Denmark has a new even more far right party

>anti tax

why cant we have this in austria

>tfw no right-wing Scandinavian MILF gf

Is she the Danish Frauke?

Are we voting for them, bros?

>Falling for the divide and conquer jew

This is Classic controlled opposition

AnCap when?

taxes are fine as long as its used in a nationalistic way

not for nigger gibs

don't devide the right.
Also, libertarianism is a stupid idelogy for winning over the masses.


good luck with that

Thats why AP and SV needs to die

taxes are theft you statist cuck

If we disregard the splitting of votes this aint bad.
It sets an example for the rest of scandi, we love to check if the other countries are doing anything better or worse and this will hopefully pull us further right.


Not really, at least coalition goverments are not rare in Finland and many anti-immigration parties will get more votes than only one.

Libertarian more or less means ancap today.

Ancap is a stupid ideology on all levels.

inb4 someone calls me a statist.

statist cuck

>nationalism without socialism

into the trash it goes


Just a heads-up for Europe, the politico here is literally a front for leftists in government to leak comments anonymously in order to disparage the right.

Forgot to add, that they also use it to leak statements for damage control.

this, but the libertarianism of Friedman is also shit.

>you will never be blond 190cm ubermensch from denmark that'd be praised as living god in Asia

>opposing the transfer of sovereignty to Brussels

What a faggot newspaper.

Thanks, I didn't know this.

Based Vikings.

Why is Denmark so based and Sweden so terrible?

anti welfare party will never make it in denmark.


yes i love denmark. They are basically working like our buffer zone so i hope they go even further.

just build your own roads

How many countries do you see function without taxes? If so, how long do you think they will be there before they are enforced to tax their population before they crumble in debt?


Yes, we are.

she is /ourgal/

Because you have to pay for the refugees' free housing :3

It was literally the other way around for centuries until the Jews decided Sweden needed to be purged

The fact that those things are considered "far right" and not "centrist common sense" is the most disturbing part for me.




She's not against all taxes, although the article makes it sound that way.
She wants to deport all non-citizens that are on welfare, and move towards more privatization, and that way lower taxes.
Obviously nobody is pushing to make Denmark a total libertarian country with no government.

They are not anti-tax as in "lolcapistan nap no taxes at all retardation"

They are less anti-tax than trump, they only want to lower taxes slightly.

>socialism is somehow better than nationalism without socialism

kys nippon


It's beautiful

Will Denmark finally rise up and restore the Kalmar Union?

Danes are fucking disgusting blonde apes.

How anyone can respect a BLONDE MALE is beyond me.

Bunch of effeminate fuckboys.

Fuck Nordicks!

I'm totally for what she wants to accomplish but I'm just pointing out this one retarded individual sedated on vodka being a dumb nut
>taxes are theft

Idunno if it's a good idea to split the far right in two... It's kinda bothering seeing how far right parties are sprouting all over Europe while in Spain the third fucking party is communist.

Because you faggots will always be fringe and nothing more. A trend, a fad for basement dwellers who have nothing better to do than play dress up nazi on the internet. Then one day a job will happen, you will learn about responsibility, go actually talk to and interact with real human beings and not "anons" all day. You might even find a significant other.

Then again, some of you will dwell for eternity staying hidden behind a wall of anonymity because you already know your shitty views will never be accepted in public.


what did they mean by this?

Your autism is off the off the charts

They're not extreme enough, vote for the left party instead.


Hur ser era höger partier på judar å zionister?



thanks for clearing up where my taxes go, achmed

Denmark was a drunken mess for 200 years. Our kings and government were so piss-drunk they made a law that made it illegal for congress to put any laws in place after 10 am. We woke up from the hangover after 2nd world war. The swedes never recovered from jewish influence, and now they have a taste for self-loathing and black cocks. We just remain hungover, and want to be left alone.

> Anti-tax
> Right wing party

Are you fucking serious?

nej, nej greger så gör man inte. Tänk å ha ett svearike med enbart svenskar, skulle du inte vilja stödja ditt folk med skola, militär och sjukvård? En riktig nationalist är socialist.

I want to live in Denmark. Will you marry me?

For visa... no homo

I don't think you want to get your visa in that way becuse in 10 years evry degenrate in eu will go to gas party in berlin.

>t. Ching Chong Chink

It doesnt work that way in denmark.. if you marry a nordic or EU citizen they can stay in denmark. Otherwise it's fucking difficult. You can thank achmed and his five wives he needs to bring to denmark for that.

no it's good to have two extreme parties, one is making the other ones ideas seem more tame so they get more votes from normies and the more extreme parti get votes from redpilled so they can influence the politics with more extreme ideas. Best way to do it.

I am ancap

Also when will nordic nations unite? We would be the best union.

Nä för fan jävla pundare och lodisar som bor i husvagn utanför Ullared. Bespara mig från att betala för deras fettsugningar, "kamrat".


Checks out. How much do you pay to the state, Andreas? Like 90% of your income?

Enjoy being a slave.


God beware Denemarken


at least I'm not unemployed Fabio.

They'll never learn.

The Danish jews fled to Sweden and stayed. I'm happy that it's going well for brother Mads but fuck.
t. Jude

It would seem more logical that a country that witnessed nazi occupation would lean more to the left no? Unless you had so many collaborators with the Germans that the pendulum pretty much stayed on the right side (that is kind off the way it is in here Flanders)?

So why is Sweden specifically targetted by the jews? Have there always been more jews in Sweden or have the Swedes done something to the jews in their past? Or is it because Sweden is the stereotype home country of blond haired blue eyed people and therefore needs to be brought to its knees as an example

You gotta get rid of the sand people for that to ever be viable

>Another female leader

Hahahaha ja för skattepengar går till plastikkirurgi. Är du en sån där fet kröson som sitter å inkasserar på asylförläggningar och går ut i debatt å säger att lite invandrare får allt proletären tåla de flyr ju ändå från KRIG. Medan du själv lever i ditt helsvenska område omgivet av skrankor. Folket dör medan du njuter, borgar tänk är vidrigt. Ska du inte köra en Fredrik Reinfeldt för att inkassera lite mera pengar på ditt utarmade folk. En nation är bara bra om det är en gemensam nation. Folk som offra livet för detta land skulle spotta dig rakt i ansiktet din vidriga horunge.

Society is gynocentric. One thing a lot of right wingers don't seem to understand is that the ideology which gains power over society can only do so by the consent of women. If women don't support your movement, then your movement goes nowhere.

What I mean is that any right-wing movement led by a woman won't do as well as one led by a man because they're simply less competent.

Buffer for what? Many shitskins here say this land is shit, lets fuck off to Sweden, and we happily send them there.

We worked with the Nazis to "occupy us". The king and the leader of the Radical Left (not what you think, it's more like corporate democrats) met with hitler in secret before the invasion.

That is also why Denmark is listed as an ally in nazi documents. Why we were not bombed, despite revolting against the occupation.

Sweden isn't targeted by jews, the jews just fled denmark and stayed as said earlier by sven..

He means that going through Denmark is at least slightly scary since they might be forced to seek asylum in a country that gives less benefits than Sweden.
Ideally that will make them stay in Germany instead.

She's probably another pretty figurehead.

Do you really think Le Pen runs the National Front? No, it's male advisors - hell, her presidential campaign is run by male Trump strategists.

I agree with you, ancap should go to haiti to enjoy their fake freedom.

>tfw i've experienced this
>tfw when it's glorious

>Taxation is right v left rather than up v down
Send me your rice rocket, gook. You don't deserve it until you apologize.

>God beware Denemarken
God, beware, Denmark.

En stor del av all invandring sker pga socialism, genom bidragsinvandring. Resten av invandring sker på lika villkor som utvandring och är nödvändig för att upprätthålla levnadsstandarder genom t.ex. forskningssamarbeten, arbetskraftsinvandring i specifika sektorer från västvärlden, entreprenörer osv.

Hur man än vänder och vrider på det så är det socialism som är problemet.

>Eurofags are THIS cucked by their governments


you wouldn't understand burger. your country is "the greatest on earth". insane fastfood, fake titties, guns, explosions, hollywood. It's all fun and games, but you trade all the fun for the most fucked up social system in the western world.
We pay high taxes so that all the niggers get educated and dont rob us as often. Our infastructure is top standard, and living wages among the highest in the world.
You are the one with zero control over your own country, you let capitalism and kikery run amok without distributing wealth among the people and get a shitty society from it.

wow, there is still hope, dare I say Hoppe
taxation is theft, Danes know this more than most

>invandring sker pga socialism

döda dig själv snälla.

Hur svårt skulle det vara å stipulera en lag som säger att välfärden enbart är för svenskar?

Ja, inget har ifrågasatt eu samarbetet och möjligheten att kunna arbeta mellan länder. F.Ö så är det krösons som är de som tjänar mest på tredjevärlden invandring. Det pressar ner löner även om invandrare inte arbetar, det räcker med att de går till arbetsförmedlingen och söker jobb för att löner ska hamna under press så her kröson kan banka ytterligare ett par 100 miljoner. Sen så får bankerna in skuldfria personer som de kan tillskriva hudratusenkronors lån. Invandring är något elit styrt och det är också de som gagnas av invandringen.

Och du tillhör inte eliten för att du tjänar 50tusen i månaden sluta lura dig själv. Du tillhör proletären precis som alla andra.

The Danish People's Party has said a lot of politically incorrect stuff and pissed off a lot of leftists, but in terms on actual refugee policy, their impact has been weak. So it's good to see their monopoly on the anti-immigrant vote being challenged. Maybe they will step up for once.

yeah, we are also blockading our border so they need to go back to denmark.



It's a bad feel.

>being this primitive

>tfw when

DanExit soon

What's ''far'' about them? They don't want to be colonized by Muslims in future like Merkel?

Yes, DF didn't do shit the last four years.

>tfw blue-pilled scandinavian gf

it could be worse.