Ask a legit serbian neo-nazi anything

Ask a legit serbian neo-nazi anything.

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why were Ustaše the best?

hello brother.

Cro/Srb end of hatred and kebab removal when?

EDIT: not giving you land, only love


get rekt m8

but... slavs are subhuman

Cro/Srb end of hatered never, mutual kebab removal now. :D

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Was it good?

So are syrians, what's your point, germ?

Post pics of your self.Let's see you Aryan boy.

Sadly nothing, i've had some work to finish first, breakfast comes later.

why do you hate serbs
reminder that you will hang alongside commies and westloving faggots


whats the point of the pic? you got like 800k gypsies. You serbshits probably dont even have blue eyes/ light hair.

I don't hate the serbs. Quite on the oposite. Serbian national socialism is pro-serb to the max. And nothing else. Do some reaserch on Dimitrije Ljotic or Milan Nedic. Or the chetnik dinarska division lead by duke Momcilo Djuic

Sush, german cocksucking faggot. You're irrelavent.

when were serbs even relevant? ottoman servants.

As i remember, we were the ones to initiate ottoman removal, while you washed austiran horses for a living, still do to a extent.

when were croats even relevant? hungarian servants.

>A crocuck calling someone a servant
>literal german servants for thousand years

it was you autists that wanted a union with serbia after ww1

And then got pissy you were second, due to your inferior population and millitary.

Don't be a bitch.Post it.Surely you don't look like a gypsie or some other shitskin?don't tell me you also shaved your head to look more like a roach.

You are subhuman. Germany is literally worse than Albania nowadays. Full of immigrants. Full of cucked people. No will to fight. No nationalism. Just pure garbage.

I'd even think of doing so, but you just pissed in your own mouth with Vucicev Sindikat. Please go kill yourself and do us all a favour.

Tell me about your stances on compromise and tolerance.

Croatia was always partially independent with sabor and ban, and did much more to defend europe from islam, unlike you cucks who got raped by turks.

It really depends on what you mean. Compromise and tolerance of and on what?

Kek no.That guy is a turk and that's probably what you look like.Most of you subhumans down South do.So why not correct us,LARPER?

What's the point in defining yourself as "neo" nazi?
Why not just National Socialist?

Slavs aren't white. Kys you cuck I would gas you along with the Jews and blacks you roach rape baby.

kosovo je srbija

If you have jewish, gypsy or a slav, all of which nazi ideology wanted to remove, why not remove your self.

Would be much appreciated.

Go suck austrian cock mate. You only wish you could be germans, and are a disgrace to slav kind. K y s



>Compromise and tolerance of and on what?

Anything that is is not National Socialist. Do you believe in making concessions to people who are not Nazis etc? Do you believe in tolerance of non Nazis etc?

since when is serbia slavic, dont you have a mirror at home, croatia is at least 1/3 slavic unlike you.

Ljotic nije bio nacista.

That would be pissing on National Socialists, who are both dead, and for germany.

is your name andre?


Ljotic je bio ljoticevac, ajde ti objasni glupim amerikancima ko je bio Ljotic, kad nit su za coveka culi, nit za njegove skripte. nit prakticno ista sto je ostavio iza sebe.

To a extent.

fuck iddin't mean to post that well shit.

How many arguments at the youtube comment section do you get into per day?
Do you have an srs flag at home?

Where you in this video.

Yes i do.

Why do you support an ideology that caused serbs to be brutally subjugated and slaughtered?
Why do you think you can support pan-european nationalism when you continue to indulge serb-croat rivalry?
Why do you think you can unite with other european nationalists when you can't even get along with your closest neighbours?

Da li se ti zalazes za njegove ideje? Staleska drzava i pravoslavni misticizam, to jest. Ili samo LARPas kao skinjara?

Legit questions:
How do you feel about Kosovo?
What do you think about Russia and Serbo-Russian relations?

Apsolutno. U svakom pogledu.

Evo sta se desava kad prvi razred GPS skole pobegne sa poslednjeg casa...


Kosovo is sacred serbian land. I feel Serbo-Russian relations should benefit both countries.

Pa onda nisi neo-nacista.




I support serbian national socialism. Not the german kind. I have no respect or liking to germany then, especially germany now. The only thing i like is the political system that never got to live in my own country.

is this you in pic??

what's your point? Nazis considered slavs subhuman, didn't they? I wanted to know why so many slavs today are neo-nazis


Does your scalp get razorburn?

Objastniti strancima da se zalazes za ideje Vojislava Seselja, Strahinje Janjica, Dimitrija Ljotica i Milana Nedica je pretesko, prvenstveno jer nemaju ideju ko su gorepomenuti ljudi. Lakse je ovako, i bezbolnije. Ali neshvaceno, sto je moja licna greska.

No. Sunburnt sometimes.

Kek what,Croatia is under 1/4 precent Slavic and 50% Dinaric shits,still better than Serbia,also under under 1/4 Slavic and 40% Dinaric shits.
And what exactly is your pic trying to prove,they still got to Vienna,other than the fact that 70% of the battles on it where fought Austria and Hungary,kind of proving his point.


he is probably some average looking Serb, low intelligence, probably in law faculty (if any)

>ocekujes da neko ko sebe naziva "nacistom" u Srbiji poseduje bazicno znanje o ideologiji koju zastupa

top zozzle

Nazis regarded Serbians/Slavs as sub-human, why are you praising Nazism?

The idea is good. Just change germanic to slavic and catholic to orthodox. and there you go. Slavic National Socialism.

Nemoj da uporedjujes Seselja sa Ljoticem.

>probably in law faculty
pls no, ultra nationalist i met there could at least pass first year of the faculty. this fucker is in three year long middle school from which he will drop out soon.

>The idea is good. Just change germanic to slavic and catholic to orthodox. and there you go. Slavic Nanal Socialism.

because we were allies with other catholics unilke serbs with muslims, and we fucked them over in siege of sziget so that they delayed the attack of wienna so wienna had time for reinforcements, btw they reach vienna through Hungary because they couldnt conquer croatia ;). nah, its like 30 percent for croatia.

lol, pravni je pun omladine SNS.

Ne poredim. Obojica imaju odlicne ideje, i slazem se daleko vise sa seseljom nego sa ljoticem, ali neistina bi bilo da kazem da ljotic nije imao fantasticne radove i ideje.

Sramotno ali istinito...

show a pic of one of your tattoos. Else: Faggot.

>implying you can't take an ideology and adapt it to your purposes

Stop Masturbating

Seselj je obican udbas i poltron. Sad je Vuciceva pudlica ko sto je nekad bio Miloseviceva.


Is there anything more retarded than a Serbian Nazi, except a Jewish Nazi?

If you really want to support Hitler, you need to literally kill yourself, to free up the lebensraum for Germans.
What sort of a mental gymnastic you use to justify Germans enabling Ustaše to kill people in Jasenovac, but also a myriad other places, like Pag or Jadovno?
What sort of mental gymnastics do you use for German crimes, like the Kragujevac massacre?

Yeah,i know.I had a "Neo-Nazi" friend.Guy was a skinhead and smoked to death,had to keep translating him shit from English.Also kept bugging me to shave my head.

Ocekujes od osobe koja predstavlja kontraargument da barem koristi srpske reci dok koristi srpski jezik, a ne "bazicno". Obrazuj se marvo.

those lips mmmmmmm



i know person who goes to law faculty, complete idiot, hyper nationalist, ugly as hell, dumb as rock, want to abolish secularity. if patriots ere really for their country they would ask for church reform, church is weakening us they are leaching us, but these dumb wastes of cum actually act as useful idiots for church who controls their protests.


Maybe they like fascist ideals.

What do you feel about people like this that live among you?

Serbs are a violent people, that's why they always seek violent ideologies even among the intellectuals.

Ustase did nothing wrong, it was self-defense in 90% of the cases.

Take back your diaspora, serbcuck

BOi I could join you rn. Aint slavic tho :/

btw how did they consider slavs subhumans when a fuck load of slavs fought for them, croats, ukrainians slovaks, some russians etc, name one source.

> Ask a legit serbian neo-nazi anything.

How ready are you (plural)?

Albanian crocodile tears, everyone knows Albanians massacred Serbs

i dont feel anything, just living life famalam

I'd choke you the Fuck out cunt. Would you ejaculate as you die? I've seen cunts get boners as I've choked them.

So you want a natsoc serbia, and, like hitler want to unite all serbs (germs in Hitler's case) under one state, so you would conquer Bosnia and half of Croatia (since Krajina is serbian clay even though it contains very few serbs right now). Don't you think it would be more productive to unite with croatian nationalists, whose ideology is similar except they are croats, rather than start by fighting with your ideological allies? Wouldn't a natsoc yugoslavia be more achievable and stronger than veliki serbia? The croats have always been the major obstacle to velika serbia and the serbs have been the major obstacle to velika croatia - why not unite? Or do you follow Šešelj's ideas that Croatia is an illegitimate vatican-freemason created state deliberately created to fuck Serbia's destiny to rule Balkan?

oh wow Croat is soon going to find out that papa Hitler did not see them as equal to Germans.... Once met Croat guy who said that Hitler thought that Croats are superior to Germans... the delusion.