Convince me to vote for Geert, Sup Forums.
I'm sold on the dangers of Islam and EU, but currently leaning to FvD or VNL.
Convince me to vote for Geert, Sup Forums.
I'm sold on the dangers of Islam and EU, but currently leaning to FvD or VNL.
removing Kebab should be your only priority.
every thing else comes second
Fucked up the title. This isn't about SCOTUS obviously.
The parties I listed are also anti-kebab
The parties you name will have 0 seats in parlaiment and your vote will not help to do anything against the islamic invasion.
pick the most anti Kebab you can.
if we dont get Europe removing kebab soon, its over.
I think FvD will get 1 or 2.
Lots of Afrikaners depend on him to grant right of return and not get genocided while the left shrugs their shoulders.
Look, if you vote FvD or VNL your vote is tossed away as these parties are too small to form a coalition with let's say PVV. Your vote will be tossed away. I prefer VNL over PVV but I will have to make a compromise here and join the majority of the right supporting PVV. It's not gonna work if all voters are splintered across various right wing groups.
Redpill me on this? I've never heard this before.
If they don't get any seats at all, I would agree. If they get a few, however, that's another story. There have been coalitions including very small parties before and they and Geert align in a lot of ways so they could easily work together. I just want a more right-wing platform (economically speaking) than what Geert is providing.
Well Geert and team are pro-right of return for South African Dutchmen (Afrikaners) due to systemic racism and increasingly violent crime and the rise of anti-white hate speech.
Currently we are completely fucked as no country would acknowledge any problem or appear racist so asylum claims are shot down immediately.
I'm worried now that people don't know that about the PVV.. shit..
>tfw can't choose between the meme party PVV that will remove kebab (realistically though, how?) and PvdD that is more an ideological fit.
So a vote for the PVV would be a vote for our Afrikanen broeders too?
Far right politicians are being funneled money by the russian government. Vote for Geert if you want to add to Putin's Russian Puppet collection.
Oh jij bent er zo een
because muslims will kill you if you dont
This should be convincing enough.
Stem Dion Graus, met zn animal cops
> Sup Forums literally agree with everything with ISLAM
> Refuse to take the redpill
Kids these days
Even the party for animals which has a lot more name recognition got just 2 seats in 2012.
FvD/VNL are probably in the same category of popularity as the pirate party and will get 0 seats.
Don't waste your vote and just go PVV, even though FvD is superior.
What are you doing on Sup Forums and still wanting to vote PvdD? I know Hitler said to respect and protect the environment and wildlife, BUT WE HAVE TO REMOVE KEBAB FIRST.
Much like Austin Powers father, I hate the dutch. Whatever brings in more kebab should be your vote.
parlimentary systems have some serious drawbacks so ideally you would be able to know which party has the most support in your district going an and could vote for that one. but in reality we have to rely on polls which as we learned over and over again last year are largely made up garbage.
you know the situation on the ground better than we foreigners so you can either base your vote on who you think has the most support or just vote your conscience and risk a split in the right wing vote resulting in the election of a center/left candidate
Deal with it
Wow, of all people to say this. Shouldn't you be joining the "refugees welcome" march, instead of shitting on your fellow Europeans? Oh Sven...
You should wait and vote for the party that removes the monarchy. They are heavily involved in the international pedo stuff.
They are not royal and not even of house orange.
They must go.
You must be really politically illiterate if you vote for PVV. And if you want an explanation for why I am saying this, that means you are.
Hahaha flikker wat doe je hier.
watching the South African state of the nation yetserday i felt so sorry for you guys, even that cunt De Klerk knows that whites are being genocided in SA but nobody cares. Hopefully the Trump andmin can spare a few moments from fighting liberals on every fucking thing to help you guys, if burgerland is an acceptable place of refuge
Waarom ben je überhaupt hier, ben je verdwaald geraakt op weg naar Denk?
Although I'm planning on 'voting' for PVV, you shouldnt expect voting to actually make a difference within the EU.
>voting for a party that wants to erase our culture
Nice going Abdulhakim.
This. (although voting doesnt work)
Oy vey goyim, support one of those shitty little parties that will never amount to anything! Split the right wing vote and don't send a clear signal to the left! Vote FvD or VNL!
T. Emile Roemer
Isn't Geert a zionist?
Slaving away for illegitimate pedophilic cultists is our culture now? Sick fuck.
Isn't Sweden YES?
Ja weet niet waarom ik zo links uitkom. Vooral economisch denk ik. Heb een schijthekel aan buitenlanders en ik wil Islam volledig verdreven hebben uit europa. Fuck alle ontwikkelingshulp en grenzen dicht.
Voelt vreemd om zelf links te zijn en tegelijkertijd het huidige gecuckte "links" te verafschuwen.
Guys to which newspaper/magazine can I send that Dutch asylum rejection email I got for questioning chances of successful asylum for Afrikaners?
You should just vote for whoever is the most likely to succeed in going against the current establishment. Voting for any moderate solution ain't gonna do shit. Maybe it'll slow down the process by 5% at best but you're still royally fucked.
newspapers are trash
Hope so mate apparently there is a local drive to get Steve Hofmeyr to actually get to talk with Trump..
PVV is economisch links. Waar wacht je op?
He looks really slimy
>Vooral economisch denk ik.
Bedoel je dingen zoals de sociale voorzieningen enzo? Ben ik ook wel voor, maar niet zolang kebab hier is. Sociale voorzieningen werken alleen voor een sociale groep waarbinnen ook sociale cohesie bestaat. Hierin helpt men elkaar ook als het eens tegen zit. Dit is het originele idee geweest. Probleem is wanneer er een uitheems volk de sociale cohesie gaat verstoren en vervolgens misbruik gaat maken van een systeem dat helemaal niet bedoeld was voor deze nieuwe groep. Dit is de situatie waar we nu in zitten. Kebab eerst weg, dan sociale voorzieningen heropbouwen.
He probably is a fucking mossad agent, but I have to choose between a caliphate and having no head on my neck or a mossad agent and remaining Dutch, I'll go with the mossad agent.
Well, yes?
guido, machtig me om voor je te stemmen aub
Jup, eens.
I actually agree, we have the same problem with our main "nationalist" party.
We have a good record of getting rid of jews though. So cleaning up after the kebab's gone shouldn't be hard.
Luister, Political Compass is zo links gebaseerd dat je zo'n beetje moet zeggen "ik geef niks om het milieu en vrouwen verdienen geen rechten" om een beetje rechts uit te komen, maar dat is niet erg. Je hoeft ook niet gelovig te zijn om te vinden dat scholen religieuze waarden moeten aanleren om kinderen zo braaf en gedisciplineerd te houden.
Yes also a Jew
You're an autistic feminine faggot like the rest of your men. You fucked with Africa, we didn't. Now you get to keep them. European? Get fucked, Hardwell.
DIvide and conquer, they are using third world strategies and you are falling for it, are supposed to be the smart ones
use this statistics online
We don't have districts though. We hold a nation wide popular vote and award seats proportionally. Any party that scores over 0.66% of the votes gets a seat.
>Jamal is mad we BTFO'd Africa
>fuck white people we wuz kangs muddafugga
>European civil war when?
Why don't you just kill yourself?
you are not gonna enjoy a good economy if islam takes over you. As simple as it gets
You are severely underestimating FvD.
Otherwise try not sure if they will pick it up, but they are the guys who started the ukraine referendum
FvD is overwegend beste keuze in deze nep democratie.
Kleine overheid, souvereigniteit.
Ik kan ook niet met een gerust hart stemmen op partijen die 'pro-israel' onderdeel maken van hun partij programma. Dat heeft niks te zoeken in de 2e Kamer
No, I'm saying blame yourself for puking on your own floor. Now wipe it up or leave it there to smell and rot. I'm sorry but I can't take a white man that uses "get cancer" as an insult seriously. Every interaction I've had with your people in my entire life has ended in you showing your true colors sooner or later, you have no sense of humor, every standup thats ever played a dutch audience knows this, and the only two men with a set of balls in your entire country is Geert and Bas. I dont want to be associated with you in any shape or form, you are the KANKER of Europe.
Er zijn zo veel mensen die er steeds meer achtergekomen dat Islam niet alleen regenbogen en eenhoorns is, en die het gehad hebben met de EU en de polletieke elite, maar die nét niet de stap durven te maken om op Geert te stemmen. Thierry aast heel slim op deze stemmen.
Fok jou, man.
Hopen dat ze 2 zetels krijgen. Met Hiddema in de kamer krijgen ze vanzelf meer bekendheid.
Hoeveel sleutels is daar in totaal?
First we need to protect our people, everything else is secundary. GRENZEN DICHT.
But in all seriousness, Geert also suggests printing our own money which is the best plan anyone has had.
I hope the niggers that did the reverse conquering on you burns down your trailerpark or if you managed to stay nazi and have a farm, I hope they swarm you at night. KANKER.
Shit, dis baie..
Alles begint klein. De PVV staat op 30-40 zetels in de peilingen, afhankelijk van welke peiling het is.
Dude no please its literally impossible for me to be intimidated by a Swede, just let it go.
FvD ook. Uit de euro. Persoonlijk vind ik FvD wat intellectueler dan 1 A4tje weg met islam.
FvD gaat veel zetels wegsnoepen van VVD en CDA denk ik. Zijn gewoon de non-cucked versie van VVD.
Zou mooi zijn als dat gebeurt. Denk dat als FvD wat groter wordt dat ze heel wat meer gedaan krijgen dan de PVV nu, simpelweg door het allemaal net even wat beter te onderbouwen en iets subtieler uit te drukken.
Geert is goed in one-liners maar daar krijg je geen regering mee rond.
You mean the uninhabited part of Africa down south which has been taken over by niggers from north africa? How was that a bad thing? Do you even know what the 100 Hottentots who did live in the general vicinity looked like? We colonized South Africa, it's rightfully ours. Niggers fucked with us, leftists made it possible.
We hebben nog geen aanslag gehad hier en de economie loopt nog lekker. Maar als een of andere kankermongool zich opblaast in Amsterdam en Griekenland uit de eurozone stapt en we weer terug de recessie induiken, zullen wel meer mensen voor FvD en PVV gaan stemmen. Onder Rutte's kabinet van PVDA en VVD zijn de financiele en economische problemen niet opgelost en staan de grenzen nog wagenwijd open.
Vote for the safe opinion to remove k. Thank you. God some people are really dense...
Vergeet niet dat er nog een hoop mensen pissig over Fortuyn. Had Rutte niet beloofd dat Volkert niet vrij zou komen?
Says the German whose friends and family are all voting for Schulz because they dont like how Merkel has been fucking up the country. Even though Schulz is ten times worse.
vote for whoever you want.
pvv, vnl and fvd are all good.
Vast wel. Ook die 1000 euro die iedereen zou krijgen van Rutte; wat een trieste bedoeling was dat ook. Elke weldenkende burger had wel door dat dat toch nooit zou gebeuren. Vraag me af of Rutte zelf uberhaupt geloofde dat mensen in zijn overduidelijke leugen van 1000 euro geloofde.
Dont waste your breath on me, I know normal human function is not your strong point. Go home to the Negerlands where you belong instead of being, for the uninformed here, the real niggers of south africa. I know how you proud dutch kankerpeople have it in SA so dont come at me acting all proud and strong you fucking mong. Either you're in a fucking trailer park without electricity or you are defending a piece of land you stole from niggerinvasion every day. Which one are you? Because I know you aren't part of the few dutch that still live in SA in wealth because then you wouldn't be here handing out tips on how to best wrestle a nigger and the other useful information that comes out of all you internet badass afrikaaner mouths. Do you want a fucking award for finding a way to control a nigger you ignorant fuck.
>Falling for chulz threads.
Just do your job and I'll do mine. And don't fall for the irrelevant party meme.
De (((onderliggende problemen))) in ons land worden te weinig besproken.
whose ready for the Gottkanzler?!?!
Het mooie is dat Pechtold met 500 euro kwam aanzetten een week of 2 geleden. Hoe mensen dat nog geloven snap ik niet.
Gustav, I didnt even read your shitty text, but you have to go back to your cuckshed.
why so many v's in dutch politics
Stand for 'for' (voor)
Partij voor de vrijheid
Voor Nederland
Forum voor Democratie
This would have been funnier if said story was described in a more neutral fashion
>Partij Voor de Vrijheid
Party For Freedom
>Forum Voor Democratie
Forum For Democracy
You tell me. Then we've also got the PvdD, PvdA, and probably a couple more I forget.
Alsof 500 euro het waard is om je land te transformeren in het khalifaat van Holland. Judas kreeg tenminste 30 stukken zilver voor het verraden van zijn heer, en dat was indertijd een boel geld. Wij moeten het doen met het equivalent van een halve Corendon vakantie naar een Bulgaarse touristtrap.