Liberal's BTFO

The left is a civilizational cancer who celebrate anti-life itself. That's why they praise abortions, celebrate homosexuality, not having kids, people being trans, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


The left is, by nature permissive to the extent of utter nihilistic existentialism.

For example.

It's okay to not have religion, no social consequence.

It's okay to not get married, no social consequence.

It's okay to be gay, no social consequence.

It's okay to be trans, no social consequence.

Soon enough, they won't be human at all.

Bump for justice

thats the magic of virtue signalling

get popular for being so progressive, dont lift a finger to help anyone, expect everyone else to foot the bill

Primitive communism is wear its at. Native American life style before white people. No fags No corporations no goveemts just tribes chillin

holy shit nice abstract kike


'the left' and 'the right' are false dichotomies used to control you.

Mother Teresa was a fucking psychopath who enjoyed the suffering of dying people that could have been saved. Good quote choice, mate.

You need to not take P&T so seriously, and to stop pretending exaggerated accounts from less than credible sources to try and villify a saint are worth anything.

>wanting to be human anyway
so you're saying the right will remain filthy monkeys and the left will ascend to machine gods?

Hitchens wrote entire book on the subject, and while he was touring it, no priest ever refuted any of his arguments.

They were always just moving to the: "She is a very good, respectible and holy woman" not an argument.

not everything P&T did was bullshit. Their vaccination episode for example is perfect

>wanting to become a "machine god"
>waking up every morning to ads playing on your retinas
>"ad will stop playing and motor functions will resume in 60 seconds. Skip ad for 100 credits?"

Yeah, no thanks.

I hope everyone understands that liberal =/= leftist. Liberal = centrist, classical liberalism. I'm a liberal and for example, I don't support the right to murder humans inside a womb. I don't consider myself a Democrat or a Republican, because I disagree and agree with some parts of each ideology.

Please don't confuse "leftist" with "liberal," because they are not synonymous.

That is all. Thanks for reading.

it's [current year] m8
left are commies and everyone is a nazi

>not downloading uBlock Origin for your brain
you deserve mortality

Reddit is

Just don't confuse "liberalism" with "leftism." They are not synonymous. So calling leftists "liberals" is grossly incorrect.

>"Metabolic Inc. has recognised that you're using uBlock Origin. Please consider turning off all adblocking neuralware"
>pissing yourself on the megacity subway

I will enjoy it.

So making my argument with documentation implies that I use reddit? So what you're doing is complimenting reddit for not being retarded.

Don't drag the fucking Mayans into this...

You have to go back. This board isn't for you.

>actually buying your upgrades from Metabolic Inc
>not using hacked together pirate ware and living in international space where their IP lawyers cant reach you

Alt Right is a mental illness

>not paying for your neuralnet cyberworks
>having to hide in the basement of an old steel mill when the Denuvo mkXVI drones circle overheard every Thursday

kek. Nice life.

bow to your phyrexian overlords

>still completely disregarding that I proved you're an idiot
>still using argumentum ad hominem

Yep, you're a retard.

One final restatement of the facts that you don't seem to understand even after being informed of it.

Liberalism =/= leftism
Liberal =/= leftist

Liberal = centrist
Liberalism = centrism


Thanks for giving me this opportunity to BTFO.

prove it, you scum bag. And try to prove it without quotations of filthy indians cults.

>It's okay to live your life how you feel, as long as you don't harm others or infringe their freedom to do the same
Yeah, sounds right to me

A-Fuckin'-men somebody else knows how sick Mother Teresa is. Fuck that old cunt, hope she burns in hell.

>Christfags who send their and other people's children into needless wars lecturing me about being anti-life.
>Christfags on Sup Forums
>Believing in Christ in 2017

I'd rather convert and pray to Mecca 5 times a day than sit through even a single Sunday morning church service listening to you fucking hypocrites talk about how righteous you are.

Classical Liberalism isn't centrist, it's right wing, social Liberalism is centrist and also, centrist =/= good.

I read about this recently. I heard it was sort of like a de facto religio-fascist mentality her and the organization had. A loaded description, but it sounds right.

well she was glorifying the pain and suffering of the dying.

She was just rounding them up, giving everyone a sq meter of space and a blanket, and did not allow medication of even doctors, just prayer.

She had a massive hard on for suffering


Centrism can be centre-left, centre-right, or radical center, but these political leanings are all closer to the center than they are to fully leftist or rightist ideology.

It doesn't take long to google it and fucking read it.

>Classical Liberalism isn't centrist, it's right wing, social Liberalism is centrist and also, centrist =/= good.
Also, even your argument isn't congruent with what the fuck you're arguing. You claim liberals are leftist, yet you just admitted classical liberalism isn't leftist.

Just quit. You lost.

>being dead

God didn't give you that bicycle you prayed for when you were 8?

>becoming a literal golem

There are worse things than death, my friend.

It's actually perfect, they're ensuring that in a hundred years from now they will have practically no descendents, no great-great-children to pass on their shitty genes and defective ideology to, just conservatives.

Liberal faggots always like to fuck a lot, but now with their exceedingly low birth rates it's the first time they get to remove themselves from the gene pool. It could be a new turn in their history of the evolution of at least the white race.

It's like imagine only redpilled people get to make children, bluepilled faggots can't breed anymore.

>centrist =/= good

Anti-intellectualism =/= good

I never argued they were leftist you dingus, also its pretty clear from studying it that it is very right wing, social liberals are more centrist than classical liberals, many of the founding father's were hard-core Classical Liberals like Aaron Burr, economically it's very right wing, however he did support woman's right to vote and tried to make slavery illegal, but social laws aren't what dictate right vs left.

Tyranny of the majority =/= good

>tfw you wana see an abortion doctor skin a fetus in one single cut and wear it's skin
>tfw sun god is appeased by taking out the small heart and eating it

you should be thanking them

Just go back to your coffin-house.

First of all: political ideologies is mapped on a two dimensional spectrum and I will agree that liberalism and centrism CAN go hand in hand but your denying another three-quarters of the graph.

Factually; you can be a left-leaning- centrist, a right-leaning-centrist, an authoritarian centrist and a libertarian centrist as long as you are within the center of the graph to a certain degree you are a centrist.

While you state that:
>liberalism == centrism
Because historically the americans used this ideology to do away with despotism imposed on them by Britain and did away with the established social heirarchy (only to implement a new one)

In russia during the Bolshevik revolution it could be argued that they practised centrism since they overthrew the tyrannical Czar but then immediately created a new authoritarian social heirarchy.
That would be authoritarian-centrism.

Your proposition isn't true because centrism can exist without being on the libertarian side of the spectrum

It's called democracy, retard.

You have serious fundamental misunderstandings of political ideologies.

>hard-core Classical Liberals like Aaron Burr, economically it's very right wing
This statement shows your ignorance. The founding fathers were the liberals of their times, rebelling against the monarchy, which were the traditionalists of their times. The monarchy was the status quo, the monarchy was the conservatism of its times. The monarchy was the right-wing of its times.

Classical liberals of today contrast with the right-wing of today. That's the very reason Sup Forums morons associate liberalism with the Left. Because to the right-wing, anything that isn't the Right, is leftism to them, because it's going against the status quo of its time, it's going against the 'traditions' of its times.

Retards don't even understand basic principles, no wonder you want a dictator to think for you. You're incapable of thought. You aren't real people. You're fucking mindless drones.

I have to say... pic related really activated my almonds.

You're just hoping that when the purges come you can escape the divine retribution for the sins of your kind. You hope in vain, faggot.

Liberals forever fight tyranny.

You saying that just proves even more why what I said here is true:
Also, kill yourself.

>not having kids
This one so much, go to reddit or imgur or any lefty site and you'll see hordes of leftists praising and celebrating how they aren't having kids, they say "lmao i will not have kids im so smart! So much better than anyone else for just deciding to not breed!"

You first, commie faggot.

You don't live alone in a vacuum.
If you do, how do you have the fucking internet there?

>still proving me right

Now you're going even farther left, claiming I'm a Communist, when I'm a liberal. Again, you're associating liberalism with leftism, which is only proving what I said is true.

You've been completely rekt.

I know reading is hard for you.


Please call yourself a classical liberal then, as you've noticed, liberalism has mutated into communofascist totalitarianism.

Exactly, authoritarian Liberalism would basically be conservatism, considering that philosophy branded off from Classical Liberalism.

>It's called democracy, retard.
Pure democracy is communism you moron, the US isn't a democracy, to limit democracy we the electoral vote.

>This statement shows your ignorance. The founding fathers were the liberals of their times, rebelling against the monarchy, which were the traditionalists of their times. The monarchy was the status quo, the monarchy was the conservatism of its times. The monarchy was the right-wing of its times.
>Classical liberals of today contrast with the right-wing of today. That's the very reason Sup Forums morons associate liberalism with the Left. Because to the right-wing, anything that isn't the Right, is leftism to them, because it's going against the status quo of its time, it's going against the 'traditions' of its times.

Liberalism isn't being anti status quo, Liberalism is wanting personal freedom and rights as the most important function of government.

>Retards don't even understand basic principles, no wonder you want a dictator to think for you. You're incapable of thought. You aren't real people. You're fucking mindless drones.

I don't want a dictator dumbass, when did I say that? Also, read up on the heavily capitalist principles of Classical Liberalism and tell me it isn't very economically right wing.

>liberalism has mutated into communofascist totalitarianism.

>authoritarian Liberalism

Kill yourselves. You're too dumb to live.

I was saying authoritarian Liberalism doesn't exist, God damn did you pass English class?

Didn't aztecs sacrifice adults though?

I've never heard of the Aztecs sacrificing children, but it was a backwards shit hole so I wouldn't be surprised.

All this emotional self indulgence is possible because of the wealth generated by the baby boom. In about 10 years all the baby boomers (U.S.) will be retirement age and will be drawing down their and the governments wealth. This self indulgence will end and the economic collapse (2030s) will start investment in babies rather than dollars again. 100 year cycle. Sup Forums is just being early at the realisation. Well done.

Nah, they especially sacrificed children.

Abortion is the only eugenics program left, and keeps the population of niggers and retards down. How is this a bad thing?

Except now white people think it's cool to participate, so it's not very effective, eugenics always requires an authoritarian governed to run so it can always backfire.

>Abortion is the only eugenics program left,
It's the only direct eugenics program left. But there are plenty of soft eugenics programs out there—including, but not limited to, mmovies/television/nextflix programing.

>Natural selection

Doesnt killing your offspring, then having one later create some type of mental illness that could be passed down?

Abortion requires you to have a doctors appointment.
Abortion requires capability to plan and see consequences.

Do you really expect niggers to have all of those traits?

The elite have been raping and murdering our kids for centuries.

The fact that we allow people like the rothschilds to live proves we are in fact cattle as they say. A species with a spine would have killed them all by now.

These things lead to societal collapse in a roundabout way, as they cause people to stop having children.

Just a trip dub dub dub

>It's okay to live your life how you feel, as long as you don't harm others or infringe their freedom to do the same

This is a pretty bad life philosophy. And a misunderstanding of liberalism.

It is the kind of misguided philosophy that leads to people using drugs.


It's only right if the girl got raped


The greatest trick the Marxists have pulled on humanity is to convince that conservatism is a viable ideological choice.

What about retarded babies?
I'm not Conservative, but I agree

Im pretty sure the historical consensus is that human sacrifices were just western propaganda

>Chichen itza was abandoned in 1515
>american intellectuals

>they won't be human at all
too late they're all possessed by literal demons

I can see them outing themselves right now
>it's okay to be possessed by Satan, you are so bigoted, devils' rights devils' rights!!!!

Itll happen

It seems pretty obvious to me why they push this mentality of self-sterilization through birth control, abortions and alternative sexuality. The globalists want to reduce birth rates of people in developed countries and ship in millions of migrants, temporary visa workers and refugees so wages decline and job competition increases. Unfortunately, they're already succeeding.

>retarted babies
It's really hard to actually determine, whether the baby has genetic disorder in the womb. What are you gonna do - take the tissue sample from fetus?
You unnecesarily introduce so many potential complication by extracting tissue.

What would be actually useful without killing the fetus is mapping the parents genome and producing them genetic disease risk analysis. I'm pretty sure with the correct effor we could do it even today.
Just let the parents make the decision themselves.

>The leftist is oriented toward large-scale collectivism. He emphasizes the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. He has a negative attitude toward individualism. He often takes a moralistic tone. He tends to be for gun control, for sex education and other psychologically “enlightened” educational methods, for social planning, for affirmative action, for multiculturalism. He tends to identify with victims. He tends to be against competition and against violence, but he often finds excuses for those leftists who do commit violence. He is fond of using the common catch- phrases of the left, like “racism,” “sexism,” “homophobia,” “capitalism,” “imperialism,” “neocolonialism,” “genocide,” “social change,” “social justice,” “social responsibility.” Maybe the best diagnostic trait of the leftist is his tendency to sympathize with the following movements: feminism, gay rights, ethnic rights, disability rights, animal rights, political correctness. Anyone who strongly sympathizes with ALL of these movements is almost certainly a leftist.


We can't do it now, but with innovation we will be able to, but I get what you mean I value human life but retarded babies and rape babies I'm unsure on, I'm still trying to make up my mind in it, but in the future when we're able to change the dna of unborn children I guess retard babies won't be as much of an issue. The parents should be able to choose if it's rape or retards but other than that they should preserve the integrity of an individual.

Most people that abort their child get into extreme depression and want to kill themselves, they then have a child to try and reverse the depression, the whole time they can't stop forgetting "wow my son would be 4 now"

She ends up shit raising the new baby

I don't know, most girls I know that have had abortions have a kid after

> Buying/pirating/suffering from ads by Metabolic Inc.
99% of troubles with open source bodies are just Metabolic's marketing lies.
Remember, there are no viruses for Linbodix and with basic knowledge of Gene++ you can even make your customized distributive.

>What are you gonna do - take the tissue sample from fetus
What they do in developed countries is a blood test on the mother (or many depending on how paranoid you are about defects).

As a hypothetical I agree. I don't see that future happening anytime soon, but whatever.

I am however strongly in favor of abortion if mothers life is in danger.

That's actually not as crazy as it sounds.
Emotional state of the mother physically impacts childs development. If she's strongly depressed it could reflect on her children.

Like stupidity?

Yeah, but I'm talking about genetic defects. They can't detect many of those. Like down syndrome.

There's a specific blood test to check for that. We had it done to make sure our child didn't have downs. The test is extremely accurate.

>child sacrafice

So what? the mom is suppose to sacrifice herself for some kid she doesn't want?

or society

>Christfag butthurt.
I grew up rich as fuck, God didn't need to give me shit because my parents didn't pray for anything, they worked hard to achieve it.

Meanwhile, you're sitting on your ass asking god to change the world for your own personal biases. If god existed I'm sure he would laugh at how big a deal you make over some insignificant embryos.

You're still growing up, kiddo.

Girl I know was super excited about having her first child. Finds out that it has downs syndrome in the second month. What would you do in this situation?

Abort it.

Probably a face only a mother can love.

I'd keep it, you get subsidized heavily for having retard children.

its funny but I do you really think the Unabomber would be parroted by Sup Forums if he was a black woman? He talks about how terrible ethnic and gender equality are, but he himself sits on top of the privilege pyramid. It's almost as if he's an insane nutjob who spent years in complete social isolation due to massive unresolved emotional issues.

I'm glad you were able to decipher what I was trying to type.

It's hard to tell without being in that situation, I can talk. All about how I wouldn't want a retard kid but I'm killing a human, a deformed human but still a human, and an innocent one at that, but I don't want to raise a retard so Idk man.