What is the deal with Powerlifters and racemixing?

What is the deal with Powerlifters and racemixing?

>Jonnie Candito - asian gf
>Silent Mike - asian gf
>Stan Efferding - samoan wife
>Dan Green - negro wife (pic related)

I'm sure there are more examples of big-name powerlifters/strongmen that have non-white gfs/wives, but those are the ones that come to mind immediately.

Is the desire to build maximal amounts of muscle and strength related to the desire to mate with non-whites?
Are they compensating betas that can't get a good white woman?
Are only non-white women attracted to big muscly men?
Do high levels of testosterone, which are needed to build muscle, make you more attracted to non-whites?

What's the deal here Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:


When you're that juiced to the gills you'll fuck anything.

It is hilarious you pick WHite guys and ignore all the Asian lifters with White girls.

I think it's more related to white women. Having high amounts of testosterone and muscles is considered "toxic" for most western women because of the portrayal of them in the media so they feel the need to go for a lean boypucci type while blacks and asians like their men meaty for the most part or don't mind it like white women do.

>negro wife (pic related)
she is pretty hot, wtf dude?

Nevermind all the "Asian" girls you mentioned are SE Asians

>When you're that juiced to the gills you'll fuck anything.

Im pretty big and i noticed straight away i got attention from really aesthetically fit girls.
One girl who is technically not white but looks white really loved it

Don't forget Dorian Yates.

Most black girls want the pale kebab but the ones that invest heavily in their fitness and appearance attract chads