Finally! Is this the mainstreaming of the Alt-Right? Race war imminent? Lock 'n' load, y'all!
Molymeme Names the Jew
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What the fuck is the alt right?
Faggot stop calling it the alt right. You're either a nationalist or a traitor
Nigga, please.
Alt-Right is ethno-nationalist. Try to keep up, sport.
Awwwwwww shheeeeiitt (((they're))) gonna kill moly now...even though he's 1/4 Jew himself.
When one is tapped by fate, one must embrace it in true manly fashion.
When will he talk about (((The Final Argument)))
The argument has been won. Next stage: Solution.
I live 10 min from the Hollywood sign, what would it take to make your pic real?
Is it possible for me to build parentheses big enough for the sign but light enough to carry up and place there in one night?
Fuck, that would be awesome. It would totally go viral if you took a snap and posted it online.
You could stitch up six light silk inflatable parentheses and easily carry them in a backpack. You would need an air pump and sticks or rods or some such to prop them all up. It would be a Banksy-style operation. Quite doable with the right preparation.
Add a Sup Forums time stamp on a white piece of paper in the foreground, and you would be the all-time god of Sup Forums.
You'll go down in the history books if you actually pull something like that off.
You would be the most greatest Sup Forumsack in history of this board.
The signs are apparently 45-foot (13.7 m) tall. I'm not sure what kind of material would work to create something like that.
you have kek's blessing.
Wow fuck you.
you're either a rural and suburban retard or a city person
molyedge is gonna run outta redpills.
These are traditional Balinese flags. They are usually about 4 or 5 meters tall and made of nylon.
If steel poles were used, they could be fitted on top of each other. 3 5-meter poles x 6 = 18 altogether. Could probably be found in a scrapyard or somewhere. Would definitely need two people to carry out the full operation.
You could try to play with the perspective in your photo
Like having the parenthesis at a different plane that HOLLYWOOD, so you could use small ones
Is it easy to get to the sign? walk, drive, a small truck?
But the point would be to have the po-po show up and video the whole thing. Meme magick bleeding into reality.
Nobody said that saving our race was going to be easy.
You go back, retard.
Sup Forums doesn't endorse your alt-lite, nor spencer, nor milo.
It's not impossible, but it'll be very difficult without help. You need more manpower.
I'm from the Bay Area, I haven't been there myself. From Wikipedia:
>The Hollywood Sign (formerly the Hollywoodland Sign) is a landmark and American cultural icon located in Los Angeles, California. It is situated on Mount Lee, in the Hollywood Hills area of the Santa Monica Mountains. The sign overlooks Hollywood, Los Angeles.
There is some sort of satellite or radio tower at the top, which suggests that there is a road for service and maintenance. Those hills don't look too difficult to ascend on foot, either.
Just focus on restoring order to your shitty favela, Gao.
Holy fuck that would be incredible.
Make them out of chicken wire covered in cloth.
attache balloon on long cable to the tops.
attache them together with support cables so they don't spin.
Tether them to the ground with cables to hold them down.
>Stunning views of the Hollywood Sign unfold at your own pace on hiking trails that meander through the rolling chaparral of the Santa Monica Mountains. Trails originally blazed by paws, hooves, and yucca-thatched moccasins now connect us to cultural as well as natural wonders. The western frontier of Griffith Park offers hikers amazingly close encounters with the Sign, which is off-limits to human hands, just below the ridgeline at the 1,708-foot summit of Mt. Lee. On the longest hike, you can ascend above and behind the Sign’s 45-foot-tall aluminum letters, where you look out over a windswept vista encompassing the DOOWYLLOH sign, the dreamy towers of downtown Los Angeles, and, on a clear day, the ageless blue Pacific.
lol, you're one to talk.
Your bantz are weak sauce. Just focus on the street football, Pele. Maybe you'll make the next World Cup.
>Thanks to the Panasonic Webcams™, you can view the Hollywood Sign live, 24 hours a day, and also check out current views of Hollywood and beyond from the Sign’s lofty vantage. (Note: depending on your Internet connection, the cameras may take up to 10 seconds to load)
Damn, we could watch the whole thing in real time. It would be fucking amazing.
Could you make something like pic related out of PVC in sections that a small team could assemble? I would donate some shekels to see this happen.
You have found your life's purpose.
PVC pipe skeleton with fabric? As long as it's strong enough to stand for a bit durability won't matter, (((they))) will have it torn down pretty quick.
The question is, is there 24-hour security there. That would be an issue.
They can be bought off, or even help if they are sympathetic to the cause.
Roadblocks? Razor wire on the road to cause flat tires and stall the take down?
Good point. They'd probably be illegals. Just give 'em a few tacos and Coronas.
There is a road that goes up to it and a fence behind it that is a small chain linked fence. It isn't hard to get to, but it is considered trespassing. Someone just recently changed it to "HOLLYWEED" not long ago.
If the people doing it are willing to go that far, sure. That's about where you cross the line from "hate speech" and vandalism charges into actual crimes.
Yeah, I doubt it's a job that pays really well. And there are a lot of other security jobs.
If you had a powerful enough lighting rig you could project them
You would go down as the hero of Sup Forums, they would right songs about you. But still no gf.
I'm not sure, but I don't think there's constant security at the scene. The sign was vandalized just recently, and "Hollyweed" stayed up for several hours (2 a.m. -11 a.m.).
But since there are cameras, there's a high chance user will end up caught sooner or later. Even if it turned out that his face isn't recognizable on the footage, this thread and his IP incriminate him. I don't think it's wise for him to do this prank unless if he's got a really good lawyer. The ((( ))) are considered anti-semitism, and he'll probably get a severe punishment for that.
every american Sup Forumsack living in LA need to start working on this
do it faggot
It would be such an epic "Naming the Jew." It has to be done. I would if the (((MSM))) would cover it?
Go buy a few tubs of bleach. From there, begin dumping it around the letters to create parentheses. If you do it well, you'll turn the plants white, and PERMANENTLY make Hollywood (((Hollywood))).
You could also try using cloth or PVC piping from home depot to make it. The issue is that it might collapse on itself from the weight, so we'll need some engineers to tell us if it's stable.
Find a way, user. This would be incredible.
Are the Jews actually behind this show though?
Lurk moar newfag.
It's ALWAYS the Jews.
Compilation of Molymeme saying "not an argument" when?
>mainstreaming the alt right
Alongside communism, anarchism and feminism, alt rightism is the greatest political mental plague.
You have to do it user, make us proud.
molymeme is getting pretty good
How's life in the Third World these days, Amar?
You'd ascend to a demigod status.
Maine here, we were striped. Neither red nor blue.
I'm not okay with it. Fucking cities are being invaded by hipster scum.
More detailed version.
You'd need 1 person for each bracket as well as someone to take the photo, you'd have to do it real quick so you don't get caught before you finish.
This is America the most he'd get charged with is mischief and trespassing, maybe property damage too
You could have smoke machines and projectors. Put the smoke machines at the base so that it works from all angles.
Is it time for agreement?
I approve of this.
>((( ))) are considered anti-semitism
... w.. what!?
top kek
What does Sup Forums think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?
You have to do it user, it would be a happening for sure.
Nationalism is for low IQ morons.
Transhumanism, globalism and space mercantilism is where it is
We will never get to space without nationalism.
The last time we went to the moon we were far more nationalistic than now. Space belongs to America.
Holy shit if your fellow countrymen would hear you they would hang you as they should,how can you be such a massive faggot!?
3 earrings
Into the trash
My fellow countrymen are trash and this country is trash too
Populist nationalism is shit tier and its clear as day which side is smarter.
Never seen so many easily falsifiable "facts", conspiracy shit, simple anger issues, people who want a nanny state while simultaniously deny it to others on one political side ever.
The more right you get the more weirdos, idiots, jobless losers, literally mentally ill faggots you have. Same with the fucking left, which we thankfully dont have much of.
Fucking hate left-right politics and I wish we were all dead.
Transylvania bringing the bantz!
Back to Mongolia, faggot.
I'm actually Donau Schwab
Slavs and other mongolids have a tendency to be like ants under a ruler tho, I give you that.
Holy shit user you need to do it,these digits confirm
Isn't he half Jewish? So is he naming himself.
Jews>Alt-Right/Nazi scum
You have to do it bro
You would be the hero of us till the end of time
I just like to say Transylvania. Vlad Tepes knew how to deal with the mudslides, that's for sure.
I fucking love this meme.
The last 3 or 4 months he's been on some rare highly classified red pills. You can see it in his eyes.
I want to see this. Do it user.
The letters of the sign are fucking huge, you should really know that if you live there. The best. This is probably your best chance of succeeding, but you'd need a lot of help.
Spotted the Jew
We might have been wrong, about the movie. The advertising for it was just awful but this guy doesn't make it look it awful
This would have to be white paint. You can't bleach the sand, which is most of what's up there.
the ideology of Sup Forums is so strong that these people never stood a chance
the red pills in the middle were nice
and the call back to DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT was nice
overall i give it 10 out of 10 meme points