because if a gay hip Jew is saying it and I advocate for him, it allows for the right to really use Milo as a Trojan horse to really start laying into them. Best thing is he make people laugh with how fucking flaming and self deprecating he is with his rants.

He's gay as shit, but cool to use to prove to liberals that even people who indulge in similar lifestyles can still agree that conservatives and Trump aren't being racist.

He lost me when he was taking photos of himself bathing in period blood or whatever, but hes smart and makes good points. Just like all of the others, he oversells his media character by about 25%

Sorry, that was by accident.
But if you was to believe that go ahead man.
I'm just a girl asking a question

He's controlled opposition, but due to your sentence structure, using the term normie, and misuse of the echoes, I don't think you can grasp that fact.
I also think you are 15 years old.

You probably have bags under your eyes like he does

I guess. But you know whatever, buddy.

Post tits

Or gtfo

no thank you friend

Then gtfo ya filthy cunt

No thank you
love you though bud

I gotta admit he is good at what he does

And I want him to keep doing it. We must show that you can suck cock and get buttfucked while still being somewhat mentally sane

how bout those headphones milo

what ever bud

he writes click bait for the alt-right