Finish this thought:

Finish this thought:

>Dear White People …

>... OP is a faggot

we dindu nuffins

swallow this black cock

Thank you.

Thank you for the free gibs


>... why do you let other races insult you?

>'Dear White People'
'Let me fuck your wife.'

I've seen the error of my ways

You created communism


thanks for the 500K white deaths it took to free us from slavery, also for getting us out of that shithole africa, also for all the welfare and foodstamps and housing.

The past eight years, we've proven without a shadow of a doubt, that we want your people dead.

you truly are the better race.

mash dat like button!!! gudshitgudshit 100 100

Jews created communism.

>Dear White People

stop advancing society, I'm fine with how things are now


"thank you for your precious genes that have given me a shapely nose, green eyes, and a caramel-brown as opposed to poo-brown complexion"

gibs me dat

nigga ashy

...keep being the financial backbone of America. Please, or we're so screwed.

> If you read FBI crime stats on black people, you are racist

>Why you so smart and shieeet

>we wuz Kangs and shieeet


Lmao underrated




u created feminism

Thanks for inventing democracy, science, spreading western civilization, defeating fascism, etc.

..I culturally appropriated your eye color.


Don't race mix.

>>Dear White People …
... stop oppressing us. Send us back to Africa."

..thanks for giving me English so I can bitch and whine all day about how you took everything from us and our Egyptian royal lineage

Thanks for providing me and my eight nigglets with welfare after Tyrone left me for his side chick.

It really warms my heart knowing you crackers are out there working hard everyday to keep my family fed and my nails done.

Is first post, dare I say it... best post?

thanks for the gibs

>blacks saying thank you

>die quietly...

>Dear White People

How come she has light eyes? Is the anti-white shit fundamentally an expression of self-hate?

.."thanks for fucking my ancestors so I don´t look like a charcoal Kenyan"

>please impregnate me

>... we wuz kangs but now we just outdated farm equipment.

>Please tie me down and rail me, I need that sweet, sweet BLEACH

Free gibs me dat

Lmao what a farce

By demographic and immigration trends if true there will be no UNICEF to feed all those niggers to hit 4 billi by 2100

>lighting a fire whilst pouring the gas

>...i will build a great wall

We need more of them programs an shit!

she has grey eyes and a slender nose, so she is not even 100% black?

More niggers got burned so I won't complain

>... Nordic aryan is pure except swe

Most american noggos are part-white.

>mongol mongrels

>Dear White People why cant you stop beeing so racist and give us more wellfare?

Thank for making all the bandwagon right wing cucks seek a safe space and trigger them. No-one would have watched that dumb shit now it has gotten more publicity than it would ever have. You played them black people put your pussy fingers to the moon.

>White people aren't the center of attention in some shitty netflix show

WHAAAAA! MUH WHITE GENOCIDE!!! Seriously, do you fags have to complain about every form of Western media that doesn't have white lead characters?

Fuck that's cruel. Africans are not human.
They do this so casually and take joy in it.

>lose nigger who owns the gas in a fire
>niggers cannot kill eachother at such a rate of speed
>a good thing

>OP is a faggot
unfunniest shit meme, le oldfags fuck of to re ddit

We would like to thank you for setting up this world with democracy, industry, and a generally-accepted form of capitalism that allows for those who work hard all their lives to achieve a moderate level of financial success.

and fuck you for some reason.

lmao. good shit.

Ahmed, back to mosque

>tokens are being put in shows deliberately to force normalization by mass media indoctrination
>this is totally not an issue just close your eyes lalalalala

dude, those guys stole potatoes. resources are scarce there.

you wouldnt know being in the richest most powerful country in the world.

fucking black nigger shit. nigger you fucking trash this planet. Yes i am racist. Fuck you

>>lose nigger who owns the gas in a fire
As if niggers understand let alone uphold basic property rights.

Fill me with your superior white seed.

Nah it's fine, in Africa immolation is a punishment reserved for pedos. Sad to see Africa has a better solution than the west.

dear white people... you are superior to blacks

1488 sieg heil

gas the kikes race war NOW

But thats the issue white people are the main center of the show you idiot. What bothers people is that the show is clearly a racist attack on whites being defended because of liberal white guilt and blacks own resentment. Try making a show called dear niggers about how blacks behave like violent parasites and see how quickly netflix recieves backlash.

Sweetie ,do you get upset when a Jewish actor plays a non-Jewish character? Hmmm....

> ...thank you.


Please wake up and take a stand

>show me yo dick....

>Dear White people


Russia has more muslims than germany.

Implying they have any kind of organised law and order and not just mob justice. Raping babies is the cure for aids.

But Russia came to the Muslims, not the other way around.

Besides, Russia has had Muslims for centuries, whereas Germany has only got them recently and they are undergoing exponential growth.

>In my subjective opinion finds this meme unfunny
Take up the dosage on those autism meds cause the prescription you're on clearly isnt working out for you, Hans

>for centuries

And they were cucked, repressed and forced / encouraged to convert. Now it’s vice versa and this makes all the difference, my dear peedoRussian proxy-shill

You are all raccistsss

Which one of you raped my great grandmother and gave me this creamy complexion?

>it's satire i swear! stop boycotting it cause we need this for the white genocide and it's problematic if a bunch of sexist racist assholes fuck it up

The film is a satire and its supposed to show black people that their life problems are not caused by white people.

This should be a good thing make it popular and spread it so that black people gain some self awareness


Russian Empire never really forced anyone to convert if they didn't want to.

Are Niggers aware that most European countries did not had colonies in Africa?

>just DO it

thank you for providing us a paradise to live in.

...we're sorry.

nothing gayer then men acting like an old southern waitress.
quit pretending like that 'character' is the ultimate attack, i fucking cringe to high heaven every time I see one of you faggots doing this.


How is she black, when she doesn't have brown eyes? Is her mother a coalburner or did her father conquer some of that top 1% black poon? Seems like the latter.