What's so bad about it?
What's so bad about it?
If I say I am conservative I am ostracized by everyone I know.
Needs to stop invading other states
mexicans, liberals, hollywood, gay people etc.
cali born and raised....
gun regulations. sometimes i feel like there's more of those than illegal immigrants... and we got a shit ton of illegals here
califag here, quietly right-wing and gun owner.
this is where the best tech action is.
But our guns suck dick.
CA with arizona type gunlaws (So basically 0) would be GOAT as fuck. I could put up with the liberals.
> muh guns
You neckbeards are never going to need to shoot anyone, and if it ever came to war NO state laws are going to see you competitive with military tech. Keep on bitching all you want, that Apache is gonna mow you down regardless of what pea shooter you're packing in a civil war.
Thats about it
Lived here for 27 years. Im in the Bay Area. Why it sucks? My parents live in a small house - the market value? 1,000,000. Wages are stagnant and taxes are incredibly high. If i want to buy a house I would need between 100 amd 200k down. Property taxes at 5k a year. The neighborhoods arent even nice and are full of minorities. High cost of living means houses need 10 to 15 mezicans or 10 to 15 asians to keep it afloat. The result? No parking and congestion. I once got in an accident and the driver was an illegal mezican alien. Even though he was illegal and was UNLICENSED he lied and I was legally forced to pay insurance. I have a BS in business and the highest job offer I got was 60k. After the BS income tax rate they take a shit load out of my check. Studio apartments in my area are 2200/month. That means at 60k a year I would need a roomate for a studio apartment.
How is any of this bad? I can understand Mexicans, but the rest? Especially how is Hollywood bad? What would you watch then, if not Hollywood?
You know as someone with a degree, even a useless one like business, you're free to fucking move. It's almost as if shit costs so much because you're in an overcrowded city with dogshit planning.
What's bad about the cities?
Russian flicks obviously. Your special effects are almost up to par these days. That movie about the sniper in Crimea had some nice battle scenes for instance.
>people voted in favor of a background check when buying ammo
that's the moment I realized that this state needs to be glassed off the face of the Earth
They built out instead of up, like retards and then never invested in a competent metro. So now urban sprawl goes on for miles and miles with a road layout without any greater planning behind it leading to a transportation nightmare.
> be me, faggot irl
> work in San Francisco
> literally 100% of my coworkers who are social at all, are all communists in denial
> Can't discuss politics with them for fear I'd end up going full 1488 on them
> Can't hang out with them because they love to whine about politics constantly
> CEO of our company came out today with a full on speech against Trump and Russia
> Whilst claiming the company is apolitical
> Praised employees for supporting Women's march and other protests
> mfw
The thing I've discovered about liberals and what really sets them apart from people who adhere to conservative ideals is that liberals are fucking lazy. So lazy that they'll pay people to do basic shit like gardening and lawnmoaning and vacuuming. Liberals take no pride in physical work and prefer to have servants do things for them.
Adjusting for the fact that a lot of people who identify as "white Hispanic" now considered themselves to be non-Hispanic white back in 1970 California was something like 75% non-Hispanic white back then. Today it's like 37% non-Hispanic white, perhaps 47% when accounting for people of minimal Hispanic heritage claiming to be Hispanic or Native American for minority street cred (because that's also something liberals like to do, claim to be an oppressed minority so their bitching at other white people carries more weight).
No matter what demographic definitions you use one thing is clear- California has been overrun with short brown Indians from Mexico and Central America. Liberals love this, they love having servants and they love towering over these tiny non-threatening brown oompa-loompa looking people and they love advocating for them against ebil conservative rednecks and they love feeling like they're helping these people escape from Mad Maxland. Because they're lazy, vapid, idiotic dicks who like to rule others.
No shit. That is why so many people are moving out of California and why places like the Bay Area/Silicon Valley are such shit places to live.
I agree. The Bay Area sucks. Even for being such an expensive place to live, you would think it would at least be interesting because of all the money spent here. Nope, it's a very boring place. The liberals pretty much kill all the fun.
The only fun things to do here are things that you can pretty much do anywhere else for less cost. So many of "cities" here lack a downtown or have 3-4 generic "downtown" areas to service a neighborhoods of each city. San Francisco has lots of charm but the fags who run that great city have ruined it for everybody.
I recall coming home to SFO from a business trip in Europe. Some family from Switzerland was excited for their vacation to San Francisco. I was glad these people were excited to visit my state, but when they told me what their plans were, I sadly had to tell them that the weekend they were visiting was the weekend SF was having a nude BDSM fag fair of some kind. They were disappointed since it meant half their vacation was going to be spent hiding their young children from a naked fat liberal with a horse tail jammed up his ass and a ball gag in his mouth.
Oh and the diversity here... it's hell. If WW3 was to break out, these people would all surrender rather than fight.
Don't forget the part where conservative states tend to have a lot of pristine wilderness and the liberals complain like motherfuckers everytime an attempt is made to develop some of it despite them having completely fucked the Californian environment.
Hypocritical douchebags.
faggot, kys
They shouldn't be developing shit but high rises and commie blocks. More expansion is not the answer to Cali's problems.
>despite them having completely fucked the Californian environment.
There is a lot of undeveloped land in California. People outside of California tend to make this misconception because they assume suburbs and urban places like SF, LA, SD, and Sacramento make up California. The truth is, most of the center of the state is agriculture. North is all forest and the Sierras are pretty much untouched. Mojave is all open desert with military bases and cities for their families. California was actually a Republican state for a very long time (since it's inception actually) and most of the good things about this state are the result of that. Problem with California is that is is such a nice place to live (climate and natural beauty) that liberals came here for good jobs and never left.
If you live in this state for too long, it's difficult acclimating to a life in another state because. Also it doesn't help that people from other states generally look down on you, and for good reason. Most Californians are rude and ignorant.
the government
the levels the politicians will go here to pander to voters who have relatives who are illegal immigrants is sick. i wish i lived in an alternate timeline where prop 187 wasn't struck down. the people (read: not lawyers or politicians) of this state have been trying for decades to stop illegal immigration and nothing has worked. maybe trump will finally fix it.
Not sure if bait or not, but our modern movies are total pile of shit. Granted, Tarkovsky is great. But that's about it. And it's Soviet.
The Mexicans are enough.
909. Had a small quake 30 minutes ago. The big one will ignite race war. Can't wait....
I will go full Davy Crockett bit ill get as many as I can
It's beautiful, probably one of the most beautiful places int he world. if you're a lone wolf and not one for community and actual culture then it's the place for you.
Everyone is just jealous because it has nice weather, a great natural environment, and many high-paying jobs.
California needs to be uncucked, that is all. It is too nice of an area to give up on.
I lived there for several years when I worked at Google, and the policies and political culture are just fucked up. Crazy high taxes, expensive gasoline, Mexicans everywhere, shit tier grade schools, tons of anti-vaxxers, every third person seemed like an SJW... Also, too many people there are into pseudoscientifuc bullshit.
this shit is retarded
I'm stuck in san francisco too friendo.
LA and the Bay Area.
Anywhere else in California is fine, the two big metro areas drag the whole state down.