When niggers and kikes rule the world, nobody will really give a fuck about borders. Again, look at Brazil.
You can sneak into the country so easily that it would make the mexican American border look like a joke. Whites have to drive around in armored cars to prevent getting shot by passerby's.
It doesn't matter if you think competitive breeding is valid or not; it is objectively true that we will be much easier to overrun as a race if we end up dropping to only a small fraction of the population.
You probably can't even conceive this problem since you're from Estonia; not as an insult to you, but rather because you probably never will see this as an issue until you are too late.
Minorities are objectively being pushed to have as many kids as possible through welfare. Whites are pushed to have as few kids as possible by absolutely destroying the family unit, the existence of Alimony, and now palimony.
White men are regularly displayed as cucks in media, and with niggers as "the cool kids," all the way from movies down to the commercials.
Faggotry is promoted simply because it causes faggots, or people to virtue signal as faggots, thus causing even less whites to have kids.
Import a few dozen million niggers, mix a bit... and bam, your culture is gone, your race now only consists of half of your nation as a whole, and everyone else is voting for socialism.
If this socialism shit actually ends up following through in the end, whites won't even be able to afford a fucking armored car to hide from the waves of niggers.
We won't even have the population demographics to vote against the fucking waves of mindless nignogs who will always agree with the left.
We will lose our rights, our freedoms, our liberty and persuit of happiness in favor of falling for hedonism and cuckoldery promoted by the jewish culture that now dominates our mediums of entertainment.
Everything must be multicultural, or it is not allowed