...Was it sexism?
How could someone so beloved lose to such a hateful bigot?
>Every Shillary thread until you like it
Thank you for all the love and your great achievements Hillary. You will always tower over Trump, and the racist, sexist man he is. Because love trumps hate. You, will, hopefully, in 2020, return to save this ALREADY GREAT NATION, and defeat Trump.
But in all seriousness, she is the single most unlikable, uncharismatic person in the entire world. She has to pay people to like her and lie about her so other people will think otherwise.
not gonna lie, former hilldog supporter here. she is the single most unlikable, uncharismatic person in the entire world and this is fucking hilarious watching hilldog crash and burn. but in all seriousness we can't let this women get the nuclear codes.
Holy shit, that's some Pravda-tier headline right there
'Why is Kim Jong-Eun the world's most charismatic leader ?'
It is pretty sad isnt it? Millionaires who get paid to pretend they are someone else are your only outspoken supporters.
You're a funny dude my dude. But in all seriousness Hillary CANNOT have the nukes.
The likes of Beyonce I believe are genuinely out of their element, however Katy Perry seems more like she's being paid many handsome checks to be an insufferable cunt.
go out and ask a regular guy on the street, everyone fucking hates this shrill jackal of a woman
Your right she cant... Cause shes #notmypresident
Those are last years libfag buzzwords. Current year is all about "fascist" and "nazi"
stop being #unpatriotic. that behavior is a disgrace against our democracy.
But no one liked her outside of the professional class (i.e. neoliberal fucktards who vote Democrat unironically.)
>Why is Hillary Clinton so widely loved?
This is actually a genuinely good question. I don't understand who genuinely likes her. I mean voting for her as a vote against Trump makes sense, but who actually votes for Hillary because they want Hillary rather than because they had no other option?
she's an inferior woman, are we tired of losing yet shillblue?
Take a hike, kike.
she was barely more likable than trump, and trump was already pretty low to begin with. hillary herself wasn't really liked. only the die hard leftist genuinely liked her but even then. it was the reason why the super delegates ditched her for obama in '08 because they knew obama was far more likable.
here's a snl skit from the 90's that compiled hillary + bill skits by just norm macdonald himself. hillary, controversy, and general overall likability was never high.
>notice how most of bill parts deal with hillary in the end.
Why do you think it's sexist? If anyone votes based on gender they're fucking retarded. Everyone votes based on the politician's stance on current events/policies (political position) you ctr/crew tard.
Jesus, that ass sure is phat.
Hillary's campaign had the misfortune to appeal only to the most successful, ultra-high educated, absurdly high-IQ, next step of human evolution part of the American population and there simply aren't that many of them, and if there are, they are mostly concentrated in Manhattan, Cambridge, San Diego and San Francisco (areas that she won with close to 100% of the votes)
Her opponents decided instead to appeal to the most inbred, low-IQ, genetically inferior subhuman waste that's even imaginable who shouldn't even be allowed to live and be sent to concentration camps, let alone vote, but they outnumber smart people by a lot and are more evenly distributed across the land and ended up winning because of the idiotic electoral college as we all know by now.
Cruz appealed to farmers and Bernie appealed to rural and suburban retards as well as 18 year olds who were all enthralled by their absurd promises that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, whether it's Bernie's claims that he could fix all of the world's problems with his childish and ludicrous policies or Cruz' cretinous assumption that the chaos that would ensue from mass deregulation would somehow make health care cheaper.
Eventually, all that genetic trash flocked to Trump after Bernie's decimating loss in the high-IQ East Coast states and the rest is of course history. It's too bad that America will forever have to remain Canada's retarded cousin, but there's not much that we can do about it. If even Hillary's campaign couldn't change that, nothing ever will. rip
We saw what Sweden and Germany looked like and said fuck that.
>most inbred, low-IQ, genetically inferior subhuman waste that's even imaginable who shouldn't even be allowed to live and be sent to concentration camps, let alone vote
Muslim Africans?
She has all the charisma of a used tampon. If she had one-tenth of her husband's charisma, she would have smoked Trump.
Only suburban and rural retards voted for Frump
City people all voted for Hillary
>Not Balumph
Cum on step it up
>Shill Sup Forums for months
>Muh 99% chance of victory
>Suddenly mug regret and concern, 16 hours after he becomes president
>OMG he's keeping his promises in the first month
Really makes me think about how unsettlingly OK I'd be slitting liberal throats and hanging them from posts by the side of the road.
Why do they love David Brock So much? Is it homophobia?
@ OP: 1 post by this ID
If you are not a shill, please read this. If you are a shill, please read this.
At least you put effort into your bait.
Identity politics taught people that voting for someone because of thei r gender was wrong.
We stopped that nasty old sexist vote and Hillary was defeated.
The left should be proud of what they taught us and thank us!
>Low energy video, deceptive camera angles to seem like a large crowd when its clearly not.
Go to hell with your sexist, racist, nut of a man who will lead this already great country to destruction.
Lol. Wait I thought (((they))) paid her for speeches. Which went to her haiti sex trafficking foundation aka clinton foundation.
Cant tell if this is CTR or Sup Forums meming hillary as a fascist authoritarian.
Enlighten me, how is that going to happen. Ive asked plenty and nobody seems to come up with a straight or half-decent answer.
I can't recall ever hearing a positive thing about Hillary before the election. All of the sudden she is the best politician and best woman in the world.
But user she fought for the children's fund! THE CHILDREN'S FUND!
Keep crying, your tears are delicious!
Srupid question, isn't that kinda true? I mean she won the popular vote, doesn't that mean she was more loved than golden man?
And she bought a few kids with that fund.. and Pizza, lots of Pizza
The thumbnail looks like Hillary is about to be run over by a truck.
No one like hilldogs, not even libshits, they pretend to not sound """sexist""".
>so widely loved
So then you might ask why wasn't she 50 points ahead?
>I can't recall ever hearing a positive thing about Hillary before the election
In truth I never heard anything positive about her during the election. As usual the left concentrated on demonizing the right instead of talking themselves up and never offered any solutions of their own, just how bad the right's solutions were. I seen the exact same thing with Brexit.
Now that Trump is in all of that is going to change. In truth it's been changing since his first day because he actually did what no other politician has ever managed to do, follow through on promises he made.
They forget to mention the vast majority of people who hate her more then anything in the world, tons of people flocked to Donald Trump because they would vote for anyone over a traitor.
I deeply believe that her arrest and fair and speedy trial will be a catalyst towards WORLD PEACE. I wonder, is Hillary the most brutal and notorious criminal in modern times? She has caused so much suffering in this world, let her be the example of how we treat scumbags in the NEW New World Order (us). Die pedo scum.