Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump responds to 9th CC ruling 2/9/17
>VP Pence @ Westpoint 2/9/17
>Pres Trump/VP swear in AG Sessions 2/9/17
>Pres Trump meets with Dem Senators 2/9/17
>AG Sessions post-confirmation speech 2/8/17
>Pres Trump Speaks @MCCA Conf 2/8/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Intel CEO 2/8/17
>Sec Ed DeVos speaks to staff 2/8/17
>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>"Pres Trump told me to investigate whatever I want"
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Empty Legacy Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
be nice
Post anime Trump images.
>3rd week of Trump presidency is almost at it's end
>Anime still not real
Hey Sup Forums, good morning here, just spent the last nine hours in bed.
Any interesting news? What have I lost? What is the Emperor's next step? I've heard Price has been confirmed. In the other thread, an user said it was just faux-controversies. Anything else? Heard ICE has been more active.
Have a pic of a smart looking elephant. Thanks
Reposting from previous, posted too late on the thread
Finished reading the 9th circuit ruling [1] last night. Was preparing a full summary of their conclusions but time ran out and I had to settle for a mini summary:
> 1) Washington and Minnesota states allege that they have standing because they can't bring students and faculty from these 7 countries into their public colleges, harming their interests.
> 2) states filed for an injunction that the EO is unconstitutional for being a Muslim ban. The evidence for that is not the EU itself (as it is not a Muslim ban) but alleged declarations made by Trump at the campaign.
> 3) Federal gov alleged nor judiciary has no reviewing rights over this matter, citing the often mentioned US Code, among other cases and also that they have no standing, as they are not an afflicted party
> 4) 9th circuit said essentially
> that they agree with the states that they have standing
> that they are very concerned this could as well be a muslim ban
> and that as there is no precedent on the supreme court saying judiciary cannot review immigration related decisions
> and that as there is precedent saying judiciary can review alien and visa related decisions [2]
> the won't grant a stay and send back the court to be judged on the merits
Here is the important thing: it will backfire immensely on them because of this sentence alone:
> (the injunction) prohibited the government from “proceeding with any action that prioritizes the refugee claims of certain religious minorities.”
I don't think the liberals are seeing this very far
> 1) this only keeps the TRO (injunction) in place and is deliberately not a judgement on merit
> 2) there is no way the supreme court upholds this injunction
[2] and here they unironically mentioned the defense of communists having their visas revoked and "enemy combatants" having their rights abridged
>making a new thread when there are still ones to recycle
btw here's some proof for you. the first jewgle search of pizzgate was exactly two days before the election
Former Trump supporter here, it's hilarious seeing him crash and burn but seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
Anyone else feel like having a gf who has different political views than you own ?
I would absolutely hate her being a SJW and as a person but I really, really want to fuck her. I hate it when this happens..
>If it goes to Supreme Court with 9 in the bench federal government wins 6-3 at worst.
I'd like some evidence for this, Portunon. After PA I'm willing to believe, but I don't see how political pressure doesn't make it 4-4 (assuming it went before SCOTUS today).
That's not an elephant. You Jews doesn't fool us anymore.
In short:
1) this was not a decision on the constitutionality or on the merits of the case, only on if it could be tossed right in the garbage
2) liberals are stalling much like with the recount and the faithless electors and the cabinet confirmations and are simply setting themselves up for more defeats
3) they are shooting themselves in the foot because they are opening all sorts of precedents, much like Harry Reid with the "no filibuster for cabinet picks"
4) All Trump's enemies are tipping their hands too early in the game, that's the recipe for defeat.
Much like that scene in the 5th element where Bruce Wills was "negotiating" with that squad of aliens Trump always figure out who is the stronger in the pack, get him out of commission right away and then move to the next.
Fun times ahead, get read for some liberal tears because the supply is infinite it seems
If you fuck a woman good enough she submits to your beliefs and aspirations.
If there's one promise I'm pissed at Trump for breaking it's that he said that anime would be made real on day one
where? cat is empty
I checked your dups last time you posted this. Good job, Portubro. The force is with you.
"#pizzagate" is one day earlier
>Any interesting news?
""""rumors"""" that Priebus is the leaker, and that Spicer might get fired.
this desu
Is it normal to start puberty at 21?
big if true
>Punished Acosta having to post this type of shit to get twitter (You)s
its alright brothers, the fire rises.
put your faith in the GOD EMPEROR, for playeth thine 5D chess with our enemies. this decision was planned from the beginning to crush the credibility of the court system so that only TRUMP will remain as the true representative of the people.
Shit. I tried.
>""""rumors"""" that Priebus is the leaker
Please let this part be real.
Your reference about ocean and waves, like Giordano Bruno was more polite than talking about piss, but that works too.
Don't end up like him, there are moors to kill.
Make me.
you're right
i figured someone would have kept them bumped
where the fuck are people getting these rare awoo's at
Cpyls you expand on number 3? I'm not sure I follow how this is so bad for them. I'm not memeing either.
Why would Spicer get fired he's doing great?
Fucking checked.
anyone else excited for a better america?
Awoos are precious. Pure. No lewd Awoos please.
Guy's we need a gimmick to finance a Trump guard
Remember, no idea is too stupid
One guy got people to buy rocks from him as pets
You late to the party senpai
that's what i want to do, red pill her with my dick.
i could probably lure her in with some weed cookies
>doesn't have a awoo folder
Keep up with the times man.
heather nauert on fnf first. not really worthy of a screencap
"""""""""""""apparently""""""""""""" he's not """working""" """out"""
Almost certainly false. There might be a reshuffle of the WH staff though.
amusing how every PTG there is that same fucking shill who repeats the same shit about spicer getting fired and rinsed penis being the leaker within the first 10 posts
almost like they are being paid by someone to do it
My gf used to be a turbo liberal. You have to find what she agrees with you on and start there. That's your beachhead. Also convincing her to stop watching TV and use less social media is important. Giving her good dick is easy. It's unplugging her from the matrix that's hard.
did you make this user?
It was always real to begin with.
How Joe is Joe "Joe is Joe" Scarborough today?
>An AsuKEK
>Breaking promises
Who would have guessed? This is the line, I cannot go on supporting Trump anymore considering her supports the objectively worst girl in EVA.
>Do I feel like having .7 children and being cheated on
No I dont
The best debater against Tucker was the dog that guy was carrying the other day,
Who the hell cares?
>finance a Trump guard
Trump has like $5 Billion AND the entire security apparatus of the federal government. Why the fuck do WE need to finance his guard? His cadillac has like James Bond-tier deplorable mines and teargas grenade launchers and shit. He has an army of SS men around him 24/7 with automatic weapons and shit. what more does he need?
Thank you! That's nice. Now go back to your country and let the 1st world citizens talk alone.
>watch TB for years, enjoy his criticism
>watch the latest co-optional podcast
>TB is not redpilled, jesse and Dodger are Californians
>this will not be good
>well fuck, they just soured my view of them forever
>All Trump's enemies are tipping their hands too early in the game, that's the recipe for defeat.
They used their biggest guns already, the media, for nothing.
Even celebrities are touched. Remember that lady Gaga didn't have the balls to speak out in the Superbowl.
Anything going on?
He tweeted about how Scalia would BTFO this decision. So he might go off on that.
This girl has had 100 different dicks inside her
She will have 1 child at most, probably nonwhite, in her 30's
argentina is 1st world n shiet
What rare Awoos?
>Why the fuck do WE need to finance his guard?
same reason the cia sells drugs. it's so the money isn't traceable to the government
Fuck Drumpf if I see him in real life I would spit in his face and throw mud at him I hope he shits his pants and cries on live TV and barfs up his beefaroni he had for lunch I bet he hasn't even beat Mortal Kombat 2 fairly I bet he cheats at that and every other game he has ever played in his life. That man his destroyed the liability and reputation of America I hope he fucking dies in a fire. That's right I hate him and I'm ashamed to be white. He does realize that Republicans are called that because they want a republic like USSR, not that there's anything wrong with socialism but there was a reason why Democrats are called Democrats, they invented democracy and freedom and Drumpf is going to take away all of your freedoms, he's gonna make everyone go to war and kill everyone because he's a racist and a jerk. I'm truly ashamed of this world I'm so mad that even I can't protest or anything man I'm so upset, when I think about Drumpf my hands start trembling and I go quiet, he's a bully and a bad person and I don't like him. Also nice responses only no hate speech I'm fragile, any racism, bigotry sexism, homophobia or anything that resembles hate speech and I will report you to the RCMP and you will be arrested.
Watch this video from Fox News when you have the time, especially after 2:20. I think you will enjoy it.
Also, checked and good morning.
I think Spicer was brought in because he would serve as the softer side of the Trump camp, and be a great fit for the cucked msm and what not. But since the msm and the left are going all in on him, he is probably fed up with taking the brunt of the criticism when he is just a liason. The SNL skit probably broke his heart.
He was supposed to be the good cop to Trump's bad cop, and since nobody is playing nice with him, they are probably gonna put in someone a little less nice so the msm miss him. desu
You fucking racist nazis just deported this small, harmless child. How can you live with yourselves?
It's really great that you think that.
Now go play with your friends.
The Chintimani stones has scattered and it's up to the anons to gather them again for one last wish.
>talking about cuck shit
Every single time.
That's the difference. On a 4-4 the left would be completely split along party lines as the liberals could chalk that one as a victory but in a full court being in the dissent side on that issue may not look too good for at least one of the judges and it is not impossible it doesn't split party line
Try harder next time.
Lewd squids
>"Take a chill-pill, calm down, and realise he's going to win"
He's clearly 12
Maybe Gaga realized what others haven't yet...
If you live in an echo chamber, you don't hear the other voices no matter how loud and how many there are.
>almost like they are being paid by someone to do it
I forgot what they call themselves now, but these shill parasites are predecessors of Correct The Record, and organization that altered the public perception of Hillary online. They were active on major sites like red d it, the face jew, probably twitter, etc.
I have no proof, but I believe that they were also on Sup Forums, in Sup Forums and Sup Forums in particular. I kept seeing odd posts when I was lurking on Sup Forums a few months before the election. Out of context posts that either denounced Trump or praised Hillary, almost as if someone was spamming them in every thread.
tl;dr my almonds are extremely activated after seeing proof of actual shilling firsthand.
He didn't even raped anyone.
LOL, Dems are slitting their own throats in the midterms.
No one voted for the god emperor because they liked the guy.
But everything he has done is either liked by the majority or plurality of people.
she will have triple digit sexual partners
All studies confirm it
I meant "successors", as in they came after CTR.
Dodger and Jesse are Southern Californians and John is British, of course they would be bluepilled. Northern Californians like me, motherfucking Black Tea Recluse, are redpilled as fuck. We've got more farms and churches than people here. Fuck all to do except drink and play video games. And I don't touch alcohol because that's how my dad fucked me when I was 4.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
They're now called Shareblue and they're extremely active with an even larger budget. The DNC is corrupt but not dumb. They know they lost online because they ready control the MSM narrative.
>the courts will block all of Trump's EO's from now on
>Conway should be fired
>Jeff Sessions is racist and should be fired
>impeachment is imminent
>Senator Cotton's new immigration bill is a clear sing that White Nationalism is on the rise
*Decapitates people mentally while travelling back home*
He also publically and privately berated and verbally abused his wife for voting for Al Leppo. The woman stood by him through 2 cancer scares and he pulls that shit. I was done with him the second I saw that. What an absolute piece of trash. He's a globalist cock sucker too.
I am seeing a disturbing lack of Pepe's and KEK imagery in this thread. Have you anons lost your way. Praise KEK and we will have his favor again so will The God-Emperor.
Also Check'em
did obongo really have 10+ pictures of himself lining the walls of the whitehouse? wtf is wrong with niggers, they sacrificed IQ for EGO