There's threads on this shit every single day.
Let's settle this once and for all, Sup Forums.
There's threads on this shit every single day.
Let's settle this once and for all, Sup Forums.
No, God separated the races only man thinks he can go against God
>asking Sup Forums for permission to do things.
I really fucking hate this asian "fashion" trend of printing weird engrish words on shirts and stuff
Yes. Ignore all the lonely MUH ETHNO STATE retards my kawaii :3 friend. They cannot handle the superiority of East Asian rice spinsters.
Nobody's asking permission, I'm just tired of seeing a debate every single day.
no fuck off weeb
I'm tired of it too and I have yellow fever. Autists will make this identical thread daily, the only benefits are seeing the qt's
>mfw I saw a qt on the train with a t-shirt that said 'milk me'
She probably had no idea what it meant
It's not "asking permission".
Threads about Catholicism aren't "asking permission" to become Catholic. They're to examine through debate whether or not Catholicism is a net good or a net bad.
So too with BLEACHING Azns.
t. WM in WMAF
And this thread will not settle the debate.
No matter what your life choices are there will be people who disagree with them, whether it's dating a Jap girl, getting a tattoo, quitting your job and travelling the world, etc...
The trick is to stop giving a fuck what other people think, especially anonymous funposters on a chinese cartoon board.
Korean shirts are much less ridiculous. The Engrish is getting better
you'll never get a chance, english teacher
no respectable japanese woman will date you, only nasty chinese girls in foreigner clubs who will lie to you and pretend to be jap
A cute chink psych major wants to hook up should I do it?
Keep in mind I am very far-right nationalist.
look senpai, im a far right white nationalist NAZI myself, and i date asians #LARPer
go for it player, nothing wrong with laying the pipe to some honorary aryan.
haha sorry 3 inch jap larper but every girl in the world wants a white man.
treeniggers get out
senpai, white men are the alphas of the planet. thats why all races want to fuck us
Go for it, just don't wife her up. Chinks tend to want to marry so they can bring their family here.
Saw a girl in Thailand with a glittery "I heart my penis" shirt
Asian women are disgusting.
Anyone who thinks the opposite must be an ugly loser.
If she's a QT and you like her I don't see why not
Betas who just aim for Asian girls and talk shit about White ones are pathetic though, of course the same can be said for self hating Asians that just aim for White men
In the end it just depends from person to person
Where do you think you are dot png
You sure it was a girl?
Anyone else notice how AMWF produces kids that are actually good looking and WMAF produces kids that look so alien?
Not trying race b8
> white male african female
no, fucking disgusting
Yeah she was like 10 years old. When I went into this small mall outside of Bangkok a few Thai women asked me what the shirts said at this store. One said "greatestball gray" other said "alien hood los Angeles" told them it was jibberish, store owner gave me a stern look.
>men invented God
>only men think they can go against God
>being this bluepilled
It's not. Take responsibility for your own race ffs
KYS stupid larper
>ITT The hypocrisy of pol
>implying some squat Filipina is remotely the same as a true Honorary Aryan qt
>not seizing the opportunity and squeezing every drop of milk, tissue and blood out of her tits
Disappointed matey
Shit like that is what pol gets
Deal with it
>muh racemixing
japanese are honorary aryans retards
Despite what you see on JAV's, you can't actually do that here on the trains unfortunately
ahahahaha he's so happy to gt that 3/10 chink ahahaha
and she'll still probably suck tyrone's cock while he's wageslaving haha
Asian women with bob cuts are so damn perfect. I want a real Asian waifu so bad.
what would rate that guy as?
I'm a hapa.
I-I voted perfectly acceptable. plz no genocide
That dude is not even white.
I would date her. With a little acne cream she'd look much better but I still think she's cute.
not a faggot homo, rate your queer friends yourself
Gotta do it bro fuckin crush them and bite them off! Rrrraaarrrrr!!!
Would rape in library ;^ P
East Asians are the equals of Europeans. That's what happens when all the stupid members of your population are killed off for dozens of generations through constant warfare and harsh environments that require cooperation just to survive. There is nothing wrong with a white man marrying and Asian woman. In many ways it is the destiny of nature to combine these two great peoples to produce a world master race.
Yea removing those few small zits would make a world of a difference
yellow fever is strong
I don't want manlet Elliot Rodgers type kids.
Shhhh not so loud!
I agree though.
White + Asian =/= Jew + Asian
>half beta jew + half jungle asian tiger mom
This is Aoi-tan.
She is my waifu.
Like others have pointed out the Jew makes the beta. Jew males are very passive and almost apathetic. Mainly cause they're stuck with Jewish women. This creates the beta pushover
>no don't care choice
It is with me. Can't help it, it's my fetish. I'd honestly rather fuck a Asian 6 than a white 8.
1. Post a light-skinned East Asian model (usually Japanese or Korean) who will never touch a non-Asian in their lives.
2. Group almost 4 billion "Asians" under one universal term as if an Indian has anything in common with a Filipino
3. Ignore the FACT that most White men are with brown 3rd world Southeast Asians from Thailand or Phillipines. They also never
mention that these same SE Asian countries have GDP per capita's on par with Africa ... but of course all these girls REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALY love White guys.
4. When somebody posts actual real couples as expected the white men look like BETAS and the asian girls are ugly-as-shit (ala Mark
>On the other hand, even the ugliest Asian guys get the HOTTEST White girls
Same couple as above
>>On the other hand, even the ugliest Asian guys get the HOTTEST White girls
Look at how pretty she is
>>>On the other hand, even the ugliest Asian guys get the HOTTEST White girls
Thanks for shitting up the thread with low quality bait. Try some subtilty if you want to troll.
I'm good looking so this is false.
AMWF only happens if the girl is into k pop/k dramas.
asian women are objectively superior to white women in every single way.
>age better
>can cook better
>quiet and docile
>not prone to being whores
>actually respect their husbands
white women are fucking shit.
>wants to go to church w me
>started playing LoL bc I play LoL
>calls me her tibbers
>submissive in bed
Think I'm going to stick with WMAF, sorry lads
I like how you put up a picture with the caption "I really want to fuck my hometown friends" when asking if dating Asian women is okay.
Wow really Sup Forums? The majority is for race mixing with Asian women rather than white women?
You fuckin weaboo faggots on this board have reall let me down, I thought we were better than this as a board but nope.
I will readily admit that I am a complete literal fucking white "muh dick" nigger
I'm the niggest noggest IQ 89 white retard on the planet
and when I see a Japanese girl ages 15-30 all I can think is "muh dick mothafucka, muh mothafuckin dick"
I should be gassed for the good of humanity as a whole
It could lead to some pretty qt offspring, but I'd advise against dilluting your race even further.
Fuck off cunt I'd rather fuck a nigger woman than a white Australian. I really fucking hate you people everyone of you is loud and dumb as a box of rocks. I hope SEA Muslims kill your whole country.
We're all like that for the first few months here. After a year you really need to settle down and get yourself a quality waifu though
Anyway it is completely necessary to breed with east asian women to slowly turn the continent white
yes, the first generation will be primarily asiatic, but then white men will fuck them, and so on, and so on
interracial breeding grounds need to be established while there are still enough 100% white men left to be bulls for all of them
drop the other pics of this chick
Both of you need to get the fuck out of Japan. Where do you live?
I don't know if you guys only call Kiwi's Australians ironically or if Americans really are thick as pig shit and can't tell the difference between the flags or even hover over it.
Either way fuck you, enjoy your overweight burger women.
Speaking from experience, monkey?
I live in Japan
I just want a qt jap waifu.
I'm on my phone so the flag is tiny as fuck. I apologise kiwi I've never met one of you in the wild so I have no hate. And I don't fuck fatties, I pay for sex so I can fuck attractive women.
Only if they're not Chinese.
Nobody cares about your little fucking island. Go fucking hunt another tiger species to extinction or something.
Well that's a drastic change in demeanor. Don't ya like Aussies?
What the fuck are you talking about? We are to Australia what you are to America. Except you have someone with the mind of a teenager running your country.
Let that sink in.
t. Chief Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu
>t. Dumb loser
>Only if they're not Chinese.
The race or the nationality?
Singaporeans are... not fully Anglicized, but like 50%.
And I mean the good 50%, with the English speaking and the not acting like nogs, rather than the bad 50% with the blue hair and problem glasses
Your natives never even discovered fire. Even abbos had that.
No kill yourself ugly creepy engrish teacher
Only if they're Jap. Worse case scenario, Korean.
The rest of the Asians are shit tier and shouldn't be bred with.
And the part about hating dumb white losers
Yes but only if you're alright with your (male) children being insecure faggots.
>tfw WMAF
I want to believe I'm at least semi-decent looking
Nice try but I really couldn't give a flying fuck about a shitskin native dick measuring competition.
But alas, the leaf strikes again and he is wrong of course. Maori definitely had fire before European colonization.
Kill yourself eastcuck
>>not seizing the opportunity and squeezing every drop of milk, tissue and blood out of her tits
Your inner convict is showing.
You are not Becayse your parents are like this