Why are MGTOW faggots such goddamn cucks? Do they not realize that they're part of the white decline? Instead of larping like a bunch of faggots, maybe they should actually leave their homes and meet some real women. Picture unrelated.
MGTOW: Why are they faggots?
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Sour grapes. Better they don't breed
I don't identify with that faggot ass group but I'm never going to have children. I'm just gonna keep fucking Asian prostitutes and never get married. I could not give a shit what happens to the White race cause I'll be dead and have no kids. So who gives a fuck.
Sup Forums should get redpilled on women and hypergamy and halo effect.
But yes, they are faggots and they need to fuck off
the whole point of MGTOW is that they have experience with women and don't want to deal with them.
I'm in a similar boat right now that women in my college town are just pretty shallow and I genuinely don't enjoy extended relationships with them so I'm saying fuck it until I'm finished with school and in another town.
I don't really get people that say fuck all women forever, but I do understand wanting to take a break instead of shackling yourself to a relationship because it seems "normal"
I also am just an introverted fag and like mandating my own peace and quiet once in a while.
Heh, what a nerd.
lmao im rekt.
We know all about it, we're just not all cowards who give up because something is difficult, or associated with risk.
Just give me one good reason.
Just one as to why I should get married? If I want kids I'll either adopt, get a surrogate mother, or just have a designer baby in 20 years.
You could always get a surrogate user.
if you tell men how bad women are and how it's actually a scam setup by society then it'll be problematic for us...
see, feminism and mgtow are the same. feminism uses the state to destroy your life and indoctrinate you so you're a slave to females. mgtow tells men they don't need to worship females and society is trying to break them
it's very problematic.... don't be a mgtow. go get a divorce and man up. there's only a 75% chance you're divorced and lose everything. ignore the fact you don't need a marriage for any reason other than me telling you so.
I fucking despise children. So no.
It honestly doesn't matter, there is no hope left for the future of humans regardless.
If given the choice though- I would still not breed. Imagine raising a little child just to have public school, TV and the internet corrupt every value instilled in them- Thats modern parenting.
Marry a good woman and live happily, and raise your children together in a happy environment.
If you do that you're a cuck. Sorry buddy.
>they have experience with women and don't want to deal with them.
Feminists have experience with men and don't want to deal with them. Doesn't mean their view of men is complete or accurate.
>boo hoo I had a bad relationship. fuck life
Maybe is right.
I'm already happy. Why should I take the risk with someone I could possibly hate in 5 years.
Make me, cunt.
That's right. Don't come back to this thread MGTOW. You make me sick.
nice strawmanning.
I also didn't say that the view was complete or accurate, blanketing an entire anything rarely is. But you have to admit that most of the time males get into relationships they become less independent, some men prefer not to give up their independence.
They aren't saying fuck life they are just bucking against social norms, which is literally all this site is.
Sorry you think everyone has to have 1.5 kids to be people.
t. cucks
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the men marrying gold digging whores are the problem? Learn to choose your women better.
sorry you have such a weak stomach.
I guarantee I've banged more women in a month then you ever will you're entire life. Working for a Men's dancing group all over the country is what conformed me to never get married.
>Marry a woman that has been on the cock carousel
>Allow her to take half of your meagre possessions
>Allow her to remove any potential children you have from her
>Letting a single mother raise children
What could possibly go wrong?
> tfw you realize Sup Forums is a board of brown people roleplaying as white supremacists.
MGTOW will end when socialism collapses. Until then, get rich or die trying.
I'm not one of those TFW no gf faggots. I enjoy being alone, I hate kids and when I want sex I buy a woman for an hour. I like my lifestyle.
sounds comfy desu
>call a whore and an hour later she shows up at your door hot and fresh like a pizza.
>I guarantee I've banged more women in a month then you ever will you're entire life. Working for a Men's dancing group all over the country is what conformed me to never get married.
>men's dancing group
Sure thing Chad.
You don't think you'll regret never passing on your genes? Sounds kind of depressing user.
>Never gonna have a relationship
>Never gonna have a family
>gonna have a waifu and do whatever the fuck I want
But please continue to be upset about me exercising my right as a free citizen, not like you can stop me :^)
good point, i'm going to get me an arab hijabi qt muslima and spread my swarthy genes
Just saying. Even though I worked behind the scenes and introduced at the end. Both single and married women would come back with me to my hotel just about every night. Some were even the quiet shy type.
>Marry a good woman and live happily
retard op you'll never shame actually invent men into hating mgtow cause a bunch of subhuman prole saying something is bad doesn't cut it. even if you want to continue the white race and have children there's no reason to get married at all.
>eve cucks adam with the snake and eats the apple
>eve tricks adam into eating the apple without telling him so he's banished from heaven too
creation explains how vile women are. if you didn't need them to have your children then they would be slaughtered long ago.
The whole point of the "movement," seems to be to encourage as many men to ignore women as possible until their sexual value is driven down to a reasonable price again.
Can't see it working, but I can appreciate the logic behind it. Western women are the insufferable cunts they are because white men treated them too well (even the average/ugly ones). Rather than seeing this for what it was, these bitches read it as weakness to be exploited. So here we are.
And how many people voted in that poll?
>nice strawmanning.
There's no straw man in my post. It's logical conclusion of quitting relationships because of one's negative experiences.
>I also didn't say that the view was complete or accurate
I didn't say you said that. Read my post again.
>males get into relationships they become less independent
Bullshit. Men lead relationships. If a man is going into one it's what he wants to do. What you're talking about is a lack of conviction, and indecisiveness.
>bucking social norms
Don't know if you've noticed, but the social norm lately has been for young people to quit putting effort into their ambitions.
If you don't want a relationship then there's no reason to complain about women, but if you do complain, and still refuse to get involved you're just waiting for someone else to fix your problems.
>Sorry you think everyone has to have 1.5 kids to be people.
Do whatever the fuck you want. Just don't be a fatass who complains about being fat while stuffing his face.
You've got it wrong there
MGTOW is not the same as feminism since they don't want to create laws or prohibitions
No, I might regret it on my deathbed but 10 minutes of regret right before I die is not worth a lifetime of not living how I want to.
Very true.
>get white men to ignore women because of the media bias
>he sees nothing wrong with this
Good goy.
>There are good, marriage material women out there
Out of curiosity I've watched some videos and it seems like those guys had bad experiences and went full "REEEE" mode after it.
Understandable, why make such a big thing about it?
Seems like yet another American way of rejecting something.
Which is, instead of just not giving a shit about the subject you're supposed not to care about, you go full angry consumer mode and make a lot of noise about why you're so put off about the situation.
Kinda like Atheism.
If you're an atheist, just ignore all religion including atheism and live your life, rather than concentrate all of your energy on the subject of how much you don't care about religion.
If you're a guy who doesn't care about women and doesn't want a relationship, then simply don't get into one and don't date women.
Why do you need a god damn movement to identify with, to be able to do it?
The whole MGTOW Sounds like some female "Stronger together, we can do this girls!" support group bullshit to me.
Mgtows are being passive aggressive little pussies instead of being the leaders men and women want them to be.
>do they not realize.they're part of the white decline?
I don't get your point since 90% of mgtows i've seen are non whites
Shouldn't you be encouraging them not to breed?
>Get beta white men to work their ass off to please an overweight, useless white bulldog of a woman, who resents settling for them, but did so because she wasn't attractive enough for chad.
>she still divorces you and takes half your shit, despite contributing nothing but a slight fuck every 5 months or so
>he sees nothing wrong with this.
You're the feminism version of goy.
Nice digits, but Reddit posts don't constitute as opinions for white women. I don't know if it's just me, but most women I've met did not like non-white guys. I feel you guys are letting a media bias fog up your perspective. Now I'm not saying there isn't an influence on women through media shilling, but it's not as big as they make it out to be. I really try not to resort to caricatures, but I do feel that most people who post that are either larpers or trash.
Anyone who blames MGTOW without blaming feminism first is a fucking cuck.
That being said, MGTOW is harmful in a way, but unlike feminists, MGTOWs deserve compassion.
Feminists = Demand shit at your expense.
MGTOW = Wants to be left the fuck alone.
If you're slaying pussy like a champ, good for you.
For a lot of guys though, they won't ever get it from Western women, no matter how hard they work. Even ones below their league.
Can't blame them for moving on can you?
>settling for them
Is that how you see yourself? Someone to "settle" for? Gee, I wonder why you're worried about being left...
>/r9k/ the post
It's really simple user. The men need to stop being beta, and if they can't then maybe they deserve it. If they're really that dumb to not see a woman for what she really is then they really deserve it.
Taking gigantic financial and criminal risk in the face of massive female immaturity and entitlement is 'being the leaders men and women want them to be'?
Fuck it, let the entire thing collapse. This feminist society needs to be broken and rebuilt where women don't have any rights.
Do you know how I know MGTOW is working? Because you're all bitching about it.
Everyone laugh at the proud fluffer for Tyrone
>Can't blame them for moving on can you?
Mgtows aren't moving on, they're crying about something they're not willing to fix.
MGTOW= Beta cucks who can't get a gf.
Feminism= Fat cunts who can't get decent men, but are also influenced through marxism.
>The whole MGTOW Sounds like some female "Stronger together, we can do this girls!" support group bullshit to me.
Dammit I never thought of it like that. Honestly I'd rather see more men married with those dead eyes so I can feel better about myself and continue brushing women off without regret.
>Sounds like some female support group bullshit to me
And why is it men can't have some sort of support group? Because men are expected to be stronger mentally?
Pretty much what I realized after a few months actively MGTOW.
So, I decided to ghost. Focus on my career, making more money, and becoming healthier.
No point bitching about things I can't change. Rather get busy living than wait around for laws / society to collapse.
MGTOW men in history have done far more important things that any of you will ever dream of
>if they're really that dumb to not see a woman for what she really is then they really deserve it
Ironic post, friendo.
Anyway, I couldn't do shit with white women. Got a really cute Asian though.
You can say stop being beta, etc. But when you have the choice to move from a seller's market to a buyer's market, and you choose not to do so.... I would consider that foolish. Just my opinion.
>Do you know how I know MGTOW is working? Because you're all bitching about it.
This sendesu
>MGTOW is working
All it's doing is convincing more men not improve themselves, quit pursuing their ambitions, and leave the problem of misguided women unfixed. Women don't like you faggots because you're too much like women. You wait around for other people to solve your problems.
Then why do mgtows seek to make more money?
Doesn't really sound marxist to me
>MGTOW= Beta cucks who can't get a gf.
They totally can, they just don't marry them you idiot.
And that is what I also plan to do. Found a nice woman who shares my hobbies, have 4-5 kids with her and never marry her.
After all this is done, she will be around 35, her beauty will be largely gone, and she can't divorce me. I will be left with the family I always wanted and she would be a fool to leave me.
It is time for you cucks to understand that woman are only loyal as long as it is in their interest to be loyal. Once you married them, you are in THEIR pocket.
Yup. Agree with you there.
Their logic is that if they convince most guys to act like them, and ignore women for a while, women's sexual value will decrease to within a normal range again (you have to admit, it has gotten a little out of control).
I can't see this ever working, but the logic is there. They shouldn't try to pretend this isn't what is going on, though.
>All it's doing is convincing more men not improve themselves
Isn't the whole point of MGTOW to improve oneself by not having someone holding you back?
They condone hatred of women, not very masculine desu.
MGTOW is the least of your worries. The average woman today is a whore that no man in his right mind would marry. We will have a good percentage of millennial women who will just die alone with their cats and vibrators. Men will have casual sex or fuck sex bots but never marry regardless of what they call themselves. Pua Mgtow Bachelor these are just labels.
Women don't work like that. If you knew how to treat them, you can shape them to your will. They aren't that smart.
classic case of the fox and grapes
sidebar: if you're not meant to give dogs grapes maybe foxes shouldnt have grapes either
From what I gather this whole thing is about: "Screw you women, I'm not getting into a relationship with you"
Which is fine. Don't get into relationships and do your own thing. Nothing wrong with that.
But I can't think of a single reason for anyone needing a support group for the purpose of not giving a shit about a subject they dislike in the first place.
It's retarded.
Good man. I don't even care if these men genuinely find something else more interesting than having a family, I just want men to have the conviction to make their dreams reality, rather than passively whine.
>Women don't work like that.
Yeah they totally do. Use up a woman's most important values: beauty, youth and fertility for your own benefit, and she will be left with nothing if she leaves you.
Now if you married her, she can use that against you. That is why you don't do that.
> Women are broken
> You have to fix them.
Still nobody answered my question on why do you hate mgtows so much since 90% of them are not white
Because you know erradicate subhumans right?
No, it's clearly a collective whine-fest about women not liking these men the way they are.
>90% of them are not white
Thats where everyone gets it wrong
Mgtow is not a support group it's a philosophy and what the people who speak about mgtow do is spread the word
>Solid Snake never passed on his genes. He couldn't.
>Clone of the world's greatest soldier.
>Be the youngest special forces member of all time at the age of 18(?)
>fluent in 6 languages.
>sent by his "Father" to kill his most trusted medic posing as Big Boss.
>Uncover a conspiracy and infiltrate zanzibar to kill Big Boss again, best friend dies in this incident.
>Save the world a 3rd time in the shadow moses incident in 2001 and killed his twin brother while being saved by his cyborg ninja friend.
>Triple agent Ocelot tricks him into believing he's possessed by his dead brother via arm transplant and (insert mgs2 plot)
>Save the world a 5th fucking time and finally take out Liquid Ocelot.
>spent the remaining years of his life hanging with his bro.
how is that not a fulfilling life?
>Do they not realize that they're part of the white decline?
Most (((MGTOW))) were never going to get laid in the first place
> If you knew how to treat them, you can shape them to your will.
Society has a bigger influence on women than you will ever have.
Don't take my word for it. Have fun in divorce court.
Then don't complain about what you're not willing to fix. I'm not demanding you fix women, I'm demanding you stop spreading your virtue-lacking , quitter attitude.
We won't stop.
70% of men aged 20-35 aren't married and it's just going to keep increasing.
Let this shitfuck feminist society collapse.
> Then don't complain.
Only thing I complain about is my tax dollars funding single motherhood and higher education.
My money, my right to tell them to fuck off.
Have you seen their meetups?
The most peominent of them is sandman just by that name you can guess where he is from yes he is a sandnigger
I find that surprising. Don't they know they can get ficki ficki?
>admits he's quitter without virtue
>wants more people to be like him
So long as you're willing to keep being this honest, I don't think you'll be convincing anyone to be a mgtow. Please continue.
You should better use a real example you know like miyamoto musashi or the wright bros. even jesus christ
If you think Sandman is renowned or even respected in MGTOW circles, you didn't really look into this.
I'm MGTOW but married . . .
I mean if shit went south I know I'd be done with this crap.
>Only thing I complain about is my tax dollars funding single motherhood and higher education.
>My money, my right to tell them to fuck off.
Nothing I disagree with there. What are you gonna do about it? Wait and whine?
My wife doesn't have any male friends and I don't either. My only mate is a guy 20 years older than me.
You cucks find the most absurd, idiotic, disgusting traits and stories about women and then extrapolate them to everyone. Being perpetial autistic kissless virgins that frequent hug boxes and echo chambers on the internet on a daily basis has distorted your perception of reality.
Admit it, every single one of you goes on a woman hate site or thread everyday and just circle jerks everyday.
You're the equivalent of dyke feminists and tumblrerinas.
Well he is the one with the biggest following
Probably true now that the FA / r9k losers joined MGTOW.
Back when it started it was a bunch of bitter divorced men and children from divorced / single mother families.
Either way, getting laid in the age of tinder and backpage is fast cheap and easy.
You have to be a complete aspie lardbeast not to get action if you on demand these days.
I voted for Trump. Other than that, focusing on making more money, getting healthier, and living my dream.
Because he produces the largest amount (and least intellectual) content.
If you really want to look into this, you should look up bar bar, RazorBladeKandy, spetsnaz and Stardusk (Talking Ape).
I am really thankful for MGTOW, because even though I am not one of them, they heavily redpilled me on lots of issues.
The men that think in those terms and become MGTOW are men women don't want anyway. They are the 30% of men that never get any pussy because of their shitty traits. Most mgtow also have some of the worst personalities, can you blame women for not wanting Eliot roger tier autists?
nah miyamoto musashi got his ass kicked more often than not. his journey was more of an ego check if anything, and finally being one with himself he finally mastered the art of the fight, being capable of mind fucking sasaki who was the younger and more skilled swordsman to make mistakes leading up to his defeat.
and if i wanted to relate someone acting like jesus i'd rather think along the lines of "what would ryu do?"