4 kamikazes arrested in France
impossible. islam is the religion of peace.
Indeed stupid nazi police, all they wanted was to do a firework festival in Paris
Why are islamists so uncompetent.
It's pretty easy to attack France and they still fail.
>Want to die for Allah
Nips comfirmed dunecoons
if only we had more tolerance. Islamic terror is 100% the fault of islamaphobes.
>a few dozen grams of TATP
wow, I'm scared.
Its about time we ban bombs there is no others solutions
Why are you so racist, France? That's their culture and you have no right to force yours upon them. Your function is to provide money, housing and women, nothing more.
>Jebbar Salman Ammar
He was an Iraqi militia until he quit and moved to Finland.
The lack of beard and a matching uniform should be a giveaway he's not Sunni.
Just shows that Sunni/Shia are 2 sides of the same shit-covered coin.
that should help. also if we just make all of france muslim, they wont have anyone to attack! also, white people are the problem, I know that its france, and so it was built and maintained by the French, but they have proven to be racist misogynistic and hateful.
all refugees are just trying to eat sandwhiches and live peacefully. haven't you heard ben Affleck talk about this? I think he would know. racist.
This post is fake news. No reports of mp7s being found.
So true we must be more tolerant. We need more EU, we need more ban, we need less whites peoples and more refugees!
>tfw when it's real
Nobel prices are really a jew tool
I think we all know that Africa's culture is important and we should respect Africa's right to maintain it, same with all of asia, the middle east, and south America. Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia need to stop this evil assimilation and tyranny of not letting in 75894375896892 immigrants from impoverished countries. white culture is genocide.
This its whites fault if peaceful migrants do terrible truck accident and firework problems. Its also whites fault if when muslims buy a water gun, 7x62 bullets come out of it... I'm tired of this evil oppression we need tolerance. TOLERENCE TOLERENCE TOLERENCE
That's a UMP that belongs to a frech biolice department
I just wish that people would realize that all racism stems from whiteness. I also wish people would realize that rape is a part of the middle eastern culture and since it isn't our culture we have no room to criticize. its racist to say that there should be white majorities in Europe. Europeans have no right to be in charge of Europe.
Holy shit
That's the word we use for suicide bombers.
Its true Europe whites are a problem to our multicultural project we must send more migrants. Japan's too are a bit racist its about time we send migrants to them indeed. We need to ban whites and also a new law for guns. In order to buy a rifle if your white you must do 30 medical check per month, must a chuck history, police check must confirms you love being enriched by migrants, do 100000 papers in order to get a guns its would take 76 months. Finally you would be able to buy a little pistol with a limit of 1 round per magazine and tax of 6000000millions dollars per ammo. You would secure it in a box with a digital code of 473822 différents combinaisons.
>Converts to islam
>Immediately wants to suicide bomb a place
How do libs even come up with arguments for this?
how about you call them suicide bombers and not involve Japan into it?
This is newspeak for muslim terrorist, launched by French (((MSM)))
Why, does it trigger you?
I just realised how kamikaze japs aren't at all comparable to regular islamic terrorists solely because their choice of targets
I mean, yeah sure, your daughter might get raped twice a year but like, that doesn't mean you need a gun or that we should stop importing people that come from a culture that views women as breeding sows and doesn't believe in nearly any western values. fucking racists. drumpf btfo
>brown eyes
Not even once.
>brown eyes, not even once
do you want inbreeding? because that's how you get inbreeding
If that is what it takes for purity, sure.
This whites must be either constrated or convert to the religion of sand.
so dumb. don't be retarded. if you believe race is directly tied to IQ, why would you make significant portions of your population inbred and much more likely to be autistic? having blue eyes and blonde hair isn't some kind of magical combination of traits. You either stand by your principals, or race/nation/whatever-you-believe or you don't, but don't split white people up into such small sub-categories that the future of the race isn't secure. We aren't at a place in time where we have the luxury of infighting
castrating white people is the only way to prevent slavery and white patriarchy. why cant we be more like South Africa????!?! they took their country back!
Why do you care what Nordists and I do within our own group? You're a damn SJW of the right.
top patheticness
no you can do ur own shit, but I'm pointing out that it's stupid to nitpick at that level ata time like this. but whatever, as long as the replacement rate for Europe comes from European births I don't really care.
"nordists and I" you're an American you fucking twink. don't run around labeling yourself as a nord you skyrim LARPing faggot
Because Kamikazes died for their Emperor and not for shitslam.
My grandparents are from Sweden you fucking mixed white mut.
What's a Nordist?
lol, you are not your grandparants.
be an individual.
a made up term by some burger LARPing as a Viking. this is so sad.
What the fuck is a Nordist? It's Scandinavian you stupid fuck. No surprise you're from Swedish ancestry, though, fucking cuck.
I don't mind americans who are happy about having ancestors from Sweden or other european countries
It's kinda weird when ppl who don't speak the language, or don't live/grew up here, or haven't even visited the country call themselves Swedish.
First and foremost you are American
Never stop posting retards.
Scandinavism (also called Pan-Scandinavianism) and Nordism
UMP is such a sexy gun
By the early twentieth century the concept of a "masterly" Nordic race had become familiar enough that the British psychologist William McDougall, writing in 1920, stated:
Among all the disputes and uncertainties of the ethnographers about the races of Europe, one fact stands out clearly—namely, that we can distinguish a race of northerly distribution and origin, characterised physically by fair colour of hair and skin and eyes, by tall stature and dolichocephaly (i.e. long shape of head), and mentally by great independence of character, individual initiative and tenacity of will. Many names have been used to denote this type, ... . It is also called the Nordic type.[34]
Nordicists claimed that Nordics had formed upper tiers of ancient civilisations, even in the Mediterranean civilisations of antiquity, which had declined once this dominant race had been assimilated. Thus they argued that ancient evidence suggested that leading Romans like Nero, Sulla and Cato were blond or red-haired.
Some Nordicists admitted the Mediterranean race was superior to the Nordic in terms of artistic ability[citation needed]. However, the Nordic race was regarded as superior on the basis that, although Mediterranean peoples were culturally sophisticated, it was the Nordics who were alleged to be the innovators and conquerors, having an adventurous spirit that no other race could match[citation needed].
The Alpine race was usually regarded as inferior to both the Nordic and Mediterranean races, making up the traditional peasant class of Europe while Nordics occupied the aristocracy and led the world in technology, and Mediterraneans were regarded as more imaginative.
But nordist isn't a word in the English language, in the same way that autist isn't a real word and autism is. However, I'll make an exception and call you a LARPing autist.
I feel exactly the same way
>But nordist isn't a word in the English language
It's a word you retards of small vocabulary never heard of.
Nice try, idiot. Damage control because you essentially made up a damn word.
Har du piss i huvudet, eller?
top kek
Same in the UK. One couple was caught before they could starting planting bombs because they tweeted asking people where the best place to blow up would be. Utterly fucking useless.
Lol, the American """"Swede viking"""" is copy and pasting little slang phrases from Swedish to try to establish legitimacy. Go prep the bull, Sven, if you're so Swedish, and get the fuck out of my country.
This small vocabulary idiot is buttblasted because they made themselves look like the idiot they are over a word.
both were fanatic criminals
This cuckolded faggot tried to make themselves sound sweet on an anime imageboard by claiming nordic heritage but managed to use a fake word in the process.
what is this image referring to
That's a matter of perspective.
oh man. perfect edit. right in the feels.
Anyone else get partially annoyed when happenings get shut-down before kicking off?
We all do m8
>brown eyes
Makes you wonder what was happenening before if these things get shut down before they even kick off now.
Is that a famas?
3 terrorist cells arrested in Europe in the past 7 days.
May lead to a happening soon you would think. Most of these cells are linked, any remaining ones will have to Jihad soon.
Suspect picture released
'Finger on trigger cause I hold my gun like a nigger' all he wanted was some moist pizza
add it to the list of MSM sliding & shilling, Spicey.
UMP is best weapon in the game
Right? Stupid Eurocucks and thier faulty crappy made cars. Only they are to blame
best post on Sup Forums all night
Low IQ
the Japanese had honour and died for thei literal God-Emperor
smelly dumb shitskin scum blow themselves up for the fake promise of 72 (gender not specified) virgins
no comparison to be made
japs died for the 72 tentacles