why does he hate norway so much ? isnt it one of the best countries in the world to live ?
Why does he hate norway so much ? isnt it one of the best countries in the world to live ?
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Because he's salty as fuck
I don't hate norway but I hate oslo.
Visit if you want to see heroin consumed in public and detroit-tier negroes using kids to sell crack pipes.
He's overrated
Fuck Harald V and fuck Norwegian people
I dont think he`s been much in Norway since his release, a lot of the things he`s complaining about has not been a think here since the late 90`s when AP ruled the government
It felt like i had traveled back in time when i watched this video
I like that Varg has embraced his own meme
now he upvotes every "stop watching porn" comment
he killed a motherfucker and only got like 17 years in a "prison" that is basically a studio apartment with amenities, shouldn't be complaining that hard lol
The necessary social infrastructure that makes a country is literally non existent in Norway. In Olso you have heroinaddicts everywhere from the moment you climb of the trainstation. Norway is very rich however but in reality it's shit to the core.
I agree on fuck Harald V
whoa there... Thats SJW talk
I might not like Harald V, but he is still my King
>not getting the parody
But seriously though, that man is a traitor and a disgrace to all norwegians.
I used to be pro-monarchy, but Harald proved me otherwise.
We wouldn't starv without subsidizes to bread and milk, but our local farms would suffer because they would not be able to compete
I aslo hate norway.
stop watching porn
You're full of shit. We have plenty of social infrastructure. Kaffe og kake, avis og prate.
We would have higher agricultural productivity without subsidies. Subsidies discourage upgrades and innovation. We're also one of the few food exporting countries in western europe, due to our fish exports. Fesk og potedes, we could live on that forever.
hes not wrong though, food is especially expensive here and also shitty
Yeah. But it has gotten better. He is speaking from the experience of a 1990s norwegian. When Norway was completely arbeiderpartiet, socialist, hengemyr piece of shit place where everybody followed Janteloven.
Don't get me wrong, we need improvements. But this country is a small country of 5 million people, and it may not be that profitable to have american style walmarts and massive freeways everywhere. We have Coop obs in most major cities, and stuff like that. So selection is not that big of an issue.
You don't have to love a country to love your people.
>because pic related
>be Norwegian
>be racist
>move to France, of all countries
fucking kek
>Yeah. But it has gotten better
All I see is food prices increasing,the current food oligarchy has to go
Kek, this
Where did he say he hates Norway? Are you stupid or just acting?
>see flag
Oh ok...
What's wrong with France? Why do you hate your own country faggot? No wonder you stink as far as you do.
We are the ones who made being a degenerate cuck trendy.
Of course swecucks and Germcucks have outdone us at it.
It's rare varg thread now.
You literally have the highest percentage of muslims in europe (excluding Bosnia and Albania)
Its a sad sad world we live in.
1. He is butthurt because the government is after him/he can't live in his own country.
2. He believes Norway could have been much better. I am pretty sure he thinks Norway is one of the best countries to live as it is.
I lived in Paris in '89-'90 so I know, but when you start hating on your own you've already given up and that's the stench coming out of you and le malade de la France.
>but he is still my King
stop LARPing
He his not actually a king, he is glorified mascot
Give 10 or 20 years to Germcucks and swecucks and they 'll have more muslim than us.
They are only cucks from the 90's when we started in the 60's.
The humanist leftist BS France has been standing fro for 5 decades desreves nothing but hate and contempt.
I really apreciate seeing the local leftcucks being bombed, beheaded, cruched, gunned by the mudslims they like so much.
what are you doing on Sup Forums, grandpa?
Well he believes civilization as a concept is degenerate so I don't know.
He's right you know. Norwegians are not that rich on average.
I can respect a man not wanting to pay taxes.
But he flat out lies when he says that people would starve if we did not subsidise bread.
His band was shit
cease existing
Norway is the best country in the world, that's what our government tells us. As long as we pay enough taxes.
Denmark and Norway have the highest taxes in Europe, both monarchies. King needs to eat. Only that Norway isn't in EU.
>why does he hate norway so much ?
He was jailed there.
The monarchs are pretty fucking poor compared to the other royal families. There are a lot of norwegians that are richer than the norwegian king.
>tfw too intelligent to not exist
He feels like his country betrayed him
He is not alone
>he doesn't understands that age old monarchy system of distribution of wealth unto 20 children, investment and so on
Yeah, some guys have money written on their name, but monarchies don't, besides British queen and few exceptions. But if you would count the worth of British queen land it would top all rich people's list. Rothschild are too never on top rich people's list, but they control the banks, how come?
>20 children
>British queen
Weren't we talking about the scandinavian monarchies?
That's true in pretty much every european monarchy.
The only thing he knows about Norway is how to kill norwegians.
any country that is mostly white is probably good
Fuck, now I really want a triple colour popsicle after seeing your flag.
They are interconnected with Norway, UK and then those are interconnected with other people and then we have barons and lesser royals, altogether you have millions of them.
>the word "nation" is derived from the latin word "nationem" which means race of people (or group of people with common heritage).
Norway and Sweden is no longer nations, they are states.
>state = political organization of a country, supreme civil power, government (derived from "the state (condition) of a country" (latin status = condition, public order, community arrangement)
It's true what he say about the number? and the public income?
Why the fuck do you ask? He literally explains it in the video what the fuck
scandinavia is quite shit
there is really no benefit to living except for safety, but as we all know that doesn't even exist any longer
i wish i had american citizenship
Ask not for a good goy membership card, but for a free sovereign fatherland.
>i wish i had american citizenship
why? it's literally spics, niggers, kikes, gooks, Hajis and mongrels as far as they eye can see. Then white retards in the countryside
>Then white retards in the countryside
They're not dumber than Swedes, trust me. Also housing is cheap as fuck, in fact everything is cheap as fuck over there compared to Sweden.
>why? it's literally spics, niggers, kikes, gooks, Hajis and mongrels as far as they eye can see
Just dont live in those places if you dont want to live among them
sverige har inte varit ett bra land på över 100 år, jag har inte mycket hopp för detta land
Same here. North-Western Yuro countries are losing their value at a fast rate. In the case of France and Belgium the most fortunated and talented people are just leaving because of taxes. Countries like ours pose no benefit when you're rich or even middle class
He wears crocs. I'll never look at him the same way again.
100år är ingenting sett till vårt bokstavligen tusenåriga rike.
Move to US south if you really want to, cheapest housing and food, racism is acceptable, and people self segregate
still tons of feral negroes
im not even rich, i have money problems and health problems, but social systems here are shit and they're getting worse
socialism doesnt work
>Yfw Varg is in this thread right now
I'm calling bullshit on this due to the fact that Israel is that far up. All JOO memes aside, Israel is barely a 2.5 world country. It's poor as fuck compared to Western nations. It's like Serbia tier.
>stop going to Sup Forums
>Move to US south if you really want to
You have no idea how hard it is to get murrican citizenship. I can't even get a green card unless I have full time american employment with an employer that is willing to do a ton of paperwork. That's never going to happen, especially seeing as how I have no special skills
You know nation states are a thing right? Most european countries are nation states.
The norwegian people(and sami people) are recognized in the norwegian constitution which makes it a nation state.
Where does most of your tax money go to?
Here in Belgium it's pensions and health care. Police and military? Fuck that, we'd rather have muslims blow us up than spend money on those things
>why does he hate norway so much ? isnt it one of the best countries in the world to live ?
did you fucking watch the video you retarded turk?
He wouldn't come here. Faggot gets triggered by smallest shit. he would pop a vessel seeing all the shitposting.
>You have no idea how hard it is to get murrican citizenship
I've been trying to move in my wife from Canada for 2 1/2 years, and it's cost us almost 10K. I know it's a bitch, it's like the system is set up to keep out any reasonable White people, then let as many Mexishits as possible pour in through the southern border. Hopefully it will change, the president has a lot of control over these things, and he has said he wants immigration from Europe.
>Where does most of your tax money go to?
refugees, marxist educational systems, retarded social programs
Sweden has some of the poorest retirees in all of the EU if you look at purchasing power. You cant make this shit up.
>why does he hate norway so much ?
Most of us do
>isnt it one of the best countries in the world to live ?
Absolutely not, you are all being fed a sack of lies, just like how iceland used to be the least corrupt country in the world.... well nobody checked... well how did that turn out?
This is really to much to write tbqh, it requires an entire book and Varg, I haven't spoken to him in a while, is very good at highlighting many issues.
Point is Kikenberg and co they are just out there selling the country, showing you fjords and whatnot.
>Looki at us, we be the human rights nation n shieeeeeet...
And you all buy it...
>1. You actually have no rights here
>2. The law does not apply, only to politicians, their friends, police, their friends etc
>3. You pay shitload of taxes in case you ie injure your self, instead of just saving shekels... well when that happens you are not given shit. You go from a broken arm, to as psycho smashing the offices up with an axe[It actually happens all the time]
>4. Men have no right, Ref Breivik is nothing more than a product of a rotten state
>5. The corruption is so wast you don't find anything of it's sort in the west, part regarding the police and also the shekel people and politicians
Look I can go on for ever here, but I need to get my arse in gear.. man how I overslept. The typical thing here is that you need to know people, that's the only way to get around. So let's say you have a neighbor issue[which we always do we can't stand those, icelanders are even worse].... That fuck has either a police friend or a friend in county and it's on....
You will be harassed 24/7 secret raids, your phones will be tapped and they use this kike made iphone hacking tool for retards, they don't need to go to no judge and wouldn't bother anyhow... Secret raids... You get arrested, you ask why? meh... is the answer it goes on
in county too, you request papers/permit.. forget it
I hope Trump does change the system. I'm a meme war veteran after all.
Oh, and I'm basing this on what my brother told me; he has spent 20 years active in the military and has served overseas in Europe and the Middle East countless times. Plenty of Middle Eastern nations like Qatar and UAE make most Israeli cities look like a shithole. Qatar in particular is extremely gaudy--especially their malls. He also claimed that no one fucking works and all that the citizens do is shitpost all day on their laptops/smartphones/tablets.
I need to make a Varg 'lessfindout' compilation
>That fuck has either a police friend or a friend in county and it's on....
>You will be harassed 24/7 secret raids, your phones will be tapped and they use this kike made iphone hacking tool for retards, they don't need to go to no judge and wouldn't bother anyhow... Secret raids... You get arrested, you ask why? meh... is the answer it goes on
Has this happened to you or anyone you know
>every "rich" western country in a nutshell
You will be harassed 24/7 secret raids, your phones will be tapped and they use this kike made iphone hacking tool for retards, they don't need to go to no judge and wouldn't bother anyhow... Secret raids...
Oh yeah, those secret raids, all the time.
He said something about taxes,
Something about subsidized bread
Idk, Norway looks /comfy/ af tho desu baka
>The norwegian people
These guys are legally Norwegian though.
Norway is also a gross violator of the most basic human rights, as in the example of getting sick or whatever. Doesn't matter how many shekels you have spit in.
You don't get food, you loose your flat, you loose everything. On paper it says you have these rights, well that's just taqqyia.
they use the word "skjonn" all over the system, that means "what feel like" so again corrupt as fuck. People flee the country, even famous people like a comedian recently.
So this about Norway being a great human rights nation and all? LIES! Again only to sell it self.
We also did forced assimilation of samis, kvens, tatere, eugenics all the way up to almost the early 80ies. Fuck the samis these days though, acting like idiots.
Well at the same time, they stood there.
>Looki us, we be noice goyims we give the shekels to africa n shieeeet.
>Looki us, we be the best model in the world
......and nobody checked, because we're a small incignificant shit country, malruled by idiots always, always oslo.
So everyone
>hates oslo
>hates all politicians
>hates the police
>hates the state
>hate the jew news
>love the king
and it will get violent, atm it's under serious cyber attacks
should finland invade norway?
All Scandinavian nations should invade themselves and start a new Nordic nationalist confederation.
>What would be the capital city?
>What would be the currency?
>What would be the ideology?
>What would be the official language?
>What would be the flag? A mix of colours from all?
>Has this happened to you or anyone you know
Yes it has become quite common
Sven you got allrite police, they are not corrupt they are just bound by your mal rule so I got sympathy for those.
>Be in sweden, drive far to fast, chick bitching
>Cop slides up at your side, looks straight at you strictly
>You look down at the speedometer and play stupid(we always play stupid here)
oy vey I drived to fast
>slows down
>police slows down.. looks at you for a bit... and off they go
do it again and they stop you
Here that basically worse than killing a person
You don't know enough people......
When they hurt one of us, they hurt us all
I'm not talkin about criminals either
BUT this is very regional
IE back in hedmarken or north norway it's not like this
You have to go to mexico to find shit like this, believe it or not, at least one town we have id-ed into them for being behind the fucking drug and roid trade......
>Think Cappelen (not his real name btw) and that corrupt shit was the only ones?
Nah we're at the boiling point now, people are actually out with the pitch forks. In one court case a few months back they had to cancel the court and escort the pieces of shits away fast, the police wouldn't be able to hold back the mob
sooner or later it will pop, if you read at the comments in jewspapers people are under full name calling for blood, they are fed up of this shit rule
Another civil war is actually not so very unlikely
they be going bye bye though if those are somalis
>They have to do it and start the deportations or people WILL turn to violence
>A Civil War in Norway
Huh, thought
that would be last on mostly everybody's list of
"Places likely to have civil wars"
I never had seen Norway as a rough place, just your normal European country
living like normal Europeans do.
A Civil War happening in an EU/NATO country
tho would be stomped out right away however
>capital city
There are regional capitals already. A capital city which is central pretty much geographically to the rest could be created but I'm talking about a confederation, not a new nation or even a federation with a strong central government.
Nordic krona
Nationalist is the important thing. Nations need a struggle between left and right. Obviously I'd like it to be more conservative than it is now.
>official language
We are mutually intelligible. I don't know if it's really needed to make some official law about it. If the Finns and Icelanders want in then I guess it's Swedish and Norwegian respectively for them.
Either something reminiscent of what we had during the Kalmar union, or a new confederate one entirely. Again, not a new nation.
Make it happen, folks!
>mal rule
It's the country that punished him.