>less than a quarter of Sup Forums anons identify as alt right
Really makes you think
>less than a quarter of Sup Forums anons identify as alt right
Really makes you think
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Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Alt-Right is the new counterculture against Kike SJWs
>implying the "alt-right" even exists
>implying we aren't just LARPing here
only shills vote yes for their one made up term
Isn't most of Sup Forums far right? What's alt right? Like gay and a nazi?
>21% of pol is redditors
What the fuck is alt right even supposed to be
Like, in what sense are they fucking alt and why do they even have to be
>tfw I keep trying to avoid the shitlib collection terms but they sound so cool
I jumped on the bandwagon with 'Alt-Reich'.
where does this come from?
You STILL haven't figured it out?
I'm just basically a fascist, the milo yiannopoulos type of 'alt right' are degenerate losers who won't solve anything.
give me the tenets of the alt right and I will vote one way or the other.
ofc the alt right are low energy faggots who think Jews and niggers are alright.
NatSoc. is the political ideology for the real Sup Forumsacks
>always right
Sup Forums is always right
>le meme
Fake term invented by the media. They can't single you out and demonize you until they can categorize you into a demographic
>Only a quarter of Sup Forums anons think EA racemixing is never acceptable
Really makes you think
Didn't you know we're all Antifa larping as Nazis?
Alt-right narrative has little sense in Russian context, so no. I'm also very liberal by western standarts.
>less than a quarter of Sup Forums anons identify as alt right
>Really makes you think
Yeah, it does...
>21% are newfags/reddit fags
Only gay.
Because the alt right is full of fags and kikes. Only morons are "alt right "
the alt right is cancer and part of the 'problem'
why would i want to be part a populist movement led by queers and redditors?
Alt-right was just the new buzzword invented by the media to identify people considered 'insubordinate' to the political norms of the time.
It's just a shitty excuse to label people who disagree with them and easily discard their opinion without providing counter-arguments. Probably why most Sup Forumsacks dont identify as an 'alt-right'.
I'm far right in many respects, but don't identify as "alt-right". Labels make dismissal a hell of a lot easier
hey guys, are we alt right yet?
A label invented by the media to delegitimise anyone with a dissenting or alternative view and immediately liken them to a nazi.
I did a poll yesterday across Sup Forums.
I'm a centrist - but I do love the memes.
>the alt right is cancer and part of the 'problem'
>A label invented by the media to delegitimise anyone with a dissenting or alternative view and immediately liken them to a nazi.
At least there is some intelligence coming through here.
nazis are good though so i dont get why that's a bad thing?
b-b-but Richard Spencer said he has been around since forever! that's why he only had 700 twitter followers before he did the Hail Trump stunt!
This, however they have failed to effectively utilise it since people in general are becoming more aware of what the media is doing.
The figures have held firm at 79-21 for the last 12 hours or so, so I think it's pretty accurate. 600+ is also a far greater sample size than a lot of professional polling agencies use - to determine who will be the next leader of the free world, for example.
People who identify as alt-right actually want a change, and are usually interested in some deeper thought, and so they migrate away from the shitpost/shill stew that we have created
Well it kinda got highjacked by kikes, copy/paste from Sup Forums TRS shitposters, edgy youtubers that got famous by trashing SJWs and degenerates like Gavin. Noone wants to admit they are in the same movement as those cunts.
We are not LARPing here. Sup Forums will always be just Sup Forums. The rest are LARPing and making a big deal out of it.
/r/The_Doland hate alt right.
Nah. People that identify as Alt Right are sitting home and hitting F5 on DailyStormer 24/7.
>/r/The_Doland hate alt right.
Really? What is the hub of the "alt right" then?
People like Gavin McInnes and Richard Spencer seem to think they have a following.
Alt-Right is to the left of Sup Forums on several issues
they are left wing on economics, they are left wing on homosexuals, they are left wing on transexuals, they are left wing on religion
"Alt-right" is a term the media came up with to try to explain a phenomenon they couldn't explain.
A catch all label
If anything they are the Alt Light.
The reason why /r/AltRight is banned because mods and kids from /r/The_Doland were triggered by nationalistic racial realism and JQ posts.
Well, that's not what I've found.
So what did you find? What are Alt Right are doing in Europe to change things? what are they doing to change things in America? Only dropping redpills isnt a great fuckin achievement in the age of internet.
That's not how reddit works. Nice try though.
>Really? What is the hub of the "alt right" then?
TRS, dailystormer, stormfront, etc
basically just a bunch of mouthbreathers who've already been fucked over by their various "leaders" 2-3 different times now but keeps going back for more. Pretty funny
According to the TRS posters here they absorbed a bunch of reddit boards like R-coontown, the one Roof used, and they are shameless defenders of reddit.
Because the alt-right is nothing but a retarded boogeyman the left uses to dismiss more conservative opinions
Well since it's a 90%+ American phenomenon they're not really doing shit in Europe, in America they are organizing and helped get Donald Trump elected.
>in America they are organizing and helped get Donald Trump elected
No, they didn't help Trump get elected at all. The alt-light that they hate helped drag in normies- milo, gavin, man-gorilla etc, Spencer and Enoch didn't do shit to pull in anyone who wasn't already voting Trump
and how many anons don't fill in surveys as a matter of principle
show your working out too
Those 21% are weak minded pussys, who worship ecelebs and can't form their own ideas.
What are they organizing?
Trump got elected because he rallied in states where people were about to lose their jobs and he gave them hope. He still didnt win the popular vote. Wikileaks helped him more than Alt Right ever did. AltRight made the right wing people panic about being associated with neo nazi movement .
I understand i would really like to see the change but Alt Right are bunch of 16yo shitposters, rich Chad Spencer and over30 podcasters busy with their own lives to create anything meaningful or steer the ship in the right direction.
>He doesn't think people voted no to skew the data of what is obviously a poll used to lend "credence" to more fake news stories
Come on, Bong. Even I voted no in that.
I disagree
Alt Right echo chamber isnt helping anything or even redpilling anyone that isnt already knees deep in this.
well youre wrong
Thats ok though, as you said yourself its an american phenomenon, i wouldn't expect you to understand
>Gas the Kikes,race war now
>Gets delegitimized and linked to National Socialists
thats what i was trying to tell sven
If someone is already namefagging on TRS and listening to the daily shoah they are WAY past the point of voting for Trump most likely long before they arrived there
They are feeding off of Trumps base, not the other way around
Sup Forums is and always was just a bunch of contrarian cunts and the rest are newcomers that don't realize the second the right becomes normie Sup Forums is going commie
I wouldn't identify as a label popularized by the MSM.
>gas the kikes
>alt right leaders are all kikes
get fucked, 'negro
If I'd linked Daily Shoah to any normies they would turn it off the moment they hear the first ((( ))) like my roommate did.
Its sad that they think they are redpilling normies and creating a big movement.
should have told your roommate that it was a new seth rogan podcast where he roleplays as a nazi
the alt-right was a joke that idiots thought was real.
>Its sad that they think they are redpilling normies and creating a big movement.
its really fucking cringey, they are honest to god almost my least favorite posters including leafs
>bro the movement
>Trump is just a vehicle for people like spencer
>we're shifting the overton window! who will match my donation to spencers college tour!
>enoch dindu nuffin, a jew wife who works helping brown people get jobs is fine!
eceleb worshiping trash is always trash
I agree with you sir.
I still enjoy Rebel Yell, Fatherland and Exodus. The comfy ones.
Of course we don't, "alt-right" is just a made-up term so that shillary can put a name on her enemies, and so that Shillard Spencer can pretend he has followers.
I think MPC literally labels itself "alt-right" lmao
yeah i've gotten more into alt right youtubers like pewdiepie since it came out that enoch is married to a jew
MPC cuck detected
>all this much talk over a term
Man, who gives a fuck? Ok dude, if you don't like it, call you whatever you want. We're all white nationalists, we're all friendies.
It's important to explore how wrong the media are in their reporting.
>Do you identify with x?
Can only speak for myself, but I'm really fucking sick of the word identity
The alt-right is a label that they desperately want to peg us with to give their enemy a name. Why would we indentify with it?