Are you pro-vaccine pol?

Are you pro-vaccine pol?

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depends if it has heavy metals in it or not.

How heavy you want it?

Did Trump get autism shots when he was young?

Yeah, it's largely a racket.

This isn't to say the technology of vaccination isn't legitimate, but the shit you're interacting with when you get a "flu-shot" is a bio-weapon.

In depth lecture concerning the history of vaccination, the progression of the science, and common misconceptions.

of course, you dumbfuck

Insider here, rumor has it Trump's used Federal Agencies in the US to raid and seize computer equipment related to vaccinations. His skepticism was born from the effects on his son, Barron.

You uncle is a great man and a true patriot, give him my regards.

yes, trump just can't accept that having a child at 60 might not have been his best idea

How did you know?

no. vaccines cause autism. if you cant see that you're retarded. i havent given any of my kids vaccines and the survival rate has been low but its worth it so they dont have autism

I believe in lead vaccines for illegals and rapefugees.


For those in the "know", the Brotherhood of Uncles are one of the leading societies taking the fight straight to the Illuminati.

Without them, we'd already be entirely domesticated.

You're a dumb shit. Any heavy metals that are in vaccines are in a compound. Yeah there are lead and mercury atoms in there, but they're part of a molecule.

Sodium is poisonous. So is Chlorine. But not NaCl. It's the same thing.

But you don't know me.

>Burglords pro anti-vacc
I wonder why your nation is looked down upon


>being anti-vaccine
Do Americans want to go back to the Middle-Age?

reminder the idea that vaccines cause autism comes from one corrupt british scientist who faked results so he could give autistic children unnecessary surgeries and he got his qualifications revoked and his papers retracted and kicked out of the UK scientific community so he simply went to America and tried it again and of course this time it worked and is now a big issue to Clapboys

I'm not vaccinated. I live a healthy life and rarely get sick.

I also don't have autism so that's a plus, bigly.

Fucking vaccines gave my kitten cancer.

Of course, they are a brilliant idea and they would do great without government involvement.

>it's someone's fault my kid is autistic and will never be as good at sports as Henderson's kid, or in anything for that matter

Provided that they are rigorously tested, which was obviously not the case here

Yes because they're necessary for viruses like polio. Vaccines themselves do work as long as they don't contain other shit. So quality control and oversight is necessary.

>vaccines cause autism

you guys know the study that """proved""" this was run by somebody who had blatant conflicts of interest right? iirc he was buddies with a lawyer who actually planned on suing people over the supposed autism-causing vaccines, but it was proved to 100% be a hoax

i know this board is anti-intellectual but holy shit, the willful ignorance irks me sometimes

American vaccines are probably fucked. Nothing in America is for the people. It is time you hold the fucking government to the constitution again.


vaccines are literally what stopped us from dying to the flu all the time

just inject lol

Hey, we're not all anti-vacc. Just the ones with autism, ironically

Vaccines are loaded with shit to fuck up your spinal cord and cause digestive tract issues. If you haven't seen Vaxxed - you don't know about the CDC whistleblower who came forward and said they faked their autism study.

I am somewhat tuned into the community and know a dozen or so people who say their kids changed overnight, right after getting a vaccine.

It's legit 100% don't do vaccines ever!!!

Inb4 muh polio. They changed the definition of polio. Also we don't shit behind trees anymore and have running water to wash our hands.


Our bodies function by breaking down molecules into components you fucking nimrod

"Proved" by faking the data. Watch Vaxxed - a whistleblower came forth from the CDC who co-wrote the "proof" you're talking about

He didn't fake the data and he was only ostracized because of big pharma + the NWO goal to turn us all into drueling idiots

Watch Vaxxed for the real story behind the CDC's coverup of autism link



Healthy young child goes to Sup Forums, gets pumped with shitposts, doesn't reply to this post and mother DIES. Many such cases!


Its a conspiracy that involves dozens of world leaders to benefit trillion of dollars for the big companies.

You have to take the redpill

r/the_donald can all get Polio

Dismisses decades worth of medical knowledge because he watched a documentary.
Please die

Very clever.

tfw when the conspiracy is to big so you go hard in the other direction

rare fucking flag

where is your Isle of Man and how do I join the club partner

It's obviously because his son has autism and rather than blaming himself for being old he rather buy into a conspiracy theory

So why don't I die from Chlorine/ Sodium poisoning whenever I eat something with salt in it you fucking mouthbreather?

donald's a senile old man that gets his information from the same places Sup Forums does and it shows :^)


>1 post by this ID
>clearly fake
die to polio and tetanus OP

As a good goy I don't believe in either vaccines or global warming.

In fact everything I don't like doesn't actually exist ;^)

This is my favourite tweet from Donald

how are those spooky gmos and nuclear power doing, kraut

>dat trend line
Well they did fuck all to help so...

I think we ought to just trust pharmaceutical corporations with whatever they say is right. They have never been wrong and none of their Ned's have side effects even on disease free young children.

They don't even exist, just a lie made up by China to weaken the German Market. Sad!

Bangladesh lad looked disgusting--asshole protruding--in his squatting on the designated shitting street. Very very disrespectful.

Believes vaccine causes autism. Doesn't believe in global warming.

Nice almost swastika leg flag. Still a gay ass name for a country. Probably the gayest name for a country, 2bh.

>corrupt british scientist who faked results
Corrupt by who, the big pharma?

>faked results
Pure lie. why would he do such thing?

The guy is even not against vaccination, he is against certain types of vaccines.

>designated shitting street
Not quite

>Bangladesh stops open defecation in just over a decade

>Believes vaccine causes autism. Doesn't believe in global warming.

>"believing" in anything

> Sodium ions are needed in small quantities by most living things, as are chloride ions. Salt is involved in regulating the water content (fluid balance) of the body. The sodium ion itself is used for electrical signaling in the nervous system.[1]

> Chloride is an essential electrolyte, trafficking in and out of cells through chloride channels and playing a key role in maintaining cell homeostasis and transmitting action potentials in neurons.[8]

does not sound poisonous.

God bless you and yours, Rafi.

>Bangladesh stops open defecation in just over a decade

Took you until just 10 years ago? What were you living in the fucking dark ages? Jesus Christ lol....People here have NEVER shit in the streets gat damn. Also, why the fuck havn't you learned how to build outhouses? It's pretty simple. Dig a 30ft deep pit. Build small shack around the pit. Put shitter in building. Shit in pit. Put lime in pit every so often to break down shit. Problem solved.

more food and hygiene.

Frog goes to the doctor, doesn't feel well - PLAGUE. Many such cases!

Let's not make this a religious war. Kek bless you for trying.

>Took you until just 10 years ago
Nigga plz, we're a third world dustbin country with more people than russia in a country as big as Iowa.

Yes. Unless it's made in the US. The fuckers will try to poison you.

Sodium forms flammable hydrogen and caustic sodium hydroxide on contact with water; ingestion and contact with moisture on skin, eyes or mucous membranes can cause severe burns. Sodium spontaneously explodes in the presence of an oxidizer such as water.

Chlorine gas is toxic, and attacks the respiratory system, eyes, and skin. Chlorine reacts with water in the mucosa of the lungs to form hydrochloric acid, destructive to living tissue and potentially lethal.


>what is herd immunity

if vaccines worked they wouldn't be needed

vaccines are just another way (((they))) control normies. have to get your body normalized to all the other drugs you're going to be fed in the future.