>takes advantage of free travel laws to go work in rich western countries and send all the money back home
>"germoney, please gibs gibs gibs gibs"
>"okay here you go, how about you do your obligations now under EU refugee treaties?"
>"REEEEEEE how dare you ask us to fulfill our EU obligations that we agreed to in exchange for free moneys, you evil racist nazi mudslime-lovers"
Takes advantage of free travel laws to go work in rich western countries and send all the money back home
B-but muh b-based Poles! R-remove kebab!
Sup Forums is retarded
Poles are utter scum, always have been, always will be.
You can replace poland with any eastern/balkan country tbqh
They're on the same tier as middle easterners which is ironic
They are completely shameless welfare niggers.
> join EU
> EU decides to attempt white genocide in member nations
> forcibly changing demographics
> 40% of German babies not ethnically German etc
> Poland leeches off the globalists
> doesn't take in any Muslims
Based Poland.
T. Mahmoud
Slavs can be pretty fucking duplicitous.
das rite whitey, pay up bish 4 da hollacost
Kek. Polska is an even bigger parasitic leech on the EU than fucking Greece
Fun fact: both poles and greeks think they are truly white.
>get raped by Germany
>get raped by Russia
>achieve independence
>Germany tries to rape you again, this time by using someone else's cock
Fuck off slime
Sup Forums is fine with that because it undermines the EU and we want EU gone. The money would otherwise be spent on importing more dunecoons and welfare for them.
You are basically investing in a place to run away to in case frankfurt school succeeds in western Europe.
pay reparations
My polish family works for the British govt doing defense contractor work. Most poles in the UK are the US mexicans... one thing different though, they don't have a cartel problem like here in the southern states. That being said, I can see why the labor force needs poles to survive... Not like the EU and UK has any bullshit regulations to hire cheap labor (sarcasm)
Germany owing Poland almost 1 trilion USD and still didnt paid anything yet.
I like Polish people much better than mudslimes. They're white and they go to church and they're cool to drink beer with while listening to polka and eating pierogis. I would trade all muslims here and replace them with Poles.
What obligations? We get money for regulations eu pushes onto us and that's it. I know you would gladly take any brown cock into your country for your women even for free but we would rather like to stay white. Cunt.
EU has no refugee treaties.
Free right to travel and work is only for EU citizens, ad there are actually plenty of westerners working in Poland in corporations.
That's literally the justification your niggers use.
>B-but others were mean to us in the past!!! GIBS
Fuck off.
You're not white and never will be. You are slavic untermensch with more Jewish blood than Israel.
>all this yankposting
Poles are just as bad as anyone, but I don't feel like taking shit from a German - the ones responsible for our current state.
You got your debt forgiven after 2 WW and we were left with leveled to the ground country with our intelligence killed off. Then we got thrown as a sacrifice to the communists for 40 years, so yeah - we were desperate to join the west (regardless of how bad as an idea it turned out to be).
So sorry, Hans, but you can fuck right off.
Ohh shit, pierogis! I have not had them since I stopped going to Chicago for business. Counting the time until I go to Poznan for business. God bless Nato and the f-16 program :)
Oh shut up nigger. We should've allied with the reich instead of going full autistic and it would save us from 50years of boshevics. We fucked up and we should take responsibility for it.
>You got your debt forgiven after 2 WW
Wrong. We paid reparations for decades (still are, in fact) + cost of occupation for years.
>your obligations now under EU refugee treaties?"
What treaties obliged to take in these so called refugees?
Leaf knows what's going on
Enjoy your Germanistan and Britainistan
And your New New Mexico, as any Trump's motion to do anything about it seriously will inevitably be stalled and blocked
The Pierogi Belt of America, bless the Poles, they're one of the few groups who supported Trump here
At least you could learn your own history, Hans.
We fulfill all our treaty obligations. There was no obligation to take a "refugee quota" in any document we signed. The EU establishment just made it up on the spot, when their own "down with mideast dictatorships" got them flooded with niggers. We arent taking any.
Poor bait btw
If you replace one kind of liabliities with a different kind of liabilities, that is not exactly debt forgivement, idiot.
> Under the London Agreement, the repayable amount was reduced by 50% to about 15 billion marks and stretched out over 30 years, and compared to the fast-growing German economy were of minor impact.[3] An important term of the agreement was that repayments were only due while West Germany ran a trade surplus, and that repayments were limited to 3% of export earnings. This gave Germany’s creditors a powerful incentive to import German goods, assisting reconstruction.[4]
You had all the help you could've wished for. We were left for commies to buttrape us with puppet government.
There are two Polands. German Poland and Nigger Poland. Nigger Poland are all the "eurosceptic" whores, German Poland is the actual civilised part of Poland that produces distinguished gentlemen like Tusk. German Poland is all the former German territories.
Poland needs to be divided in two. German Poland annexed by Germany, nigger Poland kicked out of the EU just like they want.
We got thrown as a sacrifice to communists by anglos not germans you fuckwit. We could've marched on moscow with Wehrmacht instead if Beck didn't feel like being a stupid cunt.
>German Poland is the actual civilised part of Poland
I don't remember white genocide being part of the EU deal.
>Poland joins EU because it was a good idea back then
>EU sucks now and doesn't benefit us at all
>We are supposedly in the wrong for not putting up with shit anymore
and you celebrated when United Kaliphate left UE
>by anglos not germans you fuckwit
I didn't say that Germans threw us under the bus, I said we were THROWN under it and yes, it was by the fucking "hero" Churchill. Learn to read fuckface.
This kills the German.
This is true. The EU we joined back in 2004 isn't the same as now, under Merkel and idiot Tusk rule.
Poland and similar even less relevant shitholes are the reason the EU went from a common market trade agreement to a welfare factory. Fuck them
>being eurosceptic is bad
>distinguished gentlemen like Tusk
Are you sure about that,mate?The whole eu was built for this exactly.
Sorry, I can't read 10 years into the future.
When I was a teenager I was all for the EU, but for the past 5 years I want to see it crash and burn as much as anyone here.
It's called doing what's best for your country and not sharing the dangers of someone elses fuck up. EU should basically be a fucking trade agreement not enforce motherfucking refugees on it's members. That's retarded. 13 years ago when Poland joined EU it was much different than it is now. Now it's trying to be a nation above nations. Fuck that. Fuck globalists scum.
When the ship is sinking you don't stay on it just because it's designer and captain want to own up to their mistakes.
You said germans are responsible for the current state while talking about WW2 - not true.
You should blame yourself and your allies if you get buttfucked even though you are on the winning side of the war.
Truth is we ourselves are responisible for placing our trust in the wrong places.
This. If the German government were smarter instead of spending all their money on gibs to Polish citizens, they'd do what the Chinese do and buy up property and houses in Poland and Czechia, push Slavs out of housing markets in their own countries and pay higher rent prices to German landlords. Make them work to actually earn their place in the EU. Please do this Merkel, for the love of God.
> 2004 EU: "let's be prosperous everyone"
> 2016 EU" let's suck Arab cock and commit collective suicide through auto-erotic cuckoldry"
Nein, danke.
>it was by the fucking "hero" Churchill.
Actually it was by the faggot Roosevelt. Churchill didn't want that and was considering a war with USSR, but he had fuckall to say.
Roosevelt is known to be a Rothchild's puppet so that wouldn't surprise me.
Half of western Poland is already bought by the germans.
I dont even care for the bait thread, but, for fucks sake, pierogi is already plural, dont add an "s" at the end.
Yes it is you fucking moron.
they at least poo in the loo
>they at least poo in the loo
And then they clean it for minimum wage.
Fuck off only have one economic trade route and its through germoney.
They haye it but don't expect from them to stop taking full advantage of it.
What do you want them to do?
Open markets with russia?
Are you INSANE?
>t. Polish Toilet-scrubber in Naziland
For all the bad shit you have to say about Poles (and I bet there's a lot of that) admit that we're still better than niggers and mudslimes.
At least we share some common things like overall culture.
Not per capita you smelly proto-gypsy. Poo in loo.
And the Rothchilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>ugh Poland why won't you ruin your country forever with murderers, thieves and rapist niggers just for a few shekels
>I mean come on do you know what year this is?
Aww sugarplum did that make you angwy?
>why won't you ruin your country forever with murderers, thieves and rapist niggers
That's precisely the argument Brits use agains Polish immigrants.
Glad to see you agree with them.
Then their argument is incorrect
To nie jest kwestia płaszczenia się, ale kwestia tego, że cokolwiek mają złego do powiedzenia o Polakach to dalej mają większe gówna w swoich krajach w postaci ciapatych i czarnuchów.
Stay butthurt EU shills.
wtf never heard of them
>dumb roach posting raw numbers
Chyba siedzisz na zbyt wysokim koniu, kolego.
>The figures show that the number of Poles in UK jails stood at 867 last year, up 2,000 per cent from 2002.
>Polish prisoners cost more than £30 million
>On other hand, prison numbers have dramatically decreased in Eastern Europe
>Poland’s number has decreased by 2,997
>UKIP’s deputy leader, Paul Nutall, commented on the revelation saying: “These figures represent either an amazing coincidence or, more likely, these countries are emptying their prisons and filling ours up.
>EU obligation
It wasn't. It was Germany's decision to welcome the migrants.
Again nothing per capita you disingenuous kike.
>EU has no refugee treaties
This. There were no rules that said "If we get infinite Muslims you have to take a fair share."
> 300,000 Jamaicans, 700 in prison
> 900 000 Poles, 1000 in prison
Curious numbers hmmm
Post numbers relative to entire population fucking divide and conquer shill.
One thing is true though - crime rate in Poland decreased after they left, which speaks of the quality of our export.
Holy shit, you really are one dense turkroach
>Crime in neighbourhoods that have experienced mass immigration from eastern Europe over the past 10 years has fallen significantly, according to research that challenges a widely held view over the impact of foreigners in the UK.
>Rates of burglary, vandalism and car theft all dropped following the arrival of migrants from Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and seven other countries after they joined the European Union in 2004. But the opposite was found to be the case in areas that experienced an influx of asylum seekers from the late 1990s onwards, where rates of property crime were "significantly higher". In addition, immigration has no impact on levels of violent crime on British streets, according to the analysis.
Man ,the american troops are real rural fags to vote for PSL.
Your "country" began as an anglo penal colony to where the criminals and scum of yurope were deported to
If there's anything I learned from Sup Forums is that autralians are subhuman pieces of shit
Im glad the Chinks are eradicating your perfidious blood from there.
>EU refugee treaties?
what are these supposed to be?
U wouldn't say that to my face cunt
yes I would. then I'd put a round through your subhuman skull like the rabid dog you are.
Go suck on Tusk cock
Typical nigger weapon. Sad!
Too scared to face up to a real man.
Why Polish people always can't handle the bantz?
This thread is obviously a shitpost
Should poles sell their country and turn it into muslim shithole for your stupid money?They leech of your retarded globalist union and will leave when it is no longer profitable, they do the right thing, fuck EU
Maybe Poland wouldn't be a cripple if Sweden, Austria, Prussia, and Russia didn't tag team Poland 30 years after Poland saved ALL OF EUROPE from Ottoman Hordes at Vienna.
Like always, Austria is shitting up Europe. Literally every single time. Hidden Jews or something.
my posts are bantz as well though straya.
Eh I'm OK with Poland
Its just a shame the mongrelized countries are the only ones sticking up for themselves but in the end the will be the only whites remaining, so
You're a sick cunt then m8
>by anglos
akhtually by the burgers, Churchill was calling for second front on the balkans and pushing north to cut off the Red Army from even entering Poland.
Its just at this point Brits were Americans bitches and FDR, the socialist fuck that he was, thought Churchill was playing the Imperialist game (even through Britain was thrice bankrupt at that point) and "Uncle Joe" was a good boy that dindu nuffin.
U kids done alredy ?
taking in the refugees isn't an obligation unless they get to your country as the first safe country.
honestly, if a stayan and pole met in a bar, and started banz, they would beat eachother to bloody pulp, and in the process became bros for life
for what exactly