AUSTRALIA, you’ll just have to wait

>The head of the National Broadband Network has sensationally claimed Australians do not want super-fast broadband and would not use it “even if we offered it for free”.

N>BN Co chief executive Bill Morrow made the comments at the company’s half-yearly results on Thursday, revealing the network now boasted 1.6 million subscribers although none were able to access its top download speeds.

>Mr Morrow’s remarks came despite an almost 100 per cent spike in Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman complaints about the NBN last financial year, many of them about slow download speeds delivered over the $49 billion network.

>Internet Australia chief executive Laurie Patton said the lack of high-speed broadband connections had seen Australia dragged further behind the rest of the world in technology, and labelled Mr Morrow’s remarks “the greatest spin since people invented washing machines

>Australians do not want super-fast broadband and would not use it “even if we offered it for free”.
I laughed because this is just absurd but then I also empathize with you guys. Over here getting fucking dogshit bandwidth speeds and I live in the USA


Tbqh my ADSL works fine for my level of shitposting

sure it does

>The head of the National Broadband Network has sensationally claimed Australians do not want super-fast broadband and would not use it “even if we offered it for free”.
Absolute horseshit. These retarded cunts are just bleeding the already over-budget project dry with their fat salary packages all while delivering a stupid fucking inferior service.

>“the greatest spin since people invented washing machines"
Top bants though

eh, could be worse.

I honestly think a far right party could get in based on a solid well planned broadband platform.

Libs would fall apart trying to get people to vote for vague social altruism when the opposition plugs self interest

get on my level faggots

that guy is a fucking idiot, why did they even employ an ex"vodaphone CEO" he's only in it for the $3.6 million pay package

Our Australian government is comprised of the worst idiots in the country who are the worst negotiators

Blame the Liberals for gang raping it, or blame the leftist faggots, their identity politics, their Muslim and China rimming for putting them there in the first place.

I mean ffs the left is so bad we voted in Abbott.

>australia is literally 4x faster than my shit net

Fuck the emus and kiwis, when are american cornfields getting something better than slow as shit satalite?

I thought slow Internet speeds were just memes there

>his corncob modem cant pull 8mb down with good game ping also like mine can


Your upload speed is LITERALLY my download speed

fuckin shitcunt

I hope that every single retarded piece of shit who voted for the LNP gets pancreatic cancer

Jesus fucking Christ America and abbo nationals my internet isn't even the best in my area and I'm over 5x as fast....

I have regular internet....

We are in a monopoly for internet and communication.....

Still light years ahead of Australia

Dude, we can't even run air conditioners in a Heat Wave (an Australian Heat Wave) because then our cities will have rolling blackouts.

When we get the basic "Energy" thing figured out, we'll worry about getting faster servers for our FPS's flooded with Chinks and Russians.

>Shitposting at the Speed of Thought™

Hey no Abo billionaires allowed to post


I'm on cable. Get about 23mb down and 1 up.

Does the job. Would suck if I had to upload much.

Telstra can unthrottle your cable if you throw more $ at them

I wasn't able to get 100/40 because apparently they could guarantee that speed so I got 50/20 instead

Oh really thanks.

Tbqh not bad considering the time of day.

Went from ADSL1 yesterday to NBN fiber to the node today, and this is the fastest I can get even with the very fastest plan.

Fuck Telstra and fuck Murdoch for lobbying against the original NBN.

Why can't we have infrastructure projects that aren't shit?


He is talking about 1 Gigabit per second speeds which is the absolute max NBN technology can do..

He is not saying Australians don't want better internet than they currently have. Just that the absolute maximum speeds are not practical for most households.


Lift yer game mates.

What are you suppose to be getting user??? did your plan change?

It was wrong to sell Telstra off. They should've split Telstra into retail & wholesale and sold off retail segment only. Then mandate the wholsale telstra to deploy FTTP. Instead we now get NBNCo, which is almost what telstra used to be, with a whole lot of duplication and waste of money in the process.

It wouldn't have been rolled out as fast, but you'd have a lot better coverage by 2017.

Fuck off Malcom

When I got NBN, I moved to Optus because I could get an unlimited plan for $60/mo at the time. I pay $20 for speed boost up to 50/20. The best Telstra could offer me was 25/5 with 1000gb for $150/mo


>unlimited plan
There is no such thing. They always have a "fair use" clause and will get up your arse if you use too much.


Ur pictures bit big mate can you make it smaller so i can see

wish those idiots would just deregulate the net infrastructure so competent companies can install fibre

getting sick of telstra and NBN

I got a notice once when I used 1215GB month, but my neighbour was doing shit on it as well.

Optus recently upgraded all their shit too so they have much more bandwidth than Telstra does

Nah cunt fiber to the node, copper to the house. We're gonna build a whole new infrastructure project on the back of old oxidised copper from the 50s!


This is why they shitpost all the time. Must be fucking frustrating living at that speed.

I'm paying $67.80 for this

I pay the same for 20 down and 4 up

I can't really complain about my download speeds i can download stuff in a reasonable amount of time and i know plenty of people have it worse but fuck i wish i had better upload speeds its a nightmare uploading anything.

>let's give the monopoly on NBN to the same company that caused Australia to have the worst internet in the developed world
>what's that mr Turnbull? We should sell it to Telstra? Done.
T.stockholder on Telstra

They need to keep companies out through laws and regulations because the Internet business is so profitable there would be an stampede of companies wanting to invest to build the infrastructure necessary, yet somehow they manage to convince people it should be done with tax money and Telstra

Obligatory kek

I was getting 800 KB/s down on ADSL1.

When I signed up for the NBN I went with the fastest plan available to me, which was 100/40 Mbps.

I got my current speed WITH that plan, so the slow speed is purely because of the copper infastructure. Now I'm on a 25/5 Mbps plan.


/liverightnextonode/ here?

feels fucking good cunts

I pay $50.37 for 100mbs download. Only good thing about living in California.

Not so fast burger, do you know how much he is paying for that shit?
Well over a 100 dollaridoos, and that's with download/upload limits, if it's unlimited internet he is definetely paying at least 150, and you need to sign a contract for at least 2 years.

I would be changing it down to 25/5. no point paying more if you can't get that speed

literally 2007 all over again

im sitting here with the same fucking 25mbit connection a decade later

fuck this gay hole

why is the upload so slow?

thats all i get over 25/5 fixed wireless

be happy cunt

No clue, but I'm not even mad it's not like I'm a YouTuber or anything.

Muh solar
Muh wind

Cunts worry about providing energy to begin with fucking hell I hate labour and the greens literally fucking aids, killing our country slowly.

We could have cheap reliable nuclear, we have plenty of space to put the waste in fact we get paid by other countries to bury their waste.

False. I've done an average of 1.5tb/ month on my pc and 300-500gb/ month on my xbox.
Still on the 100/40 speeds, haven't been throttled once.

Are you fucking serious m8 that's most of my data cap...

Anyone know why mobile networks are a bit shit, no matter which company it is?

Post your speed m8

Not even the Liberals are touching nuclear unfortunately.

you live in the middle of nowhere?

$80 cad for a 10th of that here. I live right in the middle of a big fucking city too.

There is literally an Optus tower about 700m away from my house on top of a hill.

After all the brainwashing it would be politiical suicide for any party, we could have the cheapest, cleanest most reliable energy in the world, but no, let's stick to fucking solar, the most unreliable and expensive source of energy of them all, genius.

I used australian server in speedtest, just to see how well it goes

straya cunt

Meanwhile in BC Internet was declared an essential telecommunications service a declaration not made since the telephone
Canada as a whole followed suit next month after they realized we were right
ISPs have to start making efforts to offer at least 50mbps even in the absolute middle of nowhere and get help doing so

But hey at least you have kangaroos to fuck or something

whats up peasants? only 10eur for this. have no work though.

do Aussies shitpost because their internet is too bad for online gaming?

What city?

How many rivers do you guys have?

Which one?

If you guys have rivers quit moaning and set up some hydroelectric

Wind is even more pathetic than solar yet the retards in SA insist on it because they won't dare mention they were wrong. Because God forbid anyone says that anymore. I swear reality just keeps getting more and more insane.

>tfw 1.02 download and 0.68 upload

I'm paying 34,5 AUD a month or this.

Over here it's a bit of a mess.
Some years ago a big Capital fund in Delaware purchased our national ISP for tax evasion purposes.
And then they used that large ISP to buy up smaller ISPs which I was customer at.

And then they raised the price of existing customers by 5,5%.
And at the same time raised the minimum price for future customers by even more.

We're fucked by the Capital Fund jews.

They are doing a NBN rollout in my area. I miss out by one fucking meter. I shit you not. I have to wait till like July for it now. I live in a all white city, but shit I still want muh internets.

Even with our 2Mb down and 0.5Mb up we still reign supreme. There's a reason (((they))) hold our internet infrastructure back.

1337 speeds bro

>I live in a all white city

>tfw pay £53 a month for this

fucking line rental when you don't both with a house phone is some shit.

My area gets NBN at the earliest in 2020.

Oh LNP shill you're too easy to spot

Just be careful your prime minister or finance minister won't stab you in your back and selling the national ISP to some big bank.

It's a very popular occurrence in Europe, and they coincidentally are rewarded with super lucrative jobs at Goldman Sachs and other banks and think tanks after they sold out their country.

Everyone was doing it I just wanted to be popular.

I saw three garbage wearing women all last year and it was during Christmas time, I'd tell you where but there are too many shitskins on here.


Jul-Dec 2018 here. Sorry bro, thought I had it bad.

I feel sorry for you danebro.
I pay 9,36 AUD for this, guaranteed 99% up time.
Feels good living in youth housing

You're obviously not talking about a capital city. Can you at least give me a hint.

m8 have you ever slipped into a puoch? It's welcoming to say the least
Like 2 in a good year. And I mean a REAL good year. Usually we get about 0.66 rivers per annum

House mates is watching Netflix gf watching YouTube on our 4K tv... not too bad

>claimed Australians do not want super-fast broadband and would not use it “even if we offered it for free”.
The faggot needs to be lynched.

Holy fucking shit.

I pay 60 roo bucks for my net and I'm capped at 500gb download.

Yeah not a capital city. Lets say if Harambe was a giant fucking gorilla and I mean big, he'd find a treat where I live around.

North Coast NSW?

Mate you're practically the outback there, 500gb sounds generous


Correct. Yeah it used to be unlimited but I hardly download that much anyway because it's too slow.

Lucky cunt

Behold, my old internet.
Had a 3gb cap, this was capped speed (uncapped was about 200kb/s dl). I live in a normal area.


>peak time slowdown


yikes now I feel bad about complaining, sorry mate.