Will Libertarianism ever be taken seriously?
The current libertarian party does not represent libertarians.
Libertarians voted for Trump.
An ideologically pure libertarian wouldn't vote for Trump in a million years.
As an ideology it is like anarchism in that it is fundamentally antithetical to the action of amassing political capital, which is required to be "taken seriously"
or to put it in terms a leppo can understand: lolno
Sure he would.
You probably constructed in your head a strawman of what an "ideologically pure libertarian" is.
You've been brainwashed by jewish propaganda.
>no, what a stupid fucking idea to let people live their lives without government ruling over them controlling everything.
its funny, because every time Sup Forums advocates for extreme authoritarianism they don't understand they are the globalist kikes.
the end goal of authoritarianism is one world government.
any true Sup Forumsack is libertarian to a degree, memes aside you can support small government and individual rights without wanting ancap.
I feel like most libertarians are willing to compromise because economic freedom tends to outweigh the current social freedoms that are being battled over. Plus who is ideologically pure on anything?
Pure ideology
I'm an ideologicaly pure libertarian. I voted for Trump because he's a step in the right direction. Stakes are high right. Standing on the sidelines preaching freedom is like telling a guy attacking you with a knife about the NAP in hopes he'll stop.
Kek. Good anology.
Nah, you probably used to consider yourself libertarian and now you support Trump so you somehow think the two are intertwined.
The core principle of Libertarians is small, unobstructive government, which only applies to Trump in terms of domestic business regulations.
I am mostly libertarian and I voted for Trump, but I do not by any means consider him a libertarian president. A libertarian president would be a Ron Paul or even a Leppo.
No, Ron Paul was a cuckhold.
He should have run as republican and subtly implemented his libertarian policies.
Fuck liberatarians. They will NEVER win an election, and that is why they are cuckholds.
>Nah, you probably used to consider yourself libertarian and now you support Trump so you somehow think the two are intertwined.
Oh yeah, I'm sure you nigger cocksucking faggot knows about me than myself.
You're just a pathetic brainlet who should fuck off back to plebbit.
>I am mostly libertarian
Did you and your wife's son go to the libertarian convention?
Ron Paul ran for the Republican presidential nomination several times and was jewed out of it every time.
The last time he ran, against Romney, the Republicans changed the rules right before the convention to leave Ron Paul out.
Everything Trump wants is anti-libertarian dumbfuck. Just because lets wants businesses to spew shit into the atmosphere at their leisure doesn't mean he 's a step in the right direction.
Kill yourself nigger.
Trump is the only politician who has a seemingly vague idea that a small government free society is a very particular form of government which is only compatible with people of european race and culture.
Libertarians vote for Trump because they know that libertarianism is impossible when your population is mostly made up of low IQ shitskins.
Clear now?
An ideologically pure libertarian wouldn't vote for any of the candidates.
A smart libertarian would vote for Trump over Hillary because it is a step in a better direction.
No. Until we all evolve into beings that are rigid with our morals and ethics, and are completely purged of Jewish traits and thought like greed, Libertarianism is but a fevered dream.
Yeah that really was the end of libertarianism wasn't it?
>free society
>deport all immigrants who are citzens
Only when people understand Natural Law
Thank you for that eloquently reasoned rebuttal of my choices.
After seeing a fat, naked, neckbearded fuck dance at the Libertarian convention, I knew those cucks weren't true Libertarians, just faggots.
Real ones voted Trump.
It's not about being taken seriously as much as facing the reality as more and more people begin to do commerce and rely on services existing outside the system, after all taxation is theft and when given the choice people will evade it 9/10
Democratic regimes are cancer devouring their hosts
The ones that actually think strategically about how to achieve the world they want to live in will never be seen doing shit like that.
Having a free society and banning and forcefully removing immigrants is anti-thetical to the libertarian ideology. Can't believe I have to explain this, I guess racists really are idiots.
individuals in libertarian communities are allowed to discriminate freely, for instance can choose not to sell land to undesirables, serve undesirables, support or associate with undesirables
since there's no gibs there's no reason for nigs coming a-knocking unless they want to try an exercise in treading
In a free society people would be free to associate with whoever they wished, but we do not have a free society so I am forced to associate with any immigrants who will vote themselves more gibs and have no issue with pointing the barrel of a gun at my nation of people should the government asks.
Free migration is forced integration which is not free society
those are some really nice tits
Libertarianism is great as a philosophy, it's a joke as a political party and it's pathetic as a lifestyle. Exhibit A.
1. only illegal immigrants are being deported
2. while the US is a welfare state, you cannot have open borders or mass immigration from cultures that are not compatible with US ideals. Open borders is a libertarian ideal, but the prerequisite is that the government's policies don't invite leeches that will not only exhaust the country's resources but also vote for politicians that will create legislation counter to all libertarian ideals.
I bet you're the kind of (((libertarian))) who thinks it's okay to dip bananas in your rectum because it doesn't violate the NAP.
There's something like 8000 legislative seats in the US, counting state legislatures and the US congress. Libertarians currently have 2 out of those estimated 8000, a drop of 50% from their recent all-time high of 4 (two mormon Never Trumpers joined and then retired).
However I hope they keep going because they're unintentionally hilarious.
>People on Sup Forums think that adopting x philosophy means pushing it to the extreme
You don't have to go extreme all the way faggots. It doesn't mean that borders have to open up because "WE HAVE TO GET IT ALL BY THE DEFINITION".
This "pure-libertarian" circle-jerk nonsense is fucking over anyone who believes in a free market and having the government get the fuck out of almost everything.
You faggots need some compromise or it will never pick up momentum.
Communities in libertarian societies would absolutely use force to protect their culture if it was threatened. In Alaska, before anything resembling a city existed there, small communities of natives would police neighborhoods themselves, and outsiders who disrupted the peace would get disappeared, while others would integrate peacefully.
No one has said it yet?
Okay here goes...
Walter Block(Started libertarians for Trump) and Christopher Cantwell(Just wants to violently kill leftists) would like to disagree.
Even Mr. Nice Guy Tom Woods is leaning towards helicoptering the left these days.
Pic related
I realized just recently that we need Trump to break some eggs. I don't like the idea of authoritarianism at all but at the same time (((they))) are in control of everything and you cannot fix it without having a Trump.
not on Sup Forums
Any libertarian of sound mind voted for Trump