National wealth of Japan overtook China

Good job, Abe

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the ranking


"Japan publishes two figures, gross national assets and net national assets. By gross national assets, Japan reports a figure of 7954 trillion yen ($103 trillion), but claims liabilities of 5242 trillion ($68 trillion) for a net 2712 trillion in 2009.[3] However, these numbers are suspiciously large compared with GDP, only liabilities that could be worth that amount given Japan's ultra low reliance on foreign debt (in government and private sectors) is future promises of healthcare and pension for its aging citizens. Therefore, Japan compiles extra figures (which other nations do not compile) and makes their figures less meaningful to compare with other nations."



> Therefore, Japan compiles extra figures (which other nations do not compile) and makes their figures less meaningful to compare with other nations.

Can they even recover?

based australia. why are we so rich lads?

The last thing I am is a sinophile, but hold up I though the Chinese economy had recently surpassed the Japanese economy? Was that by a different measure of economic progress? I'm legit confused.

because mate, this is God's country

Because you fucks don't give a shit about pc

the big money from China all hidden

Different metrics
You're more likely looking at GDP (profit)
This is national wealth (current assets)

China spent a lot last year, creating their drop
... or Japan being kikes

Abe works well. I support him.


Japan is nice. You can just make a bit of money and live a nice life.

Japan is the only reason I haven't killed myself

Hang in there!

Do it faggot I dare you to

Japanese are truly God's greatest gift

What worries me is all other nations in the top 5 have nearly doubled their 2000 value, but Japan has barely grown at all.

Is making "a bit of money" possible without endless wagecucking?

While Whites allow the nightmare to continue.....

>Make a bit of money and live a nice life
>By working 14 hours a day while only getting 6 hours of work done but staying at the office anyways to maintain appearances
Nice work culture

You're forgetting about asian slave mentality and you can't quit a drink party after a working day.

This kills the birth rates.

thanks for the comment

Japan's GDP was higher in 1995 than it is right now. It's crazy how much they made in the 80s and early 90s.

>Where did your birth rate went
Shit Vladimir get it together

Thats pretty fucking cool.

desu 3rd world shitholes like South Korea and Australia doubling their wealth isn't surprising based on where they started.

>NZ is starting to climb the list of top 30 countries
what the actual fuck


go back to america beta white boi weebs

Lots of chinks

How is Mexico wealthier than Russia?

mexico actually has an economy while russia has only state owned oil companies

lol I don't see any african countries on there, probably because they dindu nuffin to raise the GDP


Overinflated housing prices count towards assets.