Can women be saved from degeneracy?
What makes you think they can?
Yes, anyone can be saved if they believe in Jesus Christ
Believing in the false messiah will not save anyone.
>implying he didn't buy those for his own viewing pleasure
Believing in the prophet of the devil Muhammed and worshipping Satan and bowing down the idolatrous black cube will not save you
Fix men
Fixing men will automatically lead to fixing women
yes, once they leave all religons behind.
underrated very nice my friend
>false messiah
Kek, I can tell you are a leag pretending to be a roach. Jesus WAS a messiah, in islam. Classic. Well, that's what happens when you believe in semitic religions.
Koran 2:62
Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.
Koran 3:85
And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.
So which is it Mehmett? If your unholy book was truly written by God why this huge inconsistency?
nicely done
Checkmate roach.
So Sup Forums wants to go back to the age where you can't fuck anyone until marriage
I thought this is the reason why the West started the Sexual Revolution?
this Fix men, and the women will follow. They do every single time.
Jesus is messiah for everyone, the Koran even says all the Gospels are true, but in the actual Koran they're all lies and bastardised, you need to read the original bible for the truth.
Let's look at one of the biggest lies in the Koran
Quran 2:34
And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.
GOD COMMANDED ONLY TO WORSHIP HIM, they're saying here Iblees who is Satan refused and became one of the disbelievers.
So wait let me get this straight, according to the Quran the angels did good by going against Gods word and Satan did bad?
God made it clear bow to no one but him, Satan seems to be the only one who did that but he's called a disbeliever
Maybe the Muslims believe Christians and Jews will literally be losers in Heaven, the Muslims will have 72 virgin girlfriends, and the Christians and Jews will be sitting in the corner playing Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
This is what the bible says
Mathew 4:10
Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Is Adam your God? Why did angels bow to him?
Women as a whole? Fuck no. Pandora's Box is open.
They suck dick for a living. So NO!
Never that.
Truth. When men are men again and not weak little snowflake pussies, women will have families and partners worth dedicating their time and energy to.
This is what your cuck religion says
Quran 2:230
And if he has divorced her [for the third time], then she is not lawful to him afterward until [after] she marries a husband other than him. And if the latter husband divorces her [or dies], there is no blame upon the woman and her former husband for returning to each other if they think that they can keep [within] the limits of Allah . These are the limits of Allah , which He makes clear to a people who know.
cuckold relationship Muslim style
Divorce your wife and let your mate marry her in one of their fake temporary marriages, have fun with her then remarry her!
What the bible says
Matthew 5:32
But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
Islam is the one true redpill vis-à-vis wimmin, praise be to Allah (swt) kuffar virgins
Women follow men.
Always have, always will.
Do not be fooled by the current trend of feminism, and the "independent" women.
Biological instincts are not eradicated due to a small period in the history of time that actively works against them.
Base instinct overcomes thought.
Women want to be submissive to men.
The men of today are weak, pushovers, too scared to offend and discipline women.
Fix men, and you fix women.
Men need to be men and keep them in place.
It's funny, someone in "the real world" reading this would say I am a crazy misogynist, but nothing I say is a lie.
I am not a misogynist, I simply realise women for what they are.
The majority of them have the thought process of children, and needed to be kept in check as a result.
it's not a problem with men you filthy infidel, its a problem with the degenerate West
What the Koran says
Quran 2:15
[But] Allah mocks them and prolongs them in their transgression [while] they wander blindly.
So Muslims believe that God is sitting up in heaven, and mocking people. Nice God eh?
Why is he bullying his creation? This is why they have zero regard for human life their God doesn't care about the life he created. He doesn't want them to be saved apparently he doesn't care, he's just making fun of them for not believing him.
How can you say Christians and Muslims have the same God?
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It is a problem with men.
Look at this stupid lock and key analogy perverted men make to justify their fornciation.
Women AND men need to read and follow Gods word!
It says in the bible man is the head of woman, if man is the head and leading a bad example how do you expect the woman to follow?
No, it is men.
Islam just takes it too far.
They have the right idea, but are far too extreme.
It's funny that the West and Islam are too opposite extremes in their treatment of women.
We just need a comfortable balance.
We just need the bible, simple as that the bible is the one tool to offer the guidance we need. It was authored by God
that man is so angry he's going to hate fuck his wife later for turning out those two roasties
bro since you're canadian you're probably baiting here but if you're being serious: crazily preaching about God isn't helping your cause and people will not take you seriously, or in most cases, even reply at all.
Please give serious answers that have actual practical solutions, not just a general, nonsensical and unhelpful "It's God, man"
The bible is a practical solution, wouldn't following God's word help society?
And no I never bait
But also cuckshaming the men willing to accept a whorish woman.
We need to shame slutty men as well
No they can't. Their hell is self-imposed.
>Create freedom to chose between being a housewife or worker
>Furthers single parenthood and permanently cripples the potential for a nuclear family
>Become more educated than men
>Increases sense of worth and self to astronomic levels that no rational man would ever deal with
>Literally indoctrine men about women's right and feminism in college while destroying or complaining about everything that makes men masculine
>Be mad when they realize they effectively are killing alpha males and creating undesirable betas in their place
>Use hookup culture as a way to empower women sexuality
>Men use them as cum receptacles they slowly become either used and unwanted or depressed
Everything they've accomplished over the years is one giant monkey paw and they have no choice but to keep going.
If it's their nature to be degenerate, we should let them, then we as men, can choose not to reward it. That simple. If most men reward it, fine, most men want it.