ITT:(((Sup Forums)))-related orthodox Jew thread
Leil Erev Shabbos edition
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Have you had experience with death and what is your view of the state of the dead
For second question:
Based Mathias Rex. How's your week been so far? Any interesting stories?
What is this
Interesting, but you're too young.
I'll try anyway.
Do you think shituf should be permissible for goyim ? In my opinion it's the only way christians a'd jews will know peace.
Can we agree reform and all these commie jews are erev rav and gas them together ? They bring nothing good to the world, only bad.
Do you actually believe 6,000,000+ Jews were rounded up and genocided in camps by the Nazis during the span of WWII?
Naw, not really
A shop someone made of me
Speak to a qualified frum posek (
Yes that is true. The secular Zionist and the commie Jews are spiritual Amalekites according to our Sages (The Chofetz Chaim, R' Elchonon Wasserman said this, see Ikvet d'meshicha, in english is availble as free online pfd titled "Epoch of the Messiah")
No, it was a hoax. :^)
Are you halakhally Jewish? Please do not post on my threads when its Shabbos by you, because I wont respond. :^)
Heres some red pilling for you....Have an amazing Shabbos and please spread.....I have made you a watchman, Ben Adam....
Yes I am. It's 11:00 am here, not yet Shabbat. Will give your video a watch as usual. Here's one for you:
1. What's the problem with foreskin? How does my uncut meat spiritually damage me?
2. What do you think of the ultra-orthodox chimping out in Jerusalem?
Thanks. Why non chabad tho ? They seem a little more friendly to non jews than the others. I wish I had an orthodox friend irl.
*psst* hey jew
wanta try some logos?
You faggots are just a bunch of niggers for the KKK
How does it feel to be retarded?
No answers?
Ask your mother
Look at this image...does it make sense now?
I think its fucking bullshit they are protesting against the country they live in and being disloyal to their rulers. If they felt so strongly about the army, they should just leave that country. Everyone is happy.
I have more red pill info if you are interested
Nice face do you eat kosher and do you think it makes you healthier than others
oops thats a LARPing iage, this is what I want you to see...Acording to the esoteric tradition their are incomprehensibly deep symbology in the way humans look....I know more, but this venue is unworthy....but Ill try to communicate it in memes...
Explain why G-d hates my uncut cock.
What do you like spefically about my face? Are you male and female? Its fnny, I had an aussie GF who thought middle eastern men are unbearably sexy, and she thought frummy Jewish men are really fucking hot....The beauty of looking like this, people who hate that Im like this...they were never going to like me.....I might as well be all Jewish because there will always be Jews and especially goyim who will like that Im Jewish, and many of these goyim post on this board.
Yes, I keep strict kosher, my mom washes for bugs and is a shomer Shabbos and believes in
Not really, I guess kosher meat has less hormones in it but it doesnt taste as good because of the salting process....since we are forbidden to eat blood as Israelites....
Why do you think God is an angry police officer who hates you for having a foreskin
Who is telling you this garbage, son?
You did threads ago.
Care to elaborate on this? You make it sound as if uncut cock is a kind of original sin.
Your skin is perfect so I thought yeah maybe it's the good kosher food idk how old you are I'm female medical skin technician so I notice skin I hear you drain meat of blood I am sure that's got something to do with clear skin
Its a karmic thing....we are in this world to rectify ourselves and by purifing our actions, especially in the area of sexual urges, we elevate ourselves and achieve de'vay'kut with Hashem (Having an intimate relationship with G-d)....We say in our liturgy in the birchat ha'mazon we say thank you Hashem "Al brit'te'kha sh'chamatanu" our circumcision that was stamped onto us, and then immediately we say "V'al Torah'techa sh'lam'a'danu" And thank you for Your Torah that You taught us....this juxtaposition is to indicate that tempering the sexual drive is a requirment to achieve greatness in Torah and this concept is embody by brit milah (Torah-based circumcision as mark that we are Hashem's slaves)
Im afraid u are a troll.
kosher chicken tastes really good and is juicier because the salting is essentially a pseudo-brine (brining makes chicken tasty)
also didn't you say you were iranian jew but also had a marriage certificate from your russian grandparents? or am i mixing up my jews
I drink lots of water, alot of black tea (tejava, try it sometimes, helped my former GF quit soda and she lost 30 pounds because of other eating changes i taught her)...also I use a bidet and perform multiple koloniks through out the day. I also watch what I eat.
No, I remember who you are talking about but I recall him saying one set of parents are polish.
but you are iranian?
Multiple don't do that no you may regret it
yes, both my parents are iranian but I was born in L.A. and lived here my whole life
Do you have skype or fb? how old r u
oh and i lift too, right now Im holding at using 25 pound dumbbells but they are getting too light
Because you could damage yourself that's just not advise able are you trying to loose weight? I'm on fb how did you have an Australian gf where u live?
i met her online....i live in W. LA.
brah start doing Starting Strength or something and get fuckhuge. fuck the dummbells
I like pooping huge amounts in one setting and I like it when the water going inside of my rectum makes me peepee right before it makes me poo poo
heres me last thanksgiving
So she was just online gf you can have gf u never met
Good lord is that sexual I can't believe you said that you look 16
she has visited me multiple times and she takes me out to meals
what gave me away
Also please note how different aussie wome nare from other westerners...aussie women are the best!
lol you remind me of that gf
when did i say i look 16? People irl think Im much younger than I am (Im 24)
Beautiful face ok but your rear end is gonna be a problem if you keep putting water up it
ok...give me your fb
Come and join us in this thread:
>No, it was a hoax. :^)
Based brother.
If you get off on water you are not for me I need real man
haha only idiots believe in the 6 million sham :^)
Even Jews are convinced by this maddening delusion. I only admit to it cause no one will believe you,,,
I dont get off on it, pooping feels good. but its not sexual, its just relieving. Once Im empty, I stop. Its not sexual.
also im exaggerating because of the pee pee poo poo wojak/pepe memes....maybe you are just too much of a normie to get the joke. Its not your fault, youre just not a sperg.
Your gay aren't u
Im not, I can introduce you to my aussie gf
why do orthodox jewish boys deny the rampant molestation and child abuse that takes place by their elders/rabbis? why are you shamed in not coming forward to put pedos in jail?
we all know how widespread pedophilia is within the jewish orthodox community but we can't help you if you aren't willing to be ostracized
This is what I think
How do you feel about this article?
ever been to a Jewish bathhouse?
>concern trolling
kys nigger
The Rabbi is righteous but my Rav told me his molestation figures are dramatically exaggerated.
Do you think Donald is going to build the third temple in Jerusalem?
I believe that's his mission/purpose from God.
i generally go to the mikvah every week on erev Shabbos (day before Shabbos)
I hope not
Check out this channel...please spread to everyone, Jew or
30 hours on the 2016 election and the implications of the election of President Trump...
If you lived here I'd pop round to get you off the bidet but you don't anyway nice talking great skin
How is one supposed to read the Talmud to not conclude rabbi's are pedos and pedo enablers?
What's your opinion on Barbra Lerner Spectre
Is she what America needs to be #GreatAgain ?
She's an American Jew temporarily living here in the upper areas of Stockholm because of a (((state financed))) thinkthank
>america gets mencius moldbug and paul gottfried
>sweden imports (((spectre)))
can you niggers just not help yourselves?
>>sweden imports (((spectre)))
>can you niggers just not help yourselves?
Don't shift blame on me or my fellow - Nordic-White, or Northern European naturalized - swedes.
This video was unintentionally made public (!) IIRC showing what our (((Shabbos'd))) rulers bring over here _without us always knowing about it_