Pizzagate propoganda

Wtf! Pizzagate in its always sunny. Watch the episode for yourself it about pedofiles theres no explinatiom from me needed. This shits real!

Other urls found in this thread:'_Little_Beauties

Confucious say-

He who see pedophile everywhere is one hisself

would you put your pizza into their gate?

Fuck hollywood


>show takes place and shot in Philly

Post lunk


please head on over to or all your apophenia needs'_Little_Beauties

yeah cause raping kids a super natural event.
>btw Apophenia would be

Our last thread was just deleted it was on page 2. Less than 50 replies. Look at the ManhattanKnights general in the archives on 4plebs.

I love this show, remember the first episode, it started with a joke about niggas hanging.

>yeah cause raping kids a super natural event.


that episode was fucking hilarious

laughed my ass off. thanks op

Just rewatched the episode.

Because its pertinent but SPOILERS.
>The Child Protective Services agent orders the Pizza and it turns out he is not even an Agent its a lie and he diddles kids goes around pretending to be said inspector.

they dont have the same edge as they used to but they did say nigger and cunt in the latest episode which is a big deal for americans

>be hard working Christian family
>see libtarded welfare niggers everywhere
>Confucius say "hur hur my eastern wisdom says you're also a useless nigger"

fuck the East and it's relativistic bullshit.

Pizzagate made me lose what little respect I had left for this place. It's /x/-tier garbage.

sure are very defensive are we?

>"fucking kids is magical."

I already did this joke.

>but they did say nigger
Yeah I saw that. Charlie is based

One of my city's attorneys was arrested on 5 counts of child porn and sexual assault against a minor.

He has been doing this shit since 2006 and has been caught forcing women and children into sexual acts for a lightened sentencing before but never gets in any trouble. They use the police department to silence the victims and the local news wont mention a word of it.

How does this happen and not make the news?

Convicted of sexual assault, child pornography.
Pardoned by Bill Clinton.
Hired by Jessie Jackson as youth counselor.


that's not a correct usage of the word

nor are you an entire Christian family or probably even an actual Christian

Literally numale: the show

if pizzagate is fake, then what the hell was this? CIA steps in and protects child molesters, sends the abused children back and shuts down the investigation.

That doesn't even make any sense kys

Do you live in Gotham, you fucking liar?

This whole things needs a rebranding.

Cause there's like hollywood pedophilia and government pedophilia. I'm sure theres a great deal of overlap but I feel like the hollywood angle is more believable. If we were to push that really hard under a different guise and make it more mainstream then adding on the other pieces bit by bit would be more effective. It's pretty hard to take a normy from blue pilled to global pedo rings. Atleast most people know hollywood is degenerate and theres a fair amount of real life examples to point at.

Just a thought.

they're just pizzaphiles breh


Do you believe that when people say 'Hollywood' they are usually referring to the geographical location, or the universally liberal ideologues that present the common front of 'Hollywood'?

Armed and Dangerous Criminals who target Children.

>Trying to blindside normies with pizzagate
>Called a shill

okay bud. you got me.

actually most of the sets are in Hollywood, they only occasionally shoot on location in Philly to include landmark locations

WEW lads

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