>pic related
>pic related
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To work within the legal system to accomplish your goals of asserting your agenda and seeking justice, what a crazy white thing to do. Perhaps if Trump rolled up to the courthouse with his homedogs and did a driveby shooting of the judge she would be more agreeable.
What is more funny is Trump is acting EXACTLY the way 99% of niggers act -- he's on chimp-out mode 24/7.
He's literally an honorary nigger -- and these hashtag activists have the gull to deny him of that right? Of acting like a nigger? They're racist.
wtf i like richard nixon now
If he was black he would have just just shot them like a reel nigga
t. Shaniqua Shabongaboo Jones
based Nixon
Word homie. Trump's a balla.
Nixon did nothing wrong
My favorite part about this picture is you can tell the Klansman on the right is smiling because of his eyes. The one in the back row looks like he's trying his hardest to look indifferent.
>most of them (Africans) are just out of the trees
>the Jews are born spies, they're arrogant and devious
Remind me again why I'm suppose to hate Nixon? This is exactly how I talk in everyday life.
Out of tree is good metaphor but right off boat is better but worse for the ones who wanna use it because it implies they did anything to have boats happen. Now. Because these same people also advocate hetero against homo (hetero used to be defined as an unhealthy appetite for the opposite sex), they're not allowed to talk about trees...
Nigger court: brtttttttttt
Her tweet is whiter than the ALL CAPS one.
So is her twitter handle.
So is her photo tbqh.
Also, wouldn't hearing;
Be kind of a black thing to hear?
Here's what Nixon had to say about the Neo-Conservative Globalists;
>hurr whites aren't allowed to exist during nigger history month
She's gonna run in 2020 isn't she
FOB is a literal identifier here.
Fresh Off Boat. You hear normies use it.
It basically only applies to Islanders (you know, Samoans etc) for some reason though.
Let's hope.
Good. She will lose bigly. :^)
Elizabeth Sioux Warren doesnt stand a chance against the good Emperor. Trump would win by a landslide. Libtards still dont get it.
>haha white people are so uncool and civilized lol look at how civilized they are doing everything like real people instead of savages
Get fucking lynched kike.
Getting real motherfucking sick of entitled nigger cocksuckers thinking if they spout bullshit that they're some fucking deacon of wisdom and never wrong.
From Trump's internment camps, yes.
You seem mad, Pedro Gonzales Camacho Poquito Abuela.
Black Americans need to govern their own communities and produce their own culture instead of licking white liberals ass.
>Black Americans need to govern their own communities and produce their own culture instead of licking white liberals ass.
This is exactly what Malcolm X said and they killed him. He said blacks are not compatible with white culture.
He was a based nigga. RIP
I always found it frustrating that most of them don't see how they are manipulated by white liberals "if we don't support progressive policies that have destroyed our identity then we wont get a black history month" fucking idiots.
>I always found it frustrating that most of them don't see how they are manipulated by white liberals
My Aussbro, you still don't understand that niggers are subhuman, right? I mean most modern societies have given them a chance and they still keep fucking up.
Also the U.S.A. niggers have it the best. Female billionaire nigrette (Oprah) movie stars, rappers, football players, etc. etc.
Niggers need to look in the mirror (if their tiny minds are capable of doing that) and reflect a bit and realize that the U.S.A. has been the most kind to them and has paid them back in ten-fold without giving them reparations.
>Affirmitive action
>Gibsmedat programs
>Liberal bias to help them (ie Jewlywood loves them)
>etc. etc.
I honestly don't feel bad for any nigger. They are their own worst enemy and are being used like puppets for political gain.
"hey look white people did a thing. Haha so white"
I like to live in hope that they will unfuck their continent one day. Whites can't shoulder the worlds burned on their own.
>white people obey the law
hmm, really makes you think, huh?
Actually the whitest thing Trump did this month is stay employed
Niggers obviously know a lot about being taken to court.
Is this why he chose Kissinger as National Security Advisor?
kek goddam
Hi CTR. I see you're engaging in the some nice pol-flogging. Very good. Very good.
Dude CTR doesn't exist anymore. Get with the times.
It's American Bridge PAC now -- ABP
I've heard his discourse against jews before, but I hadn't heard his discourse for niggers. Thank you shekelbro.
Lets just agree to call them kikes.
>Shitskin calling others niggers
kek lmao
since when do T*rkroaches have an upper hand in any conversation about race? Nice try mehmet, gas yourself.
>CTR doesn't exist
Nice try, but we have your number.
There is no part of his post where he tries to have an upperhand.
Of course a turk can call a nigger a nigger.
You are literally the same cunt talking about CTR and shit, and now you pull out this divide and conquer bullshit.
>kike thinks he's whiter than a Turk
Wrong. In fact, there's a greater chance he has European blood than you, Schlomo.
Upperhand? Show me where I had made such claim.
Indeed, racism itself is not a crime on its context in our laws. Time to time we can't restrain ourselves from mocking a sudanese street vendor. Mostly, we call them "charcoal".
Are Bulgarians european? 4 generations before my ancestors moved to Istanbul, so.
Idk, but I'll take a Turk over a kike rat any day.
>Using "white" as a synonym for bad
The Day of the Rope can't come soon enough.
>blacks are not smart enough to be spies
If a lot of us were spies he would hate us anyway.
can't win with some people.
President Nixon was completely right about the jews. Jewish groups are so confident in their power they just publish his words. If you actually look into what he says, he is right. Jews were totally fucking shit up with Russia and other countries because they demanded we take in more and more jews. Their loyalty was to other jews not to the USA.
you can thank (((Mtv, Hollywood, etc))) for that