Why does genetic diversity trigger racists so much?

Genetic diversity debunks both the notion that we are all equal, but it also shows the idea of "whiteness" is purely subjective. White nationalists at least on this board have never genetically defined whiteness. They claim Russians are white, but Ashkenazi Jews are not.

Just look at this chart. Any circle you draw to represent white nationalism will lead to a strange conclusion. Those on the edges would have more genetic similarity to the closest non-whites than those who are considered "white".

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thank you for the pic

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Whiteness is whatever is in the European genetic cluster.

Sicilians are the cutoff. MENA people are probably still """"Caucosoids"""".

Got a higher resolution version of this pic, user? The text for the dots within the loci is not legible

>Those on the edges would have more genetic similarity to the closest non-whites than those who are considered "white".

In a new tab and use a desktop browser.

Then Ashkenazi Jews are in fact whites?

if you are from europe genetically you are white,spaniards and meds included

everyone else is a nigger

Nigger, you do not get it.
White nationalism consists of different white nations. White American nationalism, white Estonian nationalism, white Polish nationalism, ...

Their goal is different nation states.


Jews are not white

Back to Israel Schlomo

As borderline white as Sicilians. Borderlines don't invalidate extremes (see bald man fallacy/continuum fallacy).


>Why does genetic diversity trigger racists so much?

Wut? Racists want to preserve it.

Thanks senpaitchi

Why are the Kalash and Lapps(Sami) so close to each other?

One is a European Finnic people with Siberian influence while the other is a Central Asian Indo European speaking people

> borderline white

But this is based on some center correct? Why should those on the edge accept that as the true center?

Well, their ancestors converted to Kikery in Europe, north of Caucasus and later moved into northwest.

Because genetics are strange.
Why are the Sardinians as genetically distant from other Europeans as the Palestinians?

Take a population that is unarguably """white""" like Danes and compute the distance from them.

Isolation, genetic drift?

And yet the look exactly like the people in the surrounding areas?

White nationalism only exists in an American context. There is no European (((white nationalism))) equivalent, nobody there would want it anyway.

>nobody there would want it anyway.
A pan-white nation would necessarily have to exclude Swedes if it wanted to survive.

White is not a nation per se. There is culture and ancestry what defines nation. White is only one part of it - ancestry.

Pan-white nation is globalist pipe dream. Earth is diverse and needs different localozed cultural approach to mantain it. Living in subtropic differs from living innorth. Living on a litte island differs from living in continental grasland. Habitats differ amd different habitats force different approach in order to not fuck up the habitat.

Fucking tabletposting. But you get the pont.

I agree.

Chart is bullshit.
What does the dimensions measure?
You can pick genetic markers and say Jews and Whites are simular.
But that's just on select markers which (((you))) picked.
Genetic distance is more comprehensive.
Also don't forget culture, the tribe is out to screw the rest of us.

They're a middle-eastern parasite that has interbred with Europeans for far too long.

if they are ukrainians and russian why do they cluster with Mediterraneans?

Because Khazar theory is trash.

Do you now understand how muslim "culture" fucks it all up.

This inspired me, I am going to map Sup Forums genome

What I can say is that if Jews arn't white, then Russians arn't white either. Either they are both white or they are both not white.

a cup of water with a small nugget of shit inside would very closely resemble a standard cup of water but you would be clearly repulsed to drink one while not the other.

Jews and whites are genetically distinct. This is why you can receive Israeli citizenship by proving your jewishness with a genetic test.

i thought it was disproved through genetics but its still a pretty popular theory around here. i read an article that said 80% of ashkenazi jewish maternal haplogroups tested were of european origin. while their y haplogroups are more leventine showing that mostly male jews entered europe at the time of the roman empire and mostly married converted european wives resulting in the modern day ashkenazi population.

Jews are conveniently white. If you renounce your whiteness to bash whites, then become white when it is within your own borders, it's up in the air. Genetically, Semites are Caucasian.

The Finanon you were replying to was alluding to Khazar theory. And you're right,it has been disproved.

This is white
It is not subjective

that's just your opinion, dude, it's... you know, subjective! It's not like there's genetic evidence behind this, that it's based in reality or something.
now keep bumping this bait thread, goy.

What an awkward shape
Also you left a Turk (dark blue triangle) inside

Patriots vs globalists.

>purely subjective
Seems pretty clear cut to me. That little square of red yellow and blue is white. The rest are nigger trash


>Genetic diversity debunks both the notion that we are all equal
No shit, faggot

> but it also shows the idea of "whiteness" is purely subjective

Your definition of what is and is not white is merely based on how you gauge the differences in the populations.
For example, the population of a town from two opposite sides of the same nation will not be the same, just as two families on the opposite sides of the same town.
However, to dismiss the behavioral differences between these general groups just because of your subjective interpretation of a graph would be ignorant at best, and absolutely retarded at worst.

Niggers are much more prone to committing crimes, being impulsive, more aggressive, more likely to commit murder, etc.

Whites are less likely to be as such, because of... why?
Our environment prior to the colonization of various regions demanded that we have self control in order to keep ourselves from eating out our stores, to sustain through the winter months. Our medieval societies actively put murderous criminals to death, eliminating the "warrior gene" in europe.

Whites were forced to be more cooperative and intelligent on their existence, lest they again, die in the winter because they somehow fucked up to the point of being unable to actually manage their communities in a way that would prepare them for winter months.

If Europe was like Africa, then all the niggers would freeze to death simply because they would be incapable of creating a social net for themselves, so that there would be people for them to fall back on in the case of a tough situation.

Therefore, whites are unique in their ability to thrive in a resource rich environment that requires cooperation, and thus intelligence to survive while these resources are inaccessible

well, some turks are just converted balkanids

you can check the turkish royal family for a reference

>White nationalists at least on this board have never genetically defined whiteness. They claim Russians are white,

lol literally no white nationalist claims this. uncle adolf was right, they have too much mongloid in them. their murder rate is 4x that of the USA for christ sake

what the fuck are you talking about. Russians are clearly closer to real whites (Brits/Germans/Nords) than Ashkenazis based on that chart.

For christs sakes you have to go through filthy niggers like Albanians, Greeks, and Italians to get to Ashkenazi's from the real white block.

Genetic mixing isn't inherently bad.
Obviously it happened in the past and the really 100% Europeans are all gone.

But the thing is, you have to think about what there is to gain from it vs what you lose.

And here it is why whites need to be destroyed by globalists. Whites will adapt and will not be slaves to environment.

Genetic diversity destroys actual diversity. 99% of the population ends up with brown skin, brown eyes, brown everything
Ugliest phenotypes are for some reason the most dominant

>Obviously it happened in the past and the really 100% Europeans are gone

that's totally wrong lad. I can prove that I'm 100% white and I'm sure you can too. get a 23andme

Whiteness is subkective!?No its not faggot.You either look white,have white skin and are as smart and educated as a white and you are of european descent.If you are not like that no matter the country you are in you are a nigger.

It is bad when the genes you mix in are shit and propagate harmful traits.

Look at the pic in OP.
Western European hunter gatherers were pure and unmixed with both North Eurasians and European farmers, who were halfway in the Bedouin direction.

How did they determine which genes belong to which region?
They must have measured genes of modern people who can show reasonable evidence that all of their ancestors are from the region and compared those genes to yours.
If the mixing happened thousands of years ago, how would we know?

Alright, just drew this up. Using the source


Using Danes as the center, how far away are the points? I haven't done the calculations yet, so lets see

the genetic content of peoples hundreds of thousands of years ago is irrelevant because the idea of white people is very recent.

it's like saying a soup is inedible because the ingredients used to be vegetable seeds. that's irrelevant to our present conception of that soup.

Guess Romanians aren't white then. How does it feel being the niggers of Europe?

>lebanese christian is right beside portuguese
Holy shit. Really?
How can that be?

The problem with that would be that we would lose every sense of political and numerical control; the jews could just outright call for our genocide, and the stupid nigger slaves would willingly commit.

We would become Brazil; white for as long as we are able to subsist our supply of armed guards and armored cars, long passed the date of actually being able to maintain a stable society.

If we continue to not breed, we risk a dwindling genepool consisting only of those of whom had ancestors who continued to have kids, while the rest of the whites gave up, or fell for the literal jewish propaganda to destroy our genetics by getting it together with a nigger.

Europeans did extraordinary things in North America. Gigantic, mesmerising things. Never has so much energy and potential been launched upon a landmass. It's sad that so much toil and will was betrayed and desecrated. It was another Europe. Now Europe is becoming another America.

Competitive breeding is irrelevant when you have borders enforced.

And competitive breeding is not sustainable - it leads to overpopulation.

They're close. If not for the Judaistic cult and its need to antagonize and remain separate from the goyim they'd have melted into the European population centuries ago. But they didn't. Race is based on genetics. It isn't ALL genetics.

If you haven't accomplished something, then it's only natural to want to piggyback on the success of others.

Taking pride in achievements that were never yours fills that empty void in most people's lives. Racial pride mooks are no different than sports fanatics.

So Russians in Smolensk are definitly white, but Estionians are just as white as South Italians.

What do you think, should we expand whiteness, or contract it? Is 0.00516 from the Danes the cut off?

In the past people mixed but the mixture was refined through war and natural causes.
The best genetic variation survived.

These days people are getting dumber and dumber even without mixing with low intellect people because life is too easy and the dumb breed more.

I've heard you can't really use genetics PCAs for anything serious (Razib Khan). After all, it's many dimensions squeezed down to 2.

/thread pls

>One may overcome the fallacy either by establishing a reasonable, working definition of the term in issue

>asking for a definition is a fallacy

I don't have Photoshop so i couldn't layer one on top of the other, just at a cursory side by side glance, the genetic pattern lines up pretty damn well with the geography on Europe and North Africa.

My conclusion?

Jews belong at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea.



When niggers and kikes rule the world, nobody will really give a fuck about borders. Again, look at Brazil.

You can sneak into the country so easily that it would make the mexican American border look like a joke. Whites have to drive around in armored cars to prevent getting shot by passerby's.

It doesn't matter if you think competitive breeding is valid or not; it is objectively true that we will be much easier to overrun as a race if we end up dropping to only a small fraction of the population.

You probably can't even conceive this problem since you're from Estonia; not as an insult to you, but rather because you probably never will see this as an issue until you are too late.

Minorities are objectively being pushed to have as many kids as possible through welfare. Whites are pushed to have as few kids as possible by absolutely destroying the family unit, the existence of Alimony, and now palimony.

White men are regularly displayed as cucks in media, and with niggers as "the cool kids," all the way from movies down to the commercials.

Faggotry is promoted simply because it causes faggots, or people to virtue signal as faggots, thus causing even less whites to have kids.

Import a few dozen million niggers, mix a bit... and bam, your culture is gone, your race now only consists of half of your nation as a whole, and everyone else is voting for socialism.

If this socialism shit actually ends up following through in the end, whites won't even be able to afford a fucking armored car to hide from the waves of niggers.
We won't even have the population demographics to vote against the fucking waves of mindless nignogs who will always agree with the left.

We will lose our rights, our freedoms, our liberty and persuit of happiness in favor of falling for hedonism and cuckoldery promoted by the jewish culture that now dominates our mediums of entertainment.

Everything must be multicultural, or it is not allowed

The term "white" really did appear during colonialism, but that doesn't make it inherently invalid. It just frankly wasn't a useful term before. A 14th century English nobleman had no clue aboriginies and capoids and siberians even existed, and was thus destined to define himself in lines against people he knew, against the French, the Germans, the Spaniards, etc. Now, however, with the entire earth mapped and every group of people except a single tribe on an island in the Andaman sea being relatively understood, a 21st century Englishman can see that he is far more similar to the French and the Germans than to the Koreans or the Khoisan. The advent (or our realization) of genetics allows us to see that certain populations are more similar, but there are places where the borders grow fuzzy. I think it's this issue combined with the idea of "white nationalism" used in an American concept that gets people confused. White nationalism is a concept in the Americas because these are countries that were born out of the fires of colonialism. Race issues have been an issue in the US since the birth of the country, whereas they've only really become an issue in Europe with the mass immigration of other races into European countries. People in Europe still don't particularly see the use in the term "white" because until incredibly recently, everyone in their society was white. White nationalism is slowly slipping into Europe as whites start to see themselves as a group positioned against another group, meaning that the Germans and the French see themselves as being far more similar than the newcomers, ethnic Arabs and Africans with different religions and different cultures. Jews have interbred with Europeans for millennia, leading them to be quite genetically similar, but their different religion and culture and refusal to integrate has lead them to become a separate people- though they are quite similar.

This is the first real reasonable response and yes even the most inclusive definition of whiteness would still exclude all people we consider black. Ultimately, white nationalism is pan-Europeanism in disguise.

Long story short- the "white" race is a real thing, despite a few fuzzy borders. White nationalism as a concept grew out of the Americas because the Americas are full of people of myriad different races, while Europe, until recently, was not. "White" is used for lack of a better term to describe someone of European ancestry, and while Jews are genetically similar, their culture, religion, and antagonism towards us leads many to not define them as belong to our larger race. Just because the white race exists, it doesn't mean subclades and individual white nations do not exist. That's like saying that pastries don't exist because cream puffs and ladyfingers exist. The borders of the race are really not for me to define, and frankly not worth getting worked up over. You know what race you belong to. Just because some people get hung up over Sicilians or Andalusians or Russians doesn't mean that the notion is now invalid. In a global world, race is the foundation of identity. People are realizing that now.

I'll fite u m8

Poor Sicilians. Only because they cluster with Ashkenazim.

Not really.

genetic diversity isnt bad but it should mean breeding with animals